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Green Lightning – Class – Pilot



Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 4 2 1 Rotary Engine, Tail Wind
02 1 0 4 3 1  
03 2 1 5 3 2 Strafe Attack
04 3 1 5 4 2 Twin Shot
05 3 1 6 4 3 Propeller Engine
06 4 2 6 5 3 Strafe Attack +1
07 5 2 7 5 3  
08 6/1 2 7 6 4 Going Heavy
09 6/1 3 8 6 4 Strafe Attack +2
10 7/2 3 8 7 5 Combustion Engine
11 8/3 3 9 7 5  
12 9/4 4 9 8 5 Strafe Attack +3, Dropping Payload
13 9/4 4 10 8 6  
14 10/5 4 10 9 6  
15 11/6/1 5 11 9 7 Jet Engine, Strafe Attack +4
16 12/7/2 5 11 10 7 Ejector Seat
17 12/7/2 5 12 10 7  
18  13/8/3 6 12 11 8  Strafe Attack +5
19 14/9/4 6 13 11 8  
20 15/10/5 6 13 12 9 Super Sonic Engine, All out

Be it in Cars, Ships, Planes, or Giant Robots, the Pilot is a cool headed master of the vehicle and using it in combat situations. They also have a few skills outside the vehicles they use but their main skills lie behind making vehicles do amazing things.


Rotary Engine – The pilot grants any vehicle they are in and all its inhabitants a ADS Bonus of +1


Tail Wind – The Pilot can improve their PS Score to match their base attack for rounds equal to their level 1 / per day. This ability cannot be bought up to have extra uses.


Strafe Attack – A player can strike a line of targets as they move past without provoking an attack of opportunity at a -4 to hit each target at third level the player can only make this attack on one target, they gain an additional target every third level.


Twin Shot – The pilot can use two vehicle/ piloted machine’s based weapons in one attack to the similar effect of the Two Weapon Fighting feat. Normally the feat does not apply to vehicles and machines that are piloted.


Propeller Engine – An improved version of Rotary Engine granting a +2 bonus to ADS


Going Heavy – The Player can perform a ramming attack with a vehicle / piloted machine doing 1d10 for every 100lbs of the machines weight, the pilots vehicle and machine takes only ¼  the damage of hitting the target.


Combustion Engine – An improved version of Rotary Engine granting a +4 bonus to ADS


Dropping Payload – Similar to Twin shot this ability grants the vehicle / piloted machine the ability of the feat Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Jet Engine – An improved version of Rotary Engine granting a +6 bonus to ADS


Ejector Seat – The player can escape a machine or vehicle as a free action, normally it’s a full round action and leaves the pilot at risk when a vehicle or machine is about to be destroyed. In Vehicles of larger seating the pilot also awards this ability to all other riders.


Super Sonic Engine – An improved version of Rotary Engine granting a +8 bonus to ADS


All Out – The Pilot is able to unless all attacks of a vehicle or piloted machine in one massive blast that takes all the damage from all the weapons and multiples it by x4 unleashing it in one massive attack


Weapon Proficiencies:

Simple, Martial


Armor Proficiencies:



Hit Die: 1d6


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD),

Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft, Demolitions, Drive, Gamble, Knowledge Area, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Geography, Knowledge Mechanics, Knowledge Military Science, Martial Arts, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Pilot, Profession, Repair, Ride, Search, Streetwise, Survival, Swim, Use Rope, Use Technology

Green Lightning – Class – Pilot

Green Lightning – Class – Pilot