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Green Lightning – Class – Psychic


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense Bonus Special Ability
01 0 2 0 4 1 Psychic Shield, Psychic Power (lesser)
02 1 3 0 4 1 Mind Reading
03 2 3 1 5 2 Psychic Power (lesser)
04 3 4 1 5 2 Psychic Energy
05 3 4 1 6 2 Psychic Power (lesser)
06 4 5 2 6 3  
07 5 5 2 7 3 Psychic Power (lesser)
08 6/1 6 2 7 3  
09 6/1 6 3 8 4 Psychic Power (lesser)
10 7/2 7 3 8 4 Psychic Barrier
11 8/3 7 3 9 4 Psychic Power (greater)
12 9/4 8 4 9 5  
13 9/4 8 4 10 5 Psychic Power (greater)
14 10/5 9 4 10 5  
15 11/6/1 9 5 11 6 Psychic Power (greater)
16 12/7/2 10 5 11 6  
17 12/7/2 10 5 12 6 Psychic Power (greater)
18  13/8/3 11 6 12 7  
19 14/9/4 11 6 13 7 Psychic Power (greater)
20 15/10/5 12 6 13 7  

Masters of the mind Psychics have a unique collection of powers and attacks at their disposal, either through the use of Empathy to seek into the minds of others and extract information, or by moving objects with their mind that they have no chance of doing with their bodies.


Psychic Shield – a psychic at first level can use their Wisdom Modifier to create a shield that grants them a bonus equal to their modifier for their level in rounds. It requires concentration to maintain, so each round the shield is activated if the player takes other actions they must make a concentration check 10+each round the shield is active.


Psychic Power – gain a unique ability or attack, at early levels these choices are limited in their form, but after level 11 the power of these abilities and attacks greatly increase. The player gains each new power with the chance to use them 1/per day. Once the player chooses a power they cannot switch out that power for a new one. They must wait to gain a new power to choose the new power in its place. The choices of powers are as follows



Minor Telekinesis – the player can move an object within line of sight weighting 5lbs per level


Memory – the player can access the minds of willing subjects and find hidden memories Will save DC 10+level


Minor Elemental Power – the player can tap their Elemental alignment and do a 1d6 ranged touch attack with it within 60’


Mind Fog – the player can make a target perform a will save DC 10+level vs being distracted and falling surprised


Suggestion – the player can make a target perform a will save DC 10+level vs unwillingly performing a simple task requested of the player


Minor Illusion – the player can cause a single target to make a DC 10+Wis Mod +level vs Hallucination that last for 1+level in rounds


Dancing Lights – the player can create an illusion of 1d6 flames that give off a light source of 60ft, the flames can each float or be placed on touched objects and remain 10mins per level of the user


Mental Block – The player can use their psychic abilities to boost their or an allies Will save by their psychic level for 1d10+1 rounds


Psychic Strike – The player can add psychic damage to their attacks doing 1d6 psychic damage. The effect on the weapon lasts for the player’s level in rounds.


Float – The player can slow their decent or hover above the ground for 10 minutes a level


Painless – The player can use their Wisdom and Spirit Modifiers to heal a targets HP for 1 round a level. Requires concentration rolls to maintain.


Calm Mind – the player can remove the active effect of mental status effects from a character at a bonus of 1+level in the DC to resist the effects.


Drain Power – the player can reduce the mana / chi  of a target by 1d4 x level by having the target make a Will save DC (10+Wisdom Mod+ level)


Message – the player can send a message to a target they personally have been in contact with, within a day’s travel from their location.


Psychic Armor – The player is able to add their Wisdom Mod to their ADS score for their level in rounds granting them a greater resistance to damage from attacks


Force Push – The player can have a target make a will save DC (10 + Wisdom Mod +level) or be flung back and knocked prone 1d10x10 ft.




Telekinesis – the player can move an object within line of sight weighting 20lbs per level


Elemental power – the player can tap their Elemental alignment and do a 1d6for every 2 psychic levels, ranged touch attack with it within 60’


Psychic Guardian – The player can summon a copy of an animal, or monster of equal ½ level. for their level in rounds the creatures attacks do psychic damage instead of what type they normally do for resistances


Psionic Weapon  – The player can craft one of two weapon types, Melee Psionic weapon or a ranged Psionic Weapon, ether one will form the form the player wants the weapons look to be but the stats are always the same. The weapon lasts for the players level in rounds.


Melee Psionic Weapon

+1 2d10 x4 (on a critical strike the weapon does an additional 1d4 INT damage)


Ranged Psionic Weapon

+1 2d8 100ft x4 (on a critical strike the weapon does an additional 1d4 INT damage)


Psionic Strike – The player can add psychic damage to their attacks doing 3d6 psychic damage. The effect on the weapon lasts for the player’s level in rounds.

Domination – The player chooses a target to make a will save DC (10+Wisdom Mod + level) verse domination. On a fail the target is the players willing subject for 24 hours, at which point the target is able to roll another save (repeated each day till free)


Fly – The player is able to fly 60’ Good for their 1d10xlevel in rounds


Psychic Enhancement – the player can use their psychic power to add their Spirit Modifier to boost their all their saves and attacks for 1 round per level


Memory Wipe – the player can access the minds of a target and find remove selective memories from their min Will save DC 10+ Wisdom Mod+ level


Sever Power – the Player can cause a target to make a will save (10 + wisdom mod + level) vs having 1d4 of their powers/ abilities/ techniques or spells locked from use for 24 hours, the locked powers are the casters choice.


Mind Melt – the player can select a target to make a will save DC 10+ Wisdom Mod + Level versus 1d6 Endurance Damage


Mind Switch – the player chooses two targets (they can choose themselves) and have the targets make a will save DC (10+wisdom Modifier + level) vs switching bodies with two targets. If one target is dying the target not dying gains a +6 bonus to the save to resist the switch. If the body dies and the mind is switched then the new mind can claim the body. Otherwise the each of the targets can reroll the save after 24 hours pass. They can keep attempting the saves for up to one in game month. If they do not or choose not to switch back then their body switch will be final. The switch changes the characters looks and physical stats (STR, END, DEX and COM) as well as physical defects and abilities. Their mental stats, abilities, and defects remain the same as their original body. They however lose any unique powers and abilities of the new body, only maintaining any mental based powers, abilities, techniques or known spells of their original form.


Grand Illusion – the player can cause all targets within 30ft of the placement of the attack 10ft per level to make a DC (10+Wis Mod +level) vs Hallucination that last for 1+level in rounds


Mind Fog Mass – the player can make all targets within 30ft perform a will save DC 10+level vs being distracted and falling surprised


Psionic Storm – Player unleashes a storm of Psychic energy in a field of 120ft doing 1d6 psychic damage. It damages all in the area for the player’s level in rounds.


Projection – The player can send a visual message to any known target as long as the player has met them at one point. The projection can be of the player or of objects or of the view of a location to send info.


Psionic Armor – grants the player their psychic level in ADS Bonus for 1d10+Wisdom Mod in rounds


Force Push, Mass – The player can have all targets within 30ft  make a will save DC (10 + Wisdom Mod +level) or be flung back and knocked prone 1d10x10 ft.



Mind Reading – The player can use the skill Empathy to reach further into a targets mind to gain access to hidden information.


Psychic Energy – The player can trade a daily use of a psychic power to grant themselves or another ether a +2 Moral boost, or regenerate 2d8 Chi / Mana


Psychic Barrier – A psychic player can use their power to form a barrier that grants their allies the effect of psychic shield


Weapon Proficiencies:



Armor Proficiencies:



Hit Die: 1d8


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD),

Animal Empathy, Atonement, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Empathy, Gamble, Gather Info, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Occult, Knowledge Religion, Martial Arts, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Profession, Read Lips, Search, Seduction, Stealth, Taunt, Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Green Lightning – Class – Psychic

Green Lightning – Class – Psychic