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Green Lightning – Class – Samurai


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 1 2 0 0 1 Code of Honor, Stance 1, Sword Style 1
02 2 3 0 0 1  
03 3 3 1 1 2 Sword Style 2
04 4 4 1 1 2  
05 5 4 1 1 3 Stance 2, Sword Style 3
06 6/1 5 2 2 3  
07 7/2 5 2 2 3 Sword Style 4
08 8/3 6 2 2 4  
09 9/4 6 3 3 4 Sword Style 5
10 10/5 7 3 3 5 Stance 3
11 11/6/1 7 3 3 5 Sword Style 6
12 12/7/2 8 4 4 5  
13 13/8/3 8 4 4 6 Sword Style 7
14 14/9/4 9 4 4 6  
15 15/10/5 9 5 5 7 Stance 4, Sword Style 8
16 16/11/6/1 10 5 5 7  
17 17/12/7/2 10 5 5 7 Sword Style 9
18 18/13/8/3 11 6 6 8  
19 19/14/9/4 11 6 6 8 Sword Style 10
20 20/15/10/5 12 6 6 9 Stance 5


A Samurai is a master of the sword. Focused on how to use the blade to win any battle they resign themselves to a code and use their skills to see that code through. Their skill in swords, allow them to do amazing tricks and attacks with the blade normally considered by most impossible.


Code of Honor:

Each Samurai has a moral code in their lives that they stick by, failing to follow the code will cause them to need to seek redemption to return to their path or seek forgiveness. The Code is the system of Honor they follow.


Ak So San – Slay Evil Immediately

This is a code that is used by samurai to gain access to sword style moves it is a promise from the samurai to go all out on those they face. If they fail to defeat their target then they are not awarded the experience for that encounter. (note: this does not mean they alone have to defeat them but if they group in whole losses the combat)


Code Of Loyalty – subject agrees to follow someone or thing willing to give their life to protect. If they fail to protect their code they do not gain exp.


Code Of Poverty – subject agrees to do what they can to survive and give what they can to the needy. If they fail to not follow this code they do not gain exp until they reform their ways and return to the code.


Code of Strongest – Subject has made a vow to become the strongest or best and will do anything to see this code through. If they fail to see this code through they can no longer advance or use the abilities of the samurai class, they maintain the class levels. They can regain the class only if they perform an act of strength.

Code of Protector – Subject has made a vow to protect those that stand as the weak or helpless in the world offering their blade as one of defense and Justice for those less fortunate. Unlike the Code of Loyalty which is to one person this is for the weak in all.


Code of Pain – A Twisted and Sadistic Code, those that bear this code seek to make the ones they face suffer and hurt through their actions. Sometimes they will even go as far to save their target and help them heal, only to bring more harm to them later.


Code of The Dark Guardian – A code which is willing to break the laws and act more like a Vigilante bringing Justice down upon the wicked of the world, the followers of this code seek out criminals and bring them to their final end.


Code of the Sword – A code where the Samurai uses their sword as their sole means for life, they often offer their services as a sword for hire. Using other swords is a sin in their mind and when their blades are destroyed they must seek it to be repaired, if this proves to be a failure then they too must be destroyed.


Redemption / Forgiveness:

A Failure to follow a given code of honor causes the Samurai to no longer be able to gain experience in Samurai. In order to regain access to the class the samurai must seek out a way to redeem or be given forgiveness. This usually is based on taking up and completing a quest based on the code they follow.


Stance – At level 1 and every level after that the Samurai gains a Stance, Unlike the Sword Techniques, Stances are a way of always using ones sword in ways that grant bonuses in different ways, at the beginning of the round the Samurai must declare the stance they are in (otherwise it’s taken that they take no stance). Switching or activating stances is requires a standard action. Samurai gain a new stance every 5th level, at 5, 10, 15, and 20.


Quicker Then the Eye – A Samurai using this stance adds their STR and DEX mod in making attacks thus making melee attacks have a stronger chance to hit and making the damage count more.


Counter Slash – A Samurai using this stance can use an attack of opportunity even when it normally isn’t allowed to attack back when attacked by a declared target.


Shield Sword – A Samurai using this stance can Add +4 to their PS while this Stance is active and treat the sword as a shield when using it.


Sheath Sword – A Samurai using this stance can add their INT Bonus in attacks to hit and damage making cleaver unpredictable moves with their swords and bodies.


Lighting Rock – A Samurai using this stance can start a fight doing an additional damage of +1d6 per 1/4 level. Basically they remove their blades so quickly they create a sonic slash from the sheath. (Note: this mimics the Rouges ability Sneak Attack)


Monster Wield – A Samurai using this stance infuses their strength behind their blows doing x2 damage but they take a -6 to hit


Shaking Hand – A Samurai using this stance has their blade shaking as it makes wounds doing the same damage but forcing the target to make a Resistance Save (DC 10+Level) vs. Bleeding damage.


Blind Swordsman – A Samurai using this stance can seek out their target that is cloaked in illusions or the Samurai is Blind, They suffer no penalty and reduce the miss chance possibility by 1/2.


Weapons Master – A Samurai using this stance can use any weapon/object (other than the sword) with their techniques. (Objects require the Improvised Weapon Feat, weapons/objects retain the damage they are given for normal attacks) [Followers of the Code of the Sword cannot take this]


Mad Blade – A Samurai using this stance does not try to avoid damage negating their ADS score, in exchange they can strike doing an additional  point of damage for each amount of ADS Dropped


Blood Lust – A Samurai using this stance places themselves in a trance granting them +4 hit die and +4 to damage, for -4 ADS and -4 to hit.


Spinning Blade – Auto attack any martial attack against you with double damage counts as an attack of opportunity


Twin Blade Strike – when using two weapons the player attacks with both weapons as if they were one using the same attack modifier. Note large or bigger weapons give a penalty to both weapons when using this move of –4 per size category


Sword Styles – At Level 1 and every level there after a Samurai gains the use of a sword Style, this is a unique attack that they can unleash as an alternative to a normal attack. They aren’t limited in how many times they use them. Some attacks have a level requirement such as being level 5, 10 or 15 before you can use them.


Upper Thrust – attack on jumping or target above doing additional damage based off height (1d6 per 5ft)


Double Cut – a cut that deals double damage when hit


Mirror Blade – A quick Movement that blinds the target to Will Save DC 10+samurai level


Mind’s Eye – allows the player a bonus of 10 ft sight in darkness, and a extra 25% in miss chance rolls


Spinning Thrust – A spinning leap attack that drills into the target added damage based off of distance left to travel (I.e. For every 10 ft total move the player has left to reach the target they add 1d10)


Spiral Slash – A crescent slash that cuts all areas of the body grants a –1 to hit on target and

–5 move


Wall Slash – Like the Spinning Thrust but performed by bouncing off a wall which doubles the damage for every 10 ft instead of adding damage


Rising Blade – An upward cut that causes the target to lose one action


Heavens Strike – A drop cut that places the weight of the player add damage. +1 damage per every 10lbs of the player

Hurricane Slash – 60 ft cone, that does 1d6 for every 10 ft towards the player using the attack (ie: 0-10 6d6, 10-20 5d6, 20-30 4d6, 30 –40 3d6, 40-50 2d6, 50-60 1d6) [requires level 10]


Double Thrust – a Thrust made quickly at the same spot doing x4 damage [requires level 10]


Cold Steel Blade – +15 to sunder a weapon [requires level 5]


Ground Breaker – A Strike along the ground that does 3d6, damage, 60 ft line


Wind Cutter – 120 ft line that does 3d6, damage [requires level 5]


Vibrating Blade – Weapon ignores ADS 10/- [requires level 10]


Lashing Blade – +15 ft in weapons reach [requires level 5]


Reflective Attack – Player hits a Ranged attack back at the target at a –4 based off of the players attack this uses an attack of opportunity [requires level 5]


Returning Hit – An attack that has a delayed reaction of 1d4 rounds often used as a second attack (cannot  be dodged by Replacements) [requires level 10]


Spearing Sword – Weapon can be thrown at no penalty


Blistering Flourish – Weapon’s Attack can Daze Targets Will Save DC (10+Level)


Nightmare Blade – Samurai can add an Intimidate roll in Damage [Level 10]


Steal Wind – This attack lets the samurai do two attacks in one [Level 5]


Duplication Sword – A samurai with this move can create an after image of themselves of 1 image per every +2 in DEX mod, granting them a 50% miss chance on attacks against them [level 10]


Leading Attack – This Attack Grants Allies a +2 bonus, [Must be the first to attack]


Lava Blade – Sword is engulfed in Heat adding 1d6 damage [level 10]


Entangling Blade – The Samurai can use their blade to create a difficult movement terrain of DC 10 + level


Mind Strike – The Samurai can add their Wisdom Mod to hit and Damage


Bone Splitter – The Samurai can make a strike that breaks bones doing 1 point End Damage when the target fails the Resist Save DC (10+Samurai level) [level 5]


Sword of the Mountain – The Samurai using this attack is able to halt the further movements beyond them in one direction of the sides of 30ft [level 10]


Iron Heart Strike – When a Samurai uses this attack they gain a chance to re-roll a failed save that occurs after the attack for that turn


Bloodletting Strike – The Samurai using this attack is able to cause the target to take bleeding damage doing 1d4 damage, a round  DC (10+Samurai Level) medical check to heal [level 5]  


Giant’s Grip – Strikes with this attack have the weapon count in damage as a size category larger [level 10]  


Flanking Strike – When using this strike the samurai is granted the bonus as if they were flanking with an ally  


Tempest Sword – Samurai slashing their weapons create a twister around them 30’ engulfing those in the area doing ½ the Samurai’s level in 1d10’s [level 10]


Ring of Blade – A samurai can attack a target surrounding them in a slash that if they move through the slash they take 1d10 + Samurai level [level 10]


Vampirism Strike – A samurai with this attack can drain ¼ the damage in Hp with their attack [level 5]


Ballista Strike – The Samurai throws their sword with resounding strength doing ¼ the samurai level in d10’s line attack 60 ft [level 10]  


Crushing Blow – When a Samurai makes this Attack the target must make a Resist Save DC

(10+ ½ Damage) [level 15]


Running Slash – As a Samurai Moves they leave a wake behind them of 1d10 + ¼ level for that round, all that move through this slash take the damage [level 5]


Hamstring Strike – A Samurai makes an attack doing 1d4 Dex damage [level 10]  


Celebration Strike – When the Samurai uses this attack and downs a foe, their allies gain an extra action [level 15]


Twin Strike – Creating a Duplicate through his quick movements he is able to flank a target with himself and do double attacks that round [level 15]


Enervating Shadow – The Samurai can make a strike giving 1d4 Negative Levels to their target Resist save DC (10 + Level) [level 15]


Shadow Meld – The Samurai Movements that round are so quick they are granted a 75% miss chance when making this attack [level 10]


Earth Shaker – The Samurai makes a strike to the ground causing the earth to shake 6d6 in a area 30ft from the samurai [level 15]  


Gentle Sword – A Samurai making this strike causes their damage to be sub-dual damage  


Weapon Proficiencies: Martial, Simple


Armor Proficiencies: None


Hit Die: 1d10


Skills: (points per level 30 + INT MOD) Bluff, Craft, Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Martial Arts, Notice, Perform, Profession, Search, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, Taunt,  Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Green Lightning – Class – Samurai

Green Lightning – Class – Samurai