One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Humans


One Piece Races


Since they outnumber most other races, usually are amongst the most technologically advanced and organized of the races, human beings remain the dominate race in the world.

Most islands are inhabited by humans, even in the Grand Line, where most of the stronger races such as the Fishmen and Giants are found. As slaves, regular humans sell for just 500,000

Differences between humans varies greatly, islands not allied with the World Government form a number of tribes including (but not exclusive to) the Dwarves, Longarm Tribe and Snake Neck Tribe. Other tribes are expected to exist as Ape-like humans including Masira, Shoujou and the Coffee Monkeys have also appeared; Masira himself claimed openly to be human and not ape although was not insulted when called a “monkey”. As of Thriller Bark, humans with demonic features also appear int he storyline.

Inter-species Relationships
The weakness of the humans in the One Piece world often makes other Races such as the Fishmen come to think lowly of them. Often this reaches to the point where they inflict heavy racism onto Humans themselves, although not all Fishmen typically think this. Often this is met by humans with returned racism towards the Fishmen, sometimes leading to bloodshed. Part of the problem is that Humans tend to think of Fishmen and the Mermen as nothing more than fish, dismissing them as “men” thus alienating any chances of them being viewed as equals with humans.

Amongst the humans themselves, there is an apparent problem with the non-World Government allied tribes. Their freakish appearances (such as having long arms or legs) are often a lure for kidnapping crews at Sabaody Archipelago, who sell them as slaves because their selling rate is much higher than a regular human. These tribes and races caught up in slavery are often sold for a higher price then “normal” humans.

Overall Strength
Most of the inhabitants of the One Piece world are Humans and are one of the weakest races on the planet. While the average human is as weak as in Real Life, with enough training they are able to train themselves to be able to do incredible stunts such as using Super-Human Strength and incredible abilities. Humans are more likely to consider the usage of Devil Fruits than any other creature in the world, and are the leaders in Devil Fruit research.

Racial Traits:
• Scale Size – Medium
• Set Skill Bonus – +1 Set Skill
• Bonus Feat – at Creation a Humans gain one extra feat
• 5 extra Build Points at 1st level
• PS Score – Humans Racial Protection Score is 8
• ADS Score – Humans have no bonus to ADS naturally
• Stat Bonus – at Level 5 and every 5th level on a Humans gain an extra Stat Boost of +1
• Saves – Humans have no bonus to their saves

Racial Defects:
Unlike other races Human has no set racial Defect, unless the GM states otherwise.

Favored Class:

Half Breed
Sometimes a player may want to mix races to develop their characters. In the case of mixing one race with a Human they get the following.

• Scale Size – Medium, if their other half is larger or smaller they meet halfway thru the difference, In the case of on size larger or smaller they will remain Medium but be bigger or smaller than your average Human.
• Set Skill – +1 Set Skill
• Bonus Feat – at creation the human half breed gains one extra feat
• PS score – The half breed protection score is mixed with both races thus for Human Half Breeds they use 8 and subtract it form the breed of the other races score to get the difference in their score to add or subtract from the standard Half Breed Score which is 8.
• ADS Score – Half Breed Humans gain no ADS through their human side, if their other half has ADS then they gain ½ (rounded up) of that number
• Saves – Half breed humans gain no bonus from their human half to saves, and only ½ the save of their other half.
• Racial Defect – Half Breed – in games where it is allowed half breeds are more often looked down on and thus a half breed takes a -2 to social interactivity outside of other half breeds.

Favored Class:

Kuja (Amazon)
Kuja (九蛇, Kuja?) are a tribe of all female fighters found on the island of Amazon Lily. Apparently, until they found Luffy on their island, they had never seen a man before.


The Kuja Tribe
The Kuja wear revealing clothing with white capes and often have strange hairstyles. Several of them are seen carrying a large snake wrapped around them; when the Kuja threaten Luffy, it is revealed that they use the snakes as bows.

The Kuja tribe consists entirely of women. The majority of them are therefore unfamiliar with men, particularly their anatomy. It is stated that the women who leave Amazon Lily sometimes return pregnant. Oddly, they always give birth to females. The women are raised in the ways of the warrior and are often burly and strong, but there are the odd beauties amongst them. The Kuja are a race who consider strength as beauty and there is no room for the greedy and foolish to enter (an odd irony considering their current leader). Despite being a warrior race, the Kuja cultivates a surprisingly peaceful existence within Amazon Lily, and only engages in battle amongst themselves in arranged competitions held in the local arena for the general public’s entertainment. They seem to have little knowledge about Devil Fruit powers, despite the fact that Boa Hancock and her two sisters have Devil Fruit powers themselves (Margueritte actually believes that Luffy can’t swim because men are “useless”). Taking advantage of this, Hancock lied to the rest of the tribe, telling them her and her sisters’ powers were from slaughtering a Gorgon in battle, instead of them being fed Devil Fruits during their enslavement by the hands of the Tenryuubito.

Just as they have limited knowledge on men, likewise the rest of the world seems to know little about them. Momonga’s men give one of the many examples of the Kuja pirates rumors, stating they turn people to stone. However, this rumor applies only to Boa Hancock. They may lack information on Devil Fruits, but in exchange, most Kuja warriors, if not all, seems to be knowledgeable and fairly proficient in the use of Haki; which is something that is usually exclusive to none but the most powerful warriors so far seen in the series, such as Shanks, Luffy, and Rayleigh.

The Kuja have always lived in peaceful isolation due to their natural advantage of living in an island in the Calm Belt, protected from the rest of the world by the Sea Kings who surround them. However, this isolation has slowly eroded away as advancements in Sea stone technology has allowed the government to make new ships that can pass through the Calm Belt with no Sea King interference. The only means of protection remaining is the alliance held by their empress as a member of the Shichibukai, which both protects the Kuja from Marine attack but unfortunately classifies all, both at sea and at home, as pirates. The Kuja and their leader must comply with the government’s terms or risk the attack and destruction of everyone on the island, a peace barely hanging by a thread in a rapidly changing world.

Apparently, for the empresses of the tribe, they can contract a disease known as “love sickness”, which is when the empress grows infatuated with a man, but keeps that love suppressed, which leads to death

Kuja unlike other human races forgo the Build Point Bonus they gain for being human for the following changes

• PS Score – 10 Kuja are trained in combat and with it they learn how to avoid damage
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 COM, -2 WIS
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Nature, +10 Survival
• Special – Only Female characters are playable in this Variant
• Armament Haki – Kuja are trained in using Armament Haki (see Haki rules for effect)
• Snake Bow – Kuja are proficient in using snakes that they are raised with as bows, the bows gain +1 for every four levels of the player
• Defect – What is Strange Being call Man – Kuja Members come from an island where men are seen as evil and hated they get a -10 to all social rolls in dealing with men
• Level Rating – 4

A moving Sky Island that houses a collection of the top minds in weather prediction, Mainly housing old men but with a few younger people the island has a peaceful take on things in life and offers their weather based skills to be used for profit of the island.

As a Human variant, they do not gain the Bonus build points for Humans, instead they get the following.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 INT, +2 SPI, -2 DEX, -2 STR, -2 END
• Skills – +10 Profession Farming, +10 Navigation, +10 Knowledge Nature, +10 Knowledge Machines
• Wind Knot – Weatherpia members are trained to create a wind knot in ropes, and can use this knot to summon forth small gusts of wind
• Weather Bubble – Weatherpia members have access to weather seeds to grow bubbles containing small amounts of weather they can later release.
• Weather Prediction – Weatherpia trains its followers in how to detect the changes in weather and patterns, letting them predict the best ways to change it for profit.
• Defect – Pacifist – The people of Weatherpia are not ones for fighting and will go out of their way to avoid fights. They take a -2 to all combat actions.
• Level Rating – 2

Favored Class:

Torino Kingdom (South Blue)

Idiot savants in technology and herbs, a race of caveman like people, have lived on this island along with giant birds, while they wear simple cloth clothing to cover their shame they sport weapons that on first look are simple yet on closer examination are actually complex uses of springs and gears. They also have an extensive knowledge and library on medical herbs and their uses.

As a Human variant, Torino players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 6 due to their lazy behavior
• ADS Score – 2 Torino are a race of tough people from their natural exposure to the elements.
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR +2 SPI – 2 INT
• Skills – +10 Medicine, +10 Knowledge Biology, +10 Craft Weapons, +10 Craft Items, +10 Knowledge Machines
• Weakness – Idiot Savant – Torino people are highly intelligent towards things they have around them yet are ignorant to basic tasks. They have a -2 to using new things till they spend time learning them (a period of one week at which point the player rolls a Intelligence check 20 DC [it decreases by 1 per day after]) to remove the defect effect on the new thing to them.
• Defect – Lazy – these people don’t want to put to much effort in work and often will just sit there and do nothing in place of work, Will save DC 15 to do work.
• Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Momoiro Island (Kamabakka Kingdom)
The island paradise Okama King claimed for his followers. It is inhabited completely with transvestites (a few transgender members). (note the difference would be if they accepted Okama fully changing them or not with his power). All those on this island begin to weaken to the power of desire the island has, Despite its odd ways the Island actually houses powerful warriors trained in a form of combat called Kama kempo. Many truly skilled members of the island are Haki users of Defense. They are known throughout the world just as much as the Amazons at Amazon Lily, yet unlike the Amazons they can be seen throughout the world traveling.

As a Human variant, Kama players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 STR, -4 CHA
• Skills – +10 Craft Cooking, +10 Seduction
• Speed Demons – +60 Movement
• Deceptive Appearances – First looks can attract a character with the Pervert defects to be charmed by them to move in closer. But once up close the person needs to make a will save vs shock. DC 15.
• Observation Haki (Avoidance) – Observation Haki (Avoidance) (see Haki rules section for effect)
• Defect – Transvestite / Cross Dresser – Members of this island live their lives fully in the cloths of the opposite gender -5 to all social rolls
• Level Rating – 4

Favored Class:
Martial Artist

Longarm Tribe
Longarm Tribe (手長族, Tenaga-zoku) are a tribe of Humans in the One Piece world. They have not been explained deeply yet, but are mentioned in the list of slave prices Duval gives Sanji. They sell for 700,000 as slaves.

Scratchmen Apoo is a member of this tribe and according to his appearance the reason why they are called this is because their arms are lengthened by the fact they are double elbowed. Apparently they are the ones responsible for destroying the country of Harahetternia of Namakura Island. The cultists of Namakura Island were in the middle of a summoning of Satan, wanting him to help destroy the Longarm Tribe. However, due to Kuma, Brook landed right in the middle of the summoning. Believing him to be
Satan, the people of Namakura Island want him to help them get revenge on the Longarm Tribe.

As a Human variant, Longarm players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR
• Skills – Due to their second elbow Long armed clan members have a +20 to Escape Arts
• Grapple – Long arm Tribe members have a +4 bonus to grapple
• Reach – Long Arm Tribe Members grant all their attacks with a 5ft extra reach
• Defect – Tribal War – Longarm Tribe has for years been fighting the Longleg tribe over things, this causes the two to have serious bad blood together to the point the two groups together in one area are likely to start a fight instead of peacefully work things out
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:
Martial Artist

Longleg Tribe
The Longleg Tribe (足長族, Ashinaga-zoku) are a tribe of Humans in the One Piece world. They have not been explained deeply yet, but are mentioned in the list of slave prices Duval gives Sanji. They sell for 700,000 as slaves. It is believed that like Longarm Tribe has two elbows then Longleg Tribe has two knees.

As a Human variant, Longleg players do not gain the bonus build points, in exchange they get the following

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX
• Saves – +2 Reflex
• Steady Walk – Longleg players have a steady footing while walking granting them a bonus of +4 to saves involving unsteady ground
• Speed Boost – Longleg tribe members move at a speed of 40
• Defect – Tribal War – Longarm Tribe has for years been fighting the Longleg tribe over things, this causes the two to have serious bad blood together to the point the two groups together in one area are likely to start a fight instead of peacefully work things out
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

Herculean (Human Variant)
A fairly unknown birth defect in humans that make a race of Large Humans, Born of a distant relative of giants to human parents, Herculean’s are looked at as strong brutes of the human world and often take on these roles to dwarf over their own Human kin. As a sub-race of human they maintain the abilities and bonuses of a human. But they do not gain the bonus build points exchange their Stat boosts for +2 STR,
+2 END and the large size category. Despite their monster appearance they are still treated as humans in society and history.

Racial Traits:
• PS Score – 6 due to their larger size they are easier targets to hit
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END
• Bonus Feat – at Creation a Humans gain one extra feat
• Large Size Category
• Stat Bonus – at Level 5 and every 5th level on a Humans gain an extra Stat Boost of +1
• Defect – Big Guy – Larger size makes it hard to navigate smaller areas without injury DC 15 Reflex vs 1d8 bashing damage when moving in smaller spaces.

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Humans

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Humans