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Green Lightning – Class – Monk


Level Base Attack Resist


Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 2 2 2 1 Bonus Feat, Unarmed Attack, Elemental Strike
02 1 3 3 3 1 Bonus Feat, Evasion
03 2 3 3 3 2 Mind of Water, Speed Bonus +10 ft
04 3 4 4 4 2 Slow Fall 20
05 3 4 4 4 3 Purity of Body, PS Bonus +1
06 4 5 5 5 3 Bonus Feat, Slow Fall +30, Speed Bonus +20ft
07 5 5 5 5 3 Wholeness Of Body
08 6/1 6 6 6 4 Slow Fall +40
09 6/1 6 6 6 4 Improved Evasion, Speed Bonus +30ft
10 7/2 7 7 7 5 Slow Fall +50, PS +2
11 8/3 7 7 7 5 Diamond Body
12 9/4 8 8 8 5 Abundant Step, Slow Fall +60, Speed Bonus +40
13 9/4 8 8 8 6 Diamond Soul
14 10/5 9 9 9 6 Slow Fall +70
15 11/6/1 9 9 9 7 Elemental Palm, PS +3, Speed Bonus +50
16 12/7/2 10 10 10 7 Slow Fall +80
17 12/7/2 10 10 10 7 Timeless Body, Tongue of Sun and Moon
18  13/8/3 11 11 11 8 Slow Fall +90, Speed Bonus +60
19 14/9/4 11 11 11 8 Spirit Body
20 15/10/5 12 12 12 9  Natural Form, Slow Fall (any), PS +4


A Monk, is a person in tune with the environment and world on a spiritual level that they can manipulate the world to aid them in fighting and defense. The monk’s skill and power is mainly defensive with supporting attacks that make a great defensive character to have on your side.


Elemental Strike – The monk at first level can expend a round to tune into their birth element to convert their attacks to do elemental type damage (types listed below).

Fire – Unarmed attacks are fire damage, crits burn slowly doing 1d2 damage for 1d4 rounds

Water – Unarmed attacks are cold damage, crits slows a target for 1d4 rounds

Wind – Unarmed attacks are slashing damage, crits knock target prone

Earth – Unarmed attacks are acid damage, crits burn slowly doing 1d2 damage for 1d4 rounds

Lighting – Unarmed attacks are electric damage, crits stun target for 1 round DC 10+level resist


Unarmed Attack – At First level and every level there after a Monk uses both STR Bonus and DEX Bonus in a melee attack when unarmed. Granting them an stronger Melee attack then most classes.


Evasion – At 2nd level or higher, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.


Fast Movement – At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to his land speed. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.


Mind of Water – A monk of 3rd level or higher gains the ability to add their Spirit Mod to their protection score to avoid attacks greater



Slow Fall – At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent. When first gaining this ability, he takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk’s ability to slow his fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with his monk level until at 20th level he can use a nearby wall to slow his descent and fall any distance without harm.


PS score Boost – When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his PS score. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to PS score at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses to PS score apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is surprised. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.


Purity Body – At 5th level, a monk gains a higher resistance to diseases and poisons allowing them to add their level in a resistance roll to avoid the effects of the threat.


Wholeness of Body – At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal his own wounds as a standard action. He can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to his monk level. They can do this action based on their total Spirit Score.


Improved Evasion – At 9th level, a monk’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.


Diamond Body – At 11th level, a monk can add ½ their level in their Armor Defense Score making them greater resistant to damage. This does not count as DR but a natural armor thus cannot be reduced using attacks that lower DR.


Abundant Step – At 12th level or higher, a monk can slip between spaces, as if using the ability Ninja Teleport.  Using this ability is a move action that can be done ½ their level in times per day.  His caster level for this effect is equal to his monk level. He cannot take other creatures with him when he uses this ability.


Diamond Soul – At 13th level a monk gains resistance to elements (Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid) equal to ½ Monk level


Elemental Palm – Starting at 15th level, a monk can set up their elemental attack to release a quick burst attack that they can throw. The damage 1d6+lvl in the element type they fall under, for a range of 30’ ft.


Timeless Body – At 17th level, a monk can add ½ their level to saves to avoid stat drain.


Tongue of Sun and Moon – At 17th Level a Monk can speak with any living creature


Spirit Body – At 19th level, a monk gains the ability to take on Spirit form making them immune to attacks (The exception is form other creatures with spiritual forms) they can maintain this form based on their level + spirit score in rounds. While in this form they can still make elemental attacks that hit their targets.


Nature Form – At 20th level, a monk can take on the form of their Element for 1d10 round +their level acting as an elemental of equal their size in terms of types of attacks




Bonus Feat – At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk may select a bonus feat. These feats are as follows:


Catch off Guard, Close Quarters Fighting, Dazzling Display, Deflect Arrows, Flame Stance, Fist of Iron, Flying Kick, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Karmic Strike, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mountain Stance, Prone Attack, Quick Draw, Scorpion Style, Shatter Defenses, Throw Anything, Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Cumbrous Dodge, Cumbrous Resistance, Cumbrous Reflexes, Cumbrous Will, Dodge, Expeditious Dodge, Greater Resistance, Iron Will, Lighting Reflexes, Lightning Stance, Mobility, Wave Stance,  Wind Stance, Hunted Man


Weapon Proficiencies: club, crossbow (light and heavy), dagger, hand ax, javelin, Kama,

Nunchaku, quarter staff, sai, shuriken, siangham, sling


Armor Proficiencies: None


Hit Die: 1d8


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD),

Acrobatics, Animal Empathy, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge History, Knowledge Religion, Martial Arts, Medical, Notice, Perform, Profession, Stealth, Swim, Taunt, Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Green Lightning – Class – Monk

Green Lightning – Class – Monk