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Green Lightning – Class – Priest


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 2 2 1 Lay On Hands
02 0 0 3 3 1 Minor Blessing
03 1 1 3 3 2  
04 1 1 4 4 2 Minor Blessing
05 1 1 4 4 3 Holy Talisman
06 2 2 5 5 3 Minor Blessing
07 2 2 5 5 3  
08 2 2 6 6 4 Blessing
09 3 3 6 6 4  
10 3 3 7 7 5 Blessing, Holy Barrier
11 3 3 7 7 5  
12 4 4 8 8 5 Blessing
13 4 4 8 8 6  
14 4 4 9 9 6 Major Blessing
15 5 5 9 9 7 Holy Word
16 5 5 10 10 7 Major Blessing
17 5 5 10 10 7  
18  6/1 6 11 11 8 Major Blessing
19 6/1 6 11 11 8  
20 6/1 6 12 12 9 Holy Miracle, Major Blessing


The Priest is the best class for fending off the powerhouses that is demonic power in the game. They gain abilities and bonuses against all forms of demonic powers including those possessed. Their strong will let’s them make up for their weak attacks. They also gain the power to grant Blessings and heal by Laying on hands.


Lay On Hands – At 1st Level and higher a Priest, as a full action the Priest can place their hands on their target and Heal them (Priest level + Spirit Score) once per day.



Minor Blessing – At 2nd level and every level there after a Priest gains a holy ability blessed upon them from a higher power. Priest’s gain an additional choices at 4th and 6th levels. The Priest must choose at the level they gain the blessing which one of the choices (seen below) will take, once the choice is made it cannot be changed. Choosing the same blessing twice adds an additional use of the blessing per day. Each Blessing has 1 use per day. Each ability is a one use version of Techniques with the same name.


Animal Friendship – user can befriend hostile/unfriendly creatures


Mending Touch – user can repair minor damage items with touch


Friendly Face – grants bonus of +4 to all social rolls when active


Pain touch – Touch cause 1d8+level damage


Liberation – Target is granted a +4 to Reflex saves


Mad laughter – Target that fails will save (DC 10 + Level) is unable to act


Bull Strength – +2 STR for (4+Level) in rounds


Cat’s Grace – +2 DEX for (4+level) in rounds


Summon Wind – Creates a gust of wind that can be used to move sails (4+level in rounds)


Create Water – Creates 1 gallon of water per level


Glitter Light –  Creates a small sphere of light that acts like a free floating torch, lasts 1 round per level


Holy Talisman – At 5th level and every level there after the Player is able to do a touch attack, which does damage equal to their (Spirit Mod x their Priest Level) to demonic powers, This is granted a 1/3 their level in uses a day, thus at level 5 its 1, 6 its 2, 9 its 3 and so on. The attack can be combed with other attacks to grant holy damage to an attack.


Blessing – At 8th Level and every level there after Priest gain a stronger blessing from their higher power. Priest’s gain an additional choices at 10th and 12th levels.  The Priest must choose at the level they gain the blessing which one of the choices (see below) will take, once the choice is made it cannot be changed. Choosing the same blessing twice adds an additional use of the blessing per day. Each Blessing has 1 use per day. Each ability is a one use version of Techniques with the same name.


Summon Animal Minor – Summons a small to medium creature to aid in a fight lasting 4+levels in rounds


Repair – fixes Major Damages on items with touch


Charm – Causes target to make will save (Dc 10+level vs Charm effect).


Bleeding Touch – Touch does 2d8+level in damage


Freedom of Movement – Grants self and allies within 30ft the ability to move freely through difficult terrain, through techniques or otherwise


Tongues – user causes all targets in 30ft to perform will save (DC 10+level) vs. No Action for 1d6 rounds


Heroic Strength – Grants target a Strength boost of +4 for (4+level) in rounds


Blinding Light – A burst of light that blinds all within a area DC 10 +Level


Holy Barrier – At 10th level a shield that blocks damage equal to their (Spirit Mod x Priest Level) to all attacks, The ability requires concentration Rolls to maintain (DC 10+Priest Level) while doing other actions, Failing to do so drops the shield. Priest Gain this ability 1/per day


Major Blessing – At 14th Level and every level there after the Priest is able gain a powerful blessing from their higher power. Priest’s gain an additional choices at 16th, 18th and 20th levels. The Priest must choose at the level they gain the blessing which one of the choices (seen below) will take, once the choice is made it cannot be changed. Choosing the same blessing twice adds an additional use of the blessing per day. Each Blessing has 1 use per day. Each ability is a one use version of Techniques with the same name.


Summon Animal Major – Summons a Large or Huge Creature to aid user in battle, lasting (4+level) in rounds


Puppet Guardian – user can summon a puppet to fight along as their aid, lasting (4+level) in rounds


Domination – User causes a target to make a will save (DC 10+level) vs complete control of the targets actions


Decay Touch – Touch attack does 3d8+level in damage


Searing Light – Fires a laser blast for 120ft doing 1d6 ½ level (max 10d6)  to normal races, or 1d6 per level to undead or demonic (max 20d6)


Aura of Insanity – user generates a 30’ aura that causes all targets inside to have to make a will save (DC 10+level) vs. No action for 2d10 rounds


Godly Strength – user grants self and allies in 30ft +6 STR for (4+level) in rounds



Holy Word – At 15th level and every level after that the Priest increases the strength of Holy Talisman by x4

Holy Miracle – At 20th level a Priest can return a target that has been dead in rounds equal to their own level to 0 HP


Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial


Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shields


Hit Die: 1d8


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD)


Animal Empathy, Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Biology, Knowledge History, Knowledge Poisons, Knowledge Occult, Knowledge Religion, Medical, Notice, Profession, Use Magic Device



Green Lightning – Class – Priest

Green Lightning – Class – Priest