One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Merfolk


Mermen / Mermaid

Merfolk are shown in the world of One Piece as one of the two major races that inhabit the Sea, the other being the Fishmen, and seemed to be ruled by an individual know for now only as the mermaid Princess. Merfolk are the prize catch as slaves with young females selling at a staggering 70,000,000 making them highly sought after by kidnapping teams. Parted females sell for only 10,000,000

Like the mermaids and mermen of folklore, their upper half is that of a human while the lower half is that of a fish. As demonstrated recently by Kokoro, mermaids may walk on land as when they are thirty years old, their tails split into two. Like the Fishmen, they are based on the different fish of the Sea; for example, Kokoro is an Icefish Mermaid.

Inter-species Relationships
Unlike the Fishmen, the Merfolk are peaceful, and prefer their race to remain a secret. They often are rumored to aid drowning sailors, plucking them from the sea and taking them to safety.
Mermaids and Mermen are friends to the fishes of the sea, fun loving and usually get along with most people, including Fishmen (even though Fishmen can often take advantage of the Merfolk’s good nature).

Like Fishmen, Merfolk face dramatic discrimination in certain areas due to past history between them and humans. While the World Government has attempted to bridge the gap, they are still considered valuable in areas where slavery is still legal in this world. A captured female mermaid under 30 (when their tail splits and they can walk on land) that is sold in auction in the Sabaody Archipelago can go for a starting price of 70,000,000 Beli. The wealthy who buy one usually keep them as a trophy.

Mermaid/mermen don’t exchange blood and its said wont have a relationship with humans due to the refusal in the past by humans to give blood to Sun Pirates captain Fisher Tiger. Do to this while the two species get along its less likely any half breeds with humans are seen.

Overall Strength
They appear much weaker then the Fishmen, however it is difficult to tell their strength considering only two so far have made an appearance. Merfolk are also the fastest swimmers in sea.
• PS Score – 10 Mermaids are keen at avoiding attacks
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, -2 STR
• Water Breathing – Mermaids can breathe both water and air, they lose this ability if they eat a devil fruit
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Defect – Hunted Defect – The slave trade on Mermaids is so high many will take a chance at kidnapping them
• Level Rating –+ 2 (This is higher for some variant Mermaid types.

Favored Class:

Racial Defects:

Special – Until a Mermaid / Merman reaches Adulthood in their age their fins don’t split and thus cant walk on land, however many get around this with a floating bubble created from the sap from Yakukiman Mangrove
bubbles. They can also seek to amend this by having legs of other surgically added to them.

Variant Types:
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +6 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Great Beauty – Goldfish Mermaids gain a bonus to all Social skills of +10
• Level Rating – +2

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 2
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, +2 STR, -2 END, -4 SPI
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Visions – This version of mermaid is capable to foresee future events and events occurring sever distances away in their mind
• Level Rating – +3

Octopus / Squid
• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +10 Swim
• Multiple Arms – allows extra attacks a round at -2
• Swim Speed – 30ft Good
• Boneless form – this mermaid can squeeze their body into tight spaces and hiding spots ¼ their size.
• Level Rating – +2

Flying Fish
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 COM, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim, +20 Jump
• Fly Speed – 60ft Fair
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Level Rating – +4

• PS Score – 6
• ADS Score – +4
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 SPI, +4 STR, -4 WIS, -2 CHA
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Echo Location – This ability grants them a bonus +20 to search roles
• Level Rating – +5

One Piece – Race – Merfolk

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Merfolk