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Green Lightning – Class – Nurse


Level Base Attack Resist


Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 4 2 0 1 Healing Touch, Needle Arm +1
02 1 4 3 0 1 Aura
03 2 5 3 1 2 Surgical Strike
04 3 5 4 1 2 Doctors Bag +1
05 3 6 4 1 3 Needle Arm +2
06 4 6 5 2 3 Run By Attack
07 5 7 5 2 3  
08 6/1 7 6 2 4 Doctors Bag +2
09 6/1 8 6 3 4  
10 7/2 8 7 3 5 Needle Arm +3
11 8/3 9 7 3 5  
12 9/4 9 8 4 5 Doctors Bag +3
13 9/4 10 8 4 6  
14 10/5 10 9 4 6  
15 11/6/1 11 9 5 7 Needle Arm +4
16 12/7/2 11 10 5 7 Doctors Bag +4
17 12/7/2 12 10 5 7  
18  13/8/3 12 11 6 8  
19 14/9/4 13 11 6 8  
20 15/10/5 13 12 6 9 Needle Arm +5, Doctors Bag +5

Nurses are the saving graces in many a battle. The most powerful healing class they are skilled in boosting and aiding their allies along with demoralizing the enemies.


Healing Touch – at first level the Nurse is granted with a healing touch. This ability which 1/per day a nurse can heal their CHA Bonus x their level in HP to one target.


Aura – Nurses at second level gain the choice in an aura type this aura can be activated 1/per day and can do a variety of tasks. The aura lasts the Nurses level +1 in rounds. Once chosen a nurse cannot change their aura. But the feat Blinding Aura grants a choice of an advanced aura type.


Calm – grants all allies within 30ft +4 protection from fear causing saves

Help – grants all allies within 30ft +5 in a selected skill

Protection – grants all allies within 30ft +4 Resistance save

Uneasiness – grants all enemies within 30ft -4 to Reflex saves

Sexy – Stuns all enemies, Will DC 10+level

Fear – Releases an aura of fear to all enemies in 30ft Will DC 10+level

Charm – Release an aura that causes all enemies in 30ft to be charmed Will DC 10+level

Comfort – grants all allies within 30ft Regeneration 1d4


Needle Arm – Needle arm is a boost ability of one of the following, Attack (to hit and damage), Skill (+5 to a chosen skill [stacks with aura ability]), or Defense (ADS and saves) the boost is based on the ranking of the needle arm and lasts 1 round +level. This ability boosts to +2 granting a higher bonus in the attack and defense and granting a boost of +10. It increases at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. The ability can be used 1 +level /per day


Surgical Strike – Nurses at level three gain a unique bonus to their own weapons, Nurses using thrown weapons can Use their INT and CHA Bonus (if they have one) to add to their thrown weapons to hit. This doesn’t add to the damage of the weapon only increases their to-hit score with thrown weapons.


Doctors Bag – at fourth level a nurse can heal with tools such as bandages at a higher rate granting healing from the item multiplied by the Doctors Bag level. Doctors bag +1 allows cloth be used to create bandages healing 2d6 HP, This ability can also lessen injuries severity by 10. This increases at level 8 3d6 or 20 to injury roll, 12 4d6 or 30 to injury roll, 16 5d6 or 40 to injury roll, and 20 6d6 or 50 to injury roll. Nurses can use this ability as long as they have supplies. It takes a full round to activate however and leaves the nurse prone while in use.


Run By Attack – A unique attack of a nurse where they can move through enemies and strike at all as she passes by. A player can strike targets within reach as they run past (provokes attacks of opportunity. The attacks suffer a -4 to hit but add +2 damage with each hit and the player doesn’t have to stop at the target they hit they can keep moving.


Weapon Proficiencies:

Simple, Needle, Net, Whip


Armor Proficiencies:



Hit Die: 1d6


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD),

Acrobatics, Animal Empathy, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Gather Info, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge Biology, Knowledge Poisons, Medical, Notice, Perform, Pilot, Profession, Read Lips, Search, Seduction, Survival, Use Rope, Use Tech

Green Lightning – Class – Nurse

Green Lightning – Class – Nurse