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Green Lightning – Class – Lore Master

Lore Master


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 2 4 1 Lore Master Knowledge
02 0 0 3 4 1 Secret
03 1 1 3 5 2  
04 1 1 4 5 2 Secret
05 1 1 4 6 2  
06 2 2 5 6 3 Secret
07 2 2 5 7 3  
08 2 2 6 7 3 Secret
09 3 3 6 8 4  
10 3 3 7 8 4 Secret
11 3 3 7 9 4  
12 4 4 8 9 5 Secret
13 4 4 8 10 5  
14 4 4 9 10 5 Secret
15 5 5 9 11 6  
16 5 5 10 11 6 Secret
17 5 5 10 12 6  
18  6/1 6 11 12 7 Secret
19 6/1 6 11 13 7  
20 6/1 6 12 13 7 Secret


A Lore Master, is a master of knowledge. Mostly bookish people that have learn how to do things in a unique way that grants them abilities that almost seem like magic in ways. Lore masters tend to be older people but there have been known of some young bright minds. They aren’t very keen of fighting and often in a fight say in the back where it’s safer and where they can help out by seeing through the enemies plans.


Lore Master Knowledge -lore masters can make an unskilled check and add their level in

knowledge skills


Secret – Lore masters pick up unique abilities, attacks and skills on their travels, when the class grants them they get to choose one of these choices


Applicable Knowledge – grants one feat that the Lore master meet prerequisites. Can be taken

multiple times.


Lore of Auras – Lore master can make a search check to identify if an item has been modified or not. Also can determine if a liquid is poison or potion


Lore of Common Knowledge – Gains one cross class skill as a class skill


Lore of Defense – Grants a +1 to Defense Bonus, the effects stack


Lore of Skills – Gains 20 additional Skill points.


Nerve Bundle Strike – Resist save attack (DC 10+Damage dealt) if failed the subject is brought to 0 HP, if passed the subject is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds 1/day each time its take it adds a use per day.

Secret Strike – make an attack 1/day that adds INT bonus to hit and Lore master Level to Damage, each time taken adds one use per day


Blab – make target make a Will save vs. Sleep (DC 10+Lore master level +INT bonus)  1/day, each time taken adds one use per day


Lost Art – Lore master holds action till end of turn and is able to attack target with a ranged touch attack with ½ lore master level d 6’s attack is considered magic 1/day, each time taken adds one use per day.


Lore of Arms – Take this Lore and gain skill with a weapon outside of the Weapon Proficiencies given without the feat


Lore of Combat – Gain a +1 to you Base Attack Bonus


Deep thought – Lore master gets a +2 to Will saves, the effects stack each time taken


Mettle – The Lore master can evade Will saves like the ability Evasion does for Reflex.


Guts – The Lore master can evade Resist saves like the ability Evasion does for Reflex.


Lore of Beast – This lore grants the user a natural weapon of claws, horns or teeth (player’s choice)   that they can release at will. Doing 1d8 damage x2 on critical, with the damage being slashing for claws, Bashing with Horns, and Piercing for Teeth. When not active the weapons don’t appear.


Lore of Savage – This lore grants the user the ability to invoke a Rage similar to that of a Barbarian. Taking this ability multiple times allow a new use of rage a day.


Gibbering of Madness – The Lore Master rambles on in Tongues causing the effect of confusion on a target (Will save DC, Lore Master level + Charisma Modifier). Taking this multiple times grants an extra use of this ability.


Cold Stare – The Lore Master can strike a target with a ranged touch ray of cold. Doing 1d8, per ¼ level, of the Lore Master. Taking this multiple times grants an extra use of this ability.


Lore of Spells – Lore Master trades one secret for a new spell to use at their disposal.


Lore of Magic – Lore Master gains a Boost to a selected Magic Type Boosting all spells by making them count as being cast 2 levels higher.


Lore of the Stars – Lore master can mimic a Celestial’s powers by being able to do one power based on the stars power per day.


Snake Vision – The Lore Master can Strike a target with an attack that paralyzes the target of ½ the Lore masters level. (Will save DC, Lore Master Level + Charisma) Taking this multiple times grants an extra use of this ability


Lore of Guns – The Lore master can make a simple craft item check on weapons to combine weapons allowing one attack do the damage of the two. The lore master can only link up to his Int Mod in weapons. Each weapon attached causes the weapons use to be delayed by a round to use again no matter if the weapon needs reloading or not.


Lore of Net – The Lore Master can use their Use technology skill to lower the defenses of Machines abilities allowing decreasing their attack and to hit by their lore master levels


Lore of Code – The Lore Master can do their level in damage to machines when they roll a Use technology skill check


Lore of Light – The Lore Master can create a invisible barrier that grants them a shield bonus equal to their level, for 1 round a level. 1/per day.


Lore of Shadow – The Lore Master can turn invisible for their level in rounds 1/per day


Lore of Dimensions – The Lore Master can teleport 60’ x their level 1/per day


Weapon Proficiencies: Simple


Armor Proficiencies: None


Hit Die: 1d6


Skills: (points per level 50+INT Mod), Animal Empathy, Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Forgery, Gamble, Gather Info, Knowledge (all skills), Medical, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Pick Pocket, Profession, Repair, Streetwise, Taunt, Use Magic Device, Use Tech

Green Lightning – Class – Lore Master

Green Lightning – Class – Lore Master