Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Fairy Tail RPG Advanced Class – Dragon Slayer

Dragon Slayer/God Slayer – Legendary magic users that have some of the most powerful spells in the world.


Requirements: Dragon Slayer/ God Slayer Magic

Base Attack: +4

Skills: Concentration 50%


Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense Bonus Special Ability
01 1 2 0 0 1 Eat Element Boost, Burst Mode
02 2 2 1 1 1 Stronger Bond
03 3 3 1 1 2 Dragon Hide
04 4 3 1 1 2 Dragon Knowledge +10
05 5 4 2 2 3 Eat Magic Any, Fury Mode
06 6 4 2 2 3 Greater Bond
07 7 5 2 2 4 Dragon Skin
08 8 5 3 3 4 Dragon Knowledge +20
09 9 6 3 3 5 Eat Lacrima
10 10 6 3 3 5


Hit Dice: 1d10


Defect: Upon taking this class the player becomes weak to Motion Sickness [vehicle] (incurable)


Eat Element Boost – Gain double Mana from eating magic


Burst Mode – at the cost of ½ Mana pool Player is boosts a single stat by players level based on their element (IE wind would boost WIS or DEX, Fire STR or END 1d10+1/2 level active)


Stronger Bond – +1 per level of Dragon/ God slayer with the magic that is Dragon or God slayer


Dragon Hide – Players add ½ their dragon slayer levels into their Defense when their magic is active


Dragon Knowledge – Players gain one Knowledge Skill where they gain a bonus of +20 to that skill


Eat Magic – The player can now eat any magic, at ½ the gain eating their element but must make a  Resist save DC 15


Fury Mode – At 5th level the player can perform Burst mode on two stats instead of one


Greater Bond – The bond the player gets from Stronger Bond is increased to +3


Dragon Skin – Dragon hide gets stronger and now does per level and not half level


Eat Lacrima – The player can eat lacrima to gain its mana provided they pass a Resist save DC 30 vs poison


Skills: (per level 30 + INT MOD)

Climb, Concentration, Demolitions, Intimidate, Jump, Navigate, Notice, Search, Survival, Stealth, Use Magic Device


Green Lightning – Fairy Tail Advanced Class – Dragon Slayer

Green Lightning – Fairy Tail Advanced Class – Dragon Slayer