One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Haki User

Haki User

(覇気 Haki?, literally meaning “Ambition”) is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the normal senses. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly, there are two types of Haki common to everyone, given the proper training; however, there is a third type that only a certain group of “chosen ones” are said to possess. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy and overpower enemies.

“Haki” is a power that lies dormant in all the world’s creatures… “Presence”, “fighting spirit” and “intimidation”… It is not different from the things that humans can naturally sense such as these… ‘The act of not doubting’. That is strength!
— Silvers Rayleigh explaining Haki to Luffy at the start of his training.

Haki, unnamed at the time, was first seen when Shanks used it against the Lord of the Coast to save Luffy when he was a child from the wrath of the Sea King. The term “Haki” was first coined and used much later when Blackbeard was commenting on Luffy’s bounty in Jaya, and was hinted at during Shanks’ visit with Whitebeard.
The underlying concepts of Haki were introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago and Amazon Lily Arcs. The concept was clearly explained by Rayleigh to Luffy at the start of the latter’s training on Rusukaina Island.

Haki is dormant in every living person, but it’s rare for most people to ever awaken that ability. Intense training can awaken it, as can extreme shock, such as with Coby during the battle of Marineford. Two known people (Aisa and Otohime) were born with the ability.

Haki is separated into three categories, or “colors”: Kenbunshoku Haki, which grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities; Busoshoku Haki, which allows the user to use their spirit as armor to defend against attacks or to make their own attacks more potent; and Haoshoku Haki, a rare type of Haki only one in a million can use which grants the user the ability to overpower the will of others. Most people who can use Haki tend to have a type they’re better at and as a result focus on that type. However, a person can improve their abilities with all the types of Haki, it just requires more work.

Becoming a Haki User:

Unless a race states which they get, all players start the game or start a new character must roll a 1d100 and be within 10 of an opposed roll the GM makes.

The closer they are to the number the greater amount of Haki they can use.

Result within 10 to 7, player’s choice of ether Observation or Armament.

Result within 6 to 4, Both Observation and Armament (If they already have one through a race they do not gain the third but gain a second roll on a designated Haki’s type).

Result within 3, Conqueror.

Result within 1-2, two choices of the three.

Match the number all three types on the roll the GM made to see if they get Haki.

(Do not have a guess or roll to 1 or 99 as it’s meant to be so rare it has to be determined by shear luck) Or very intense training from a skilled user in game for the first two choices as Conqueror can not be given in training.

Players with Haki, gain these powers at no cost, and they can freely be linked with other abilities and attacks at no cost in Build Points. They however can be expanded in some ways buy using build points. Once a player has access to one of the three styles of Haki they can later be trained (ether spending weeks / years training in the wilderness, through endless battles, or with a skill trainer of Haki themselves to properly use the ability)

Observation Haki:
Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. With enough skill, one can use this Haki to predict an opponent’s moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief “premonition” of what the opponent will do in the user’s mind’s eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually “hits”. It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not.

It was first introduced under the name Mantra when Satori used it to fight Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp as they went through the Ordeal of Balls. Aisa is the only known Shandian who has this ability. It served as a plot point when she helped Luffy locate Enel. It varied in strength between users, with Enel’s seemingly being the strongest. With his Devil Fruit, the Goro Goro no Mi, Enel could pick up electromagnetic waves, allowing him to overhear conversations and everything around him; this extended the range of his Mantra to cover roughly all of Skypiea. By comparison, most of the other priests could only keep track of people nearby.

The first time it was seen being used and referred to as Haki was during Luffy’s battle on Amazon Lily with the Boa Sisters. Later, Rayleigh explained Haki to Luffy and confirmed that “Mantra” is the Skypiean name for the ability.

Though the power allows the user to predict most attacks, it can be circumvented by various means. It cannot predict inherently random attacks; for example, Luffy managed to bypass Enel’s Mantra by bouncing his fists off a nearby wall, to prevent himself and thus Enel from knowing where they would land. Tying in with the inability to detect random attacks, Kenbunshoku Haki seems to be linked to the target’s own awareness of themselves and their surroundings. Enel failed to discern the presence of Luffy inside the giant snake Nola, only detecting him after he escaped. It also doesn’t make the user any faster than normal, so the user’s ability to dodge is dependent on their speed; Enel was unable to avoid Luffy’s finishing move because it was moving too fast. Likewise, Luffy’s Gear Second was able to outpace Boa Sandersonia, despite her ability to read his moves. It also seems to falter if the user loses their concentration. Satori lost the control of his Mantra when Luffy unexpectedly brought the string of exploding balls right to him, enabling Luffy to grab him from behind when the smoke cleared, and Gedatsu lost to Chopper because he lost his concentration and his Mantra faltered.

This type of Haki can also allow to user to sense the emotions and nature of others. For example, Otohime used this Haki to sense sense the sufferings and emotions in the heart of a fishman thief and Aisa was able to sense Wiper’s aggressive nature with this Haki.

It appears it’s also possible for the user of this Haki to sense the strength of others as well. This was shown when Rayleigh used this Haki to sense that there were 500 creatures on Rusukaina who were stronger than Luffy at that the time.

How Observation Haki is used in game:

This Haki comes in 6 forms the form that is determined for the player needs to be rolled on a d 12

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 04 Avoidance PS Bonus + ½ lvl +2 PS bonus
The player gains the ability to avoid attacks by predicting where they are likely to strike.
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
05 – 07 Detection Full Effect Randomly
Gains ability to locate objects, focusing can detect location of objects or locations within 2 miles
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
08 – 09 Empathy Full effect Randomly
Gains ability to read targets emotion, granting them bonus of +50 on social skill checks
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
10 Read Minds Full effect Randomly
Gains ability to hear thoughts of a target within 100 ft
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
11 Nature Empathy Full effect Only when focused
Gains ability to hear voices of nature (speak with animals and plants)
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
12 Sense Power Full effect Only when focused
Gains ability to sense targets skills and level, within 100 ft
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

The powers are not limited per day, yet require training to properly use. Until then the powers will evoke only in sever events and can cause harm to a character, in the cases of detecting, hearing thoughts or sensing targets the subject will be attacked by sever headaches and be unable to take action until being knocked unconscious. While even after training users of Avoidance will find after activating this ability at the end of battle they suffer from exhaustion, and will require rest for 24 hours or x3 food amount for 24 hours (chosen by player which defect to have for their character)

Armament Haki :
Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki) allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves. Similar to Tekkai, this allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm.

Only significant physical force can overcome this defense; for example, Luffy striking Boa Marigold hard enough with Gear Second techniques to send her reeling.

Naturally this “invisible armor” can be used as a weapon to strike others with. It can be used to augment the user’s own attacks, projected ahead of the user as pure brute force, or imbued in weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack enhanced by Busoshoku Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally be without it. The Kuja’s Haki-imbued arrows, for example, are capable of penetrating solid stone.

This type of Haki also has the ability to bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user, touching the “substantial body” beneath whatever protection the fruit provides, such as the case of body-altering Devil Fruits such as Logia users. Busoshoku Haki works independently of the user’s Devil Fruit, as shown when Luffy uses it to enhance his Gear Third attack underwater. This type of Haki may not be equipped to attacks that are not from one’s body except for weapons (like Kizaru’s laser beams, Marco’s flames or any other Logia attack). So, those who do attack with parts of their body can combine their Haki and Devil Fruit powers. Moreover, the accumulation of this type of Haki seems to increase the heat in the zone where it is used. However, this aspect of Busoshoku Haki only seems to work when it’s used in great quantities as seen when Luffy does it to vulcanize his rubber body or to generate fire instead of steam in his Gear Second mode.

How Armament Haki works in game:

There are four kinds of Armament Haki Users the types are determined by rolling a d8 to determine the 4 types. All Armament Haki Users can through training learn to attack Logia Forms that normally would avoid an attack by altering their body form this means intangible effects from devil fruits are rendered ineffective to Armament Haki that is active.

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 03 Invisible Armor Grants ½ level DR 1/dr
The player ignores damage by greater amounts with in their level in rounds
Result of spending build points
The player’s body does damage to melee attacks of 1 per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
04 -05 Weapon +½ level in damage +2 attack
Players hits do greater damage for their level in rounds +1
Result of spending build points
the player can ignore ADS score equal to the points spent in an attack.

Result Type Trained Untrained
06 – 07 Element elemental bonus damage of +2d6 elemental resistance of +1
the type of element chosen by roll of d8 1-fire, 2-cold, 3-electricy, 4-wind, 5-acid, 6-shadow, 7-light, 8-earth.
Result of spending build points
grants the elements resistance and damage increase by 1 for each build point use

Result Type Trained Untrained
08 Healing Fast Heal END+ lvl fast healing 1
The players body is so use to damage that they actually shake off damage at a higher rate by willing their body to heal wounds quickly. This Haki’s uses is limited per day but the limit is based on ¼ of the characters level.
Result of spending build points
player gains a use 1/per day to heal their level +points spent in damage.

Conqueror’s Haki:
Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror’s Haki) is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training and only one in a million people carry it. It was first demonstrated by Shanks, when he used it to scare off a Sea King. Later on, during a meeting with Whitebeard, he used it to knock out most of the crew, which the few still standing attributed to his superior Haki. Luffy first displayed the effects of this type of Haki against Duval’s bull, Motobaro, much to everyone’s confusion. He displayed it again on Amazon Lily while battling the Boa sisters, knocking out a large portion of the audience observing the match, despite all of them being accustomed to regular Haki usage. This is also the first time it is referred to by name. Luffy’s exhibition of it during the Marineford War was enough for the Marine admirals to be wary of him that they prioritized his elimination after that.

After the time skip, Luffy is proficient enough to tame monsters, as well as knock out a selected group of individuals without affecting any of the bystanders using Haoshoku Haki, displaying his new-found proficiency in the skill.

This type of Haki grants the user the ability to dominate the wills of others. The most common usage in the series so far is knocking those with weak wills unconscious. Whilst inexperienced users are restricted to merely overpowering the will of one individual or blindly knocking out weak-willed people around them, those with more expertise can pick out weak-willed individuals in a large group and knock them out without affecting those around them. However, those with stronger wills can resist or even ignore the effects of Haoshoku Haki. According to Rayleigh, while this type of Haki cannot be attained through training, it can be improved through training, as it grows as the users spirit grows. It seems that upon recovery, victims of Haoshoku Haki experience the sensation of chills running through their body. However, it presumably wears off after a short period.

How Conqueror’s Haki is used in Game:
Players with the rare ability of Conqueror’s Haki start with one of the three forms thru the roll of it through the roll of a d6 and it acts uncontrolled in the GM’s hand until the player can obtain training in it.

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 03 Influence Full effect Active in high stress
Grants Moral Bonus of ½ user’s level, this stacks with other moral bonuses and lasts for 1d10 minutes.
Result of spending build points
The user can increase the time of the bonus by 1 minute

Result Type Trained Untrained
04 – 05 Tame Full effect Active in high stress
A single target makes will save DC (user’s level + Will Mod +10) vs. Domination (works only on INT scores lower then 10)
Result of spending build points
At a cost of 1 per the INT score it affects is increased

Result Type Trained Untrained
06 Overpower Full effect Active in high stress
an area attack of Will DC (user’s level + SPI Mod +10) vs. Overpower, if a target gets under 10 from the DC they can’t not take action, if they get less then that they are knocked unconscious. This effect is an area centered on the user 30ft.
Result of spending build points
At a cost of 1 the player can increase the range of the effect by 10 ft.

Unlike the other two Haki’s granting only one type, those blessed with Conqueror’s can train to gain all three types through training their conquerors powers.

One Piece – Haki Users

Green Lightning One Piece – Haki Users

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Devil Fruit

Fruit User

Fruit User


Devil Fruit (悪魔の実, Akuma no Mi), called Cursed Fruit (pronounced with two syllables) in the 4Kids English dub, is a mystical fruit that can give the eater many kinds of strange and interesting abilities depending on the fruit and its type. There are some seen only in the anime or only in the manga.

I once heard that all the Devil’s Fruits are the Sea Devil’s incarnations. If you eat one you’ll gain a special ability, but you won’t be able to swim.
— Shanks speaks to Buggy on Devil Fruits.


The Devil Fruits as described by Morgan

Devil Fruit are said to be the fruit of the Sea Devil and that the secret to their power is hidden in the Grand Line. Because encounters with them are rare (especially outside the Grand Line) a number of rumors about them have risen making it difficult to tell whether some things are fact or fiction. The average person knows nothing or very little about what they are. Because of their power, if sold they can expect to reach well over #100,000,000 and Devil Fruit users themselves are sold at market prices as slaves. There are more than 100 types of Devil Fruit.

One running theme with Devil Fruits, however, is the fact that they taste unimaginably horrible, to the point of making it seem like the eater had taken poison. The Devil Fruit, when consumed, gives the consumer a power or special trait though they won’t immediately become aware of. They come in different shapes, colors, and all Devil Fruits have swirl marks on them of some kind. There can be only one of each type of fruit at a time. Only one bite is needed for the user to gain the power of a Devil Fruit, after which the Devil Fruit becomes a simple, useless, disgusting fruit. Swallowing the fruit whole, as Buggy did, has the same effect,  peeling off the skin and eating it piece by piece also works.

Devil Fruits are the origins of the powers of some of the strongest people in the world, such as Marine Admirals, Shichibukai or Yonkou.




We can figure out the name of a fruit by the power it gives, but the kind of power we get is completely up to chance.
— Kaku on his and Kalifa’s unidentified Devil Fruits.




There is a book in the Grand Line with Devil Fruits listed (although sometimes a Devil Fruit is said to had been unidentified). The most notable example is Blackbeard in his search for the Yami Yami no Mi. Catalogs and a book were also mentioned by Spandam and Sanji. Shanks and his crew already knew Luffy’s Devil Fruit was the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit in English versions) before he consumed it.

While it hadn’t been yet explained how to acquire that knowledge, according to Oda in a SBS, the same power of a Devil Fruit can exist more than one time (but not at the same time). Spandam mentions briefly that Devil Fruits have an aura around them which can often help identify them and that the two Devil Fruits he supplied to Kaku and Kalifa contained an unknown aura.

 Side Effects of Devil Fruits

With this new power comes a weakness: the sea rejects the new Devil Fruit user and they become helpless while submerged in water (or “becomes a hammer,” in Japanese parlance). Oda stated in SBS that Devil Fruit users are susceptible to all types of water, not just seawater. He elaborated on this, saying that “moving” water, like rain or waves, does not weaken Devil Fruit users, while standing water does.

If a user is not completely submerged, they can still use their powers from the parts of their body that are above the water. This was demonstrated by Kalifa, who was still able to produce bubbles from the parts of her body that were not under her bath water (although, as stated by Nami, this had effectively cut her strength in half while in the water). However, if the user’s body has been permanently altered by the fruit, then the user’s ability can be manipulated by outside sources; i.e., when Luffy was knocked into the pool at Arlong Park, Genzo and Nojiko dove underwater and stretched his neck so his head would be above water. Being weak against the sea proves deadly to many Devil Fruit users who are pirates and Marines sailing the Grand Line.

Sea stone, a special substance that emits the same energies of the sea, can also cancel out Devil Fruit powers through physical contact with the user. Depending on how much physical contact the users has with the Sea stone, their movement may also be weakened.

One rumor, as recounted by Cipher Pol’s Jyabura, is that Devil Fruits house actual devils that will fight when placed in proximity of one another. The resulting battle would destroy the users’ bodies. Nevertheless, Blueno contradicted this claim, stating that Grand Line scientists have noted that the phenomenon of one’s body destroying itself only occurs when one consumes two Devil Fruits.

 Consequences of Consumption


Regardless of the type of power, it all depends on how you use it. The chances of you weakening from it are very low. Besides, being a hammer isn’t much of an inconvenience.
— Rob Lucci on Devil Fruit power.



The main attraction to eating a Devil Fruit is the powers bestowed upon the user with many spending their entire lives seeking out just one type of fruit. More often than not the power is far more useful than never being able to swim again. However, due to lack of information known by most, and with Devil Fruits still unknown, the average consumer plays Russian Roulette consuming one and there is no way of changing what power you get once consumed. With no way of removing the curse all Devil Fruits users are labeled as “freaks”, “Devils”, and “monsters” for the remainder of their lives. All Devil Fruit users have to be trained to a certain degree from simple activation control to full battle techniques.

You could sell ’em for hundreds of millions. But one bite might leave you with a lifetime of problems you know!?
Jyabura‘s warning to Kalifa and Kaku.

Another problem with the Devil Fruits is that a few of them offer “weird” or “useless” powers. While many citizens can be fascinated by their powers, others may leave a consumer leading a miserable life full of discrimination from those around them.  Certain societies who are blind to the existence of Devil Fruits usually are told lies regarding the reason behind their strange abilities, keeping secrets but commonly causing misconceptions on how this power was achieved.


Doctor Vegapunk, a Marine Scientist, is responsible for the research into the effects of Devil Fruit and Sea stone heavily. His research has also led him to devise the method that lets an inanimate object (such as a gun or a sword) gain the effect of a Devil Fruit (it has not yet been shown how this is done).

Tony Tony Chopper created, during his five-year apprenticeship under Dr. Kureha, a drug called “Rumble Ball” that enhances the effects of the Devil Fruit. Thus far he is the only one so far shown to have consumed it. According to him the Rumble Ball disrupts the wavelengths of Devil Fruit forms. It is implied that the “Rumble Ball” will activate when consumed by any Zoan type Devil Fruit user, albeit with different but slightly similar effect.

Types of Devil Fruit

Paramecia: The most common of the three classes, users of Paramecia Devil Fruits gains super-human physical abilities. Other users can alter features of their bodies or their environment. Finally, there are some users than can manipulate and generate some kind of substances.

Zoan: The users of Zoan class Devil Fruits gains the ability to transform into an animal (and acquire every ability affiliated with the said animal). The user can also transform into a human-beast hybrid form. There are Zoan Devil Fruits not only for common animals, but for prehistorical animals and mythological creatures as well.

Logia: The rarest of the three classes, users of Logia Devil Fruits gains the abilities to manipulate and transform themselves into an element. They also gain every ability related to that element and gains the skill to regenerate every part of their bodies (even their whole bodies) from that element.

For More Info on Fruit user powers see the Power creation section and the Fruit List


Smile is a completely artificial version of Devil Fruit crafted in labs with a chemical called Sad, this allows multiple versions of the same devil fruit to be created, and however the effects of the crafted fruits are still a mystery at this time. These are a recent creation in the world.

While eating Smile will grant a player devil fruit abilities it is believed that they are limited or may cause harm over time to those that eat them. It’s up to the GM at this time as to how t proceed with Smile.

Starting powers

Once a player eats a devil fruit they gain one power with 3 uses a day for free (equal to 15 build points). In addition the player also gains a quote always active power of their fruit. This can be like a higher ADS, or weak ability that they can use at will freely at any time such is the case for  Logia and Paramecia this is their choice. Yet for Zoan they get two powers to use freely, one to shift from their normal form, to their beast form, and a half way point between them. This requires a control shape skill check to shift to forms outside of the regular form they are in, and the other power Zoan’s get is fast healing equal to ¼ their level.

How Devil Fruits work in this game

A player with a devil fruit has access to a unique system of powers, when any player builds powers they use build points to new power creations within some reasoning such as a weapon’s style or arsenal of ammunition, player’s skills or abilities and such. With devil fruit they can reach beyond this and have magic like abilities based on the fruit that they ate, additionally a player will gain one ability / power for free when eating a fruit but suffer from the following issues.

Player cannot longer swim PERIOD; it doesn’t matter if the player could breathe underwater before, they will drown after eating a devil fruit. When in water the player becomes effectively paralyzed all over for a period of 1d4 rounds out of water.

Salt Water causes the target to be fatigued. A player in salt water, (up to their stomach) becomes severally exhausted and unable to due major actions, they need 1d10 rounds out of the salt water to be restored to normal.

Sea Stone, Sea stone has the same effect as Salt Water and will cause the player to be severely exhausted, till the stone is removed for 1d10 rounds. These stones are mostly mined, controlled and in the hands of the world government.

Fruit List

Devil fruits in game can come from one of three results. Lugia, Paramecia, and Zoan. The three types are rolled by the GM by making a chart of 6 different fruits that are then asked by the player to roll a d6 and that is the result. If the fruit is acquired in game it’s up to the GM on the fruits look. The fruits while looking like actual fruit display a pattern and/or odd color scheme then a normal fruit of its form. Below is a listing of types based under the 3 divisions of types? While some in the series have powerful fruits it is to be noted that there seem to be a lot of similar fruits like fire types are quite common in the anime and manga. Once a character dies the fruit returns to the list as available but it’s a difficult one thus if it comes up its up to the GM to accept it or to re-roll it.

The Following are the steps to roll up a fruit.

Step 1: The GM rolls 6 fruits on the list below using a 1d10 (1 -2 – Logia, 3 -6 Paramecia, 7-10 Zoan)

Step 2: Following the type of fruit roll on their section to get the category of fruit

Step 3: Now we know the listing and type, now we roll to determine the actual fruit

Step 4: have each choice placed on a note or hidden from the players view and have them roll 1d6 to see which of the 6 choices they get. It is not advised to give them the fruit they want. The concept is to leave it as a power gamble.

Logia Fruits

With these fruits, the user will become a natural element completely. The users are neither human nor element when they are in their normal state. Logia fruits have major and minor based fruits based off the same elemental control roll 1d12. This is just a small listing more fruits can be created as long as they have a unique or strangle use.

  1. Fire (roll 1d8)

Minor Fruits 

01 Spark – Create sparks from nothing

02 Flame – create flame from nothing

03 Burn – Touch burns at high temps

04 Steam – Creates steam from nothing

05 Ignition – can cause things to ignite

06 Lava – Creates molten rock from earth

07 Fire – creates fire from nothing

08 Inferno – can cause things to become a large fire

Examples in series:

Flare Fruit [Portagrace D. Ace] ~ Dead / [Sabo] – can turn body into living and controlled flame.

Volcano Fruit [Admiral Akainu] – Can turn body into living and controlled lava

Heat Fruit [Don Archino] – can increase the temp around himself

  1. Water (roll 1d8) note no seawater power exists due to effect fruit users

01 Bubble – can create bubbles from nothing

02 Squirt – Body can shoot out blast of water

03 Rain – can call forth storms of rain fall

04 Wave – can control water to form waves

05 Water Spout – Can call forth cones of water from nowhere

06 Tsunami – Can create massive waves of water

07 Liquid – Can turn body to a liquid form

08 Flood – Can bring forth massive storms and control the waters movement

Examples in series:

Liquid Fruit: Form Slime [Queen Honey] – can change body into a slimy liquid

  1. Air (roll 1d8)

01 Wind – Can cause the wind to below in directions

02 Dust – Body can take a dust form

03 Cloud – Body can take on a form of cloud

04 Mist – Can create and move through mist

05 Vacuum – Can create a vacuum drawing things towards you

06 Gust – Can create blasts of wind

07 Twister – Body can become a massive swirling wind

08 Tornado – Can create and control tornado’s

Examples in series:

Plume Fruit [Smoker] – Can take the form of smoke and control its movement

Typhoon Fruit [Monkey D. Dragon] – Can call forth Hurricanes and ride their winds





  1. Earth (roll 1d8)

01 Stone (multiple versions based off of stone types) – control over stone

02 Ground – control over the ground, they can shift or alter it as they wish

03 Gollum – Create and control creatures of earth and stone

04 Poop – body form and Control over Poop

05 Slurry – body form and Control over slurry

06 Soil – control over non rock type earth

07 Earth – Control over all kinds of earth

08 Mountain – Create Mountains out of nothing

Examples in series:

Mud Fruit [“Wet Haired” Caribou] – Body can take form of Mud

Quake Fruit [White beard] ~ Dead (Marshal D. Teach) -Create Earthquakes

Sand Fruit [Crocodile] – Body form and control over sand


  1. Wood (roll 1d8)

01 Wood – control over wood

02 Flower – control over flowers

03 Pollen – Body can become pollen

04 Paper – Body can become and control over paper

05 Plant Body – Body takes on plant based form

06 Seed – Control and creation of seedling plants

07 Plant control – Control over plant life

08 Forrest – Control and Body form of Trees and all  plant life in a area


  1. Lightning (roll 1d8)

01 Battery – The ability to absorb and slowly release electricity

02 Shock – The ability to shoot shocks of electricity

03 Lighting Bolt – The ability to call forth lightning bolts

04 Lighting Ball – The ability to create bursts of electricity

05 Wire – The ability to traverse through electrical devices

06 Charge – Body form of electricity

07 Storm – The ability to create and control thunder storms

08 Thunder – the ability to call forth sonic blasts of Thunder

Examples in series:
Rumble Fruit [Enel (Eneru)] – Body form and control over Electricity
Magnet Fruit [Eustass Kidd] – Control over all things metallic
Combo Fruit [Brindo – Red] [Kanpahino-Blue] – the ability to be magnetically connected to each other





  1. Ice (roll 1d8)

01 Chilly – control a drop in temps

02 Frost – create ice  from nowhere

03 Freeze – Body form of ice

04 Dry Ice – Create cold so strong it burns flesh

05 Snow – create snow from nothing-

06 Winter – Body form of ice and drop temps

07 Glacier – Create huge blocks of ice from nothing

08 Blizzard – Body form of Ice and create snow storms from nothing

Examples in series:

Ice Fruit [Aokiji] – Body form and creation of ice


  1. Shadow (roll 1d8)

01 Shadow control – able to control shadows and their users

02 Shadow Stealing – able to possess a shadow and thus their body

03 Shadow walk – able to travel through shadows

04 Shadow Body – Body form of living shadow

05 Shadow Form – Body form of a living ghost

06 Gravity – Control over gravity

07 Dimension – Creation of void spaces from nothing

08 Black Hole – Body form of a black hole

Examples in series:

Shadow Fruit [Gekko Moriah] ~ Dead – Body form, capturing and control of shadows

Darkness Fruit [Marshal D. Teach] – Body form and creation of black holes

Ghost Fruit [Perona] – The creation and control over ghosts

  1. Light (roll 1d6)

01 Illusion – creates and controls illusions

02 Flash – Creates bursts of light

03 Explosion – Body can cause explosive bursts

04 Fire Works – creates explosions of light in bursts

05 Neon – Control over light in an area

06 Sun – Body form and control over light in an area

Examples in series:

Shiny Fruit [Admiral Kizaru] – Body form of light particles

  1. Metal (different forms based on the metal type) (roll 1d6)

01 Blade – Can create blades from nothing

02 Call Metal – can detect and pull out metal form the ground

03 Shaper – can shape metal into objects  

04 Alter Type – can alter metals form and shape

05 Metal Form  – Summon forth metal

06 Metal Control – Creation and control over metal



  1. Poison (roll 1d6)

01 Decay – Causes things to decay and rot

02 Acid – creates and controls acid

03 Syrup – body form of syrup

04 Disease – Body form and creation of diseases

05 Rot – Destroy and decays any substance as if 1000’s of years past

06 Reaper – Body form of dangerous chemicals

Examples in series:

Poison  Fruit [Chief Warden Magellan] – Body form of Purple ring Octopus poison

Spore Fruit [Musshuru] – Body form of poisonous spores

Rust Fruit [Captain Shuu] – causes metal to rust and crumble

  1. Spirit (1d4)

01 Blood – can release and manipulate blood to form and attack

02 Willpower – One can manipulate their will power into abilities and attack

03 Spirit Energy – One can manipulate gather and use the energy of the world around them

04 Life force – One can use their life force to attack and even take or restore others

Paramecia Fruits

Paramecia Fruits are the most common of the Devil Fruits types. They can change the user’s body in some way. (roll 1d20) often there are multiple versions of the same fruit type.

  1. Health (roll 1d4)

01 Drain – gain the ability to drain stats, Chi, or HP

02 Healing – Gain the ability to heal wounds ether on self or others

03 Aging – body can grow old or young at will

04 Immortality – grants immortality to person

Examples in series:

Aging  Fruit [“Big Eater” Jewelry Bonney] – cause targets to age

Undead Fruit [Just Me Bones Brooke] – can return to body upon death

Surgery Fruit [Trafalgar Law] – Can divide people and objects (people remain alive once divided)


  1. Body Part Control (roll 1d8)

01 Elongate – Body can become long or short

02 Separation – body can separate and act on its own

03 Enlarge – Body can grow to great heights

04 Shrink – Body can shrink to great sizes

05 Kinetic – Body can absorb and redirect kinetic energy

06 Weight control – Can manipulate the weight of objects

07 Extra Limbs/Attacks – Can form extra limbs and body parts

08 Skin/Muscle – enhance ones skin and/ or muscle

Examples in Series:

Chop Fruit [Buggy the Clown] – body can be broken in slices

Berry Fruit [Captain Very Good] – body can be broken in small balls

Slip Fruit [Alvida] – creates slick mucus on her body and makes her slim

Muscle Fruit [Urouge] – Increases his own muscle mass

Flower Fruit [Nico Robin] – she can mimic any of her body parts in a certain range

Kilo Fruit [Ms. Valentine’s Day] – can manipulate owns weight

Mini Fruit [Bruce the Gaint] – Can shrink body down to human sizes



  1. Intangible (roll 1d4)

01 Phasing – Move through objects

02 Ghost form – Body can move through objects and cannot be harmed by normal means

03 Displacement – Body holds a miss chance against all attacks

04 Flow – Body moves around and object or person

Examples in Series:

Cage Fruit [Marine Officer Hina] – Body can move through things and create a binding around


  1. Pheromone (roll 1d6)

01 Terror – Creates fear in others at will

02 Heart – creates love in others at will

03 Calm – creates a calming nature in others at will

04 Anger – enrages others at will

05 Depression – causes target to become lethargic and unwilling to continue

06 Inspire – causes targets to be under the influence of suggestions

Examples in Series:

Lust Fruit [Boa Hancock] – Can turn bodies that show attraction to her to stone



  1. Shape change (roll 1d6)

01 Love – Body can copy person’s desires and take that form

02 Fear – Body can copy person’s fear and take that form

03 Shift – Body can change form of any race at will

04 Mimic – Body can change form of any object at will

05 Shape – Can change the form of others into another

06 Clay – Can change objects form

Examples in Series:

Clone Fruit [Bon Clay, Mr. 2] – He can copy and take on any persons form

Wash Fruit [Vice Admiral Tsuru] – She can take others and make their bodies flat and lifeless like laundry in the wind.


  1. Telekinetic (roll 1d4)

01 Pyro-kinetic – Mental control over fire

02 Electro-kinetic – mental control over electricity

03 Aqua-kinetic – mental control over water

04 Telekinesis – mental control over objects

05 Mecha-kinesis – mental control over machines

06 Terra-kinesis – mental control over the earth


  1. Absorbing (roll 1d4)

01 Absorb – can take in items and attacks

02 Mimic Material – Touching / absorbing objects lets you mimic them

03 Merge – can combine two or more items into one

04 Synch – Can link items / people to one another to work as one

Examples in Series:

Munch Fruit [King Wappo] – ability to eat objects and use or combined their properties



  1. Body Weapon (roll 1d8)

01 Slashing Melee Weapon

02 Bashing Melee Weapon

03 Piercing Melee Weapon

04 Slashing Ranged Weapon

05 Bashing Ranged Weapon

06 Piercing Ranged Weapon

07 Item based form

08 Subdual Weapon

Examples in Series:

Sickle Fruit [Erik The Whirlwind] ~ Dead – Ability to create blades of sharp wind

Spike Fruit [Ms. Double Finger/New Year’s] – ability to turn any body part into a spike

Dice Fruit [Mr.1] – ability to change any body part into a blade

Bomb Fruit [Mr.5] – ability to cause any body part to explode

Wheel Fruit [Captain Sharingu] – ability to create wheels from body parts

Fortress Fruit [Capone Bege] – Ability to house a army within himself

Scissors Fruit [Inazuma] – Ability to cut anything as if it where paper

Net Fruit [Largo] – the ability to create nets from the body

  1. Skill Based (roll 1d12)

01 Potter – user can mold and form things with their hands

02 Calculating – can alter the path, weight or directions of objects, attacks and people

03 Art – user can paint/draw objects into being

04 Cooking – user can turn anything they want into food

05 Building – user can use anything as a building material

06 Dancing – user can compel objects or others to dance

07 Singing – user can affect status of objects or others through song

08 Sewing – can sew things together no matter what

09 Writing – can write about things and they become true

10 Acting – can compel others to into their acting scene

11 Hiding – can bend the world around them to hide

12 Stealing – can compel objects to go to their pockets

Examples in Series:

Pervert Fruit [Absalom] – Body and objects held can become invisible


  1. Super Vision (roll 1d4)

01 Heat – Eyes can see heat signatures

02 X-ray – eyes can see bones and organs

03 Scope – eyes can lock in on objects at distances

04 Dark – eye can see in total darkness



  1. Petrifaction (roll 1d6)

01 Stone – Touch can turn objects and people to stone

02 Metal – touch can turn objects and people to metal

03 Wood – touch can turn objects and people to wood

04 Flesh – touch can turn objects to living flesh

05 Tag – touch can cause person to stop moving

06 Picture – can trap person or object in picture


  1. Teleportation (roll 1d6)

01 Self – can teleport over a distance

02 Others – can teleport others over time

03 Parts – can teleport bits and pieces of people or objects

04 Dimensional Pocket – Create a small room dominion

05 Dimensional Storage – create a small storage dominion

06 Creation – player can bring item into creation

Examples in Series:

Door Fruit [Blueno] – can create doors to move between distances

Pocket Fruit (as in pants pocket) [Blamenco] – the ability to pull things from within his own body

  1. Multiplication (roll 1d3)

01 Double – can create copies of one self

02 Duplicate – can copy objects

03 Mirror – can control and bring forth copies from a mirror


  1. Environment (roll 1d4)

01 Shape Change land

02 Move Land

03 Alter Form Type (ie, liquid, gas, solid)

04 Alter materials Type


  1. Status Effecting (roll 1d10)

01 Mood – alter the moods of others

02 Body – cause stat altercations of the self or others

03 Mind – cause changes in mind

04 Sleep – cause targets to get sleepy

05 Gero (Gero – translated as disgusting) – causes other to be disgusted at them

06 Curse – cause problems on others

07 Hunger/Thirst – cause target to have a compelled desire to eat/drink stuff

08 Clumsy – causes a target to drop things or trip about

09 Speed – can alter a targets speed

10 Illness – can give strange or creative illnesses

Examples in Series:

Slow Fruit [Foxy] – causes targets to be slowed down for a amount of time

Vodoo Fruit [Basil Hawkins] – causes others to take damage he takes




  1. Flight (roll 1d6)

01 Winged – Creates wings which allow the user to fly

02 Jet – User can create blasts and move in that direction

03 Propeller – user has a propeller that they can use to fly with

04 Rocket – user can launch themselves in the sky

05 Balloon- the user can float themselves and slowly move about in the air

06 Glide – user can leap and move their body to stay in air

Examples in Series:

Levitate Fruit [Shiki The Golden Lion] – can cause himself and non-living objects to float in the air.

  1. Land Based movement (roll 1d8)

01 Bouncing – Body can bounce off objects

02 Hop – body can hop at great speeds in similar fashion to rabbits

03 Leap – body can leap great distances

04 Dig – user can dig through any substance

05 Run – user can run on walls and ceilings

06 Slide – user can slide about any surface

07 Skate – user can skate about on any surface

08 Drive– user can treat objects like vehicles

Examples in Series:

Swimming [Senior Pink]

Spring Fruit [Bellamy]

  1. Sonic (roll 1d6)

01 Boom – ability to create massive explosions of sound

02 Burst – ability to shoot off bursts of sound in sonic cones

03 Punch – ability to do sonic damage with attacks

04 Scream –

05 Shout –

06 GM creation – GM creates a way to use this ability

Examples in Series:

Voice Fruit [El Drago] – The ability to shoot sonic rays form the body

Paw Fruit [Bartholomew Kuma] – the ability to create sonic bubbles to absorb and attack with

Band Fruit [Scratchman Apoo] – the ability to turn his body into different instruments

  1. Telepathy (roll 1d6)

01 With others – the ability to talk to others through one’s own mind

02 With Animals – the ability to talk to animals through one’s own mind

03 With plants – the ability to talk to plants through one’s own mind

04 With Elements – the ability to talk to elemental things through one’s own mind

05 With Spirits – the ability to talk to the dead through one’s own mind

06 With Machines – the ability to talk to Machines through one’s own mind

Examples in Series:

Whisper Fruit [Apis] – the ability to hear the thoughts of other creatures




  1. Body Material (roll 1d20) Body does not take the element but effects of

01 Glass – Body takes on form of glass

02 Cloth – Body takes on form of cloth

03 Tar – Body takes on form of tar

04 Oil – Body takes on form of oil

05 Cream – Body takes on form of cream

06 Salt – Body takes on form of salt

07 Rubber – Body takes on form of rubber

08 Feathers – Body takes on form of Feathers

09 Glue – Body takes on form of glue

10 Gelatin – Body takes on form of gelatin

11 String – body takes on form of string

12 Magnet – body takes on properties of magnets

13 Tape – body takes on properties of tape

14 Swarm – body takes on properties of a swarm of insects

15 Paper – body takes on properties of paper

16 Wire – body takes on properties of wire

17 Sponge – body takes on properties of sponge

18 Hair – body takes on properties of hair

19 Mineral – body takes on properties of a mineral on the periodic table

20 GM Creation

Examples in Series:

Wax Fruit [Mr. 3] – Body takes on and creates and controls wax

Heatstone Fruit [Bear King] – Body takes on form of lava stone

Bubble Fruit [Kalifa] – Body takes on form of soap and can shape others

Diamond Fruit [Jozu] – body takes on form of Diamond

Zoan-Types Fruits

A Zoan Devil Fruits is the kind of Devil Fruit that will transform you into an animal

if you eat one. (roll 1d20) as a bonus all Zoan type users gain Fast Healing ¼ their level. Unlike the first two no description is given as each is taking on the animal or creatures qualities and traits of that creature

  1. Cats (Roll 1d6)

01 Cat Breeds

02 Lion

03 Tiger

04 Jaguar

05 Liger

06 Bobcat

Examples in Series:

Cat Fruit, Model Cheetah) [Chiqicheetah – Foxy Pirates]

Cat Fruit, Model Leopard) [Rob Lucci]

  1. Dogs (Roll 1d6)

01 Dog Breeds

02 Coyote

03 Hyena

04 Fox

05 Dingo

06 Cerberus

Examples in Series:

Dog Fruit, Model Dachshund [Mr. 4’s dog]

Dog Fruit, Model Dalmatian [Vice Admiral Dalmatian]

Dog Fruit, Model Jackal [Chaka]

Dog Fruit, Model Wolf [Jyabura]

  1. Rodents (Roll 1d12)

01 Rat

02 Mouse

03 Kangaroo

04 Squirrel

05 Chipmunk

06 Armadillo

07 Gerbil

08 Hamster

09 Beaver
10 Weasel
11 Ferret

12 Capybara

  1. Lizards (Roll 1d12)

01 Frill

02 Iguana

03 Monitor

04 Chameleon

05 Crocodile

06 Alligator

07 Monitor

08 Kimono Dragon

09 Skink

10 Gecko

Examples in Series:

Lizard Fruit Model T-Rex [X Drake]



  1. Snake (roll 1d6)

01 Viper

02 Asp

03 Constrictor

04 Cobra

05 Quetzalcoatl

06 Basilisk

Examples in Series:

Snake Fruit Model King Cobra [Boa Marigold]

Snake Fruit Model Anaconda [Boa Sandersonia]

  1. Spider (roll 1d8)

01 Spider Types

02 Scorpion

03 Crab

04 Centipede

05 Millipede

06 Lobster

07 Arachne (Legendary Spider woman)

08 Tick/Flea

Examples in Series:

Caterpillar fruit [Epodia]

Spider Fruit, Model ???? [Onigumo]

  1. Frog (roll 1d6)

01 Frog

02 Toad

03 Turtle
04 Salamander

05 Kappa

06 Kane Toad

  1. Birds (roll 1d8)

01 Bird types

02 Raptor

03 Penguin

04 Bat

05 Carrion

06 Griffon

07 Duck

08 Swan

Examples in Series:

Bird Fruit, Model Falcon [Pell]



  1. Cow (roll 1d6)

01 Cow

02 Hippo

03 Sheep

04 Buffalo

05 Ox

06 Water Buffalo

07 Ram

08 Goat

Examples in Series:

Cow Fruit, Model Bison [Dalton]

Cow Fruit, Model Cow [Minotaurus]

Cow Fruit, Model Giraffe [Kaku]

Rhino Fruit [MinoRhinoceros]

  1. Horse (roll 1d8)

01 Horse Breeds

02 Camel

03 Mule

04 Deer

05 Elk

06 Moose

07 Reindeer

08 Antelope

Examples in Series:

Horse Fruit [Pierre-Gods horse]

Zebra Fruit [Minozebra]

  1. Insect (roll 1d10)

01 Fire Fly

02 Bee/ Wasp

03 Fly

04 Ant

05 Moth

06 Butterfly

07 Killer Bee
08 Fire Ant

09 Antlion

10 Cockroach

  1. Beetle (roll 1d6)

01 Dung

02 Hercules

03 Scarab

04 Lady Bug

05 Stink bug

06 Golden beetle

  1. Worm (roll 1d4)

01 Worm

02 Slugs

03 Snails

04 Death Worm

  1. Monkey (roll 1d6)

01 Monkey

02 Ape

03 Yeti

04 Lemur

05 Orangutan

06 Chimp

  1. Bear (roll 1d6)

01 Grizzly

02 Panda

03 Raccoon

04 Polar

05 Black

06 Sloth

Examples in Series:

Koala Fruit  [Minokoala]

  1. Man (roll 1d8)

01 Toddler

02 Geriatric

03 Neanderthal

04 Proto (Alien like Human)

05 God (GM decides what type of human)

06 Race based (Not skin color Races from the guide)

07 Devil (GM Decides on Demon of type)

08 God (GM Decides on God Type

Examples in Series:

Human Fruit [Tony Tony Chopper]

God Niko /Gum Gum Fruit [Monkey D. Luffy] – body takes on form of rubber

  1. Other Animal types (1d20)

01 Hedgehog

02 Rabbit

03 Skunk

04 Platypus

05 Porcupine

06 Badger

07 Honey Badger

08 Wombat

09 Tapir

10 Boar

11 Pig

12 Walrus

13 Seal

14 Otter

15 Porcupine

16 Tasmanian Devil

17 Alpaca

18 Tarsier

19 Aye-Aye

20 Jackalope

Examples in Series:

Elephant Fruit [Funk Freed – Spandam’s Sword ]

Mole Fruit [Ms. Groundhogs day/ Merry Christmas]

  1. Prehistoric ( roll 1d20)

01 Saber tooth – Character takes on the form of a saber tooth tiger

02 Mammoth – character takes on the form of a Mammoth

03 Megaloth – character takes on form of a massive Sloth about 9 ft tall

04 Meiolania – Takes on the form of a giant spiny barbed tail turtle

05 Dodo – a large flightless bird

06 Roc – character can take the form of giant bird

08 Raptor – character can take the form of velociraptor

09 Stegosaurus – character can take the form of Stegosaurus

10 Allosaurus   – character can take the form of Allosaurus

11 Ankylosaurus – character can take the form of Ankylosaurus

12 Triceratops – character can take the form of Triceratops

13 Pentadactyl – character can take the form of Pentadactyl

14 Spinosaurus – character can take the form of Spinosaurus

15 Brontosaurus – character can take the form of Brontosaurus

16 Tyrannosaurus – character can take the form of Tyrannosaurus

17 Pachycephalosaur – character can take the form of Pachycephalosaur

18 Plesiosaurus – character can take the form of Plesiosaurus

19 Aves – character can take the form of a large Raptor bird

20 Titanosaurus – character can take the form of Titanosaurus

  1. Legend

01 Chimera – character gains abilities of the legendary creature

02 Medusa – character takes on likeness of mythical creature

03 Vampire – Character becomes a vampire (cannot sire others)

04 Angel – gain the ability to gather others and flight perfect

05 Phoenix – Gain the ability to manipulate fire, Heal wounds, and fly good

06 Zombie – Gain the ability to remove limbs and enslave others

07 Ghost – gains ability to phase, fly poor, and become intangible

08 Demon Succubus – Can Drain life, Charm and fly good

09 Banshee – Gain same abilities as ghost but gain Sonic attacks as well

10 Gigas – Become a massive Giant Colossal Size

11 Devil Balthazar – can manipulate the earth

12 Devil Hades – can manipulate fire

13 Devil Auron – can manipulate water

14 Unicorn – can shift into the legendary horned horse

15 Sleipnir – can shift into a horse with eight legs

16 Fairy – can change into a small flying human like creature with magic

17 Dryad – can shift into a living plant person

18 Nymph – can shift into a creature of blinding beauty

19 Fenrir – can shift into a massive wolf creature

20 Hag – user can shift to the form of a witch and cast magic

Examples in Series:

Phoenix Fruit [Marco] – Takes on the form of the legendary bird right down to it healing properties

Buda Fruit [Sengoku] – Takes on the form of a living Giant golden Buda statue

  1. Fish

01 Pufferfish

02 Stingray

03 Tiger Shark

04 Hammerhead

05 Octopus

06 Squid

07 Box Jellyfish

08 Stonefish

09 Great white

10 Megalith

11 Kraken

12 Magical Carp – User can become a dragon