Green Lightning RPG General News One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race – Mechanoid


A cyborg is a human or other life form who has been modified with machinery and metal for better functioning. These mechanical enhancements can include cybernetic replacements for missing organs or body parts, metal skin for extra protection, and weapons installed somewhere in the body.


Cyborgs in One Piece

In the series, cyborgs are rare, as the technology required for their creation is somewhat advanced. Those who are cyborgs often have an advantage in battle, as they are more powerful than regular humans in both offense and defense.


Though they have mechanical parts, so long as their brain is not altered in any way, these cyborgs maintain their free will. As shown with Bartholomew Kuma, cyborgs with their brains modified lose their free will. This leaves them “dead”, reducing them to being nothing more than a tool. It is also claimed by Donquixote Doflamingo that such cyborgs have no memories or recollections of their past lives. Indeed, Kuma has become obedient to the words of the World Government he once hated so much. In an earlier instance when Nami hears a heartless remark from Franky, she asks him if he replaced his heart, to which he apologizes in metaphoric terms that he “never meant to go that far”. This confirms Franky, unlike Kuma, has not lost his humanity.


They can also be made from the corpses of the dead as well as the bodies of the living. The one thing      they all share in common is they are still capable of bleeding.


Inter-species Relationships

Cyborgs can be made from any race but generally are made from humans as they tend to handle the change better. As to their actions with other races is based off their each individual attitudes. Keep in mind though that many cyborgs have a cold heart to the emotional moments of other races so they may come off as jerks.


Overall Strength

Cyborgs are enhancing races and have an array of hidden weapons and armor about them. They lose most of the advantages of their former race, even though they are still living creatures, unlike robots. Additional attacks can be bought by gaining the feat Special Attack for which the play gains 1 more attack from the body for each time the feat is purchased. Most attacks however are standard based weapons damage or defenses unless bought up as a Power (See Creating powers section)


Cyborgs are a half race, they gain the following on top of the base races Stats, Skills, and some abilities based on the racial mixed race

  • PS Score – (based on original race)
  • ADS Score – 5
  • Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 INT, – 2 END, -2 SPI
  • Saves – +4 Resistance
  • Weakness – Bashing Weapons ignores 5 points of ADS
  • Built In Attacks – Cyborgs gain 3 free powers (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form
  • Power source – Cyborgs require a power source of some sort to use their bodies Built in attacks (see build rules for choices)
  • Mechanic – Cyborgs can only heal ½ their HP through the use of medicine, they need a repair check to be made to heal the other half of their damage.
  • Cold Emotions – Cyborgs are considered half constructs thus certain things like Bardic music have partial affect
  • Level Rating – 2


Favored Class:



Cold Uncaring Machines. Robots are a constructed race built by the greatest minds in the world to be walking machines of death and destruction. Most of these machines are complete control of the world government and where built by Vega Punk for use to place a halt in rebel and Pirate activities.


Inter-species Relationships


Robots have no intention to do anything other then what they are programmed to do and like.  Most races don’t know about nor seen a robot as they are often disguised as a human.


Overall Strength

One of the most powerful races in the game, yet at the same time hardest to play as they have no emotion and only do what is ordered of them. Robots greatest strength is in the fact that they are walking artillery houses. Each robot has a minimum 3 special attacks about its body. Additional attacks can be bought by gaining the feat Special Attack for which the play gains 1 more attack from the body for each time the feat is purchased. Most attacks however are standard based weapons damage or defenses unless bought up as a Power (See Creating powers section)


  • PS Score – Based on sizes 4 (huge)/ 6 (large)/ 8 (medium)/ 10 (small)/ 12 (tiny)
  • ADS Score – 10
  • Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CHA -4 SPI
  • Saves – Immune to all disease (except computer viruses), immune to poison
  • Regeneration – A robot will self- repair slowly over time restoring their END modifier and level per minute
  • Built in Attacks – Robots gain free powers based on their size (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form [Huge 6 powers, Large 5 powers, Medium 4 powers, Small powers, Tiny 2 powers]
  • Exchangeable Parts– Robots can spend a round and lock a weapon into place making it unable to be released or dropped, it can however be sundered and broken.
  • Power Source – Robots require a power source of some sort to use their bodies Built in attacks (see build rules for choices)
  • Cold Emotions (Robot) – Robots are considered constructs thus certain things like Bardic music don’t effect it as it would affect others
  • Machine Repair – Robots while they eventually self-repair cannot repair damage on their own quickly through medical, or other healing means. They require repair checks done instead.
  • Level Rating – 6


Favored Class:




Spaceys (スペーシー, Supēshī) are a type of robot first seen in Enel’s mini-series who was deactivated in some ancient ruins on Fairy Vearth. It takes place after the Straw Hat Pirates defeated him in Skypiea.

First Appearance: Chapter 433



Spaceys are a robotic animal-like creature, similar in appearance to each other all with the same face and moustache. Despite being machines, there are no obvious signs of their robotic build on the outside of them and they appear as flesh and blood. The Machine Island ones are dressed in themed outfits and are a little bit bigger than their Fairy Vearth counterparts. The Fairy Vearth Spaceys have the same wings the Shandians and Skypieans wear on their backs.



The story of the ancient Spaceys is that they were created by the ancient inhabitants of the moon. When the inhabitants of the moon ran out of resources, they left behind their homes and the Spaceys, heading off to the blue star leaving both sides saddened by their separation.


Inter-species Relationships

Spaceys being only known to those on Sky Islands make them a very mysterious race but what we know is that they more toy like looking at others as ones to play with them. Thus they most likely will get along with all races acting sort of childlike with them thinking that it is all a game to play.


Overall Strength


Originating from a distant sky island they are stuffed animal like in appearance and also have

little wings on their backs like the Sky Islanders but they are machines or cyborgs (not known yet

how much machine) Level Adjustment +3 Self Repair (Regeneration +5), Small Size, +2 DEX, +4


  • PS Score – 10
  • ADS Score – 0 While Spaceys are robotic in form they are also coated in a soft squishy shell
  • Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +4 CHA, – 4 SPI
  • Saves – Immune to all disease (except computer viruses), immune to poison
  • Regeneration – A Spacey will self- repair slowly over time restoring their END modifier and level per minute
  • Built In Attacks – Spacey gain 1 free power (equal to 15 Build points each) that are built into their body form
  • No Seriously – has a difficult time getting people to listen or acknowledge them as a voice to be heard -4 to all social rolls
  • Level Rating – 4


Favored Class:


Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race Mechaniods

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Race Mechaniods