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Green Lightning – Advanced Class – Summoner


Requirements for this class:

Ability to summon magical beings, Feats- Spell Focus (Summoning), Greater Spell Focus (Summoning) 6 Hit Die


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 2 2 1 Lasting Summoning, Connection, Mana Boost +10, Pact
02 0 0 3 3 1  
03 1 1 3 3 2 Mana Boost +20
04 1 1 4 4 2 Enhanced Summon
05 1 1 4 4 2 Double Summon
06 2 2 5 5 3 Mana Boost +30
07 2 2 5 5 3  
08 2 2 6 6 3 Mana Boost +40, Enhanced Summon
09 3 3 6 6 4  
10 3 3 7 7 4 Mana Boost +50, Channel
11 3 3 7 7 4  
12 4 4 8 8 5 Enhanced Summon, Mana Boost +60
13 4 4 8 8 5  
14 4 4 9 9 5 Mana Boost +70
15 5 5 9 9 6 Fusion Summon
16 5 5 10 10 6 Enhanced Summon, Mana Boost +80
17 5 5 10 10 6  
18  6/1 6 11 11 7 Mana Boost +90
19 6/1 6 11 11 7  
20 6/1 6 12 12 7 Enhanced Summon, Mana Boost +100, Summon Ally


Lasting Summoning – Any summoned creature by the user has a x2 duration


Connection – Any creature summoned shares a mental connection with the summoner, allowing the summoner to see and hear the things their summon does.


Mana Boost – At level 1 and every other level thereafter, The summoner gains +10 to their mana score granting them more magical power.


Pact – The summoner upon meeting a monster type can attempt to win the monster over to add them to a collection of monster types that they have to summon from. This is done through an Opposed Will Save. The summoned monster is not the same as the one fought but similar the GM can determine the difference of the creatures when the summoner summons them.


Enhanced Summon –  At 4th level the Summoner can choose to boost their summon creatures Attack and HP by 1d6, This ability is gained again every 4 levels. The effects only one summon at a time but can be stacked on one summon.


Double Summon – Summoner can call forth two summons at once but using abilities like Connection and later Channel are restricted to one choice. Having multiple summons however cost the summoner double the mana cost to use. (example: normally it cost  Jack 10 Mana to summon his slime. Using Double He has 2 slimes but at the cost of 20 Mana each. 40 Mana in total)


Channel – Allows the Summoner to channel and cast spells they have through their summoned creatures


Fusion Summon – As a full action this allows the player to infuse themself or another summoned creature with the abilities and powers of another creature. They maintain any stat boosts on the original form.


Summon Ally – This allows the player to Teleport an Ally in their party across distances to their aid in place of summoning one of their monsters. (They can even grant bonuses to said ally as if they were a summon of theirs)

Weapon Proficiency: Simple

Armor Proficiency: None

Hit Dice: 1d6

Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD) Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Gather Info, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Biology, Knowledge Occult, Medical, Notice, Profession, Perform, Search, Streetwise, Use Rope, Use Magic Device





Summoning Magic and how it works:


The player has a selected monster / item / Creation that they summon. Much like Trainer Partners these summons have a choice of attacks and abilities. (Players can also just obtain a monster type by winning them over in a test of will.)  Each summon has a select amount of HP and Duration that they can remain out in play.


Once the player has a summon on their side that summon has stats equal to their ether established or created counterpart. Depending on the Points used in spell creation determines the creatures level. (creatures do not level as the player does like the Trainer class does)


Once a summon is defeated or the time limit is reached the summon disappears. Summons don’t die, but with no HP they can’t remain on this plain of existence.


Creating a summon spell requires combining the Summon type and Duration Type categories


Example 1 of a Summon Spell:


Summon Slime Warrior Level 10

Mana Cost: 14             Duration: 1d6+caster level

Slime Warrior lvl 10 HP  21 / 21  Attack Slam +3 1d8  x2 critical  immune to Slashing Damage



Example 2 of a Summon Spell:


Summon Slime Warrior Level 2

Mana Cost: 2   Duration: 1+ every 3rd caster level

Slime Warrior lvl 2 HP  4 / 4  Attack Slam -2 1d8-2  x2 critical  immune to Slashing Damage



Green Lightning – Advanced Class – Summoner

Green Lightning – Advanced Class – Summoner