Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Class – Sorcerer


Level Base Attack Resist


Reflex Save Will Save Defense Bonus Mana


Special Ability
01 0 0 0 2 1 10 Mana user +10 Mana a level
02 0 1 1 3 1 20  
03 1 1 1 3 2 30 Bonus Feat
04 1 2 2 4 2 40 Bonus Spell
05 1 2 2 4 2 50 New Form of Magic
06 2 3 3 5 3 60 Bonus Feat
07 2 3 3 5 3 80 +20 Mana a level
08 2 4 4 6 3 100 Bonus Spell
09 3 4 4 6 4 120 Bonus Feat
10 3 5 5 7 4 140 New Form of Magic
11 3 5 5 7 4 160  
12 4 6 6 8 5 180 Bonus Feat, Bonus Spell
13 4 6 6 8 5 220 +40 Mana a level
14 4 7 7 9 5 260  
15 5 7 7 9 6 300 Bonus Feat, New Form of Magic
16 5 8 8 10 6 340 Bonus Spell
17 5 8 8 10 6 380  
18 6/ 1 9 9 11 7 420 Bonus Feat
19 6/1 9 9 11 7 480 +60 Mana a level
20 6/1 10 10 12 7 540 New Form of Magic, Bonus Spell


Skilled users of magic, these great warriors have trained their skill with magic to points to increase the amount of mana that they possess and have ways to boost their power and explore new ways of using it.


Mana Boost – Mana Boosts at level one as the character levels they gain an addition +10 mana, this increases at level 7 to +20 Mana again at 13 to +40 and then to +60 at 19 the boost does not count to mana gained in lower levels just at levels as they are gained


Bonus Spell – At 4th level the Sorcerer gains a new Minor spell, at 8th level they gain a bonus Moderate spell, at 12th level they gain a Major spell, at 16th level they gain a bonus Sever spell, at 20th level the sorcerer gains a bonus Master spell.


Bonus Feats – Sorcerers can gain a Bonus Meta Magic Feat to boost their spells for free, starting at level 3 and every 3rd level thereafter, the choices are Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Widen Spell, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Homing Spell, Signature Spell, Magic Boost. The choices still need to meet and requirements that they have.


New Form of Magic – the Sorcerer at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 gain one new magic category to add to their arsenal from their intense studies



Weapon Proficiencies:  Simple


Armor Proficiencies:  Light


Hit Die: 1d6


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD) Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Gather Info, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Biology, Knowledge Occult, Medical, Notice, Profession, Perform, Search, Streetwise, Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Green Lightning – Class – Sorcerer

Green Lightning – Class – Sorcerer