Green Lightning RPG General News One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race – Mechanoid


A cyborg is a human or other life form who has been modified with machinery and metal for better functioning. These mechanical enhancements can include cybernetic replacements for missing organs or body parts, metal skin for extra protection, and weapons installed somewhere in the body.


Cyborgs in One Piece

In the series, cyborgs are rare, as the technology required for their creation is somewhat advanced. Those who are cyborgs often have an advantage in battle, as they are more powerful than regular humans in both offense and defense.


Though they have mechanical parts, so long as their brain is not altered in any way, these cyborgs maintain their free will. As shown with Bartholomew Kuma, cyborgs with their brains modified lose their free will. This leaves them “dead”, reducing them to being nothing more than a tool. It is also claimed by Donquixote Doflamingo that such cyborgs have no memories or recollections of their past lives. Indeed, Kuma has become obedient to the words of the World Government he once hated so much. In an earlier instance when Nami hears a heartless remark from Franky, she asks him if he replaced his heart, to which he apologizes in metaphoric terms that he “never meant to go that far”. This confirms Franky, unlike Kuma, has not lost his humanity.


They can also be made from the corpses of the dead as well as the bodies of the living. The one thing      they all share in common is they are still capable of bleeding.


Inter-species Relationships

Cyborgs can be made from any race but generally are made from humans as they tend to handle the change better. As to their actions with other races is based off their each individual attitudes. Keep in mind though that many cyborgs have a cold heart to the emotional moments of other races so they may come off as jerks.


Overall Strength

Cyborgs are enhancing races and have an array of hidden weapons and armor about them. They lose most of the advantages of their former race, even though they are still living creatures, unlike robots. Additional attacks can be bought by gaining the feat Special Attack for which the play gains 1 more attack from the body for each time the feat is purchased. Most attacks however are standard based weapons damage or defenses unless bought up as a Power (See Creating powers section)


Cyborgs are a half race, they gain the following on top of the base races Stats, Skills, and some abilities based on the racial mixed race

  • PS Score – (based on original race)
  • ADS Score – 5
  • Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 INT, – 2 END, -2 SPI
  • Saves – +4 Resistance
  • Weakness – Bashing Weapons ignores 5 points of ADS
  • Built In Attacks – Cyborgs gain 3 free powers (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form
  • Power source – Cyborgs require a power source of some sort to use their bodies Built in attacks (see build rules for choices)
  • Mechanic – Cyborgs can only heal ½ their HP through the use of medicine, they need a repair check to be made to heal the other half of their damage.
  • Cold Emotions – Cyborgs are considered half constructs thus certain things like Bardic music have partial affect
  • Level Rating – 2


Favored Class:



Cold Uncaring Machines. Robots are a constructed race built by the greatest minds in the world to be walking machines of death and destruction. Most of these machines are complete control of the world government and where built by Vega Punk for use to place a halt in rebel and Pirate activities.


Inter-species Relationships


Robots have no intention to do anything other then what they are programmed to do and like.  Most races don’t know about nor seen a robot as they are often disguised as a human.


Overall Strength

One of the most powerful races in the game, yet at the same time hardest to play as they have no emotion and only do what is ordered of them. Robots greatest strength is in the fact that they are walking artillery houses. Each robot has a minimum 3 special attacks about its body. Additional attacks can be bought by gaining the feat Special Attack for which the play gains 1 more attack from the body for each time the feat is purchased. Most attacks however are standard based weapons damage or defenses unless bought up as a Power (See Creating powers section)


  • PS Score – Based on sizes 4 (huge)/ 6 (large)/ 8 (medium)/ 10 (small)/ 12 (tiny)
  • ADS Score – 10
  • Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CHA -4 SPI
  • Saves – Immune to all disease (except computer viruses), immune to poison
  • Regeneration – A robot will self- repair slowly over time restoring their END modifier and level per minute
  • Built in Attacks – Robots gain free powers based on their size (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form [Huge 6 powers, Large 5 powers, Medium 4 powers, Small powers, Tiny 2 powers]
  • Exchangeable Parts– Robots can spend a round and lock a weapon into place making it unable to be released or dropped, it can however be sundered and broken.
  • Power Source – Robots require a power source of some sort to use their bodies Built in attacks (see build rules for choices)
  • Cold Emotions (Robot) – Robots are considered constructs thus certain things like Bardic music don’t effect it as it would affect others
  • Machine Repair – Robots while they eventually self-repair cannot repair damage on their own quickly through medical, or other healing means. They require repair checks done instead.
  • Level Rating – 6


Favored Class:




Spaceys (スペーシー, Supēshī) are a type of robot first seen in Enel’s mini-series who was deactivated in some ancient ruins on Fairy Vearth. It takes place after the Straw Hat Pirates defeated him in Skypiea.

First Appearance: Chapter 433



Spaceys are a robotic animal-like creature, similar in appearance to each other all with the same face and moustache. Despite being machines, there are no obvious signs of their robotic build on the outside of them and they appear as flesh and blood. The Machine Island ones are dressed in themed outfits and are a little bit bigger than their Fairy Vearth counterparts. The Fairy Vearth Spaceys have the same wings the Shandians and Skypieans wear on their backs.



The story of the ancient Spaceys is that they were created by the ancient inhabitants of the moon. When the inhabitants of the moon ran out of resources, they left behind their homes and the Spaceys, heading off to the blue star leaving both sides saddened by their separation.


Inter-species Relationships

Spaceys being only known to those on Sky Islands make them a very mysterious race but what we know is that they more toy like looking at others as ones to play with them. Thus they most likely will get along with all races acting sort of childlike with them thinking that it is all a game to play.


Overall Strength


Originating from a distant sky island they are stuffed animal like in appearance and also have

little wings on their backs like the Sky Islanders but they are machines or cyborgs (not known yet

how much machine) Level Adjustment +3 Self Repair (Regeneration +5), Small Size, +2 DEX, +4


  • PS Score – 10
  • ADS Score – 0 While Spaceys are robotic in form they are also coated in a soft squishy shell
  • Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +4 CHA, – 4 SPI
  • Saves – Immune to all disease (except computer viruses), immune to poison
  • Regeneration – A Spacey will self- repair slowly over time restoring their END modifier and level per minute
  • Built In Attacks – Spacey gain 1 free power (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form
  • No Seriously – has a difficult time getting people to listen or acknowledge them as a voice to be heard -4 to all social rolls
  • Level Rating – 4


Favored Class:


Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race Mechaniods

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race Mechaniods


One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Tontatta


Dwarf / Fairy

Dwarves refer to humans as “Big Humans” (大人間 Dai Ningen?) and casually ask them whether they are good or bad and as a tradition a good human can prove him/herself by either giving up their weapons or being stripped of all their possessions. Dwarves are very careful not to be seen by any humans as they will try to kill anyone who sees them unless they promise not to tell anyone of their existence. They are also gullible to anything humans say to them, making them easily fooled.

They are behind Dressrosa’s belief in fairies and accept the country’s offerings to them.
According to Wicca, they only show themselves to the Riku royal family, but they make an exception for Usopp and his friends.

Despite their small size, dwarves possess great strength, with a single dwarf being able to easily destroy a building. They are very fast, enough for them to disappear in a blink of a second, making it nearly impossible for a normal person to see them. They are known as great cultivators as they stated that they can cultivate any plant, as evidenced by the abundance of plant life on Green Bit. However, they have trouble growing SMILE correctly, as it is artificial in nature. Dwarves are shown to be extremely gullible and trusting.

Level adjustment: +4

Racial Traits:
• +8 STR, +10 DEX, -4 END, -4 WIS, +2 Com.
• Tiny size – +2 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls,
• land speed – 30 feet. Burrow 10ft
• Low-light vision – Dwarves can see better in low light and treat it like day
• Dodge – as a bonus feat.
• Skill Bonus – +20% Knowledge nature, +20 Stealth, +20 Profession Farming , -20 Bluff

Defect :
• Gullible – Dwarves are a simple minded race that easily falls for bluffs and lies having a -20 to the Social skill checks
• Hunted Race – Dwarves are a wanted slave race each one is worth 700,000 Berri, they are sought as slaves to be kept as pets, their plant and burrowing skills and speed and strength.
• Honest Abe – Dwarves are horrible liars and because of that they stink at Bluff -20 to their uses of the skill.
• Long Time Slave Race – Dwarves have lived most their life in slavery and thus know nothing outside of the world from their local areas of captivity. They are not prone to be world travelers. They cannot gain knowledge Skills (other than Knowledge Nature) till they seek education, even if the player takes a class that grants all those skills.
• Easily Impressed – Dwarves having not seen much of the world get impressed at new things 1d4 rounds of stunned distraction when something strange and new appears before them (GM declaration)

Dwarves are an extremely small sentient race. In comparison to an average sized human, their difference in height is approximately the same as that between a normal-sized human and an average-sized giant. They are mostly human in shape, apart from having a thick fluffy tail and chibi-like proportions.

In proportions the Dwarves are the smallest race in the world. Standing on average about 2-3 inches high, they are also very light weight only coming in at the heaviest of 2 lbs But their size and weight don’t mean they aren’t a viable threat as they are almost as strong as Giants which are over 1000 times their size. Their small size doesn’t make them weak in weapon choices While their smaller weapons look weak the size is equal to weapons of a larger size and some dwarves have even been able to use normal sized weapons with the feat Monkey Grip.

A Century of Slavery
Over 900 years ago, the dwarves set out to sea in search of resources. The Donquixote Family proposed a treaty in which they would provide shelter and resources in exchange for manual labor. As Gancho puts it, this was the darkest period of the Tontatta tribe. The Donquixote Family enslaved the dwarves and the humans of Dressrosa prospered from their labor.

Liberation by the Riku Family
After the Void Century, the Riku family became the rulers of Dressrosa. King Riku at the time was saddened by the mistreatment the dwarves suffered and liberated them. After forming a bond with the Riku family, the dwarves covered Dressrosa with luscious greens and blooming flowers. The dwarves were also allowed, as part of their compensation, to take anything they wanted from the country, no questions asked. To cover for them, King Riku created the legend about fairies and firmly implanted it into his people as a means of covering for the dwarves’ actions.

Fight against a Return to Slavery
After Donquixote Doflamingo overthrew the Riku Royal family and ascended to the throne, the Donquixote Family kidnapped 500 dwarves and put them to work in the SMILE Factory of Dressrosa. Some of the dwarves formed an anti-Doflamingo army, the Riku Royal Army, led by Thunder Soldier.

One Piece – Race – Tontatta

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Tontatta

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Fishmen


Fishmen are one of two species that dominate the seas (the other being the Merfolk). As slaves they sell for 1000000 beli, In terms of leadership, none are mentioned, however Fisher Tiger, Jinbei and Arlong were said to have the highest respect amongst their people.

Arlong, a member of the Fishman race.
Appearance-wise, they are more “fish-like” than merfolk, looking like a cross between a man and a fish of the ocean such as an octopus, manta ray, or sawfish; however, they still have legs. They have their gills near their necks which only work when they are in water. On land they can breathe with their lungs like humans do. They are ten times as strong as normal humans from birth, and this difference is magnified underwater, where a human’s power is cut in half (while Fishmen are completely unhindered, and perhaps even strengthened).
Even though Fishmen are part fish, they are still mammals and give birth to live young.
As was revealed during the Davy Back Fight arc with Big Pan Fishmen can also breed with Giants, producing a hybrid who has biological abilities of a Fishmen and a huge body of a Giant (but still smaller than a full one, as related by Robin), they are known as Wotan. Although never shown it’s clear that Fishmen and humans can also breed the same way Merfolk and humans can breed.

Inter-species Relationships
Their view of life under the sea is dominated by their views that they should rule over all other fish in the sea. Despite this view, usually they get along well with the Merfolk who share the opposite view on life, however it is not unknown for Fishmen to take advantage of the Merfolk’s nature. Because of their strength, they appear in One Piece on a regular basis.
A stereotypical Fishman considers humans an inferior, weaker species. However, this does not apply to all Fishmen: for example, the puffer fish shipwright Tom cared and looked after two human children (Iceburg and Franky) and even protected them from the actions of Spandam and CP5, and even the Shichibukai, Jinbei, considers the Whitebeard Pirate, Portgas D. Ace an equal and holds the Whitebeard Pirates as a group in high regard because of Whitebeard protecting Fishman Island.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, human relationship to the Fishmen was defined with their definition of both them and merpeople as “fish” instead of “men”. This lead to centuries of discrimination as the Fishmen fought to prove their worth to the world. Only two hundred years ago did the World Government began to bridge the gap, making an alliance with Fishman Island to remove the problems between the two sides. While attempting to fix the problem, centuries of bad relations remained: many humans continued to see Fishmen as freaks or, in the case around Sabaody Archipelago, slaves for the Tenryuubito. On the opposite end, certain sects of Fishmen attempted to create their own societies where they dominated over the humans, such as Arlong Park in East Blue.

Overall Strength
Fishmen are claimed to be one of the strongest races in the world. Their strength is equal only by the giants of the world. They also have the ability to fight as well on land as well as in the sea. Making them one of the most dangerous races out there.

Level Adjustment +1 (Higher level Adjustment for Fishmen Variants listed Below)
• PS Score – 6
• ADS Score – 2
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, – 4 COM
• Skill – +10 Swim
• Water Breathing – Fishmen can breathe both air and water, they only can drown if they have eaten a devil fruit.
• Swim Speed – 30ft Good
• Defect – Hunted Defect – The slave trade on Fishmen is that they make good labor workers
• Defect – Hated Race – Due to the actions of Arlong and Fisher Tiger Fishmen are a hated Race
• Level Rating – +1(Higher level Adjustment for Fishmen Variants)

Favored Class:


Shark Fishmen have a natural Bite attack and can re-grow their teeth instantly They also have an addition Strength boost and are often looked on as the strongest of the fishmen.

Level Rating +4

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +6 STR, +2 END, -2 COM, -2 SPI
• Natural Attack (Bite: 2d6 x2 Piercing)
• Regeneration [Teeth only] Instant

Octopus / Squid
Octopus and Squid Fish men are great warriors for their multiple arms allowing them to have multiple attacks at hand. They also can make a cloud of Ink appear in water to creating a blinding fog of 60ft radius.

Level Rating: +3

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 30 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, -4 COM
• Multiple Arms allows extra attacks a round at -2
• Ink Cloud – Create blind area 60ft radius underwater

Quick and Agile Fishmen they only pale in Mermaids with their great speed in the water. Their Arm blades can also be used as a natural Weapon in Battles

Level Rating +2

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +15 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, +2 DEX, -2 COM, -2 SPI
• Natural Weapon (Arm Blade 1d10 x3 Slashing)

The Ability to inflate their bodies enlarging their size category, they also have a collection of spine on their back allowing them to make a piercing slam attack

Level Rating +3

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, -2 COM, -2 INT
• Natural Weapon (Back Spines 1d6 x2 Piercing)
• Enlarge Self 3/day (counts as 2 size categories larger, lasts Level +END +6 rounds)

There also are two additional variants that can be placed on any of the other templates above.

Natural Attacks Spew a Poison from their body, The stronger the Poison the Higher the level Adjustment.

Level Adjustment:
DC 15 Poison +1 Does 2d6 a round for 1d12 rounds
DC 20 Poison +2 Does 2d10 a round for 1d20 rounds
DC 25 Poison +3 Does 3d10 a round for 2d12 rounds

Natural Camouflage
Natural ability to blend in with ones surroundings, this ability is available to be used 3/day

Level Adjustment
+1 50% concealment when activated
+2 75% concealment when activated

One Piece – Race – Fishmen

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Fishmen

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Merfolk


Mermen / Mermaid

Merfolk are shown in the world of One Piece as one of the two major races that inhabit the Sea, the other being the Fishmen, and seemed to be ruled by an individual know for now only as the mermaid Princess. Merfolk are the prize catch as slaves with young females selling at a staggering 70,000,000 making them highly sought after by kidnapping teams. Parted females sell for only 10,000,000

Like the mermaids and mermen of folklore, their upper half is that of a human while the lower half is that of a fish. As demonstrated recently by Kokoro, mermaids may walk on land as when they are thirty years old, their tails split into two. Like the Fishmen, they are based on the different fish of the Sea; for example, Kokoro is an Icefish Mermaid.

Inter-species Relationships
Unlike the Fishmen, the Merfolk are peaceful, and prefer their race to remain a secret. They often are rumored to aid drowning sailors, plucking them from the sea and taking them to safety.
Mermaids and Mermen are friends to the fishes of the sea, fun loving and usually get along with most people, including Fishmen (even though Fishmen can often take advantage of the Merfolk’s good nature).

Like Fishmen, Merfolk face dramatic discrimination in certain areas due to past history between them and humans. While the World Government has attempted to bridge the gap, they are still considered valuable in areas where slavery is still legal in this world. A captured female mermaid under 30 (when their tail splits and they can walk on land) that is sold in auction in the Sabaody Archipelago can go for a starting price of 70,000,000 Beli. The wealthy who buy one usually keep them as a trophy.

Mermaid/mermen don’t exchange blood and its said wont have a relationship with humans due to the refusal in the past by humans to give blood to Sun Pirates captain Fisher Tiger. Do to this while the two species get along its less likely any half breeds with humans are seen.

Overall Strength
They appear much weaker then the Fishmen, however it is difficult to tell their strength considering only two so far have made an appearance. Merfolk are also the fastest swimmers in sea.
• PS Score – 10 Mermaids are keen at avoiding attacks
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, -2 STR
• Water Breathing – Mermaids can breathe both water and air, they lose this ability if they eat a devil fruit
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Defect – Hunted Defect – The slave trade on Mermaids is so high many will take a chance at kidnapping them
• Level Rating –+ 2 (This is higher for some variant Mermaid types.

Favored Class:

Racial Defects:

Special – Until a Mermaid / Merman reaches Adulthood in their age their fins don’t split and thus cant walk on land, however many get around this with a floating bubble created from the sap from Yakukiman Mangrove
bubbles. They can also seek to amend this by having legs of other surgically added to them.

Variant Types:
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +6 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Great Beauty – Goldfish Mermaids gain a bonus to all Social skills of +10
• Level Rating – +2

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 2
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, +2 STR, -2 END, -4 SPI
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Visions – This version of mermaid is capable to foresee future events and events occurring sever distances away in their mind
• Level Rating – +3

Octopus / Squid
• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +10 Swim
• Multiple Arms – allows extra attacks a round at -2
• Swim Speed – 30ft Good
• Boneless form – this mermaid can squeeze their body into tight spaces and hiding spots ¼ their size.
• Level Rating – +2

Flying Fish
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 COM, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim, +20 Jump
• Fly Speed – 60ft Fair
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Level Rating – +4

• PS Score – 6
• ADS Score – +4
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 SPI, +4 STR, -4 WIS, -2 CHA
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Echo Location – This ability grants them a bonus +20 to search roles
• Level Rating – +5

One Piece – Race – Merfolk

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Merfolk

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Sky Islanders

Sky Islanders

Sky Islanders

Skypieans are the people who come from Skypiea and live on Angel Island and other islands in the sky. The skypieans are mostly a non-aggressive race who live peacefully on the Sky Islands. They use dials for everyday use such as cooking. They have wings similar to the ones found on the backs of the Shandians. They greet each other by saying ‘Heso’ (which is Japanese for bellybutton) often while putting their hand against their head and sticking two fingers up.
First Appearance: Chapter 238; Episode 153
They follow the Leadership of their ruling governor (which they call ‘God’). They rarely question the actions of their ruling cast, even when faced with the fearsome Eneru. To the Skypieans, the ground from the Blue Seas below (which they refer to as ‘Vearth’) is sacred as plants do not grow without it in Skypiea. Because of their devotion towards their ruling cast and their value of Vearth, long ago their ancestors entered a war with the Shandian over their homeland, one which lasted 400 years.

They train their hair to grow like the antenna of an insect from a young age, using sticks in their hair to support the end. Their wing style is very different from Bilkans, styled closer to the Shandians wings. Their wings tend to have shorter feathers that are slightly less in number than a Shandians, often these feathers are thicker and more rounded. They are so close that at times the wings appear to be identical.


The Immigration to the Blue Star

An ancient drawing of the three former races of the moon: Birkan, Shandorian and Skypiean. Skypieans originate from the moon, along with the Birkans and Shandorians leaving behind their friends the Spaceys. When resources on the moon were used up they, along with the Shandorians and Bilkan, moved to the Blue Seas. At some point the three races separated and became what they are today.

Song of the Holy Land
Skypiea was “blessed” when the homeland of the Shandians, descendants of the Shandorians, was blasted up into the sky. Their God immediately claimed the land as his home and a bloody war began between the two races.

Inter-species Relationships
Do to their isolation form the rest of the world they don’t have a relationship just a long lost and forgotten history, with the world below.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 COM, +2 INT, -2 STR, – 2 END
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Machines, +10 Repair, + 10 Craft Machines, +10 Craft Vehicles
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Not from around Here – Sky Islanders take a -6 to all Knowledge skills (with the Exception of Knowledge Machines) on any place that is not a sky island
• Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Sky Island Variants

An island race similar in Skypieans, but adept at using, Haki or as they call it Matra. Enel destroyed their home island, latterly sending it crashing to the sea, Now many of its survivors are scattered across the seas and are the sky islander most likely to be seen publicly in travels. They have the identifying quality of having elongated ear lobes or goat like faces. But not all carry this trait.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 CON, +2 INT
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Machines, +10 Repair, + 10 Craft Machines, +10 Craft Vehicles
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Haki Users – as a people Birkan have the ability to use at least one of the Haki forms Observance or Armament, Conqueror can only be achieved through the random character creation roll.
• Adapt Jumper – Birkan’s gain the ability for free at creation
• Refugee – Birkan’s home island was destroyed and set crashing to the sea below. Because of this they have no real home to go to and must seek a new one out in the real world.
• Not from around Here – Sky Islanders take a -6 to all Knowledge skills (with the Exception of Knowledge Machines) on any place that is not a sky island
• Level Rating – 5

Favored Class:

A lost tribe of Islanders that was displaced from their home by a jet of water thrusting their
homeland to the sky, over years they too adapted to acquire wings on their backs. Unlike Skypieans they have some lore of the world below but are a more closed minded group protecting their home land from invaders. And they stand as guardians of a Golden Bell.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 2 Shandorians are a warrior race trained in how to fight and withstand damage
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA – 2 END, +2 SPI
• Skills – +10 Survival,+10 Knowledge Nature
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Children of Calgara – A warrior of Legend that was known for his great strength in a pinch 1/per day a Shandorian can release a strength boost granting them a +4 to their strength for their level +1d4 rounds
• Sense of Honor – Shandorians is not ones to back down easily they have to make a will save vs. the trill of battle. DC 15
• Lost to Time (Medicine) – Shandorians greatest week point is their lack of medical knowledge, It wasn’t till the Arrival of Noland till the concept came to them the sacrificing people to gods wouldn’t solve their medical problems. Because of this the skills Medicine and Knowledge Biology are always considered a cross class skill to them.
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Sky Islanders

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Sky Islanders

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Giants


Giants are a race of beings that vastly overshadow the other known races of the One Piece world in size. The most commonly known are those from the island of Elbaf. As slaves they sell for 50,000,000 for males and #10,000,000 for females.

Being giants, they are literally Giant humans in appearance. They are so large that when they cry, their tears can cause large areas on the ground to be covered with them. They are based on Vikings in both design and beliefs. But not all of them seem to be Viking themed, which is peculiar to ones from Elbaf. Jaguar D. Saul told Nico Robin not to mistake him for the brutes of Elbaf. Also marine vice-admiral John Giant seems to be non-Elbaf giant.

They are not to be confused with large-sized humans such as the Franky Family’s Mighty Destroyers or Bartholomew Kuma. To a giant, these large humans are no more than “oversized ants.” Large sized humans at their tallest reach knee-height of a giant, a normal human only reaches as high as the ankle in comparison.

Inter-species Relationships
Giants seem to get along fine with other races, though generally many humans think twice about upsetting them. Normally they seem very casual, light-headed and friendly towards just about everyone despite their size. Though a different race they are still regarded as “Men” by humans, noting there is a respectful acceptance between them and humans.

Giants can also interbreed with Fishmen, which produces a Wotan. Though Wotan’s are huge by human standards, they are still not as big as an actual giant.

Overall Strength

They are a strong and almost unstoppable race, the average human cannot stand up to them making them both ideal guards and deadly warriors. In fact, many giants are servants of the World Government and the Marines, enforcing the latter as one of the Three Great Powers.

Throughout the storyline, characters regularly are aware of just what the strength of giants is:
Mr. 3 had to devise a plan in order to take down Brogy and Dorry. While he took down Dorry by a explosion in his stomach (Brogy had finished him off), the giant had survived because of the giants endurance.
At Enies Lobby the sight of seeing the giants Oimo and Kaashii made the Franky Family commented on how using giants was “unfair”.

Saul had lifted up and smashed a number of the large Buster Call fleet ships during the destruction of Ohara. He had also taken several hits of cannon fire. He has been noted to have more strength than an average giant.

When the allies of the Straw Hats appeared to have been wiped out by the Buster Call fleet, whose cannons are able to wipe out whole island with their cannon blasts, it was revealed that Oimo and Kaashii had taken the brunt of the attack yet been largely unaffected.

During the Sabaody Archipelago arc, the kidnapping group the Coffee Monkeys reported that the only reason why they captured their giant was because he was asleep.

Oars’ strength was said to be enough to move continents, and his fearsome reputation was one of the attractions for Moria that lead his desire to gain the corpse of both him and his descendant Oars Jr. to use to become Pirate King.

The Marines have an entire squad consisting of Giants. This is giants were place in charge of guarding Ace’s execution platform. When they were ordered to prepare themselves, the pirates advancing took warned each other that “the big-boys are advancing”. They also have many other Giants as high-ranking officers.

However while they are incredibly strong their size is also their biggest disadvantage; the larger giants such as Oars and Oars Jr. are so big that they make for easy targets during battles.

• PS Score – 4
• ADS Score – 15 Giants make up for their large size which makes it easy to hit them by having tough hides and use to taking massive blows.
• Stat Bonus – +10 STR, +6 END, +2 SPI
• Saves – +6 Resistance
• Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Fishing
• Monster Appetites – A giant eats x5 the amount of a Human normally thus require 5 units of food a day
• Hunted Race – Giants are prized fighters and are sought by slavers to be used in labor
• Savage Race – Giants are Nomads and live as such they are too keen on technology in fact they get a -4 to Craft Machines or in any skill dealing with technology
• Level Rating – 6

Favored Class:

Pictured above by sizing Oars (Previous Largest Giant. Two giants and a sole human in-between)
Half Giant
Half Giant is a mixed race of Giant and one other race of creature out there. Although weaker in strength then their parents their lower level cost and racial bonuses still make them a big force to be face in battle. Although at no point have they said any other half giants other than the Wotan race (half giant/half Fishmen) it is strongly believed many half giants are throughout the world and even believed that Whitebeard himself do to his massive size is a Half Giant.

Inter-species Relationships
Like the Half Mermen/ Fishmen, The half giant is not respected, they are looked on as weaker than other giants and they have to work hard to prove there place in the world. The other races still fear them as they may not be as strong as their parents but they still can make you hurt big time.

Overall Strength
Weaker than their Giant Parents but what they lose in strength they make up in skill. They being a mixed race may also gain bonuses from their other parent race.

• PS Score – 4 (the average between this score and the other parent race score)
• ADS Score – 8 ADS
• Stat Bonus – +5 STR, +3 END, +1 SPI
• Saves – +3 Resistance
• Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Fishing
• Monster Appetites – A giant eats x3 the amount of a Human normally thus require 3 units of food a day
• Hated Race – Half Giants are looked on as weaklings by other giants and monsters by other races thus often go through life with a problem handling diplomatic situations -2 to Social Skills
• Level Rating – 3

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Giants

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Giants

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Humans


One Piece Races


Since they outnumber most other races, usually are amongst the most technologically advanced and organized of the races, human beings remain the dominate race in the world.

Most islands are inhabited by humans, even in the Grand Line, where most of the stronger races such as the Fishmen and Giants are found. As slaves, regular humans sell for just 500,000

Differences between humans varies greatly, islands not allied with the World Government form a number of tribes including (but not exclusive to) the Dwarves, Longarm Tribe and Snake Neck Tribe. Other tribes are expected to exist as Ape-like humans including Masira, Shoujou and the Coffee Monkeys have also appeared; Masira himself claimed openly to be human and not ape although was not insulted when called a “monkey”. As of Thriller Bark, humans with demonic features also appear int he storyline.

Inter-species Relationships
The weakness of the humans in the One Piece world often makes other Races such as the Fishmen come to think lowly of them. Often this reaches to the point where they inflict heavy racism onto Humans themselves, although not all Fishmen typically think this. Often this is met by humans with returned racism towards the Fishmen, sometimes leading to bloodshed. Part of the problem is that Humans tend to think of Fishmen and the Mermen as nothing more than fish, dismissing them as “men” thus alienating any chances of them being viewed as equals with humans.

Amongst the humans themselves, there is an apparent problem with the non-World Government allied tribes. Their freakish appearances (such as having long arms or legs) are often a lure for kidnapping crews at Sabaody Archipelago, who sell them as slaves because their selling rate is much higher than a regular human. These tribes and races caught up in slavery are often sold for a higher price then “normal” humans.

Overall Strength
Most of the inhabitants of the One Piece world are Humans and are one of the weakest races on the planet. While the average human is as weak as in Real Life, with enough training they are able to train themselves to be able to do incredible stunts such as using Super-Human Strength and incredible abilities. Humans are more likely to consider the usage of Devil Fruits than any other creature in the world, and are the leaders in Devil Fruit research.

Racial Traits:
• Scale Size – Medium
• Set Skill Bonus – +1 Set Skill
• Bonus Feat – at Creation a Humans gain one extra feat
• 5 extra Build Points at 1st level
• PS Score – Humans Racial Protection Score is 8
• ADS Score – Humans have no bonus to ADS naturally
• Stat Bonus – at Level 5 and every 5th level on a Humans gain an extra Stat Boost of +1
• Saves – Humans have no bonus to their saves

Racial Defects:
Unlike other races Human has no set racial Defect, unless the GM states otherwise.

Favored Class:

Half Breed
Sometimes a player may want to mix races to develop their characters. In the case of mixing one race with a Human they get the following.

• Scale Size – Medium, if their other half is larger or smaller they meet halfway thru the difference, In the case of on size larger or smaller they will remain Medium but be bigger or smaller than your average Human.
• Set Skill – +1 Set Skill
• Bonus Feat – at creation the human half breed gains one extra feat
• PS score – The half breed protection score is mixed with both races thus for Human Half Breeds they use 8 and subtract it form the breed of the other races score to get the difference in their score to add or subtract from the standard Half Breed Score which is 8.
• ADS Score – Half Breed Humans gain no ADS through their human side, if their other half has ADS then they gain ½ (rounded up) of that number
• Saves – Half breed humans gain no bonus from their human half to saves, and only ½ the save of their other half.
• Racial Defect – Half Breed – in games where it is allowed half breeds are more often looked down on and thus a half breed takes a -2 to social interactivity outside of other half breeds.

Favored Class:

Kuja (Amazon)
Kuja (九蛇, Kuja?) are a tribe of all female fighters found on the island of Amazon Lily. Apparently, until they found Luffy on their island, they had never seen a man before.


The Kuja Tribe
The Kuja wear revealing clothing with white capes and often have strange hairstyles. Several of them are seen carrying a large snake wrapped around them; when the Kuja threaten Luffy, it is revealed that they use the snakes as bows.

The Kuja tribe consists entirely of women. The majority of them are therefore unfamiliar with men, particularly their anatomy. It is stated that the women who leave Amazon Lily sometimes return pregnant. Oddly, they always give birth to females. The women are raised in the ways of the warrior and are often burly and strong, but there are the odd beauties amongst them. The Kuja are a race who consider strength as beauty and there is no room for the greedy and foolish to enter (an odd irony considering their current leader). Despite being a warrior race, the Kuja cultivates a surprisingly peaceful existence within Amazon Lily, and only engages in battle amongst themselves in arranged competitions held in the local arena for the general public’s entertainment. They seem to have little knowledge about Devil Fruit powers, despite the fact that Boa Hancock and her two sisters have Devil Fruit powers themselves (Margueritte actually believes that Luffy can’t swim because men are “useless”). Taking advantage of this, Hancock lied to the rest of the tribe, telling them her and her sisters’ powers were from slaughtering a Gorgon in battle, instead of them being fed Devil Fruits during their enslavement by the hands of the Tenryuubito.

Just as they have limited knowledge on men, likewise the rest of the world seems to know little about them. Momonga’s men give one of the many examples of the Kuja pirates rumors, stating they turn people to stone. However, this rumor applies only to Boa Hancock. They may lack information on Devil Fruits, but in exchange, most Kuja warriors, if not all, seems to be knowledgeable and fairly proficient in the use of Haki; which is something that is usually exclusive to none but the most powerful warriors so far seen in the series, such as Shanks, Luffy, and Rayleigh.

The Kuja have always lived in peaceful isolation due to their natural advantage of living in an island in the Calm Belt, protected from the rest of the world by the Sea Kings who surround them. However, this isolation has slowly eroded away as advancements in Sea stone technology has allowed the government to make new ships that can pass through the Calm Belt with no Sea King interference. The only means of protection remaining is the alliance held by their empress as a member of the Shichibukai, which both protects the Kuja from Marine attack but unfortunately classifies all, both at sea and at home, as pirates. The Kuja and their leader must comply with the government’s terms or risk the attack and destruction of everyone on the island, a peace barely hanging by a thread in a rapidly changing world.

Apparently, for the empresses of the tribe, they can contract a disease known as “love sickness”, which is when the empress grows infatuated with a man, but keeps that love suppressed, which leads to death

Kuja unlike other human races forgo the Build Point Bonus they gain for being human for the following changes

• PS Score – 10 Kuja are trained in combat and with it they learn how to avoid damage
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 COM, -2 WIS
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Nature, +10 Survival
• Special – Only Female characters are playable in this Variant
• Armament Haki – Kuja are trained in using Armament Haki (see Haki rules for effect)
• Snake Bow – Kuja are proficient in using snakes that they are raised with as bows, the bows gain +1 for every four levels of the player
• Defect – What is Strange Being call Man – Kuja Members come from an island where men are seen as evil and hated they get a -10 to all social rolls in dealing with men
• Level Rating – 4

A moving Sky Island that houses a collection of the top minds in weather prediction, Mainly housing old men but with a few younger people the island has a peaceful take on things in life and offers their weather based skills to be used for profit of the island.

As a Human variant, they do not gain the Bonus build points for Humans, instead they get the following.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 INT, +2 SPI, -2 DEX, -2 STR, -2 END
• Skills – +10 Profession Farming, +10 Navigation, +10 Knowledge Nature, +10 Knowledge Machines
• Wind Knot – Weatherpia members are trained to create a wind knot in ropes, and can use this knot to summon forth small gusts of wind
• Weather Bubble – Weatherpia members have access to weather seeds to grow bubbles containing small amounts of weather they can later release.
• Weather Prediction – Weatherpia trains its followers in how to detect the changes in weather and patterns, letting them predict the best ways to change it for profit.
• Defect – Pacifist – The people of Weatherpia are not ones for fighting and will go out of their way to avoid fights. They take a -2 to all combat actions.
• Level Rating – 2

Favored Class:

Torino Kingdom (South Blue)

Idiot savants in technology and herbs, a race of caveman like people, have lived on this island along with giant birds, while they wear simple cloth clothing to cover their shame they sport weapons that on first look are simple yet on closer examination are actually complex uses of springs and gears. They also have an extensive knowledge and library on medical herbs and their uses.

As a Human variant, Torino players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 6 due to their lazy behavior
• ADS Score – 2 Torino are a race of tough people from their natural exposure to the elements.
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR +2 SPI – 2 INT
• Skills – +10 Medicine, +10 Knowledge Biology, +10 Craft Weapons, +10 Craft Items, +10 Knowledge Machines
• Weakness – Idiot Savant – Torino people are highly intelligent towards things they have around them yet are ignorant to basic tasks. They have a -2 to using new things till they spend time learning them (a period of one week at which point the player rolls a Intelligence check 20 DC [it decreases by 1 per day after]) to remove the defect effect on the new thing to them.
• Defect – Lazy – these people don’t want to put to much effort in work and often will just sit there and do nothing in place of work, Will save DC 15 to do work.
• Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Momoiro Island (Kamabakka Kingdom)
The island paradise Okama King claimed for his followers. It is inhabited completely with transvestites (a few transgender members). (note the difference would be if they accepted Okama fully changing them or not with his power). All those on this island begin to weaken to the power of desire the island has, Despite its odd ways the Island actually houses powerful warriors trained in a form of combat called Kama kempo. Many truly skilled members of the island are Haki users of Defense. They are known throughout the world just as much as the Amazons at Amazon Lily, yet unlike the Amazons they can be seen throughout the world traveling.

As a Human variant, Kama players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 STR, -4 CHA
• Skills – +10 Craft Cooking, +10 Seduction
• Speed Demons – +60 Movement
• Deceptive Appearances – First looks can attract a character with the Pervert defects to be charmed by them to move in closer. But once up close the person needs to make a will save vs shock. DC 15.
• Observation Haki (Avoidance) – Observation Haki (Avoidance) (see Haki rules section for effect)
• Defect – Transvestite / Cross Dresser – Members of this island live their lives fully in the cloths of the opposite gender -5 to all social rolls
• Level Rating – 4

Favored Class:
Martial Artist

Longarm Tribe
Longarm Tribe (手長族, Tenaga-zoku) are a tribe of Humans in the One Piece world. They have not been explained deeply yet, but are mentioned in the list of slave prices Duval gives Sanji. They sell for 700,000 as slaves.

Scratchmen Apoo is a member of this tribe and according to his appearance the reason why they are called this is because their arms are lengthened by the fact they are double elbowed. Apparently they are the ones responsible for destroying the country of Harahetternia of Namakura Island. The cultists of Namakura Island were in the middle of a summoning of Satan, wanting him to help destroy the Longarm Tribe. However, due to Kuma, Brook landed right in the middle of the summoning. Believing him to be
Satan, the people of Namakura Island want him to help them get revenge on the Longarm Tribe.

As a Human variant, Longarm players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR
• Skills – Due to their second elbow Long armed clan members have a +20 to Escape Arts
• Grapple – Long arm Tribe members have a +4 bonus to grapple
• Reach – Long Arm Tribe Members grant all their attacks with a 5ft extra reach
• Defect – Tribal War – Longarm Tribe has for years been fighting the Longleg tribe over things, this causes the two to have serious bad blood together to the point the two groups together in one area are likely to start a fight instead of peacefully work things out
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:
Martial Artist

Longleg Tribe
The Longleg Tribe (足長族, Ashinaga-zoku) are a tribe of Humans in the One Piece world. They have not been explained deeply yet, but are mentioned in the list of slave prices Duval gives Sanji. They sell for 700,000 as slaves. It is believed that like Longarm Tribe has two elbows then Longleg Tribe has two knees.

As a Human variant, Longleg players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX
• Saves – +2 Reflex
• Steady Walk – Longleg players have a steady footing while walking granting them a bonus of +4 to saves involving unsteady ground
• Speed Boost – Longleg tribe members move at a speed of 40
• Defect – Tribal War – Longarm Tribe has for years been fighting the Longleg tribe over things, this causes the two to have serious bad blood together to the point the two groups together in one area are likely to start a fight instead of peacefully work things out
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

Herculean (Human Variant)
A fairly unknown birth defect in humans that make a race of Large Humans, Born of a distant relative of giants to human parents, Herculean’s are looked at as strong brutes of the human world and often take on these roles to dwarf over their own Human kin. As a sub-race of human they maintain the abilities and bonuses of a human. But they do not gain the bonus build points exchange their Stat boosts for +2 STR,
+2 END and the large size category. Despite their monster appearance they are still treated as humans in society and history.

Racial Traits:
• PS Score – 6 due to their larger size they are easier targets to hit
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END
• Bonus Feat – at Creation a Humans gain one extra feat
• Large Size Category
• Stat Bonus – at Level 5 and every 5th level on a Humans gain an extra Stat Boost of +1
• Defect – Big Guy – Larger size makes it hard to navigate smaller areas without injury DC 15 Reflex vs 1d8 bashing damage when moving in smaller spaces.

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Humans

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Humans