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Green Lightning – Class – Bard


Level Base Attack Resist


Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 2 2 1 Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music, Inspire Courage +1,

Counter Song, Fascinate , Distraction

02 1 0 3 3 1 Inspire Disorder -1
03 2 1 3 3 2 Inspire Competence
04 3 1 4 4 2 Twang
05 3 1 4 4 2  
06 4 2 5 5 3 Suggestion
07 5 2 5 5 3 Pleasant Melody
08 6/1 2 6 6 3 Inspire Courage +2, Doom-song
09 6/1 3 6 6 4 Inspire Greatness, Inspire Disorder -2
10 7/2 3 7 7 4 Combine Songs, Sproing
11 8/3 3 7 7 4 Inspire Chaos
12 9/4 4 8 8 5 Song of Freedom, Soothing Melody
13 9/4 4 8 8 5  
14 10/5 4 9 9 5 Inspire Courage +3, Freighting Tune
15 11/6 5 9 9 6 Inspire Heroic, Inspire Disorder -3
16 12/7 5 10 10 6 Rip a Cord
17 12/7 5 10 10 6  
18  13/8 6 11 11 7 Mass Suggestion
19 14/9 6 11 11 7  
20 15/10/5 6 12 12 7 Inspire Courage +4, Final Performance


Untold wonders and secrets exist for those skillful enough to discover them. Through cleverness, talent, and Abilities, these cunning few unravel the wiles of the world, becoming adept in the arts of persuasion, manipulation, and inspiration. Typically masters of one or many forms of artistry, bards possess an uncanny ability to know more than they should and use what they learn to keep themselves and their allies ever one step ahead of danger. Bards are quick-witted and captivating, and their skills might lead them down many paths, be they gamblers or jacks-of-all-trades, scholars or performers, leaders or scoundrels, or even all of the above. For bards, every day brings its own opportunities, adventures, and challenges, and only by bucking the odds, knowing the most, and being the best might they claim the treasures of each.


Role: Bards capably confuse and confound their foes while inspiring their allies to ever-greater daring. While accomplished with both weapons and Abilities, the true strength of bards lies outside melee, where they can support their companions and undermine their foes without fear of interruptions to their performances.


Bardic Knowledge – A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.


Bardic Music – A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the bard can produce any one of the types of bardic performance that he has mastered, as indicated by his level.


Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action. A bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A bard cannot have more than one bardic performance in effect at one time.


At 7th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a move action instead of a standard action.


At 13th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a swift action. Each bardic performance has audible components, visual components, or both. If a bardic performance has audible components, the targets must be able to hear the bard for the performance to have any effect, and such performances are language dependent. A deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with an audible component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components. If a bardic performance has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to the bard for the performance to have any effect. A blind bard has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances with visual components.


Counter Song – At 1st level, a bard learns to counters effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the counter song he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself ) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent actions such as an opposing bard, noble or Genjutsu may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the counter song is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the counter song, but it must use the bard’s Perform skill check result for the save. Counter song does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Counter song relies on audible components.


Fascinate – At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat, or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability. Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If it’s saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Notice checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function.


Distraction – At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself ) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) Genjutsu attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform skill check proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) Genjutsu attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the distraction, but it must use the bard’s Perform skill check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components.


Inspire Courage – A 1st-level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels there-after, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.


Inspire Disorder – A bard of 2nd level or higher Similar to Inspire Courage effects targets the bard decides are enemies in the area. Grants a negative Moral bonus on enemies in 30ft. At 6th level and every 5 levels there-after, this negative grows by -1 to a maximum -3 at 18th level.  Inspire disorder is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire disorder can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.


Inspire Competence – A bard of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gets a +5 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the bard’s performance. This bonus increases by +5 for every four levels the bard has attained beyond 3rd (+10 at 7th, +15 at 11th, +20 at 15th, and +25 at 19th). Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the GM’s discretion. A bard can’t inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence relies on audible components.


Twang – A bard at 4th level or higher can use one of his bardic music uses to make an attack that does a sonic attack at one target your bard ½ level in d6’s for one use of music, Ranged attack


Suggestion – A bard of 6th level or higher can use his performance to make a suggestion to a creature he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A bard can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance. Once under the influence of suggestion the Bard can ask things that the target normally would do but to the Bard’s aid. Such suggestions, like Flee from battle, Provide Defense (Bard or Allies), Give me your stuff, or convince them that one of their allies is out to harm them. You cannot ask something put the targets life at direct risk.


Making a suggestion does not count against a bard’s daily use of bardic performance. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting, language dependent ability and relies on audible components.


Pleasant Melody – A Bard of 7th level or higher can use his performance to heal a single ally (or himself) with a (Performance + Bard Level + Charisma Score) in healing. In addition, this performance removes the fatigued, sickened, and shaken conditions. This turn must be played for 4 rounds and the target cannot move out of 30ft from the bard. Pleasant melody relies on audible and visual components.


Doom-song – A bard of 8th level or higher can use his performance to foster a sense of growing dread in his enemies, causing them to become shaken. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the bard continues his performance. This performance cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if the targets are already shaken from another effect. Doom-song is a mind-affecting fear effect, and it relies on audible and visual components.


Inspire Greatness – A bard of 9th level or higher can use his performance to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels the bard attains beyond 9th, he can target an additional ally while using this performance (up to a maximum of four targets at 18th level). To inspire greatness, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the bard. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Endurance modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Resistance saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.


Combine Songs– A bard at 10th or higher can play two songs in one turn. It takes a full round to pull off both songs but the effects can be used to grant allies with bonuses and enemies with discord.


Sproing – A bard at 10th level or higher can use one of his bardic music uses to make an attack that does a sonic attack at a 30 ft cone your ½ level in d6’s for one use of music


Inspire Chaos – A bard at 11th level or higher can use one of his bardic music uses to cause confusion to 30ft area of enemies DC 10 +Level +CHA MOD Will


Soothing Melody – A bard of 12th level or higher can use his performance to create an effect of healing a large group (Performance + Bard Level + Charisma Score). In addition, this performance removes the fatigued, sickened, and shaken conditions from all those affected. Using this ability requires 4 rounds of continuous performance, and the targets must be able to see and hear the bard throughout the performance. Soothing melody affects all targets that remain within 30 feet throughout the performance. Soothing melody relies on audible and visual components.


Song of Freedom – A bard of 12th level or higher can use there Bardic music to free a person from any Enchantments and Genjutsu without the target having to roll another save and grants them a +4 bonus to avoid any new enchantment or Genjutsu.


Frightening Tune – A bard of 14th level or higher can use his performance to cause fear in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the bard perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If the save succeeds, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save fails, the target becomes frightened and f lees for as long as the target can hear the bard’s performance. Frightening tune relies on audible components.


Inspire Heroics – A bard of 15th level or higher can inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single ally within 30 feet. For every three bard levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in an additional creature. To inspire heroics, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the bard. Inspired creatures gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to PS. This effect lasts for as long as the targets are able to witness the performance. Inspire heroics is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible and visual components.


Rip a cord – A bard at 16th level or higher can use one of his bardic music uses to make an attack that does a sonic attack at one target your bard level in d6’s and maintains for time equal to your level, for one use of music, Ranged Touch


Mass Suggestion – This ability functions just like suggestion, but allow a bard of 18th level or higher to make a suggestion simultaneously to any number of creatures that he has already fascinated. Mass suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability that relies on audible components.


Final Performance – A bard of 20th level or higher can use his performance to cause one enemy to die from joy or sorrow. To be affected, the target must be able to see and hear the bard perform for 1 full round and be within 30 feet. The target receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the target is staggered for 1d4 rounds, and the bard cannot use deadly performance on that creature again for 24 hours. If a creature’s saving throw fails, it dies. Final performance is a mind-affecting death effect that relies on audible and visual components.



Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Rapier, Long sword, sap, short sword, short bow, small pistol and Whip


Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shields


Hit Die: 1d6


Skills: (points per level 50 + INT MOD)

Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gamble, Gather Info, Jump, Knowledge (all skills ), Medical, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Pick Pocket, Pilot, Profession, Read Lips, Ride, Seduction, Stealth, Swim, Taunt, Use Magic Device, Use Tech

Green Lightning – Class – Bard

Green Lightning – Class – Bard

Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News Naruto RPG One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – Class – Barbarian



Level Base Attack Resist Save Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 1 2 0 0 2 Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Rage 1/day
02 2 3 0 0 3 Uncanny Dodge
03 3 3 1 1 3 Trap Sense +1
04 4 4 1 1 4 Rage 2/day
05 5 4 1 1 4 Improved Uncanny Dodge
06 6/1 5 2 2 5 Trap Sense +2
07 7/2 5 2 2 5 Damage Reduction 1/-
08 8/3 6 2 2 6 Rage 3/day
09 9/4 6 3 3 6 Trap Sense +3
10 10/5 7 3 3 7 Damage Reduction 2/-
11 11/6/1 7 3 3 7 Greater Rage
12 12/7/2 8 4 4 8 Trap Sense +4, Rage 4/day
13 13/8/3 8 4 4 8 Damage Reduction 3/-
14 14/9/4 9 4 4 9 Indomitable Will
15 15/10/5 9 5 5 9 Trap Sense +5
16 16/11/6/1 10 5 5 10 Damage Reduction 4/-, Rage 5/day
17 17/12/7/2 10 5 5 10 Tireless Rage
18  18/13/8/3 11 6 6 11 Trap Sense +6
19 19/14/9/4 11 6 6 11 Damage Reduction 5/-
20 20/15/10/5 12 6 6 12 Mighty Rage, Rage 6/day

For some, there is only rage. In the ways of their people, in the fury of their passion, in the howl of battle, conflict is all these brutal souls know. Savages, hired muscle, masters of vicious martial techniques, they are not soldiers or professional warriors—they are the battle possessed, creatures of slaughter and spirits of war. Known as barbarians, these warmongers know little of training, preparation, or the rules of warfare; for them, only the moment exists, with the foes that stand before them and the knowledge that the next moment might hold their death. They possess a sixth sense in regard to danger and the endurance to weather all that might entail. These brutal warriors might rise from all walks of life, both civilized and savage, though whole societies embracing such philosophies roam the wild places of the world. Within barbarians storms the primal spirit of battle, and woe to those who face their rage.


Role: Barbarians excel in combat, possessing the martial prowess and fortitude to take on foes seemingly far superior to themselves. With rage granting them boldness and daring beyond that of most other warriors, barbarians charge furiously into battle and ruin all who would stand in their way.


Fast Movement – A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s land speed.


Illiteracy – Barbarian must take Common Language as a feat to read or write


Rage – A barbarian can fly into screaming blood frenzy a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian gains phenomenal strength and durability but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Endurance, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to PS score. The increase in Endurance increases the barbarian’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Endurance score drops back to normal.


While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and power enhance feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Endurance modifier.


A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies; see below). A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter.


At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else’s action. A barbarian can’t, for example, fly into a rage when struck down by an arrow in order to get the extra hit points from the increased Endurance, although the extra hit points would be of benefit if he had gone into a rage earlier in the round, before the arrow struck


Uncanny Dodge – At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught surprised by reflex attacks, even if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Stat bonuses to PS score if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Stat bonuses to PS score if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.


Trap Sense – At 3rd level, a barbarian gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to PS Score against attacks made by traps. These bonuses increase by +1 every three barbarian levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.


Improved Uncanny Dodge – At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.


Damage Reduction – At 7th level, a Barbarian, gains damage reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage the barbarian takes each time she is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At 10th level, and every three barbarian levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.


Greater Rage– At 11th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the morale bonus to her Strength and Endurance increases to +6 and the morale bonus on her Will saves increases to +3.


Indomitable Will – While in rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantments, illusions and Genjutsu. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves she also receives during her rage.


Tireless Rage – Starting at 17th level, a barbarian no longer becomes fatigued at the end of her rage.


Mighty Rage – At 20th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the morale bonus to her Strength and Endurance increases to +8 and the morale bonus on her Will saves increases to +4.


Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial


Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shield


Hit Die: 1d12


Skills: (points per level 30 + INT MOD), Animal Empathy, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Notice, Ride, Survival, Swim, Taunt, Use Magic Device


Green Lightning – Class – Barbarian

Green Lightning – Class – Barbarian

Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News Naruto RPG One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – Plant Guide

Listing of plants


the following is a listing of some real some made up for One piece finable plants, herbs, spices, useful material plants, poison plants, and drug plants.


D – Drug, Medical

P – Poisonous

M – Material

E – Edible

S – Spice

W – Wood Producer

G – Garden plant



1 – Winter /Tundra

2 – Dessert

3 – Tropic

4 – Swamp

5 – Mountainous

6 – Forrest

7 – Rain forest

8 – Grassland / Temperate

9 – Garden


Note I am only listing a collection of plants that I feel is a good selection of ones to be found, Basic Fruits and Veggies are listed as well.


Gardening Plants – In One piece it is not unheard of to have a garden/greenhouse on board. Unless a watering system is made or climate is controlled these plants can die out of their terrain so keep that in mind if the players are growing anything. It is a simple daily task that they can claim to do or set a NPC crew member on. After a given time of weeks in proper climate their garden can produce at a rate of 1d4 unit’s a plant a week.


The Plants are Listed as follows  with the [ ] indicating the DC Knowledge Nature to identify what you know about said plant  ( ) gives a basic look/ description  then what uses it has . Only one roll is given per plant but once rolled it determines how much they know or can find out about said plant , Lastly there is the Sell Prices of the plants / Material first you have a basic sell price then you have a good sell price. Determine ahead of time based on the islands Terrain on if there is a call for plants from a different Terrain which may raise the price by a multiplier or if its not wanted lower. This allows the player to sell unneeded supplies for money to get need .


Plant Name [DC for name]         Uses listing


Plants Basic Uses  [DC for uses]

Secondary Uses  [DC for secondary uses]

Plant Warning /Hazards             [DC for warning]

Plant BRP / Crafted ITEM BRP


Making Rolls


There are two ways a player can make rolls in search of plants, If they know what they are looking for they can make a simple Search roll Which DC is based on how easy it is to find by their description of what they are looking for. I.e. one player says he is looking for wood while another player is looking for a certain plant for medical use. Player 1 has a DC of 10 to their search as many people can find trees that can be used for wood easily, while player two has a much higher DC 25 as they need to find a certain plant within a massive land mass.

Once found the plant can only be described to the player until they make a Knowledge Nature roll to identify the plant and possible uses and useable parts, as well as any warnings for the plant like if its poisonous or not. A survival Roll can also be used to determine if a plant is safe or not to eat, while it wont tell you what parts or what uses the plant is it can tell you if its poisonous or safe to eat The DC is the Caution DC.


To Collect supplies from it the GM will make two rolls the first to see how much of the plant is in supply in the area. This is done a 1d6. The other roll is the amount of units they can gather form the plant.


1          There is only the one plant  =1 unit of the plant materials

2-3        A few plants = 1d8 units of the plant materials

4-5       Small Garden = 1d20 units of the plant materials

6          Thriving garden = 1d100 units of the plant materials


Plants Listing and die result, Sections are based off of Terrain Climate of the island they are on


Skills listed N/A means any one can collect it no skill is needed otherwise only certain skills can produce or collect certain items.



Winter /Tundra
01        Arctic willow

02        Bearberry

03        Blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry

04        Burdock

05        Cattail

06        Chinaberry

07        Cranberry

08        Crowberry

09        Dandelion

10        death lily

11        Elderberry

12-13    Fireweed

14        Hemlock, fool’s parsley

15        Iceland moss

16        Indian potato or Eskimo potato

17        Poison ivy and poison oak

18        Marsh marigold

19        Oak

20        Peppermint

21        Persimmon

22-24    Pine

25        Plantain

26         Purslane

27        Reed

28        Reindeer moss

29        Sassafras

30        Sheep sorrel

31        Spatterdock or yellow water lily

32-34    Strawberry

35        Water hemlock or spotted cowbane

36-38    Water lettuce

39-41    Wild dock and wild sorrel

42-44    Wild gourd or luffa sponge

45-48    Wild onion and garlic

49        Wild rose














01-03    Aloe vera

04        Abal

05-08    Acacia

09         Agave

10        Baobab

11         Boo phone

12-14    Cattail

15-19    Cereus cactus

20        Chufa

21-24    Common jujube

25         Date palm

26-33    Pincushion cactus

34-38    Prickly pear cactus

39         Purslane

40-42    Reed

43        Saxaul

44        Tamarind

45        Wild caper

46        Wild desert gourd or colocynth

47        Wild onion and garlic

48        Wild pistachio

49        Yam bean

50-75    Junk Item

75-99    Material chart item

00        Random Item on other chart




Rain forest
01-02    Bamboo

03        Banana and plantain

04        Batoko plum

05        Bignay

06        Castor bean

07-09    Cattail

10         Chinaberry

11        Chestnut

12-13    Cuipo tree

14        Daylily

15-17    Fishtail palm

18        Foxtail grass

19        Horseradish tree

20         Poison ivy and poison oak

21         Mango

22-25    Nettle

26-28    Nipa palm

29-31    Palmetto palm

32         Pangi

33         Papaya or pawpaw

34-37    Pine

38        Purslane

39-43    Rattan palm

44-47    Reed

48-50    Renghas tree

51        Rose apple

52        Rosary pea or crab’s eyes

53-56    Sago palm

57-61    Screw pine

62-65    Sorghum

65-68    Strychnine tree

69        Taro

70        Water chestnut

71        Water lettuce

72         Water lily

73        Water plantain

74         Wild dock and wild sorrel

75         Wild fig

76        Wild grape vine

77-83    Wild onion and garlic

84-88    Wild rice

89        Yam bean

90-93    Junk Item

94-99    Materials Chart

00         Item On Another Chart



01        Acacia

02        Almond

03        Arrowroot

04        Bael fruit

05        Bamboo

06        Banana and plantain

07        Baobab

08        Batoko plum

09        Bignay

10        Breadfruit

11        Burl Palm

12        Canna lily

13        Cashew nut

14        Castor bean

15        Cattail

16        Chinaberry

17        Cereus cactus

18        Chestnut

19        Coconut

20        Cowhage

21        Cuipo tree

22        Dandelion

23        Date palm

24        Daylily

25        Fishtail palm

26        Goa bean

27        Green seaweed

28        Horseradish tree

29        Irish moss

30        Poison ivy and poison oak

31        Juniper

32        Kelp

33        Lantana

34        Laver

35        Manchineel

36        Mango

37        Manioc

38        Mulberry

39        Nettle

40        Nipa palm

41        Oleander

42        Orach

43        Palmetto palm

44        Physic nut

45        Purslane

46        Rattan palm

47        Reed

48        Renghas tree

49        Rose apple

50        Rosary pea or crab’s eyes

51        Sago palm

52        Sorghum

53        Sterculia

54        Strychnine tree

55        Sugarcane

56        Sugar palm

57        Sugar wrack

58        Sweetsop

59        Tamarind

60        Taro

61        Ti

62        Tree fern

63        Tropical almond

64        Water chestnut

65        Water lettuce

66        Water lily

67        Water plantain

68        Wild crab apple or wild apple

69        Wild desert gourd or colocynth

70        Wild dock and wild sorrel

71        Wild fig

72        Wild grape vine

73        Wild onion and garlic

74        Wild pistachio

75        Yam

76        Yam bean

77-80    Driftwood

81-85    Junk Item

86-99    Random Material

00        Random Item from other chart








Swamp and Moor
01 – 02 Angel Wings

03        Amaranth

04        Arrowroot

05 – 10 Bamboo

11 – 13 Cattail

14        Chanterelles

15        Cranberry

16-18   Dandelion

19        Death Cap

20        Death lily

21        Elderberry

22        False Morels

23        Fishtail palm

24        Foxtail grass

25        Hackberry

26        Hazelnut

27        Hemlock, fool’s parsley

28        Horseradish tree

29 – 31 Poison ivy and poison oak

32        Jack-O-Lantern

33        Lotus

34        Marsh marigold

35-37   Morels

38        Mushtake

39        Nettle

40        Nipa palm

41-43  Oak

44       Oleander

45-47  Pine

48         Plantain

49         Psilocybin

50-52    Puffball

53         Purslane

54-57    Reed

58         Reishi

59         Sassafras

60         Sea orach

61         Sorghum

62         Spatterdock or yellow water lily

63 – 66  Poison sumac

67         Tree fern

68         Truffle

69 – 72  Trumpet vine or trumpet creeper

73         Water chestnut

74         Water hemlock or spotted cowbane

75         Water lily

76         Wild caper

77         Wild dock and wild sorrel

78         Wild fig

79         Wild gourd or luffa sponge

80         Wild grape vine

81 – 83  Wild onion and garlic

84 – 86  Wild rice

87         Yam bean

88 – 94  Junk Item

95 – 99  Materials Chart

00         Other Chart






01          Angel Wings

02          Amaranth

03 – 06   Arctic willow

07          Blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry

08          Blueberry and huckleberry

09          Burdock

10 – 12   Cattail

13          Chanterelles

14          Chinaberry

15 – 20   Clove

21          Cuipo tree

22 – 25   Dandelion

26          Death Cap

27          Death lily

28 – 30   False Morels

31          Hackberry

32          Hazelnut

33          Hemlock, fool’s parsley

34 – 36   Hops

37          Indian potato or Eskimo potato

38 – 39   Poison ivy and poison oak

40          Jack-O-Lantern

41 – 45   Morels

46          Mushtake

47 – 49   Oak

50          Peppermint

51          Persimmon

52-54    Pine

55         Plantain

56 – 57  Poppy

58         Psilocybin

59 – 60  Puffball

61         Purslane

62 – 63  Reed

64 – 65  Reindeer moss

66         Reishi

67 – 68  Rock tripe

69         Sassafras

70 – 72  Shiitake mushrooms

73         Strawberry

74         Truffle

75         Walnut

76         Water chestnut

77         Water lettuce

78         Wild crab apple or wild apple

79         Wild dock and wild sorrel

80         Wild gourd or luffa sponge

81         Wild grape vine

82 – 84  Wild onion and garlic

85 – 87  Wild rose

88         Yam

89 – 94  Junk Item

95 – 99  Materials Chart

00 Other chart








01         Angle Wings

02         Arctic willow

03 – 04  Bamboo

04         Banana and plantain

05 – 07  Beech

08         Blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry

09         Breadfruit

10         Burdock

11         Carob tree

12 – 13  Cattail

14         Chanterelles

15         Chestnut

16         Clove

17         Common jujube

18 – 19  Dandelion

20         Daylily

21         Death Cap

22         Duchesnea or Indian strawberry

23         Elderberry

24         False Morels

25         Fenugreek

26         Hackberry

27         Hazelnut

28         Hemlock, fool’s parsley

29         Horseradish tree

30 – 32  Poison ivy and poison oak

33         Jack-O-Lantern

34         Juniper

35         Lotus

36         Marsh marigold

37         Morels

38         Mushtake

39         Nettle

40 – 42  Oak

43         Pangi

44         Papaya or pawpaw

45         Peppermint

46         Persimmon

47 – 49  Pine


50         Plantain

51         Psilocybin

52         Puffball

53         Purslane

54         Reed

55         Reindeer moss

56         Renghas tree

57         Reishi

58         Rosary pea or crab’s eyes

59         Sago palm

60         Sassafras

61         Screw pine

62 – 63  Shiitake mushrooms

64         Sorghum

65         St. John’s wort

66         Sterculia

67         Strawberry

68         Strychnine tree

69         Sugar palm

70         Thistle

71         Ti

72         Truffle

73 – 75  Trumpet vine or trumpet creeper

76         Vanilla

77         Walnut

78         Water chestnut

79         Water lettuce

80         Water lily

81         Wild crab apple or wild apple

82         Wild dock and wild sorrel

83         Wild fig

84         Wild gourd or luffa sponge

85         Wild grape vine

86         Wild onion and garlic

87         Wild rice

88         Wood sorrel

89         Yam

90 – 94  Junk Item

95 – 99  Materials Chart

00         Item on an Other Chart












Grassland / Temperate
01        Amaranth

02        Bamboo

03         Barley

04        Basil

05        Bayleaf

06        Beech

07        Blueberry and huckleberry

08        Burdock

09        Cannabis

10        Castor bean

11        Catnip

12        Cattail

13        Cayenne pepper

14        Chamomile

15        Chicory

16        Chili pepper

17        Chufa

18        Clove

19        Cranberry

20-21    Dandelion

22        Daylily

23        Dill seed

24        Duchesnea or Indian strawberry

25        Elderberry

26        Foxtail grass

27        Fenugreek

28        Ginger

29        Ginseng

30        Hackberry

31        Hazelnut

32        Hemlock, fool’s parsley

33        Hops

34        Indian potato or Eskimo potato

35        Indonesian Cinnamon

36        Poison ivy and poison oak

37        Jasmine

38        Juniper

39        Lavender

40        Lemongrass

41        Licorice

42        Lotus

43        Lantana

44        Manchineel

45        Mulberry

46        Mustard

47        Nutmeg

48        Oak

49        Oleander

50        Oregano

51        Parsley

52        Peppermint

53        Persimmon

54        Pine

55        Pokeweed

56        Poppy

57        Purslane

58        Reed

59        Reindeer moss

60        Rosemary

61        Saffron

62        Sage

63        Sassafras

64        Sesame seed

65        Sheep sorrel

66        Sorghum

67        Spatterdock or yellow water lily

68        Spearmint

69        St. John’s wort

70        Sterculia

71        Strawberry

72        Sweet sagewort

73        Sweetsop

74        Tamarind

75        Taro

76        Tarragon

77        Tea

78        Thistle

79        Thyme

80        Trumpet vine or trumpet creeper

81        Vanilla

82        Walnut

83        Wasabi

84        Water chestnut

85        Water hemlock or spotted cowbane

86        Water lily

87        Wheat

88        Wild crab apple or wild apple

89        Wild dock and wild sorrel

90        Wild gourd or luffa sponge

91        Wild grape vine

92        Wild onion and garlic

93        Wild rice

94        Wild rose

95         Wood sorrel

96        Yam

97        Yarrow

98        Junk Item

99        Materials Chart

00        Item on another chart




Control / Garden
01 – 03  Apple

04        Asparagus

05        Avocado

06        Banana

07 – 09 Barley

10        Basil

11        Blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry

12         Blueberry and huckleberry

13         Broccoli

14        Cabbage

15        Cannabis

16        Carrot

17        Catnip

18         Celery

19 – 22  Cherry, Plum, Apricot

23        Chili Pepper

24        Clove

25        Cocoa Bean

26        Coffee Bean

27        Corn

28         Cotton

29        Cucumber

30        Dill Seed

31        Funugreek

32        Garlic

33         Ginger

34        Ginseng

35        Grape

36        Grapefruit

37        Green Bean

38        Green Pepper

39 – 40  Hops

41 – 45  Kale, Collards, Spring Mix

46        Lavender

47         Lettuce

48 – 50 Lemon

51        Lemongrass


40        Licorice

52        Lime

53        Mustard

54 – 57 Oats

58         Olive

59         Onion

60 – 63 Orange

64        Oregano

65         Parsley

66         Pea

67         Peach

68        Peanut

69         Pear

70         Peppermint

71         Pineapple

72         Potato

73         Pumpkin

74         Radish

75         Red Pepper

76 – 78  Rice

79         Soy

80         Spinach

81        Squash

82         Sunflower

83        Tangerine

84        Tea

85        Tobacco

86        Tomato

87        Turnip

88        Watermelon

89 – 91  Wheat

92 – 94  Weed

95         Yam

96 – 97  Junk Item

98 – 99 Material Chart

00        Item from other chart

















Name Identify DC Uses
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC



Name Identify DC Uses
Abal 20 E, M
The abal is one of the few shrubby plants that exists in the shady deserts. This

plant grows to about 1.2 meters, and its branches look like wisps from a broom. The stiff, green

branches produce an abundance of flowers in the early spring months (March, April).

Edible Parts
This plant’s general appearance would not indicate its usefulness to the survivor, but while this plant is flowering in the spring, its fresh flowers can be eaten. This plant is common in the areas where it is found. An analysis of the food value of this plant has shown it to be high in sugar and nitrogenous components.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC



Nitrogen Fertilizer















Name Identify DC Uses
Acacia 20 E, M
Acacia is a spreading, usually short tree with spines and alternate compound leaves. Its individual leaflets are small. Its flowers are ball-shaped, bright yellow, and very fragrant. Its bark is a whitish-gray color. Its fruits are dark brown and pod like.
Edible Parts
Its young leaves, flowers, and pods are edible raw or cooked.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Spines of the tree can be craft to use as arrow/dart tips
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC





















Name Identify DC Uses
Agave 25 E, M
These plants have large clusters of thick, fleshy leaves borne close to the ground and surrounding a central stalk. The plants flower only once, and then die. They produce a massive flower stalk.
Edible Parts
Its flowers and flower buds are edible. Boil them before eating.
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Cut the huge flower stalk and collect the juice for drinking. Some species have very fibrous leaves. Pound the leaves and remove the fibers for weaving and making ropes. Most species have thick, sharp needles at the tips of the leaves. Use them for sewing or making hacks.

The sap of some species contains a chemical that makes the sap suitable for use as soap.

Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC









Craft Item

Craft Item








Name Identify DC Uses
Almond 20 W,E
The almond tree, which sometimes grows to 12.2 meters, looks like a peach tree.

The fresh almond fruit resembles a gnarled, unripe peach and grows in clusters. The stone (the

almond itself) is covered with a thick, dry, woolly skin.

Edible Parts
The mature almond fruit splits open lengthwise down the side, exposing the ripe almond nut. You can easily get the dry kernel by simply cracking open the stone. Almond meats are rich in food value, like all nuts. Gather them in large quantities and shell them for further use as survival food. You could live solely on almonds for rather long periods. When you boil them, the kernel’s outer covering comes off and only the white meat remains.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof Farmer/ Survival




Name Identify DC Uses
Aloe vera 20 D
A small bush like plant with long thick sword like leaves growing from the root.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The plant has a natural Lotion about it that has healing ability; Further processed it can be used to heal wounds.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemical  (See Items Rules)










Name Identify DC Uses
Amaranth 20 E
These plants, which grow 90 centimeters to 150 centimeters tall, are abundant weeds in many parts of the world. All amaranth have alternate simple leaves. They may have some red color present on the stems. They bear minute, greenish flowers in dense clusters at the top of the plants. Their seeds may be brown or black in weedy species and light-colored in domestic species.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible, but some may have sharp spines you should remove before eating. The young plants or the growing tips of alder plants are an excellent vegetable. Simply boil the young plants or eat them raw. Their seeds are very nutritious. Shake the tops of alder plants to get the seeds. Eat the seeds raw, boiled, ground into flour, or popped like popcorn.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Angel Wings 25 P
A large White mushroom with a small ring on the stem.
Caution Threat ID DC  
The mushrooms are poisonous to eat and cause a good amount of damage in the raw doing 2d8 a round for 1d20 rounds DC 15 Resistance
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
Refined Poison 3d8 a round for 2d20 rounds DC 15 Resistance
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Poison Refined









Name Identify DC Uses
Apple 25 E,P,W,G
Most wild apples look enough like domestic apples that the survivor can easily recognize them. Apple varieties are much smaller than cultivated kinds; the largest kinds usually do not exceed 5 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter, and most often less. They have small, alternate, simple leaves and often have thorns. Their flowers are white or pink and their fruits reddish or yellowish.
Edible Parts
Prepare Apple for eating in the same manner as cultivated kinds. Eat them fresh, when ripe, or cooked. Should you need to store food, cut the apples into thin slices and dry them. They are a good source of vitamins.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
Apple seeds contain cyanide compounds. Do not eat. If eaten they do 1d6 a round for 1d12 rounds DC 15 Fort
Other Uses Other Use DC 50
The Seeds can be used to create Cyanide (see Items: Poisons)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Poison Refined

Seed for growing





Prof Farmer/ Survival

Prof lumberjack/ Survival

Chemistry  (Items poison rules)

Prof Farmer






Name Identify DC Uses
Arctic willow 35 E, W, D
The arctic willow is a shrub that never exceeds more than 60 centimeters in height
Edible Parts
You can collect the succulent, tender young shoots of the arctic willow in early spring. Strip off the outer bark of the new shoots and eat the inner portion raw. You can also peel and eat raw the young underground shoots of any of the various kinds of arctic willow. Young willow leaves are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, containing 7 to 10 times more than an orange.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
The Arctic Willow leaves can be crushed and used in medical potions as per rules in items section
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Chemistry (See Items Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Arrowroot 25 E
The arrowroot is an aquatic plant with arrow-shaped leaves and potato like tubers in the mud.
Edible Parts
The rootstock is a rich source of high quality starch. Boil the rootstock and eat it as a vegetable.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Root 5 Survival / Prof. Herbalist 30



Name Identify DC Uses
Asparagus 20 E, D
A Bushy green plant with a strong smell to the green stalks
Edible Parts
The green stems of the bush is edible.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The stalks are said to have a light healing property so its sought for making medicine. (see items potions crafting rules)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See Items rules)




Name Identify DC Uses
Avocado 20 W, E
A Small tree with oval dark green leaves and a dark green fruit
Edible Parts
The Fruit is edible once it has been peeled free from the leathery hide of the fruit.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming

Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farming







Name Identify DC Uses
Bael fruit 25 W,E
This is a tree that grows from 2.4 to 4.6 meters tall, with a dense spiny growth. The fruit is 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter, gray or yellowish, and full of seeds.
Edible Parts
The fruit, which ripens in December, is at its best when just turning ripe. The juice of the ripe fruit, diluted with water and mixed with a small amount of tamarind and sugar or honey, is sour but refreshing. Like other citrus fruits, it is rich in vitamin C.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer

Prof. Farmer






Name Identify DC Uses
Bamboo 10 M,W,E
Bamboos are woody grasses that grow up to 15 meters tall. The leaves are grass like and the stems are the familiar bamboo used in furniture and fishing poles.
Edible Parts
The young shoots of almost all species are edible raw or cooked. Raw shoots have a slightly bitter taste that is removed by boiling. To prepare, remove the tough protective sheath that is coated with tawny or red hairs. The seed grain of the flowering bamboo is also edible. Boil the seeds like rice or pulverize them, mix with water, and make into cakes.
Other Uses Other Use DC 15
Use the mature bamboo to build structures or to make containers, ladles, spoons, and various other cooking utensils. Also use bamboo to make tools and weapons. You can make a strong bow by splitting the bamboo and putting several pieces together.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Cooking/ Prof Farming

Craft Items/Craft Weapon






Name Identify DC Uses
Banana and plantain 20 M,W,E,G
These are treelike plants with several large leaves at the top. Their flowers are borne in dense hanging clusters.
Edible Parts
Their fruits are edible raw or cooked. They may be boiled or baked. You can boil their flowers and eat them like a vegetable. You can cook and eat the rootstocks and leaf sheaths of many species.  The center or “heart” or the plant is edible year-round, cooked or raw.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
You can use the layers of the lower third of the plants to cover coals to roast food. You can also use their stumps to get water. You can use their leaves to wrap other foods for cooking or storage. Replanting trees are possible in garden.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Plant Heart






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer/ Survival

Prof. Lumberjack










Name Identify DC Uses
Baobab 25 W, E, M, D
The baobab tree may grow as high as 18 meters and may have a trunk 9 meters in diameter. The tree has short, stubby branches and a gray, thick bark. Its leaves are compound and their segments are arranged like the palm of a hand. Its flowers, which are white and several centimeters across, hang from the higher branches. Its fruit is shaped like a football, measures up to 45 centimeters long, and is covered with short dense hair.
Edible Parts
You can use the young leaves as a soup vegetable. The tender root of the young baobab tree is edible. The pulp and seeds of the fruit are also edible. Use one handful of pulp to about one cup of water for a refreshing drink. To obtain flour, roast the seeds, and then grind them.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Drinking a mixture of pulp and water will help cure diarrhea. Often the hollow trunks are good sources of fresh water. The bark can be cut into strips and pounded to obtain a strong fiber for making rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Fresh Water










Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival

Chemical (See Items Rules)



Prof. Farmer











Name Identify DC Uses
Barley 20 E,D
Long reeds of grass with seeds on the cap, Its green when growing but turns brown when dried
Edible Parts
A form of Wheat that can be cooked as is and eaten, feed raw to animals for food or crushed into a fine flour. Key ingredient in some alcohol.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farmer


Chemistry / Cooking (Items Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Basil 20 S
Basil grows to between 30–130 cm tall, with opposite, light green, silky leaves 3–11 cm long and 1–6 cm broad. The flowers are small, white in color and arranged in a terminal spike.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer

Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer










Name Identify DC Uses
Batoko plum 25 E
This shrub or small tree has dark green, alternate, simple leaves. Its fruits are bright red and contain six or more seeds.
Edible Parts
Eat the fruit raw or cooked.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farmer / Survival

Prof. Farmer





Name Identify DC Uses
Bayleaf 20 S, M
Gardeners in frost-free or light frost areas will find that Bay Laurel seedlings planted in the ground willingly grow into large trees, 38 feet and taller; but when kept pruned the Bay Laurel tree can thrive as a small bush
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Can be crushed to make a fine oil (baby Oil)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer

Prof. Herbalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Bearberry 25 E
This plant is a common evergreen shrub with reddish, scaly bark and thick, leathery

leaves 4 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide. It has white flowers and bright red fruits.

Edible Parts
Its berries are edible raw or cooked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
You can make a refreshing tea from its young leaves.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival

Cooking / Survival

Prof. Farming




















Name Identify DC Uses
Beech 20 W,M,E
Beech trees are large (9 to 24 meters), symmetrical forest trees that have smooth, light-gray bark and dark green foliage. The character of its bark, plus its clusters of prickly seedpods, clearly distinguishes the beech tree in the field.
Edible Parts
The mature beechnuts readily fall out of the husk like seedpods. You can eat these dark brown triangular nuts by breaking the thin shell with your fingernail and removing the white, sweet kernel inside. Beechnuts are one of the most delicious of all wild nuts. They are a most useful survival food because of the kernel’s high oil content. You can also use the beechnuts as a coffee substitute. Roast them so that the kernel becomes golden brown and quite hard. Then pulverize the kernel and, after boiling or steeping in hot water, you have a passable coffee substitute.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survivalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Bignay 25 E, P
Bignay is a shrub or small tree, 3 to 12 meters tall, with shiny, pointed leaves about 15 centimeters long. Its flowers are small, clustered, and green. It has fleshy, dark red or black fruit and a single seed. The fruit is about 1 centimeter in diameter.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible raw
Caution Threat ID DC 40
Do not eat any other parts of the tree. In Africa, the roots are toxic. Other parts of the plant may be poisonous. Doing 1d6 an hour for 1d6 hours DC 10 Resistance
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Refined Poison. Does DC 20 Resistance 2d6 an hour for 1d12 hours
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison



Prof. Farming / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry 15 E, D
These plants have prickly stems (canes) that grow upward, arching back toward the ground. They have alternate, usually compound leaves. Their fruits may be red, black, yellow, or orange.
Edible Parts
The fruits and peeled young shoots are edible. Flavor varies greatly.
Other Uses Other Use DC 35
The leaves of the bush are useable in chemical potions for healing aliments.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC



Jam /Jelly





Herbalist / Survival /Farming

Prof.  Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (see Item rules)










Name Identify DC Uses
Blueberry and huckleberry 20 E
These shrubs vary in size from 30 centimeters to 3.7 meters tall. All have alternate, simple leaves. Their fruits may be dark blue, black, or red and have many small seeds.
Edible Parts
Their fruits are edible raw or cooked into things, it also can be preserved in jams or jellies.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Jam /Jelly




Farming/ Herbalist/ Survival

Prof. Farming/Prof. Herbalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Boo phone 20 D
A long flowerlike plant with tiny red long blooms
Caution Threat ID DC  
The plant creates a strong amount of Hallucinations in those that eat this plant. DC 15 Will vs illusions 1d4 hours
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Processing the plant can create ether a strong Hallucinating drug Will save 20 vs. Illusions 1d8 hours, or a chemical for “Potions of Release”.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Breadfruit 20 W, E, M
This tree may grow up to 9 meters tall. It has dark green, deeply divided leaves that are 75 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide. Its fruits are large, green, ball-like structures up to 30 centimeters across when mature.
Edible Parts
The fruit pulp is edible raw. The fruit can be sliced, dried, and ground into flour for later use. The seeds are edible cooked.
Other Uses Other Use DC  
The thick sap can serve as glue and caulking material. You can also use it as birdlime (to entrap small birds by smearing the sap on twigs where they usually perch).
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Small Game Trap








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival

Prof. Farmer















Name Identify DC Uses
Broccoli   E, D
A small busy plant with tiny buds within its wrapped leaves
Edible Parts
The Full Stalk and leave are edible yet easiest to eat when steamed.
Other Uses Other Use DC 35
Chemists can extract the benefits from the plant and create potions. (See Item Rules)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Burdock 20 W, M, E
This plant has wavy-edged, arrow-shaped leaves and flower heads in burr like clusters. It grows up to 2 meters tall, with purple or pink flowers and a large, fleshy root.
Edible Parts
Peel the tender leaf stalks and eat them raw or cook them like greens. The roots are also edible boiled or baked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
Use the fiber from the dried stalk to weave Rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Cooking / Survival

Craft Items






Name Identify DC Uses
Burl Palm 25 W, E, M
This tree may reach 18 meters in height. It has large, fan-shaped leaves up to 3 meters long and split into about 100 narrow segments. It bears flowers in huge dusters at the top of the tree. The tree dies after flowering.
Edible Parts
The trunk contains starch that is edible raw. The very tip of the trunk is also edible raw or cooked. You can get large quantities of liquid by bruising the flowering stalk. The kernels of the nuts are edible.
Other Uses Other Use DC 15
You can use the leaves as weaving material.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming/ Survival

Craft Item













Name Identify DC Uses
Cabbage 20 E, D
A small Leafy plant rolled up in a ball shape
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible yet best served cooked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 35
Chemists can extract the benefits from the plant and create a potions. (See Items rules)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See items rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Cannabis/Marijuana 15 M, D
a Small green tree like plant with five leaves.
Caution Threat ID DC 20
This plant when used as a drug it can carry addictive qualities (See Item Rules Drugs)
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Plant can be dried and made into Hemp used to make rope. Pain relief, hunger stimulation, wasting caused by HIV/AIDS, Glaucoma, nausea.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Herbalist/ Farming / Survival

Craft Item

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Canna lily 25 E
The canna lily is a coarse perennial herb, 90 centimeters to 3 meters tall. The plant grows from a large, thick, underground rootstock that is edible. Its large leaves resemble those of the banana plant but are not so large. The flowers of wild canna lily are usually small, relatively inconspicuous, and brightly colored reds, oranges, or yellows.
Edible Parts
The large and much branched rootstocks are full of edible starch. The younger parts may be finely chopped and then boiled or pulverized into a meal. Mix in the young shoots of palm cabbage for flavoring.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist

Prof. Herbalist















Name Identify DC Uses
Carob tree 25 W, E
This large tree has a spreading crown. Its leaves are compound and alternate. Its seedpods, also known as Saint John’s bread, are up to 45 centimeters long and are filled with round, hard seeds and a thick pulp.
Edible Parts
The young tender pods are edible raw or boiled. You can pulverize the seeds in mature pods and cook as porridge.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Carrot 20 E
A small White flower covered stalk with bushy leaves.
Edible Parts
The root of the carrot is one of the healthiest food that can be eaten raw or cooked
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Carrots are common ingredient in many potions. (See Item Rules
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules





Name Identify DC Uses
Cashew nut 20 E, P, W
The cashew is a spreading evergreen tree growing to a height of 12 meters, with leaves up to 20 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide. Its flowers are yellowish-pink. Its fruit is very easy to recognize because of its peculiar structure. The fruit is thick and pear shaped, pulpy and red or yellow when ripe. This fruit bears a hard, green, kidney-shaped nut at its tip. This nut is smooth, shiny, and green or brown according to its maturity.
Edible Parts
The nut encloses one seed. The seed is edible when roasted. The pear-shaped fruit is juicy, sweet-acid, and astringent. It is quite safe and considered delicious by most people who eat it.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
The green hull surrounding the nut contains a resinous irritant poison that will blister the lips and tongue like poison ivy. Heat destroys this poison when roasting the nuts. It does DC 15 Will vs 1d4 damage for 1d4 hours.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
DC 20 Will save to make Itching Powder doing 2d4 damage, an hour for 1d8 hours.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Itching Powder




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farming











Name Identify DC Uses
Castor bean 35 D, P
The castor bean is a semi woody plant with large, alternate, star like leaves that grows as a tree in tropical regions and as an annual in temperate regions. Its flowers are very small and inconspicuous. Its fruits grow in clusters at the tops of the plants.
Caution Threat ID DC  
All parts of the plant are very poisonous to eat. The seeds are large and may be mistaken for

a beanlike food. The plant in the raw does 1d6 an hour for 1d12 hours

Other Uses Other Use DC  
Castor Bean can be used to both create a refined poison and a fine oil. The refined poison does 2d6 an hour for 1d12 hours. The oil is used in potions for medical purposes. For that see the (Item Rules) for the potions and use DC)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison





Prof. Herbalist


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Catnip 25 D
Catnip is a 50–100 cm tall perennial herb resembling mint in appearance, with grayish-green leaves; the flowers are white, finely spotted with purple
Catnip Soothes coughs, it is used in processing potions. (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Cattail 10 M, E
Cattails are glasslike plants with strap-shaped leaves 1 to 5 centimeters wide and growing up to 1.8 meters tall. The male flowers are borne in a dense mass above the female flowers. These last only a short time, leaving the female flowers that develop into the brown cattail. Pollen from the male flowers is often abundant and bright yellow.
Edible Parts
The young tender shoots are edible raw or cooked. The rhizome is often very tough but is a rich source of starch. Pound the rhizome to remove the starch and use as flour. The pollen is also an exceptional source of starch. When the cattail is immature and still green, you can boil the female portion and eat it like corn on the cob.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The dried leaves are an excellent source of weaving material you can use to make floats and rafts. The cottony seeds make good pillow stuffing and insulation. The fluff makes excellent tinder. Dried cattails are effective insect repellents when burned.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item

Craft Vehicle

Craft Item








Name Identify DC Uses
Cayenne pepper 25 E,S,D
A small bush with little red fruit.
Edible Parts
The fruit is Edible but ill advised as its incredibly spicy
Other Uses Other Use DC 30
the juice can be used to create a form of mace to spray in the eyes. Also the plant can be dried and ground into a spice
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC










Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Prof. Farming / Survivalist



Prof. Farming








Name Identify DC Uses
Celery 20 E, D
Long stems collected at a based root with broad green leaves, the stems have a u shape to them
Edible Parts
The Stems are Edible and even used as a dull spice in cooking.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Celery has multiple uses in the form of including according to some one that is used in falling in love, thus celery has uses in potions. (See Items Rules) For uses.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming

Chemistry / Prof. Farming

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Cereus cactus 20 E
These cacti are tall and narrow with angled stems and numerous spines.
Edible Parts
The fruits are edible, but some may have a laxative effect.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The pulp of the cactus is a good source of water. Break open the stem and scoop out the pulp.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Fresh Water



Prof. Farmer / Survival















Name Identify DC Uses
Chamomile 25 S,D
Daisy like flowering plants
Edible Parts
The key plant in making Tea from its leaves
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Chamomile Relaxant/Calmative which is used in making potions. (See Item Rules) for uses.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Chanterelles 25 E
A shelf like Mushroom growing in clusters
Edible Parts
All parts are edible and often used to mix in with meat like chicken to add flavor to the meat or even added to scrambled eggs.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Mushroom 200 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Cherry, Plum, Apricot  20 W,E,P,M,D
A massive flowering tree that has pink/white/ Purple blossoms depending on the type of fruit it bears. These trees are said to be symbols of time and mystical in their properties. After the bloom falls it builds into a fruit some small red, others Yellow and some purple.
Edible Parts
The fruit of the tree is edible and sought as a delicious flavor. The flowers are also edible in moderation. They can also be used to process weak liquor (See wine in item rules for effect). The Wood is also said to burn the flowers sweet smell into food.
Caution Threat ID DC 20
A large dosage of the flower can cause illness DC 10 Fort vs. Sickness
Other Uses Other Use DC 35
The Flowers are widely sought for both their beauty and smell thus making a perfume or fine powder is often sought by those with great wealth. Also the Extract of the fruit is often used to make bitter medicine in the form of potions. (See Item Rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC














Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival

Cooking / Chemistry


Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Prof. Farming

Chemistry (See Item Rules)














Name Identify DC Uses
Chicory 25 E,M
This plant grows up to 1.8 meters tall. It has leaves clustered at the base of the stem and some leaves on the stem. The base leaves resemble those of the dandelion. The flowers are sky blue and stay open only on sunny days. Chicory has a milky juice.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible. Eat the young leaves as a salad or boil to eat as a vegetable. Cook the roots as a vegetable. For use as a coffee substitute, roast the roots until they are dark brown and then pulverize them.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farming






Name Identify DC Uses
Chestnut 20 E, W
The European chestnut is usually a large tree, up to 18 meters in height.
Edible Parts
Chestnuts are highly useful as survival food. Ripe nuts are usually picked in autumn, although unripe nuts picked while green may also be used for food. Perhaps the easiest way to prepare them is to roast the ripe nuts in embers. Cooked this way, they are quite tasty, and you can eat large quantities. Another way is to boil the kernels after removing the outer shell. After being boiled until fairly soft, you can mash the nuts like potatoes.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Chili pepper 20 E,S,M
The fruit is eaten raw or cooked for its fiery hot flavor, concentrated along the top of the pod. The stem end of the pod has most of the glands that produce the capsaicin
Edible Parts
The Fruit can be eaten raw or cooked
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The capsaicin can be used as a medical to cure pain and also can be used to make a mace. (See Items Rules for uses in Potions)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist


Chemistry (See Item Rules)














Name Identify DC Uses
Chufa 25 E,M
This very common plant has a triangular stem and glasslike leaves. It grows to a height of 20 to 60 centimeters. The mature plant has a soft fur like bloom that extends from a whorl of leaves. Tubers 1 to 2.5 centimeters in diameter grow at the ends of the roots.
Edible Parts
The tubers are edible raw, boiled, or baked. You can also grind them and use them as a coffee substitute.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Craft Item








Name Identify DC Uses
Clove 15 S,M
The English name derives from Latin calves ‘nail’ as the buds vaguely resemble small irregular nails in shape.
Other Uses Other Use DC 30
Clove is used in place of tobacco for smoking
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Four Leaf Clover




Prof. Herbalist/ Survival

Craft Item

Prof. Herbalist / Search






Name Identify DC Uses
Cocoa Bean 25 E, W, D
A small tree with a Leathery Reddish yellow pod and broad dark green leaves.
Edible Parts
The plant is not edible but once the pods are fermented and cooked they become Cocoa powder which can be turned around and used to make Chocolate.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
It is widely known that the chocolate has healing properties. The powder can be crafted into potions. (See Item Rules for Uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Cocoa Powder








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming



Chemistry (See Item Rules)

















Name Identify DC Uses
Coconut 15 W, E, M, D
This tree has a single, narrow, tall trunk with a cluster of very large leaves at the

top. Each leaf may be over 6 meters long with over 100 pairs of leaflets.

Edible Parts
The nut is a valuable source of food. The milk of the young coconut is rich in sugar and vitamins and is an excellent source of liquid. The nut meat is also nutritious but is rich in oil. To preserve the meat, spread it in the sun until it is completely dry.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Use coconut oil craft DC chemical to cook and to protect metal objects from corrosion. Also use the oil to treat saltwater sores, sunburn, and dry skin. Use the oil in improvised torches. Use the tree trunk as building material and the leaves as thatch. Hollow out the large stump for use as a food container. The coconut husks are good flotation devices and the husk’s fibers are used to weave ropes and other items. Use the gauzelike fibers at the leaf bases as strainers or use them to weave a bug net or to make a pad to use on wounds. The husk makes a good abrasive. Dried husk fiber is an excellent tinder. A smoldering husk helps to repel mosquitoes. Smoke caused by dripping coconut oil in a fire also repels mosquitoes. To render coconut oil, put the coconut meat in the sun, heat it over a slow fire, or boil it in a pot of water. Coconuts washed out to sea are a good source of fresh liquid for the sea survivor. (For potion use see Item Rules)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Fresh Water










Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival


Chemistry (See Item Rules)


Craft Items











Name Identify DC Uses
Coffee Bean 25 W, E
A Small Woody Tree with Pinkish to purple pods, and broad oval leaves.
Edible Parts
The pods are difficult and unadvised to eat until they are roasted to make a bean. The bean can then be grounded and processed into a cup of coffee
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack / Survival


Prof. Farming


















Name Identify DC Uses
Common jujube 20 E
The common jujube is either a deciduous tree growing to a height of 12 meters or a large shrub, depending upon where it grows and how much water is available for growth. Its branches are usually spiny. Its reddish-brown to yellowish-green fruit is oblong to ovoid, 3 centimeters or less in diameter, smooth, and sweet in flavor, but has rather dry pulp around a comparatively large stone. Its flowers are green.


Edible Parts
The pulp, crushed in water, makes a refreshing beverage. If time permits, you can dry the ripe fruit in the sun like dates. Its fruits are high in vitamins A and C.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Corn 15 E, M
A tall green stalk with large leafy pods holding a yellow seed covered cob.
Edible Parts
Eaten raw or cooked the Corn is a great source of many foods, It can be crushed into a powder Corn Meal, Or the seeds can be dried and rolled in oil to later be popped into popcorn.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The uses of the corn are practically endless but the main ones are it can be boiled down to a fuel source Ethanol and Also the seeds can be dried out then used as animal feed. The cob can also be used to craft items as well.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC












Prof. Farming



Prof. Rancher / Prof. Farming


Craft Items









Name Identify DC Uses
Cotton 15 M
A small reedy plant that woody and bears a fine white material over hard pointy seeds.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The fine white material can be processed into yarn or string for sewing, The seed can be used as a sharp barb in sling shots or slings. Crushing the seeds produces a oil that can be used in cooking.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC










Prof. Farming

Prof. Farming

Craft Item

Craft Item











Name Identify DC Uses
Cowage 25 M, D, E, P
A vine like plant that grows about trees and other plants with pea like beans as its fruit.
Edible Parts
Boil and roast the peas to make a coffee like drink.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
Eating the beans raw are poisonous (DC 20 2d6 an hour for 1d12 hours)
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
As always the vine of the plant works as a rope replacement on its own but grinding the beans once roasted and boiled they can be made into a aphrodisiac or antidepressant. (See Item Rules for potion uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farming / Survival


Chemistry (See Item Rules)

Craft Items







Name Identify DC Uses
Cranberry 20 D, E
This plant has tiny leaves arranged alternately. Its stem creeps along the ground. Its fruits are red berries.
Edible Parts
The berries are very tart when eaten raw. Cook in a small amount of water and add sugar, if available, to make a jelly /jam.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Cranberries may act as a diuretic. They are useful for treating urinary tract infections. Thus it is used in crafting potions, (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Crowberry 25 E
This is a dwarf evergreen shrub with short needlelike leaves. It has small, shiny, black berries that remain on the bush throughout the winter.
Edible Parts
The fruits are edible fresh or can be dried for later use.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Fruit 150 Farming/ Herbalist / Survival 25










Name Identify DC Uses
Cucumber 15 E
A Small Ground Vine with little yellow flowers and Small greenish gourds
Edible Parts
The gourds are eaten raw or pickled
Other Uses Other Use DC 30
Cucumbers are used in crafting of potions, (see Items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Cuipo tree 20 W, M
This is a very dominant and easily detected tree because it extends above the other trees. Its height ranges from 45 to 60 meters. It has leaves only at the top and is bare 11 months out of the e clean end to your mouth or canteen and raise the other. The water from this tree tastes like potato water.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Use young saplings and the branches’ inner bark to make rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Craft Item





Name Identify DC Uses
Dandelion 10 M, E
Dandelion leaves have a jagged edge, grow close to the ground, and is seldom more than 20 centimeters long. Its flowers are bright yellow. There are several dandelion species
Edible Parts
All parts are edible. Eat the leaves raw or cooked. Boil the roots as a vegetable. Roots roasted and ground is a good coffee substitute. Dandelions are high in vitamins A and C and in calcium.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Use the white juice in the flower stems as glue.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

















Name Identify DC Uses
Date palm 20 W, E, M
The date palm is a tall, un branched tree with a crown of huge, compound leaves. Its fruit is yellow when ripe.
Edible Parts
Its fruit is edible fresh but is very bitter if eaten before it is ripe. You can dry the fruits in the sun and preserve them for a long time.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The trunks provide valuable building material in desert regions where few other treelike plants are found. The leaves are durable and you can use them for thatching and as weaving material. The base of the leaves resembles coarse cloth that you can use for scrubbing and cleaning.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival

Craft Item / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Daylily 20 E
This plant has unspotted, tawny blossoms that open for 1 day only. It has long, Sword like, green basal leaves. Its root is a mass of swollen and elongated tubers.
Edible Parts
The young green leaves are edible raw or cooked. Tubers are also edible raw or cooked. You can eat its flowers raw, but they taste better cooked. You can also fry the flowers for storage.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Farming / Herbalist /Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Death Cap 40 P
A large top with bright colors and a tall stalk
Caution Threat ID DC 40
Looking similar to many edible mushrooms it causes the liver to breakdown and be destroyed. It is one of the highly deadliest mushrooms in the world 3d8 a round for 2d20 rounds Resistance DC 25, Processing the poison has shown no real effect
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Mushroom 100 Herbalist 40















Name Identify DC Uses
Death camas, death lily 25 P
This plant arises from a bulb and may be mistaken for an onion like plant. Its leaves

are grass like. Its flowers are six-parted and the petals have a green, heart-shaped structure on

them. The flowers grow on showy stalks above the leaves.

Caution Threat ID DC 35
The poison does 2d8 a round damage for 1d12 minutes Resistance DC 15, the poison in raw form does 1d8 damage a round for 1d6 minutes Resistance DC 15.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison



Prof. Herbalist






Name Identify DC Uses
Dill seed 25 E,S,D
It grows to 40–60 cm (16–24 in), with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long
Edible Parts
The stems and leaves are edible raw or cooked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Dill and Dill oil used to soothe the stomach after meals, so it’s used in potion crafting (See Craft Items Rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Duchesnea or Indian strawberry 20 E
The duchesnea is a small plant that has runners and three-parted leaves. Its flowers are yellow and its fruit resembles a strawberry.
Edible Parts
Its fruit is edible. Eat it fresh.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Fruit 100 Farmer /Herbalist /Survival 10



Name Identify DC Uses
Elderberry 20 E
Elderberry is a many-stemmed shrub with opposite, compound leaves. It grows to a height of 6 meters. Its flowers are fragrant, white, and borne in large flat-topped clusters up to 30 centimeters across. Its berrylike fruits are dark blue or black when ripe.
Edible Parts
The flowers and fruits are edible. You can make a drink by soaking the flower heads for 8 hours, discarding the flowers, and drinking the liquid.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Jam/ Jelly




Prof. Farming / Survival

Cooking (effects match Item Wine)






Name Identify DC Uses
False Morels 25 M,P
A large solitary mushroom with sponge like head.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
Eating the mushrooms raw can cause one to get sick doing 1d8 damage a round for 1d20 rounds. DC 15 Resistance
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Processing the poison from the mushrooms creates a powerful Rocket fuel source.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Rocket Fuel









Name Identify DC Uses
Fireweed 20 E
This plant grows up to 1.8 meters tall. It has large, showy, pink flowers and lance shaped leaves. Its relative, the dwarf fireweed (Epilobium latifolium), grows 30 to 60 centimeters tall.
Edible Parts
The leaves, stems, and flowers are edible in the spring but become tough in summer. You can split open the stems of old plants and eat the pith raw.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 10 Survival / Prof. Herbalist 30



Name Identify DC Uses
Fishtail palm 20 W, E
Fishtail palms are large trees, at least 18 meters tall. Their leaves are unlike those of any other palm; the leaflets are irregular and toothed on the upper margins. All other palms have either fan-shaped or featherlike leaves. Its massive flowering shoot is borne at the top of the tree and hangs downward.
Edible Parts
The chief food in this palm is the starch stored in large quantities in its trunk. The juice from the fishtail palm is very nourishing and you have to drink it shortly after getting it from the palm flower shoot. Boil the juice down to get a rich sugar syrup. Use the same method as for the sugar palm to get the juice. The palm cabbage may be eaten raw or cooked.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack / Survival


Cooking / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Foxtail grass 25 E
This weedy grass is readily recognized by the narrow, cylindrical head containing long hairs. Its grains are small, less than 6 millimeters long. The dense heads of grain often droop when ripe.
Edible Parts
The grains are edible raw but are very hard and sometimes bitter. Boiling removes some of the bitterness and makes them easier to eat.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Grain 10 Prof. Farming /Cooking 20


Name Identify DC Uses
Fenugreek 25 D, S
A seedy clover like plant. Used both as a herd and a Spice (makes curry)
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Can be to promote milk production in women and crafted into a natural hormone it also can be used to make a low cost maple syrup. The medical properties have this used in potion crafting (See item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival


Chemistry (see item rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Garlic 20 E, G, M, D
Allium cernuum is an example of the many species of garlic.
Edible Parts
The bulbs and young leaves are edible raw or cooked. Use in soup or to flavor meat.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Garlic juice works as an antibiotic on wounds. Due to this it’s used in potions (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Farming/ Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Goa bean 25 E
The Goa bean is a climbing plant that may cover small shrubs and trees. Its bean pods are 22 centimeters long, its leaves 15 centimeters long, and its flowers are bright blue. The mature pods are 4-angled, with jagged wings on the pods.
Edible Parts
You can eat the young pods like string beans. The mature seeds are a valuable source of protein after parching or roasting them over hot coals. You can germinate the seeds (as you can many kinds of beans) in damp moss and eat the resultant sprouts. The thickened roots are edible raw. They are slightly sweet, with the firmness of an apple. You can also eat the young leaves as a vegetable, raw or steamed.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Herbalist / Farmer / Survival

Prof. Herbalist /Survival














Name Identify DC Uses
Ginger 20 E,D
Ginger produces clusters of white and pink flower buds that bloom into yellow flowers
Edible Parts
The root is edible yet bitter in taste.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Ginger can help ease nausea from chemotherapy. Due to its medical use its used for crafting potions. (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Chemistry (See Item Rules)

Herbalist / Farmer / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Ginseng 25 D
also known as Ginnsuu in some regions of Asia, mainly China, is any one of eleven distinct species of slow-growing  perennial plants with fleshy roots
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
Aids digestion, cures hepatitis C, lowers blood pressure, increases stamina. Due to its medical use its used to craft potions (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See item rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Grape vine 20 E,M
The grape vine climbs with the aid of tendrils. Most grape vines produce deeply lobed leaves similar to the cultivated grape. Grapes grow in pyramidal; hangings bunch and are black-blue to amber, or white when ripe.
Edible Parts
The ripe grape is the portion eaten. Grapes are rich in natural sugars and, for this reason, are much sought after as a source of energy-giving wild food. None are poisonous.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
You can obtain water from severed grape vine stems. Cut off the vine at the bottom and place the cut end in a container. Make a slant-wise cut into the vine about 1.8 meters upon the hanging part. This cut will allow water to flow from the bottom end. As water diminishes in volume, make additional cuts further down the vine. For wine see (Item Rules for the effects)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Fresh Water





Prof. Farming / Survival


Cooking / Chemistry (See items)













Name Identify DC Uses
Grapefruit 20 E,D,W
These evergreen trees are usually found at around 5–6 meters (16–20 ft) tall, although they can reach 13–15 meters (43–49 ft). The leaves are dark green, long (up to 150 mm, or 6 inches) and thin. It produces 5 cm (2 in) white four-petal flowers. The fruit is yellow-orange skinned and largely an sphere shaped fruit; it ranges in diameter from 10–15 cm. The flesh is segmented and acidic, varying in color depending on the cultivars, which include white, pink and red pulps of varying sweetness.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The high content of Vitamin C in this fruit makes it a great source to be used in creating a vitamin to help fight off diseases. This sets this as an ingredient for potions for uses (See Item rules)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Green Bean 15 E
Short plants, growing to approximately two feet in height, without requiring supports. They generally reach maturity and produce all of their fruit in a relatively short period of time, then cease to produce. Gardeners may grow more than one crop of bush beans in a season.
Edible Parts
The Beans pods of the plant are edible cooked or even eaten raw
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Bean Pod




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming





Name Identify DC Uses
Green Pepper 10 E
A small Vine-like plant with Large green fruit in the form of a bell
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible and often when its green its considered to be best eaten raw but can be cooked as well
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming















Name Identify DC Uses
Green seaweed 10 E,D
Most common type of seaweed in the world, often found washing ashore but can be found in tidal pools and calmer ocean waters. It contains high amounts of Iodine, Calcium, and Magnesium.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible as long as its boiled and/or baked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 35
Boiling the plant produces Iodine which can be used to clean and treat injuries, burning it to a powder creates a calcium powder also good for medical treatments of bone fractures. Due to it medical use it can be used to craft potions to see uses (See Item Rules) to get use listings.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Fisherman / Survival /Farmer


Chemistry (See item rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Hackberry 25 W,E
Hackberry trees have smooth, gray bark that often has corky warts or ridges. The tree may reach 39 meters in height. Hackberry trees have long-pointed leaves that grow in two rows. This tree bears small, round berries that can be eaten when they are ripe and fall from the tree. The wood of the hackberry is yellowish.
Edible Parts
Its berries are edible when they are ripe and fall from the tree.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Hazelnut or wild filbert 20 W,E
Hazelnuts grow on bushes 1.8 to 3.6 meters high. One species in Turkey and another in China are large trees. The nut itself grows in a very bristly husk that conspicuously contracts above the nut into a long neck. The different species vary in this respect as to size and shape.
Edible Parts
Hazelnuts ripen in the autumn when you can crack them open and eat the kernel. The dried nut is extremely delicious. The nut’s high oil content makes it a good survival food. In the unripe stage, you can crack them open and eat the fresh kernel.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival














Name Identify DC Uses
Hemlock, fool’s parsley 40 P
This biennial herb may grow to 2.5 meters high. The smooth, hollow stem may or may not be purple or red striped or mottled. Its white flowers are small and grow in small groups that tend to form flat umbels. Its long, turnip like taproot is solid.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
This plant is very poisonous and even a very small amount may cause death. This plant is easy to confuse with wild carrot or Queen Anne’s lace, especially in its first stage of growth. Wild carrot or Queen Anne’s lace has hairy leaves and stems and smells like carrot. Poison hemlock does not. The poison in its raw form does 1d4 END damage for 1d6 minutes Resist DC 20. Refined the poison will do 1d6 END for 1d12 minutes Resistance DC 25.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison



Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Hops 25 E,M
The female flowers (often called “cones”) of H. lupulus are known as hops, and are used as a culinary flavoring and stabilizer, especially in the brewing of beer
Edible Parts
The hops can be ground up and becomes flour, or boiled to make Ale, Also can be used to make a sleep aid. For Ale and Beer (See Item Rules) for its effect and its use in potions.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Cooking

Cooking / Chemistry (Item Rules)

Chemistry (See Items Rules





Name Identify DC Uses
Horseradish tree 20 W, E, S
This tree grows from 4.5 to 14 meters tall. Its leaves have a fernlike appearance. Its flowers and long, pendulous fruits grow on the ends of the branches. Its fruit (pod) looks like a giant bean. Its 25-to 60-centimeter-long pods are triangular in cross section, with strong ribs. Its roots have a pungent odor.
Edible Parts
The leaves are edible raw or cooked, depending on their hardness. Cut the young seedpods into short lengths and cook them like string beans or fry them. You can get oil for frying by boiling the young fruits of palms and skimming the oil off the surface of the water. You can eat the flowers as part of a salad. You can chew fresh, young seedpods to eat the pulpy and soft seeds. The roots may be ground as a substitute for seasoning similar to horseradish.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC












Prof. Lumberjack / Survival


Prof. Herbalist / Survival


Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival











Name Identify DC Uses
Iceland moss 25 E, D
All parts of the Iceland moss are edible. During the winter or dry season, it is dry and crunchy but softens when soaked. Boil the moss to remove the bitterness. After boiling, eat by itself or add to milk or grains as a thickening agent, This moss grows only a few inches high. Its color may be gray, white, or even reddish.
Edible Parts
Dried plants store well.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
The moss has a great resistance to cold temps making it good for potion use, (See item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC





Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Indian potato or Eskimo potato 25 E
All Claytonia species are somewhat fleshy plants only a few centimeters tall, with showy flowers about 2.5 centimeters across.
Edible Parts
The tubers are edible but you should boil them before eating.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Potato 150 Farming / Herbalist / Survival 25



Name Identify DC Uses
Indonesian Cinnamon 25 S, W
Is a small evergreen tree belonging to the family, the spice obtained from the tree’s bark
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Irish moss 15 E,D
A greenish, yellow and purple seaweed found through the tidal pools and calmer waters of the ocean, the plant carries strong amounts of Iodine and sulfur within its steams.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible once boiled or baked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Boiling the plant can produce Iodine which can be used to clean and treat wounds. Burning it to ash can create a sulfur powder that can be used to create a chemical stink bomb or flash powder.

Stink bomb does DC 15 Resistance vs sickness.   Flash powder DC 15 Resistance vs Blindness.

Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Stink bomb

Flash Powder





Survival / Fishing / Farming










Name Identify DC Uses
Ivy, Poison / Poison ivy and poison oak 25 P, D
These two plants are quite similar in appearance and will often crossbreed to make a hybrid. Both have alternate, compound leaves with three leaflets. The leaves of poison ivy are smooth or serrated. Poison oak’s leaves are lobed and resemble oak leaves. Poison ivy grows as a vine along the ground or climbs by red feeder roots. Poison oak grows like a bush. The greenish white flowers are small and inconspicuous and are followed by waxy green berries that turn waxy white or yellow, then gray.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
All parts, at all times of the year, can cause serious contact dermatitis. Causes rash that does 1d4 damage a day for 1d6 days DC 20 Resistance. Itching Powder 1d12 damage for 1d12 hours DC 20 Resistance.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Itching Powder



Survival / Prof. Herbalist






Name Identify DC Uses
Jack-O-Lantern 25 P,D
A shelf like Mushroom found in clumps on trees. Bright Orange in color.
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC 25
While Not deadly the mushroom causes great pain and sickness. DC 20 Resistance vs. Illness
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
A very skilled Chemist can make a Strong Healing effect but it’s very difficult to weed out the poison. Due to this the mushroom can be used in potions, (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Jasmine 20 S,M,E
Small shrubs or vines that grow olive like flowers
Edible Parts
The leaves are edible and used in spices.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Jasmine can be made in to a fine perfume that is well loved
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Pro. Farmer


Prof. Herbalist











Name Identify DC Uses
Juniper 25 W,E,M
Junipers, sometimes called cedars, are trees or shrubs with very small, scale like leaves densely crowded around the branches. Each leaf is less than 1.2 centimeters long. All species have a distinct aroma resembling the well-known cedar. The berrylike cones are usually blue and covered with a whitish wax.
Edible Parts
The berries and twigs are edible. Eat the berries raw or roast the seeds to use as a coffee substitute. Use dried and crushed berries as a seasoning for meat. Gather young twigs to make a tea.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Sap can be used as a Resin or glue
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC










Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Farmer / Herbalist / Survival











Name Identify DC Uses
Kale, Spring Lettuce, Collards 20 E,D
Green or purple, in which the central leaves do not form a head. It is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms
Edible Parts
The entire leaf is edible raw or cooked it is mainly eaten cooked
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
The vitamins in this plant while not useful on its own can be used to help potions out, (See Items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (see item rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Kelp 15 E,D
A large seaweed found in vast areas of ocean.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible once boiled
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Once the plant is burned to ash the ash is the chemical Sodium Carbonate Which has many medical uses, (see item rules for uses in potions)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Fishing / Survival / Farming










Name Identify DC Uses
Lavender 20 S,E,M,D
are a genus of 39 species of flowering plants in the mint family known for their purple flowers
Edible Parts
The plant is edible but is more used for a spice for flavoring
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Lavender is used for its smell as a perfume, but also is used as a drug for medical use, for that reason it can be used in potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Herbalist /Farmer/ Survival


Chemistry (see item rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Lemon 20 E,W,D,M
a small evergreen tree native to Asia, and the tree’s oval yellow fruit.
Edible Parts
The fruit of the plant is edible all be it very bitter. It can be made into candy served to flavor foods even made into fruit juice.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Healing properties of the lemon juice can cure sores and wounds The Strong vitamin content can be used to make Vitamins. The Juice can be made into a simple weak  acid spray that deters bugs that does 2d10 to Insects of END per use.  Lastly the Juice holds strong germ cleansing properties Granting a +30 profession maid skill. For the healing properties (see item rules) for uses.   
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Cleaning Solution








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farmer / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)


Chemistry / Prof. Maid

Prof. Farming









Name Identify DC Uses
Lemongrass 25 S,E,D
A bushy patch of citrus flavored grass
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Lemongrass has strong healing properties and can be used as Medicine, its used in potions (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)








Name Identify DC Uses
Lettuce 20 E
a temperate annual or biennial  plant of the daisy family. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable.
Edible Parts
The plant is fully edible raw and is often eaten that way.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 100 Prof. Farmer 10



Name Identify DC Uses
Licorice, Liquorice 25 S,E,D
A small fern like plant with pods
Edible Parts
The pods are edible
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
As well as a spice, Licorice has been use through out time as a healing plant for coughs and soars, due to this they are a useful ingredient in potions, (See Item Rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Farming / Herbalist/ Survivor

Prof. Farming /Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Lime 20 W,E,M
a small evergreen tree native to Asia, and the tree’s oval green fruit.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible raw and can be made into candy, flavoring or even a fruity drink
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Unlike its cousin Lemons Limes only have one extra use and that’s the juice makes a fine perfume
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival




















Name Identify DC Uses
Lotus 20 E,M
There are two species of lotus: one has yellow flowers and the other pink flowers.

The flowers are large and showy. The leaves, which may float on or rise above the surface of the

water, often reach 1.5 meters in radius. The fruit has a distinctive flattened shape and contains

up to 20 hard seeds.

Edible Parts
All parts of the plant are edible raw or cooked. The underwater parts contain large quantities of starch. Dig the fleshy portions from the mud and bake or boil them. Boil the young leaves and eat them as a vegetable. The seeds have a pleasant flavor and are nutritious. Eat them raw, or parch and grind them into flour.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Lotus can be used to make perfume.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Rare Color







Prof. Herbalist / Survivor










Name Identify DC Uses
Lantana 25 P
Lantana is a shrub-like plant that may grow up to 45 centimeters high. It has opposite, round leaves and flowers borne in flat-topped clusters. The flower color (which varies in different areas) may be white, yellow, orange, pink, or red. It has a dark blue or black berrylike fruit. A distinctive feature of all parts of this plant is its strong scent.
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC 40
All parts of this plant are poisonous if eaten and can be fatal. This plant causes dermatitis in some individuals. Raw Poison does 1d6 END damage a round for 1d4 rounds Resistance DC 15,

Refined the poison does 1d12 End damage a round for 1d6 rounds Resistance DC 20

Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison



Prof. Herbalist






Name Identify DC Uses
Laver 20 E, D
A seaweed that has great values in the form of Iodine and Iron. Most commonly known as Japanese Nori. It’s a great source of vitamins needed and lays easily in tidal pools and calm ocean watery areas.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible once it has been boiled or baked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Boiling the plant can produce a medically used version of Iodine that can be use to clean wounds and treat infection. The product can be used in crafting potions. (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Fishing / Farming / Survival


Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Manchineel 40 P,W
Manchineel is a tree reaching up to 15 meters high with alternate, shiny green leaves and spikes of small greenish flowers. Its fruits are green or greenish-yellow when ripe.
Caution Threat ID DC 45
This tree is extremely toxic. It causes severe dermatitis in most individuals after only .5 hour.

Even water dripping from the leaves may cause dermatitis. The smoke from burning it

irritates the eyes. No part of this plant should be considered a food. Poison Liquid Resistance Dc 20 and does 2d8 damage a minute for 1d20 minutes, Poison Gas grants Blindness and does 3d8 damage a round for 1d12 rounds DC 20 Resistance

Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Poison Gas

Poison Liquid




Prof. Lumberjack








Name Identify DC Uses
Mango 20 W, E
This tree may reach 30 meters in height. It has alternate, simple, shiny, dark green leaves. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous. Its fruits have a large single seed. There are many cultivated varieties of mango. Some have red flesh, others yellow or orange, often with many fibers and a kerosene taste.
Edible Parts
The fruits area nutritious food source. The unripe fruit can be peeled and its flesh eaten by shredding it and eating it like a salad. The ripe fruit can be peeled and eaten raw. Roasted seed kernels are edible.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Manioc 20 E, M
Manioc is a perennial shrubby plant, 1 to 3 meters tall, with jointed stems and deep green, fingerlike leaves. It has large, fleshy rootstocks.
Edible Parts
The rootstocks are full of starch and high in food value. Two kinds of manioc are known: bitter and sweet. Both are edible. The bitter type contains poisonous hydrocyanic acid. To prepare manioc, first grind the fresh manioc root into a pulp, then cook it for at least 1 hour to remove the bitter poison from the roots. Then flatten the pulp into cakes and bake as bread. Manioc cakes or flour will keep almost indefinitely if protected against insects and dampness. Wrap them in banana leaves for protection.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival










Name Identify DC Uses
Marsh marigold 20 E
This plant has rounded, dark green leaves arising from a short stem. It has bright yellow flowers.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible if boiled.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Morels 20 E,M
A large solitary mushroom with sponge like head.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible but must be cooked
Caution Threat ID DC 25
Eating the mushrooms raw can cause one to get sick doing 1d8 damage a round for 1d20 rounds. Cooking the mushroom destroys the poison DC 15 Resistance to avoid effects.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Processing the poison from the mushrooms creates a powerful Rocket fuel source.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Rocket Fuel



Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Mulberry 20 E,M,P,D
This tree has alternate, simple, often lobed leaves with rough surfaces. Its fruits

are blue or black and many seeded.

Edible Parts
The fruit is edible raw or cooked. It can be dried for eating later.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
When eaten in quantity, mulberry fruit acts as a laxative. Green, unripe fruit can be hallucinogenic and cause extreme nausea and cramps. DC 15 Will vs. Illusions for 1d6 hours The properties can be refined to make a poison that does DC20 Will vs Illusions for 1d10 hours.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
You can shred the inner bark of the tree and use it to make twine or cord.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Illusion Poison




Herbalist / Farmer/ Survival

Craft Item















Name Identify DC Uses
Mushtake 40 E
A long stemmed Mushroom with a tall brown cap
Edible Parts
This highly prized mushroom is a rare treat to many and can rarely be found through out the world. It has the taste of the highest quality truffles.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Mushroom 50,000 Herbalist / Farming / Survival 30



Name Identify DC Uses
Mustard 25 E,M,S
A tall yellow flowering plant with many flowers on a stem
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
On top of making Mustard spice, it also can be used to make Mustard Gas a deadly Chemical Gas (See Item Rules for effect and use)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Mustard Gas




Herbalist/ Farmer / Survival

Cooking (crit. failure makes gas)

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Nettle 20 E, M
These plants grow several feet high. They have small, inconspicuous flowers. Fine, hairline bristles cover the stems, leafstalks, and undersides of leaves. The bristles cause a stinging sensation when they touch the skin.
Edible Parts
Young shoots and leaves are edible. Boiling the plant for 10 to 15 minutes destroys the stinging element of the bristles. This plant is very nutritious.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Mature stems have a fibrous layer that you can divide into individual fibers and use to weave string or twine.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item














Name Identify DC Uses
Nipa palm 20 E, M
This palm has a short, mainly underground trunk and very large, erect leaves up to 6 meters tall. The leaves are divided into leaflets. A flowering head forms on a short erect stern that rises among the palm leaves. The fruiting (seed) head is dark brown and may be 30 centimeters in diameter.
Edible Parts
The young flower stalk and the seeds provide a good source of water and food. Cut the flower stalk and collect the juice. The juice is rich in sugar. The seeds are hard but edible.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The leaves are excellent as thatch and coarse weaving material.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Craft Items

Herbalist / Farming / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Nutmeg 25 E,S,D,W
A small tree with a egg like nut and small white flowers
Edible Parts
The nut is edible but commonly used as a spice.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
On top as a Spice Nutmeg can be made into a drug that causes dizziness, and nausea. DC 15 Resistance DC, causes Dazed effect for 1d8 rounds
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist/  Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Oak 15 W, E, M
Oak trees have alternate leaves and acorn fruits. There are two main groups of oaks: red and white. The red oak group has leaves with bristles and smooth bark in the upper part of the tree. Red oak acorns take 2 years to mature. The white oak group has leaves without bristles and a rough bark in the upper portion of the tree. White oak acorns mature in 1 year.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible, but often contain large quantities of bitter substances. White oak acorns usually have a better flavor than red oak acorns. Gather and shell the acorns. Soak red oak acorns in water for 1 to 2 days to remove the bitter substance. You can speed up this process by putting wood ashes in the water in which you soak the acorns. Boil the acorns or grind them into flour and use the flour for baking. You can use acorns that you baked until very dark as a coffee substitute
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Oak bark soaked in water produces a tanning solution used to preserve leather.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item







Name Identify DC Uses
Oats 15 E,M
A simple long grass with individual seeds held together by a thin strand.
Edible Parts
The seeds are edible raw but can be processed into flour, brand, even cooked in to a fine mush.
Other Uses Other Use DC 15
The plant in all make a good animal feed
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farming / Survival


Prof. Farming

Prof. Farming / Prof. Rancher







Name Identify DC Uses
Oleander 25 W,P
This shrub or small tree grows to about 9 meters, with alternate, very straight, dark green leaves. Its flowers may be white, yellow, red, pink, or intermediate colors. Its fruit is a brown, pod like structure with many small seeds.
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC 40
All parts of the plant are very poisonous. Do not use the wood for cooking; it gives off poisonous fumes that can poison food. Eating does 1d3 END damage a round for 1d4 rounds, Burning wood 1d4 END damage a round for 1d8 rounds  DC resistance 15 on both. Refining the poison gains access to poison Gas, 1d8 END damage a round for 1d12 rounds Resistance DC 25, Or liquid does 1d6 End a round in damage for 1d8 rounds, Resistance Dc 20
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Liquid Poison

Poison Gas





Prof. Herbalist

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival









Name Identify DC Uses
Olive 20 W,E,D,M
A small bushy tree with small long almost grass like leaves and little green fruits.
Edible Parts
While the Leaves and Oil form the tree are edible and can be used in cooking the fruits are the most edible parts. They are eaten raw or fermented to flavor.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The leaves hold some healing properties when boiled into a tea, due to its healing properties, it is used to form potions (see item rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farmer/ Survival

Prof. Farmer


Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Onion 20 E, G, M, D
Allium cernuum is an example of the many species of onions
Edible Parts
The bulbs and young leaves are edible raw or cooked. Use in soup or to flavor meat.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Eating large quantities of onions will give your body an odor that will help to repel insects. Insecticide does 2d6 End Damage per use on insects.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farming







Name Identify DC Uses
Orach   E
This plant is vine like in growth and has arrowhead-shaped, alternate leaves up to 5 centimeters long. Young leaves maybe silver-colored. Its flowers and fruits are small and inconspicuous.
Edible Parts
The entire plant is edible raw or boiled.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 50 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Orange 15 E,W,D,M
An evergreen flowering tree generally growing to 9–10 m in height (although very old specimens have reached 15 m). The leaves are arranged alternately, are ovate in shape with crenulated margins and are 4–10 cm long. It bears a orange colored fruit, a type of berry.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible and can be use in a massive amount of ways from raw to seasoning, to making sweets and juice.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The Flower can be used to make Perfume, the Peel A fine Wax, The juice can be made into a Cleaning Solution which grants +30 to Profession Maid skill. Also a powerful Vitamin to fight off disease and other chemicals for health that is used in potions. (See Items Rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Marmalade / Jelly


Cleaning Solution












Prof. Lumber / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival




Craft Item

Chemistry / Pro. Maid

Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (see item rules)











Name Identify DC Uses
Oregano 20 S
A small Clover like flowering plant
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 50 Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer 10



Name Identify DC Uses
Palmetto palm 20 W, E, M
The palmetto palm is a tall, un branched tree with persistent leaf bases on most of the trunk. The leaves are large, simple, and palmate lobed. Its fruits are dark blue or black with a hard seed.
Edible Parts
The fruits are edible raw. The hard seeds may be ground into flour. The heart of the palm is a nutritious food source at any time. Cut off the top of the tree to obtain the palm heart.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming








Name Identify DC Uses
Pangi 25 W,P
This tree, with heart-shaped leaves in spirals, reaches a height of 18 meters. Its flowers grow in spikes and are green in color. Its large, brownish, pear-shaped fruits grow in clusters.
Edible Parts
Caution Threat ID DC 25
All parts are poisonous, especially the fruit. In the Raw Poison Does DC 15 Resistance 1d8 END a minute for 1d20 Minutes. Processed it does DC 20 Resistance 1d10 END a minute for 1d12 Minutes.
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Poison




Prof. Lumber / Survival

Prof. Herbalist



















Name Identify DC Uses
Papaya or pawpaw 20 E,M
The papaya is a small tree 1.8 to 6 meters tall, with a soft, hollow trunk. When cut, the entire plant exudes a milky juice. The trunk is rough and the leaves are crowded at the trunk’s apex. The fruit grows directly from the trunk, among and below the leaves. The fruit is green before ripening. When ripe, it turns yellow or remains greenish with a squash like appearance.
Edible Parts
The ripe fruit is high in vitamin C. Eat it raw or cock it like squash. Place green fruit in the sun to make it ripen quickly. Cook the young papaya leaves, flowers, and stems carefully, changing the water as for taro.
Caution Threat ID DC 35
Be careful not to get the milky sap from the unripe fruit into your eyes. It will cause intense pain and temporary–sometimes even permanent–blindness. Spray does DC 20 Resistance vs Blindness for 1d12 hours, results of a 1 on the save could have blindness become more permanent.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Use the milky juice of the unripe fruit to tenderize tough meat. Rub the juice on the meat.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Blinding Spray




Prof. Farmer/ Survival








Name Identify DC Uses
Parsley 20 S
a stalky leafy green plant
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 50 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Pea 20 E,M
A small Vine like plant that is all green with broad leaves and a pod like bean for fruit.
Edible Parts
While the shoots can be eaten the seeds inside are the main dish of this plant eaten dried, or cooked it’s a handy plant for adding flavor to meals.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
A skilled Craftsman can process the pods chemical makeup into a new and durable material similar to glass yet less likely to shatter.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Framing













Name Identify DC Uses
Peach 20 E,W,M
A large tree The leaves are lanceolate, 7–16 cm (2.8–6.3 in) long, 2–3 cm (0.79–1.2 in) broad, pinnately veined. The flowers are produced in early spring before the leaves; they are solitary or paired, 2.5–3 cm diameter, pink, with five petals. The fruit has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and a skin that is either velvety or smooth
Edible Parts
The fruit of the tree is edible and can be used to season other foods or make a fruit juice with it.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The Flower of the tree can be used to make a fine perfume
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming








Name Identify DC Uses
Peanut 20 E,M
A small green like plant low to the ground with yellow flowers a four broad leaves to a stem reaching into the ground.
Edible Parts
The roots are a bean grown underground sought for its high protean. The seeds in the pod are the only truly edible parts that can be eaten raw, Salted or flavored, Boiled or even processed into other means The Nuts produce a small amount of oil that can be extracted and used as a fuel source.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Peanut Butter








Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming











Name Identify DC Uses
Pear 20 E,W,M
They are medium sized trees, reaching 10–17 m tall, often with a tall, narrow crown; a few species are shrubby. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 2–12 cm long, glossy green on some species, densely silvery-hairy in some others; leaf shape varies from broad oval to narrow lanceolate. The wood from this tree is highly sought in crafting musical instruments increasing its value.
Edible Parts
The Fruit is edible raw and can be used to season other foods or be made into a juice.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack

Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming









Name Identify DC Uses
Peppermint 25 E, S, D
A small Green jagged edged leafed plant
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible
Other Uses Other Use DC 30
This plant has medical properties and is used in the crafting of potions. (See Item Rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Cooking

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Persimmon 20 E, W, M, P
These trees have alternate, dark green, elliptic leaves with entire margins. The flowers are inconspicuous. The fruits are orange, have a sticky consistency, and have several seeds.
Edible Parts
The leaves are a good source of vitamin C. The fruits are edible raw or baked. To make tea, dry the leaves and soak them in hot water. You can eat the roasted seeds.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
Be careful not to get the milky sap from the unripe fruit into your eyes. It will cause intense pain and temporary–sometimes even permanent—blindness DC 15 Resistance Blindness, Refined poison does DC 20 Resistance vs Blindness (the result of a critical failure it can become permanent)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Poison








Prof. Herbalist / Survival




Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival








Name Identify DC Uses
Physic nut 25 P
This shrub or small tree has large, 3- to 5-parted alternate leaves. It has small, greenish-yellow flowers and its yellow, apple-sized fruits contain three large seeds.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
The seeds taste sweet but their oil is violently purgative. All parts of the physic nut are poisonous. In the Raw does 1d4 END per hour for 1d6 hours DC 15 Resistance, processed does 1d8 END an hour for 1d12 hours DC 20 Resistance
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Processed poison















Name Identify DC Uses
Pincushion cactus 20 E
Members of this cactus group are round, short, barrel-shaped, and without leaves.

Sharp spines cover the entire plant.

Edible Parts
They are a good source of water in the desert.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Fresh Water 50 Survival 30



Name Identify DC Uses
Pine 20 E, W, M
Pine trees are easily recognized by their needlelike leaves grouped in bundles. Each bundle may contain one to five needles, the number varying among species. The tree’s odor and sticky sap provide a simple way to distinguish pines from similar looking trees with needlelike leaves.
Edible Parts
The seeds of all species are edible. You can collect the young male cones, which grow only in the spring, as a survival food. Boil or bake the young cones. The bark of young twigs is edible. Peel off the bark of thin twigs. You can chew the juicy inner bark; it is rich in sugar and vitamins. Eat the seeds raw or cooked. Green pine needle tea is high in vitamin C.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Use the resin to waterproof articles. Also use it as glue. Collect the resin from the tree. If there is not enough resin on the tree, cut a notch in the bark so more sap will seep out. Put the resin in a container and heat it. The hot resin is your glue. Use it as is or add a small amount of ash dust to strengthen it. Use it immediately. You can use hardened pine resin as an emergency dental filling.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Herbalist/ Survival


Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Craft Item







Name Identify DC Uses
Pineapple 20 E,D
a herbaceous short-lived  perennial plant which grows to 1.0 to 1.5 meters (3.3 to 4.9 ft) tall. After the first fruit is produced, side shoots are produced in the leaf axils of the main stem. These may be removed for propagation, or left to produce additional fruits on the original plant.
Edible Parts
The woody stalk part of the plant is edible once cut into the sweet inside is revealed. It can be eaten raw used as seasoning in cooking, cooked or even made in a juice drink.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
The root and fruit can be ground into a simple healing solution, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)




Name Identify DC Uses
Plantain, broad and narrow leaf 20 E, D
The broad leaf plantain has leaves over 2.5 centimeters across that grow close to

the ground. The flowers are on a spike that rises from the middle of the cluster of leaves. The

narrow leaf plantain has leaves up to 12 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters wide, covered

with hairs. The leaves form a rosette. The flowers are small and inconspicuous.

Edible Parts
The young tender leaves are edible raw. Older leaves should be cooked. Seeds are edible raw or roasted.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
To relieve pain from wounds and sores, wash and soak the entire plant for a short time and apply it to the injured area. To treat diarrhea, drink tea made from 28 grams (1 ounce) of the plant leaves boiled in 0.5 liter of water. The seeds and seed husks act as laxatives, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Chemistry (see item rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Pokeweed 25 E,D,M,P
This plant may grow as high as 3 meters. Its leaves are elliptic and up to 1 meter in

length. It produces many large clusters of purple fruits in late spring.

Edible Parts
The young leaves and stems are edible cooked. Boil them twice, discarding the water from the first boiling. The fruits are edible if cooked.
Caution Threat ID DC 45
All parts of this plant are poisonous if eaten raw. Never eat the underground portions of the

plant as these contain the highest concentrations of the poisons. Do not eat any plant over 25

centimeters tall or when red is showing in the plant. In the raw the poison does 1d4 END a round for 1d6 rounds DC 10 Resistance,  Refined Poison does 1d6 END a round for 1d8 rounds DC 15 Resistance.

Other Uses Other Use DC 45
The juice of the berries is used in dye and also used in some medicine, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item

















Name Identify DC Uses
Poppy 25 E,D
A large red to white tulip like flower
Edible Parts
Seeds are edible
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Opium and Morphine are made from the refined and modified sap is used for pain control in terminal patients. Dried sap was used as a traditional medicine until the 19th century. Poppy seeds Helps sleeping/relieves pain (see Item Rules for effects )
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Farmer/  Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farmer

Chemistry (see item rules)

Chemistry (see item rules)







Name Identify DC Uses
Potato 20 E
A small Bushy plant with several flowers in colors of white, yellow, pink and so on. The root is wide and sticks slightly out of the ground.
Edible Parts
The potato is only edible cooked, in the raw it is toxic (Fort Save 15 DC vs. Sickness) it can cooked a variety of ways and also be used to produce a strong alcoholic beverage Vodka (see item rules for effect and crafting of Vodka)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farmer / Survival

Cooking / Chemistry (See Items)





Name Identify DC Uses
Prickly pear cactus 20 E, D
This cactus has flat, pad-like stems that are green. Many round, furry dots that

contain sharp-pointed hairs cover these stems.

Edible Parts
All parts of the plant are edible. Peel the fruits and eat them fresh or crush them to prepare a refreshing drink. Avoid the tiny, pointed hairs. Roast the seeds and grind them to a flour.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The pad is a good source of water. Peel it carefully to remove all sharp hairs before putting it in your mouth. You can also use the pads to promote healing. Split them and apply the pulp to wounds. Pads do 1d8 healing.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Survival / Medical








Name Identify DC Uses
Psilocybin 25 D, P
A Small and thin stemmed brown mushroom
Caution Threat ID DC 40
this mushroom causes hallucinations DC 15 Will vs. Illusions for 1d4 hours
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Used by some to create powerful Hallucinate drugs (see item rules for effect and crafting). It also has been used in Medicine to heal deadly injuries. due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Puffball 20 E
A round topped to puff shaped Mushroom type in a variety of colors and shapes.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Mushroom 100 Farming /  Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Pumpkin 15 E, M
A large ground vine with yellow flowers and broad five prong leaves, and large green to orange colored fruit.
Edible Parts
All parts of the pumpkin is edible given its prepared correctly. Seeds and the rind need to be cooked while the shell can be eaten raw or cooked. The pumpkin is high in vitamins and can even be made into a juice.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
While decorating fresh pumpkin shells into lanterns are a cheep way to make a hooded lantern or jack o lantern the whole un used pumpkin is also looked at in times as a alternate source of ammo for catapults. The plants vine is also useful as a rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farming / Survival

Craft Item

Craft Item

Cooking / Prof. Farming















Name Identify DC Uses
Purslane 25 E, M
This plant grows close to the ground. It is seldom more than a few centimeters tall. Its stems and leaves are fleshy and often tinged with red. It has paddle shaped leaves, 2.5 centimeter or less long, clustered at the tips of the stems. Its flowers are yellow or pink. Its seeds are tiny and black.
Edible Parts
All parts are edible. Wash and boil the plants for a tasty vegetable or eat them raw. Use the seeds as a flour substitute or eat them raw.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist





Name Identify DC Uses
Radish 20 E
A small Stalk plant with a small red bulb or large white stalk at the root.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible yet the root has the most nutrition, it can be eaten raw or cooked.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 100 Farming / Herbalist / Survival 10



Name Identify DC Uses
Rattan palm 20 W, E, M
The rattan palm is a stout, robust climber. It has hooks on the midrib of its leaves that it uses to remain attached to trees on which it grows. Sometimes, mature stems grow to 90 meters. It has alternate, compound leaves and a whitish flower.
Edible Parts
Rattan palms hold a considerable amount of starch in their young stem tips. You can eat them roasted or raw. In other kinds, a gelatinous pulp, either sweet or sour, surrounds the seeds. You can suck out this pulp. The palm heart is also edible raw or cooked.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
You can obtain large amounts of potable water by cutting the ends of the long stems. The stems can be used to make baskets and fish traps.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival

Craft Items







Name Identify DC Uses
Red Pepper 15 E
A small Vine-like plant with Large red fruit in the form of a bell
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible and often when its green its considered to be best eaten raw but can be cooked as well
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming



Name Identify DC Uses
Reed 15 E, M
This tall, coarse grass grows to 3.5 meters tall and has gray-green leaves about 4 centimeters wide. It has large masses of brown flower branches in early summer. These rarely produce grain and become fluffy, gray masses late in the season.
Edible Parts
All parts of the plant are edible raw or cooked in any season. Harvest the stems as they emerge from the soil and boil them. You can also harvest them just before they produce flowers, then dry and beat them into flour. You can also dig up and boil the underground stems, but they are often tough. Seeds are edible raw or boiled, but they are rarely found.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Reindeer moss 25 E
Reindeer moss is a low-growing plant only a few centimeters tall. It does not flower but does produce bright red reproductive structures.
Edible Parts
Edible Parts: [25] The entire plant is edible but has a crunchy, brittle texture. Soak the plant in water with some wood ashes to remove the bitterness, then dry, crush, and add it to milk or to other food.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Moss 10 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Renghas tree, Marking nut 20 P, D
A small tree that produces a small nut similar to a cashew in nature. Within its broad oar like leaves.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
The nut is toxic in nature unprocessed does 1d3 END an hour for 1d6 hours Resistance DC 15
Other Uses Other Use DC 45
The nut can be boiled then roasted and ground into a fine powered that has great healing properties.  Also the nut in its raw can be used as form of marking device with its black mark it leaves behind. due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Marker Nut




Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item rules)















Name Identify DC Uses
Reishi 25 D
A large and flat shelf like mushroom with a chocolate brown color
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
A strongly and widely sought mushroom for medical purposes. It can be used to make a strong Healing potion. due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Herbalism / Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See item rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Rice 25 E
Rice is a tall grass that averages 1 to 1.5 meters in height, but may reach 4.5 meters. Its grain grows in very loose heads at the top of the plant and is dark brown or blackish when ripe.
Edible Parts
During the spring and summer, the central portion of the lower sterns and root shoots are edible. Remove the tough covering before eating. During the late summer and fail, collect the straw-covered husks. Dry and parch the husks, break them, and remove the rice. Boil or roast the rice and then beat it into flour.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming

Prof. Farming







Name Identify DC Uses
Rock tripe 25 E
This plant forms large patches with curling edges. The top of the plant is usually black. The underside is lighter in color.
Edible Parts
The entire plant is edible. Scrape it off the rock and wash it to remove grit. The plant may be dry and crunchy; soak it in water until it becomes soft. Rock tripe’s may contain large quantities of bitter substances; soaking or boiling them in several changes of water will remove the bitterness.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 50 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Rose apple 20 E, W
This tree grows 3 to 9 meters high. It has opposite, simple, dark green, shiny leaves. When fresh, it has fluffy, yellowish-green flowers and red to purple egg-shaped fruit.
Edible Parts
The entire fruit is edible raw or cooked.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farmer / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Rosary pea or crab’s eyes 25 P
This plant is a vine with alternate compound leaves, light purple flowers, and beautiful seeds that are red and black.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
This plant is one of the most dangerous plants. One seed may contain enough poison to kill an adult. In the Raw DC 25 Resistance vs. 1d6 END a minute for 1d4 minutes, Processed the poison does 1d8 END for 1d6 minutes DC 25 Resistance.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Refined Poison



Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Rosemary 25 S,M
A small evergreen woody like flowering plant with a mustard like smell.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Believed to hold some healing properties, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer


Chemistry (See item rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Saffron 25 S
A grassy Purple flower
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Flower 50 Prof. Herbalist 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Sage 25 S,M
A small evergreen brush with bluish to purplish flowers
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Believed to hold some healing properties, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC







Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer












Name Identify DC Uses
Sago palm 20 W, E, M
These palms are low trees, rarely over 9 meters tall, with a stout, spiny trunk. The outer rind is about 5 centimeters thick and hard as bamboo. The rind encloses spongy inner pith containing a high proportion of starch. It has typical palm like leaves clustered at the tip.
Edible Parts
These palms, when available, are of great use to the survivor. One trunk, cut just before it flowers, will yield enough sago to feed a person for 1 year. Obtain sago starch from Non-flowering palms. To extract the edible sage, cut away the bark lengthwise from one half of the trunk, and pound the soft, whitish inner part (pith) as fine as possible. Knead the pith in water and strain it through a coarse cloth into a container. The fine, white sago will settle in the container. Once the sago settles, it is ready for use. Squeeze off the excess water and let it dry. Cook it as pancakes or oatmeal. Two kilograms of sago is the nutritional equivalent of 1.5 kilograms of rice. The upper part of the trunk’s core does not yield sage, but you can roast it in lumps over a fire. You can also eat the young sago nuts and the growing shoots or palm cabbage.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Use the stems of tall sorghums as thatching materials.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC









Prof. Farming / Survival

Craft Items

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Sassafras 25 E, M,W
This shrub or small tree bears different leaves on the same plant. Some leaves will have one lobe, some two lobes, and some no lobes. The flowers, which appear in early spring, are small and yellow. The fruits are dark blue. The plant parts have a characteristics root beer smell.
Edible Parts
The young twigs and leaves are edible fresh or dried. You can add dried young twigs and leaves to soups. Dig the underground portion, peel off the bark, and let it dry. Then boil it in water to prepare sassafras tea.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Shred the tender twigs for use as a toothbrush.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival



Craft Item







Name Identify DC Uses
Saxual 25 W, E
The saxual is found either as a small tree or as a large shrub with heavy, coarse wood and spongy, water-soaked bark. The branches of the young trees are vivid green and pendulous.
Edible Parts
The thick bark acts as a water storage organ. You can get drinking water by pressing quantities of the bark. This plant is an important some of water in the arid regions in which it grows.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Fresh Water



Prof. Lumberjack/ Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Screw pine 20 W, E
The screw pine is a strange plant on stilts, or prop roots, that support the plant above-ground so that it appears more or less suspended in midair. These plants are either shrubby or treelike, 3 to 9 meters tall, with stiff leaves having saw like edges. The fruits are large, roughened balls resembling pineapples, but without the tuft of leaves at the end.
Edible Parts
Knock the ripe fruit to the ground to separate the fruit segments from the hard outer covering. Chew the inner fleshy part. Cook fruit that is not fully ripe in an earth oven. Before cooking, wrap the whole fruit in banana leaves, breadfruit leaves, or any other suitable thick, leathery leaves. After cooking for about 2 hours, you can chew fruit segments like ripe fruit. Green fruit is inedible.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Sea orach 25 E
The sea orach is a sparingly branched herbaceous plant with small, gray-colored leaves up to 2.5 centimeters long. Sea orach resembles Iamb’s quarter, a common weed in most gardens in the United States. It produces its flowers in narrow, densely compacted spikes at the tips of its branches.
Edible Parts
Its leaves are edible. In the areas where it grows, it has the healthy reputation of being one of the few native plants that can sustain man in times of want.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 50 Prof. Herbalism / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Sesame seed 20 E
a pea pod like plant with fat white flowers
Edible Parts
pea pods and the flowers are edible
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Pod 50 Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farmer 20












Name Identify DC Uses
Sheep sorrel 20 E, M
These plants are seldom more than 30 centimeters tall. They have alternate leaves, often with arrow like bases, very small flowers, and frequently reddish stems.
Edible Parts
The leaves are edible when cooked.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
These plants contain oxalic acid that can be damaging if too many plants are eaten raw.

Cooking seems to destroy the chemical.

Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Refining the acid does 1d6 damage a round for 1d6 rounds  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Shiitake mushrooms 20 E
A large white and brown umbrella like mushroom.
Edible Parts
One of the Highest in Nutrition mushrooms and a great meat replacement.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Mushroom 500 Herbalist/ Farmer / Survival 15



Name Identify DC Uses
Sorghum 25 M,E
There are many different kinds of sorghum, all of which bear grains in heads at the top of the plants. The grains are brown, white, red, or black. Sorghum is the main food crop in many parts of the world.
Edible Parts
The grains are edible at any stage of development. When young, the grains are milky and edible raw. Boil the older grains. Sorghum is a nutritious food.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
These plants contain oxalic acid that can be damaging if too many plants are eaten raw. Cooking seems to destroy the chemical. Refined the acid does 1d6 for 1d6 rounds.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Use the stems of tall sorghum as building materials.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Acid





Craft Items














Name Identify DC Uses
Soy 20 E, M
A large bean stalk with small v shaped bean pods.
Edible Parts
The beans are edible eaten raw or cooked. The beans liquid can be used as a milk substitute, it also can form a gelatinous curd or be crafted into a fine powder for a flour replacement.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
On top of being used as a food source for people it also can be used as animal feed and processed it creates a oil for fuel use.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Soy Milk











Prof. Farming / Survival




Prof. Farmer / Prof. Rancher










Name Identify DC Uses
Spatterdock or yellow water lily 25 E
This plant has leaves up to 60 centimeters long with a triangular notch at the base. The shape of the leaves is somewhat variable. The plant’s yellow flowers are 2.5 centimeter across and develop into bottle-shaped fruits. The fruits are green when ripe.
Edible Parts
All parts of the plant are edible. The fruits contain several dark brown seeds you can parch or roast and then grind into flour. The large rootstock contains starch. Dig it out of the mud, peel off the outside, and boil the flesh. Sometimes the rootstock contains large quantities of a very bitter compound. Boiling in several changes of water may remove the bitterness.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Spearmint 25 E,S,D
A small Jagged edge leafed plant smells of mint
Edible Parts
The plant in a whole is edible.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
A natural anti Testosterone plant that can be used to calm down individuals. Due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)








Name Identify DC Uses
Spinach 20 E
An edible flowering plant. It is an annual plant, which grows to a height of up to 30 cm.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible raw or cooked. And is a high source of vitamins
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Plant 150 Herbalist / Farming/ Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Squash 20 E
A Ground Vine with yellow flowers and produce Long green, yellow, or orange fruit.
Edible Parts
The plants fruit is edible raw or cooked and is a high source of vitamins.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Fruit 150 Prof. Farmer / Survival 15



Name Identify DC Uses
St. John’s Wort            25 D,E
a tall multi yellow lily like plant
Edible Parts
The plant in whole is edible
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
St. John’s is commonly used in medicine, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Sterculia   W,E,M
Sterculias are tall trees, rising in some instances to 30 meters. Their leaves are either undivided or palmately lobed. Their flowers are red or purple. The fruit of all sterculias is similar in aspect, with a red, segmented seedpod containing many edible black seeds.
Edible Parts
The large, red pods produce a number of edible seeds. The seeds of all sterculias are edible and have a pleasant taste similar to cocoa. You can eat them like nuts, either raw or roasted.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Lumberjack / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Strawberry 20 E, G
Strawberry is a small plant with a three-leaved growth pattern. It has small, white flowers usually produced during the spring. Its fruit is red and fleshy.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible fresh, cooked, or dried. Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C. You can also eat the plant’s leaves or dry them and make a tea with them.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming





Name Identify DC Uses
Strychnine tree 25 P, W
The strychnine tree is a medium-sized evergreen, reaching a height of about 12 meters, with a thick, frequently crooked trunk. Its deeply veined oval leaves grow in alternate pairs. Small, loose clusters of greenish flowers appear at the ends of branches and are followed by fleshy, orange-red berries about 4 centimeters in diameter.
Caution Threat ID DC  
The berries contain the dislike seeds that yield the poisonous substance strychnine. All parts of the plant are poisonous. In the Raw DC 20 Resistance 1d4 END a hour for 1d4 hours, Processed Poison DC 30 Resistance vs. 1d8 an hour for 1d6 hours
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Poison




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Sugarcane 20 E
This plant grows up to 4.5 meters tall. It is a grass and has grass like leaves. Its green or reddish stems are swollen where the leaves grow. Cultivated sugarcane seldom flowers.
Edible Parts
The stem is an excellent source of sugar and is very nutritious. Peel the outer portion off with your teeth and eat the sugarcane raw. You can also squeeze juice out of the sugarcane.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival


















Name Identify DC Uses
Sugar palm 20 E, M, W
This tree grows about 15 meters high and has huge leaves up to 6 meters long. Needlelike structures stick out of the bases of the leaves. Flowers grow below the leaves and form large conspicuous dusters from which the fruits grow.
Edible Parts
The chief use of this palm is for sugar. However, its seeds and the tip of its stems are a survival food. Bruise a young flower stalk with a stone or similar object and collect the juice as it comes out. It is an excellent source of sugar. Boil the seeds. Use the tip of the stems as a vegetable.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
The shaggy material at the base of the leaves makes an excellent rope as it is strong and resists decay.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC










Craft Item

Prof. Herbalist / Survival


Craft Item

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival








Name Identify DC Uses
Sugar wrack 15 E, D
A large seaweed found in vast areas of ocean.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible once boiled
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Once the plant is burned to ash the ash is the chemical Sodium Carbonate Which has many medical uses, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Fisherman / Herbalist / Survival






Name Identify DC Uses
Poison sumac 25 P
Poison sumac is a shrub that grows to 8.5 meters tall. It has alternate, pinnately compound leafstalks with 7 to 13 leaflets. Flowers are greenish-yellow and inconspicuous and are followed by white or pale yellow berries.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
All parts, at all times of the year, can cause serious contact dermatitis. Causes rash that does 1d4 damage a day for 1d6 days DC 20 Resistance, it can be refined to Itching Powder 1d12 damage for 1d12 hours DC 20 Fort
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC

Itching Powder



Prof. Herbalist / Survival








Name Identify DC Uses
Sweet sagewort 25 D,E
Fern like plant with yellow flowers
Edible Parts
The plant is edible in  whole.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Help to prevent the development of parasite resistance, it also has anti-malarial properties, and has anti-cancer properties, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry  (See Item Rules)





Name Identify DC Uses
Sweetsop 25 W,E,M
This tree is small, seldom more than 6 meters tall, and multi-branched. It has alternate, simple, elongate, dark green leaves. Its fruit is green when ripe, round in shape, and covered with protruding bumps on its surface. The fruit’s flesh is white and creamy.
Edible Parts
The fruit flesh is edible raw.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
The ground seeds are extremely dangerous to the eyes. DC 20 Resistance vs. Blind
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
You can use the finely ground seeds as an insecticide. Does 2d6 End to Insects per use.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC



Blinding Powder





Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival









Name Identify DC Uses
Sugar palm 20 E, M
This tree grows about 15 meters high and has huge leaves up to 6 meters long. Needlelike structures stick out of the bases of the leaves. Flowers grow below the leaves and form large conspicuous dusters from which the fruits grow.
Edible Parts
The chief use of this palm is for sugar. However, its seeds and the tip of its stems are a survival food. Bruise a young flower stalk with a stone or similar object and collect the juice as it comes out. It is an excellent source of sugar. Boil the seeds. Use the tip of the stems as a vegetable.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
The shaggy material at the base of the leaves makes an excellent rope as it is strong and resists decay.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC













Craft Item

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Sunflower 10 E
A Large 3ft tall flower with bright yellow petals and a massive orange interior full of seeds.
Edible Parts
The Seeds and flower petals are Edible. The seeds can be crushed and release a fine oil that can be used as a cooking aid (not strong enough as a fuel source)
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Herbalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Tamarind 25 W,E
The tamarind is a large, densely branched tree, up to 25 meters tall. It has pinnate leaves (divided like a feather) with 10 to 15 pairs of leaflets.
Edible Parts
The pulp surrounding the seeds is rich in vitamin C and is an important survival food. You can make a pleasantly acid drink by mixing the pulp with water and sugar or honey and letting the mixture mature for several days. Suck the pulp to relieve thirst. Cook the young, unripe fruits or seedpods with meat. Use the young leaves in soup. You must cook the seeds. Roast them above a fire or in ashes. Another way is to remove the seed coat and soak the seeds in salted water and grated coconut for 24 hours, then cook them. You can peel the tamarind bark and chew it.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist, Survival

Prof. Lumberjack, Survival




150 Fruit          10 Wood

Name Identify DC Uses
Tangerine 20 W, E
A Bushy tree with long slender leaves and Small orange fruit.
Edible Parts
The fruit is highly filled with vitamins mostly Vitamin C and is edible raw or cooked into food.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival









Name Identify DC Uses
Tobacco 20 M
Large fuzzy ground leaves. With small yellowish green flowers blooming from the stalk.
Edible Parts
Tobacco can be cured into a dry leaf that can be used in smoking or chewing. Its high quality use is why it is cigarette or cigar. Tobacco has nicotine (for its effect see item rules)
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Despite its use for luxury, tobacco is also a key ingredient in medicine,  due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC












Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Craft Item

Craft Item

Craft Item

Chemistry (See Item Rules)









Name Identify DC Uses
Tomato 20 E
A Small busy or vine like plant, with small yellow flowers and produce red to orange-red fruit.
Edible Parts
The fruit is not only edible but is highly sought in many cooking recipes. It can also be eaten raw.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming





Name Identify DC Uses
Taro 25 E,P
All plants in these groups have large leaves, sometimes up to 1.8 meters tall, that grow from a very short stem. The rootstock is thick and fleshy and filled with starch.
Edible Parts
All parts of the plant are edible when boiled or roasted. When boiling, change the water once to get rid of any poison.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
If eaten raw, these plants will cause a serious inflammation of the mouth and throat. Raw Poison does 1d4 an hour for 1d6 hours poison is not effective enough to be enhanced through chemical means DC 10 Resistance Save
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Tuber 150 Farming / Herbalist / Survival 30











Name Identify DC Uses
Tarragon 25 S
a tall slender plant with broad leaves and small greenish yellow flowers
Edible Parts
The flower is edible
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist





Name Identify DC Uses
Thistle 25 E,M,P
This plant may grow as high as 1.5 meters. Its leaves are long-pointed, deeply lobed, and prickly.
Edible Parts
Peel the stalks, cut them into short sections, and boil them before eating. The roots are edible raw or cooked.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
Some thistle species are poisonous. 50% chance of plant being poisonous, in its raw form it does 1d2 END a round for 1d6 rounds DC 10 Resistance. The poison can be refined to do does 1d4 END  a round for 1d6 rounds DC 10 Resistance
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Twist the tough fibers of the stems to make a strong twine.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival


Craft Item






Name Identify DC Uses
Thyme 25 S,D
A clover like plant that sprouts multiple stems
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Other than a spice it can be used to make a healing medicine, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)

















Name Identify DC Uses
Ti 20 E, M
The ti has un branched stems with strap like leaves often clustered at the tip of the stem. The leaves vary in color and may be green or reddish. The flowers grow at the plant’s top in large, plume like clusters. The ti may grow up to 4.5 meters tall.
Edible Parts
The roots and very tender young leaves are good survival food. Boil or bake the short, stout roots found at the base of the plant. They are a valuable source of starch. Boil the very young leaves to eat. You can use the leaves to wrap other food to cook over coals or to steam.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Use the leaves to cover shelters or to make a rain cloak. Cut the leaves into liners for shoes; this works especially well if you have a blister. Fashion temporary sandals from the ti leaves. The terminal leaf, if not completely unfurled, can be used as a sterile bandage. Cut the leaves into strips, and then braid the strips into rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item

Craft Item






Name Identify DC Uses
Tree fern 20 E
Tree ferns are tall trees with long, slender trunks that often have a very rough, Bark like covering. Large, lacy leaves uncoil from the top of the trunk.
Edible Parts
The young leaves and the soft inner portion of the trunk are edible. Boil the young leaves and eat as greens. Eat the inner portion of the trunk raw or bake it.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Tropical almond 20 E, W
This tree grows up to 9 meters tall. Its leaves are evergreen, leathery, 45 centimeters long, 15 centimeters wide, and very shiny. It has small, yellowish-green flowers. Its fruit is flat, 10 centimeters long, and not quite as wide. The fruit is green when ripe.
Edible Parts
The seed is a good source of food. Remove the fleshy, green covering and eat the seed raw or cooked.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival












Name Identify DC Uses
Truffle 50 E
A small black to brown patch of fungus collected within the dirt. Requires a high search to find.
Edible Parts
A highly sought mushroom used in cooking or crafting fine deserts
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Processing the Truffle creates a fine cooking oil or It can be used to make a fine and rare alcohol. Vodka (See item rules for effect)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival


Cooking / Chemistry






Name Identify DC Uses
Trumpet vine or trumpet creeper 20 P,M
This woody vine may climb to 15 meters high. It has pea like fruit capsules. The leaves are pinnately compound, 7 to 11 toothed leaves per leaf stock. The trumpet-shaped flowers are orange to scarlet in color.
Caution Threat ID DC 40
This plant causes contact dermatitis. In the raw the poison does 1d2 END a minute for 1d4 minutes DC 10 Resistance. Refined the poison does 1d4 END a minute for 1d12 minutes DC 10 Resistance.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The vine can be used to craft a rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Poison




Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Craft Item







Name Identify DC Uses
Turnip 20 E
A large stalk with a yellow flower and a large red -purple to white bulb.
Edible Parts
The whole plant is edible. The leaves actually hold more vitamins then the bulb.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Farming / Herbalist / Survival















Name Identify DC Uses
Vanilla 25 S,D
A vine like plant with long bean like pods
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
not only is it used as a spice but it also holds described as an aphrodisiac and a remedy for fevers, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Vanilla Bean






Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Walnut 25 W,E,M
Walnuts grow on very large trees, often reaching 18 meters tall. The divided leaves characterize all walnut spades. The walnut itself has a thick outer husk that must be removed to reach the hard inner shell of the nut.
Edible Parts
The nut kernel ripens in the autumn. You get the walnut meat by cracking the shell. Walnut meats are highly nutritious because of their protein and oil content.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
You can boil walnuts and use the juice as an antifungal agent. The husks of “green” walnuts produce a dark brown dye for clothing or camouflage. Crush the husks of “green” black walnuts and sprinkle them into sluggish water or ponds for use as fish poison. The poison does 1d4 End a minute for 1d6 minutes, DC 10 Resistance.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Craft Item








Name Identify DC Uses
Wasabi 25 E,S,D
Small stem like plants with beads.  
Edible Parts
The beads are edible but pack a powerful spice. DC 20 Resistance vs coughing fit and losing a turn.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Other than as a spice the plant can be used to make smelling salts to wake drowsy individuals, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farming

Chemistry (See Item Rules)











Name Identify DC Uses
Water chestnut 25 E
The water chestnut is an aquatic plant that roots in the mud and has finely divided leaves that grow underwater. Its floating leaves are much larger and coarsely toothed. The fruits, borne underwater, have four sharp spines on them.
Edible Parts
The fruits are edible raw and cooked. The seeds are also a source of food.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Chestnut 150 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 25



Name Identify DC Uses
Water hemlock or spotted cowbane 25 M, P
This perennial herb may grow to 1.8 meters high. The stem is hollow and sectioned off like bamboo. It may or may not be purple or red striped or mottled. Its flowers are small, white, and grow in groups that tend to form flat umbels. Its roots may have hollow air chambers and, when cut, may produce drops of yellow oil.
Caution Threat ID DC 30
This plant is very poisonous and even a very small amount of this plant may cause death. Roots have been mistaken for parsnips. Poison in Raw does 1d4 END a round for 1d4 rounds. DC 20 Resistance Save. Refining the poison creates a poison that does 1d6 END for 1d4 rounds, DC 20 Resistance Save.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Craft Item

Prof. Herbalist/ Survival







Name Identify DC Uses
Water lettuce 20 E
The leaves of water lettuce are much like lettuce and are very tender and succulent. One of the easiest ways of distinguishing water lettuce is by the little plantlets that grow from the margins of the leaves. These little plantlets grow in the shape of a rosette. Water lettuce plants often cover large areas in the regions where they are found.
Edible Parts
Eat the fresh leaves like lettuce. Be careful not to dip the leaves in the contaminated water in which they are growing. Eat only the leaves that are well out of the water.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Lettuce 50 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20














Name Identify DC Uses
Water lily 20 E,D
These plants have large, triangular leaves that float on the water’s surface, large, fragrant flowers that are usually white, or red, and thick, fleshy rhizomes that grow in the mud.
Edible Parts
The flowers, seeds, and rhizomes are edible raw or cooked. To prepare rhizomes for eating, peel off the corky rind. Eat raw, or slice thinly, allow to dry, and then grind into flour. Dry, parch, and grind the seeds into flour.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
Use the liquid resulting from boiling the thickened root in water as a medicine for diarrhea and as a gargle for sore throats. due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist

Chemistry (See Item Rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Watermelon 10 E, M
A large ground Vine with Large Oak like leaves and yellow flowers, It produces a massive green fruit with darker green strips.
Edible Parts
The fruit is edible. Minus the seeds and out shell.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
Carving the fruit fresh can craft the fruit into a lamp or carrying device, for as long as it stays fresh. It also can be used in full as replacement ammo for catapults. And lastly the vines of the plant can be made into a rope.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farming / Survival

Craft Item

Craft Item

Prof. Farming






Name Identify DC Uses
Water plantain 20 E
This plant has small, white flowers and heart-shaped leaves with pointed tips. The leaves are clustered at the base of the plant.
Edible Parts
The rootstocks are a good source of starch. Boil or soak them in water to remove the bitter taste.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Root 150 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 30











Name Identify DC Uses
Wheat 15 E
A long to the point where the plant bends over with its tip covered in seeds in a row.
Edible Parts
The seeds are edible and can be crushed to make into flour or cooked or eaten raw. The whole plant can be dried and turned into straw which can be used as both a material to cushion items or feed animals.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC











Farmer / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Rancher / Prof. Farmer


Prof. Farmer








Name Identify DC Uses
Wild caper 20 E
This is a thorny shrub that loses its leaves during the dry season. Its stems are gray green and its flowers pink.
Edible Parts
The fruit and the buds of young shoots are edible raw.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Fruit 100 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Wild crab apple or wild apple 25 E,P,W,G
Most wild apples look enough like domestic apples that the survivor can easily recognize them. Wild apple varieties are much smaller than cultivated kinds; the largest kinds usually do not exceed 5 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter, and most often less. They have small, alternate, simple leaves and often have thorns. Their flowers are white or pink and their fruits reddish or yellowish.
Edible Parts
Prepare wild apples for eating in the same manner as cultivated kinds. Eat them fresh, when ripe, or cooked. Should you need to store food, cut the apples into thin slices and dry them. They are a good source of vitamins.
Caution Threat ID DC 35
Apple seeds contain cyanide compounds. Do not eat. For Cyanide effects see Item Rules
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Chemistry (see item rules)

Prof. Farming














Name Identify DC Uses
Wild desert gourd or colocynth 20 E
The wild desert gourd, a member of the watermelon family, produces an 2.4- to 3- meter-long ground-trailing vine. The perfectly round gourds are as large as an orange. They are yellow when ripe.
Edible Parts
The seeds inside the ripe gourd are edible after they are completely separated from the very bitter pulp. Roast or boil the seeds–their kernels are rich in oil. The flowers are edible. The succulent stem tips can be chewed to obtain water.
Other Uses Other Use DC 20
The gourd can be crafted into a container vessel for water or other liquids.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Water storage




Herbalist / Farming / Survival


Craft Item






Name Identify DC Uses
Wild dock and wild sorrel 25 E
Wild dock is a stout plant with most of its leaves at the base of its stem that is commonly 15 to 30 centimeters brig. The plants usually develop from a strong, fleshy, carrot-like taproot. Its flowers are usually very small, growing in green to purplish plume-like clusters. Wild sorrel similar to the wild dock but smaller. Many of the basal leaves are arrow-shaped but smaller than those of the dock and contain a sour juice.
Edible Parts
Because of tender nature of the foliage, the sorrel and the dock are useful plants, especially in desert areas. You can eat their succulent leaves fresh or slightly cooked. To take away the strong taste, change the water once or twice during cooking. This latter tip is a useful hint in preparing many kinds of wild greens.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Greens 150 Herbalist / Farming / Survival 20



Name Identify DC Uses
Wild fig 20 E, W
These trees have alternate, simple leaves with entire margins. Often, the leaves are dark green and shiny. All figs have a milky, sticky juice. The fruits vary in size depending on the species, but are usually yellow-brown when ripe.
Edible Parts
The fruits are edible raw or cooked. Some figs have little flavor.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Farming / Survival

Prof. Lumberjack / Survival












Name Identify DC Uses
Wild gourd or luffa sponge 25 E, G
The luffa sponge is widely distributed and fairly typical of a wild squash. There are several dozen kinds of wild squashes in tropical regions. Like most squashes, the luffa is a vine with leaves 7.5 to 20 centimeters across having 3 lobes. Some squashes have leaves twice this size. Luffa fruits are oblong or cylindrical, smooth, and many-seeded. Luffa flowers are bright yellow. The luffa fruit, when mature, is brown and resembles the cucumber.
Edible Parts
You can boil the young green (half-ripe) fruit and eat them as a vegetable. Adding coconut milk will improve the flavor. After ripening, the luffa sponge develops an inedible sponge like texture in the interior of the fruit. You can also eat the tender shoots, flowers, and young leaves after cooking them. Roast the mature seeds a little and eat them like peanuts.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Gourd / Luffa


Luffa Sponge




Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming

Craft Item






Name Identify DC Uses
Wild grape vine 20 E,M
The wild grape vine climbs with the aid of tendrils. Most grape vines produce deeply lobed leaves similar to the cultivated grape. Wild grapes grow in pyramidal, hanging bunches and are black-blue to amber, or white when ripe.
Edible Parts
The ripe grape is the portion eaten. Grapes are rich in natural sugars and, for this reason, are much sought after as a source of energy-giving wild food. None are poisonous.
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
You can obtain water from severed grape vine stems. Cut off the vine at the bottom and place the cut end in a container. Make a slant-wise cut into the vine about 1.8 meters upon the hanging part. This cut will allow water to flow from the bottom end. As water diminishes in volume, make additional cuts further down the vine. For wine see Item rules for effect.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC



Fresh Water





Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Prof. Farming

Cooking / Chemistry (Item Rules)








Name Identify DC Uses
Wild onion and garlic 20 E, G, M, D
Allium cernuum is an example of the many species of wild onions and garlic’s, all
Edible Parts
The bulbs and young leaves are edible raw or cooked. Use in soup or to flavor meat.
Other Uses Other Use DC 25
Eating large quantities of onions will give your body an odor that will help to repel insects. Garlic juice works as an antibiotic on wounds, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses) Insecticide does 2d6 END to insects DC 20 Resistance.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC








Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist


Chemistry (See item rules)






Name Identify DC Uses
Wild pistachio 20 E, W
Some kinds of pistachio trees are evergreen, while others lose their leaves during the dry season. The leaves alternate on the stem and have either three large leaves or a number of leaflets. The fruits or nuts are usually hard and dry at maturity.
Edible Parts
You can eat the oil nut kernels after parching them over coals.
Caution Threat ID DC  
Other Uses Other Use DC  
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Prof. Lumberjack / Survival

Farming / Herbalist / Survival





Name Identify DC Uses
Wild rice 25 E
Wild rice is a tall grass that averages 1 to 1.5 meters in height, but may reach 4.5 meters. Its grain grows in very loose heads at the top of the plant and is dark brown or blackish when ripe.
Edible Parts
During the spring and summer, the central portion of the lower sterns and root shoots are edible. Remove the tough covering before eating. During the late summer and fail, collect the straw-covered husks. Dry and parch the husks, break them, and remove the rice. Boil or roast the rice and then beat it into flour.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC






Farming / Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Farming / Prof. Herbalist







Name Identify DC Uses
Wild rose 15 E, G, M
This shrub grows 60 centimeters to 2.5 meters high. It has alternate leaves and sharp prickles. Its flowers may be red, pink, or yellow. Its fruit, called rose hip, stays on the shrub year-round.
Edible Parts
The flowers and buds are edible raw or boiled. In an emergency, you can peel and eat the young shoots. You can boil fresh, young leaves in water to make a tea. After the flower petals fall, eat the rose hips; the pulp is highly nutritious and an excellent source of vitamin C. Crush or grind dried rose hips to make flour.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC










Prof. Herbalist / Survival



Prof. Herbalist / Prof. Farming











Name Identify DC Uses
Wood sorrel 25 E
Wood sorrel resembles shamrock or four-leaf clover, with a bell-shaped pink, yellow, or white flower.
Edible Parts
Cook the entire plant.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Clover 50 Prof. Herbalist / Survival 20


Name Identify DC Uses
Yam 25 E
These plants are vines that creep along the ground. They have alternate, heart-or arrow-shaped leaves. Their rootstock may be very large and weigh many kilograms.
Edible Parts
Boil the rootstock and eat it as a vegetable.
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC
Tuber 100 Prof. Farming / Survival 30


Name Identify DC Uses
Yam bean 20 E, P, M
The yam bean is a climbing plant of the bean family, with alternate, three-parted leaves and a turnip-like root. The bluish or purplish flowers are pea-like in shape. The plants are often so rampant that they cover the vegetation upon which they are growing.
Edible Parts
The tubers are about the size of a turnip and they are crisp, sweet, and juicy and have a nutty flavor. They are nourishing and at the same time quench the thirst. Eat them raw or boiled. To make flour, slice the raw tubers, let them dry in the sun, and grind into flour that is high in starch and may be used to thicken soup.
Caution Threat ID DC 25
The raw seeds are poisonous. In the raw does DC 15 Resistance vs. 1d3 END an hour for 1d10 hours, Refining the poison make it  DC 20 Resistance vs. 1d4 END an hour for 1d12 hours
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC


Refined Poison






Prof. Herbalist / Survival

Prof. Herbalist








Name Identify DC Uses
Yarrow 25 D
A woody like stem with tiny white flowers and fern like leaves.
Edible Parts
Eaten to counter poisoning, but must be eaten quickly
Other Uses Other Use DC 40
The plant has a powerful medical use, due to this its useable for crafting potions (see items rules for uses)
Products Product Value Skill to Harvest/Craft DC




Herbalist / Farming / Survival

Chemistry (See Item Rules)




Green Lightning – Plant Guide

Green Lightning – Plant Guide Users

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Haki User

Haki User

(覇気 Haki?, literally meaning “Ambition”) is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the normal senses. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly, there are two types of Haki common to everyone, given the proper training; however, there is a third type that only a certain group of “chosen ones” are said to possess. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy and overpower enemies.

“Haki” is a power that lies dormant in all the world’s creatures… “Presence”, “fighting spirit” and “intimidation”… It is not different from the things that humans can naturally sense such as these… ‘The act of not doubting’. That is strength!
— Silvers Rayleigh explaining Haki to Luffy at the start of his training.

Haki, unnamed at the time, was first seen when Shanks used it against the Lord of the Coast to save Luffy when he was a child from the wrath of the Sea King. The term “Haki” was first coined and used much later when Blackbeard was commenting on Luffy’s bounty in Jaya, and was hinted at during Shanks’ visit with Whitebeard.
The underlying concepts of Haki were introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago and Amazon Lily Arcs. The concept was clearly explained by Rayleigh to Luffy at the start of the latter’s training on Rusukaina Island.

Haki is dormant in every living person, but it’s rare for most people to ever awaken that ability. Intense training can awaken it, as can extreme shock, such as with Coby during the battle of Marineford. Two known people (Aisa and Otohime) were born with the ability.

Haki is separated into three categories, or “colors”: Kenbunshoku Haki, which grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities; Busoshoku Haki, which allows the user to use their spirit as armor to defend against attacks or to make their own attacks more potent; and Haoshoku Haki, a rare type of Haki only one in a million can use which grants the user the ability to overpower the will of others. Most people who can use Haki tend to have a type they’re better at and as a result focus on that type. However, a person can improve their abilities with all the types of Haki, it just requires more work.

Becoming a Haki User:

Unless a race states which they get, all players start the game or start a new character must roll a 1d100 and be within 10 of an opposed roll the GM makes.

The closer they are to the number the greater amount of Haki they can use.

Result within 10 to 7, player’s choice of ether Observation or Armament.

Result within 6 to 4, Both Observation and Armament (If they already have one through a race they do not gain the third but gain a second roll on a designated Haki’s type).

Result within 3, Conqueror.

Result within 1-2, two choices of the three.

Match the number all three types on the roll the GM made to see if they get Haki.

(Do not have a guess or roll to 1 or 99 as it’s meant to be so rare it has to be determined by shear luck) Or very intense training from a skilled user in game for the first two choices as Conqueror can not be given in training.

Players with Haki, gain these powers at no cost, and they can freely be linked with other abilities and attacks at no cost in Build Points. They however can be expanded in some ways buy using build points. Once a player has access to one of the three styles of Haki they can later be trained (ether spending weeks / years training in the wilderness, through endless battles, or with a skill trainer of Haki themselves to properly use the ability)

Observation Haki:
Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. With enough skill, one can use this Haki to predict an opponent’s moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief “premonition” of what the opponent will do in the user’s mind’s eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually “hits”. It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not.

It was first introduced under the name Mantra when Satori used it to fight Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp as they went through the Ordeal of Balls. Aisa is the only known Shandian who has this ability. It served as a plot point when she helped Luffy locate Enel. It varied in strength between users, with Enel’s seemingly being the strongest. With his Devil Fruit, the Goro Goro no Mi, Enel could pick up electromagnetic waves, allowing him to overhear conversations and everything around him; this extended the range of his Mantra to cover roughly all of Skypiea. By comparison, most of the other priests could only keep track of people nearby.

The first time it was seen being used and referred to as Haki was during Luffy’s battle on Amazon Lily with the Boa Sisters. Later, Rayleigh explained Haki to Luffy and confirmed that “Mantra” is the Skypiean name for the ability.

Though the power allows the user to predict most attacks, it can be circumvented by various means. It cannot predict inherently random attacks; for example, Luffy managed to bypass Enel’s Mantra by bouncing his fists off a nearby wall, to prevent himself and thus Enel from knowing where they would land. Tying in with the inability to detect random attacks, Kenbunshoku Haki seems to be linked to the target’s own awareness of themselves and their surroundings. Enel failed to discern the presence of Luffy inside the giant snake Nola, only detecting him after he escaped. It also doesn’t make the user any faster than normal, so the user’s ability to dodge is dependent on their speed; Enel was unable to avoid Luffy’s finishing move because it was moving too fast. Likewise, Luffy’s Gear Second was able to outpace Boa Sandersonia, despite her ability to read his moves. It also seems to falter if the user loses their concentration. Satori lost the control of his Mantra when Luffy unexpectedly brought the string of exploding balls right to him, enabling Luffy to grab him from behind when the smoke cleared, and Gedatsu lost to Chopper because he lost his concentration and his Mantra faltered.

This type of Haki can also allow to user to sense the emotions and nature of others. For example, Otohime used this Haki to sense sense the sufferings and emotions in the heart of a fishman thief and Aisa was able to sense Wiper’s aggressive nature with this Haki.

It appears it’s also possible for the user of this Haki to sense the strength of others as well. This was shown when Rayleigh used this Haki to sense that there were 500 creatures on Rusukaina who were stronger than Luffy at that the time.

How Observation Haki is used in game:

This Haki comes in 6 forms the form that is determined for the player needs to be rolled on a d 12

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 04 Avoidance PS Bonus + ½ lvl +2 PS bonus
The player gains the ability to avoid attacks by predicting where they are likely to strike.
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
05 – 07 Detection Full Effect Randomly
Gains ability to locate objects, focusing can detect location of objects or locations within 2 miles
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
08 – 09 Empathy Full effect Randomly
Gains ability to read targets emotion, granting them bonus of +50 on social skill checks
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
10 Read Minds Full effect Randomly
Gains ability to hear thoughts of a target within 100 ft
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
11 Nature Empathy Full effect Only when focused
Gains ability to hear voices of nature (speak with animals and plants)
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
12 Sense Power Full effect Only when focused
Gains ability to sense targets skills and level, within 100 ft
Result of spending build points
The player can detect locations of threats granting them a +1 to PS score per point spent.

The powers are not limited per day, yet require training to properly use. Until then the powers will evoke only in sever events and can cause harm to a character, in the cases of detecting, hearing thoughts or sensing targets the subject will be attacked by sever headaches and be unable to take action until being knocked unconscious. While even after training users of Avoidance will find after activating this ability at the end of battle they suffer from exhaustion, and will require rest for 24 hours or x3 food amount for 24 hours (chosen by player which defect to have for their character)

Armament Haki :
Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki) allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves. Similar to Tekkai, this allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm.

Only significant physical force can overcome this defense; for example, Luffy striking Boa Marigold hard enough with Gear Second techniques to send her reeling.

Naturally this “invisible armor” can be used as a weapon to strike others with. It can be used to augment the user’s own attacks, projected ahead of the user as pure brute force, or imbued in weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack enhanced by Busoshoku Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally be without it. The Kuja’s Haki-imbued arrows, for example, are capable of penetrating solid stone.

This type of Haki also has the ability to bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user, touching the “substantial body” beneath whatever protection the fruit provides, such as the case of body-altering Devil Fruits such as Logia users. Busoshoku Haki works independently of the user’s Devil Fruit, as shown when Luffy uses it to enhance his Gear Third attack underwater. This type of Haki may not be equipped to attacks that are not from one’s body except for weapons (like Kizaru’s laser beams, Marco’s flames or any other Logia attack). So, those who do attack with parts of their body can combine their Haki and Devil Fruit powers. Moreover, the accumulation of this type of Haki seems to increase the heat in the zone where it is used. However, this aspect of Busoshoku Haki only seems to work when it’s used in great quantities as seen when Luffy does it to vulcanize his rubber body or to generate fire instead of steam in his Gear Second mode.

How Armament Haki works in game:

There are four kinds of Armament Haki Users the types are determined by rolling a d8 to determine the 4 types. All Armament Haki Users can through training learn to attack Logia Forms that normally would avoid an attack by altering their body form this means intangible effects from devil fruits are rendered ineffective to Armament Haki that is active.

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 03 Invisible Armor Grants ½ level DR 1/dr
The player ignores damage by greater amounts with in their level in rounds
Result of spending build points
The player’s body does damage to melee attacks of 1 per point spent.

Result Type Trained Untrained
04 -05 Weapon +½ level in damage +2 attack
Players hits do greater damage for their level in rounds +1
Result of spending build points
the player can ignore ADS score equal to the points spent in an attack.

Result Type Trained Untrained
06 – 07 Element elemental bonus damage of +2d6 elemental resistance of +1
the type of element chosen by roll of d8 1-fire, 2-cold, 3-electricy, 4-wind, 5-acid, 6-shadow, 7-light, 8-earth.
Result of spending build points
grants the elements resistance and damage increase by 1 for each build point use

Result Type Trained Untrained
08 Healing Fast Heal END+ lvl fast healing 1
The players body is so use to damage that they actually shake off damage at a higher rate by willing their body to heal wounds quickly. This Haki’s uses is limited per day but the limit is based on ¼ of the characters level.
Result of spending build points
player gains a use 1/per day to heal their level +points spent in damage.

Conqueror’s Haki:
Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror’s Haki) is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training and only one in a million people carry it. It was first demonstrated by Shanks, when he used it to scare off a Sea King. Later on, during a meeting with Whitebeard, he used it to knock out most of the crew, which the few still standing attributed to his superior Haki. Luffy first displayed the effects of this type of Haki against Duval’s bull, Motobaro, much to everyone’s confusion. He displayed it again on Amazon Lily while battling the Boa sisters, knocking out a large portion of the audience observing the match, despite all of them being accustomed to regular Haki usage. This is also the first time it is referred to by name. Luffy’s exhibition of it during the Marineford War was enough for the Marine admirals to be wary of him that they prioritized his elimination after that.

After the time skip, Luffy is proficient enough to tame monsters, as well as knock out a selected group of individuals without affecting any of the bystanders using Haoshoku Haki, displaying his new-found proficiency in the skill.

This type of Haki grants the user the ability to dominate the wills of others. The most common usage in the series so far is knocking those with weak wills unconscious. Whilst inexperienced users are restricted to merely overpowering the will of one individual or blindly knocking out weak-willed people around them, those with more expertise can pick out weak-willed individuals in a large group and knock them out without affecting those around them. However, those with stronger wills can resist or even ignore the effects of Haoshoku Haki. According to Rayleigh, while this type of Haki cannot be attained through training, it can be improved through training, as it grows as the users spirit grows. It seems that upon recovery, victims of Haoshoku Haki experience the sensation of chills running through their body. However, it presumably wears off after a short period.

How Conqueror’s Haki is used in Game:
Players with the rare ability of Conqueror’s Haki start with one of the three forms thru the roll of it through the roll of a d6 and it acts uncontrolled in the GM’s hand until the player can obtain training in it.

Result Type Trained Untrained
01 – 03 Influence Full effect Active in high stress
Grants Moral Bonus of ½ user’s level, this stacks with other moral bonuses and lasts for 1d10 minutes.
Result of spending build points
The user can increase the time of the bonus by 1 minute

Result Type Trained Untrained
04 – 05 Tame Full effect Active in high stress
A single target makes will save DC (user’s level + Will Mod +10) vs. Domination (works only on INT scores lower then 10)
Result of spending build points
At a cost of 1 per the INT score it affects is increased

Result Type Trained Untrained
06 Overpower Full effect Active in high stress
an area attack of Will DC (user’s level + SPI Mod +10) vs. Overpower, if a target gets under 10 from the DC they can’t not take action, if they get less then that they are knocked unconscious. This effect is an area centered on the user 30ft.
Result of spending build points
At a cost of 1 the player can increase the range of the effect by 10 ft.

Unlike the other two Haki’s granting only one type, those blessed with Conqueror’s can train to gain all three types through training their conquerors powers.

One Piece – Haki Users

Green Lightning One Piece – Haki Users

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Devil Fruit

Fruit User

Fruit User


Devil Fruit (悪魔の実, Akuma no Mi), called Cursed Fruit (pronounced with two syllables) in the 4Kids English dub, is a mystical fruit that can give the eater many kinds of strange and interesting abilities depending on the fruit and its type. There are some seen only in the anime or only in the manga.

I once heard that all the Devil’s Fruits are the Sea Devil’s incarnations. If you eat one you’ll gain a special ability, but you won’t be able to swim.
— Shanks speaks to Buggy on Devil Fruits.


The Devil Fruits as described by Morgan

Devil Fruit are said to be the fruit of the Sea Devil and that the secret to their power is hidden in the Grand Line. Because encounters with them are rare (especially outside the Grand Line) a number of rumors about them have risen making it difficult to tell whether some things are fact or fiction. The average person knows nothing or very little about what they are. Because of their power, if sold they can expect to reach well over #100,000,000 and Devil Fruit users themselves are sold at market prices as slaves. There are more than 100 types of Devil Fruit.

One running theme with Devil Fruits, however, is the fact that they taste unimaginably horrible, to the point of making it seem like the eater had taken poison. The Devil Fruit, when consumed, gives the consumer a power or special trait though they won’t immediately become aware of. They come in different shapes, colors, and all Devil Fruits have swirl marks on them of some kind. There can be only one of each type of fruit at a time. Only one bite is needed for the user to gain the power of a Devil Fruit, after which the Devil Fruit becomes a simple, useless, disgusting fruit. Swallowing the fruit whole, as Buggy did, has the same effect,  peeling off the skin and eating it piece by piece also works.

Devil Fruits are the origins of the powers of some of the strongest people in the world, such as Marine Admirals, Shichibukai or Yonkou.




We can figure out the name of a fruit by the power it gives, but the kind of power we get is completely up to chance.
— Kaku on his and Kalifa’s unidentified Devil Fruits.




There is a book in the Grand Line with Devil Fruits listed (although sometimes a Devil Fruit is said to had been unidentified). The most notable example is Blackbeard in his search for the Yami Yami no Mi. Catalogs and a book were also mentioned by Spandam and Sanji. Shanks and his crew already knew Luffy’s Devil Fruit was the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit in English versions) before he consumed it.

While it hadn’t been yet explained how to acquire that knowledge, according to Oda in a SBS, the same power of a Devil Fruit can exist more than one time (but not at the same time). Spandam mentions briefly that Devil Fruits have an aura around them which can often help identify them and that the two Devil Fruits he supplied to Kaku and Kalifa contained an unknown aura.

 Side Effects of Devil Fruits

With this new power comes a weakness: the sea rejects the new Devil Fruit user and they become helpless while submerged in water (or “becomes a hammer,” in Japanese parlance). Oda stated in SBS that Devil Fruit users are susceptible to all types of water, not just seawater. He elaborated on this, saying that “moving” water, like rain or waves, does not weaken Devil Fruit users, while standing water does.

If a user is not completely submerged, they can still use their powers from the parts of their body that are above the water. This was demonstrated by Kalifa, who was still able to produce bubbles from the parts of her body that were not under her bath water (although, as stated by Nami, this had effectively cut her strength in half while in the water). However, if the user’s body has been permanently altered by the fruit, then the user’s ability can be manipulated by outside sources; i.e., when Luffy was knocked into the pool at Arlong Park, Genzo and Nojiko dove underwater and stretched his neck so his head would be above water. Being weak against the sea proves deadly to many Devil Fruit users who are pirates and Marines sailing the Grand Line.

Sea stone, a special substance that emits the same energies of the sea, can also cancel out Devil Fruit powers through physical contact with the user. Depending on how much physical contact the users has with the Sea stone, their movement may also be weakened.

One rumor, as recounted by Cipher Pol’s Jyabura, is that Devil Fruits house actual devils that will fight when placed in proximity of one another. The resulting battle would destroy the users’ bodies. Nevertheless, Blueno contradicted this claim, stating that Grand Line scientists have noted that the phenomenon of one’s body destroying itself only occurs when one consumes two Devil Fruits.

 Consequences of Consumption


Regardless of the type of power, it all depends on how you use it. The chances of you weakening from it are very low. Besides, being a hammer isn’t much of an inconvenience.
— Rob Lucci on Devil Fruit power.



The main attraction to eating a Devil Fruit is the powers bestowed upon the user with many spending their entire lives seeking out just one type of fruit. More often than not the power is far more useful than never being able to swim again. However, due to lack of information known by most, and with Devil Fruits still unknown, the average consumer plays Russian Roulette consuming one and there is no way of changing what power you get once consumed. With no way of removing the curse all Devil Fruits users are labeled as “freaks”, “Devils”, and “monsters” for the remainder of their lives. All Devil Fruit users have to be trained to a certain degree from simple activation control to full battle techniques.

You could sell ’em for hundreds of millions. But one bite might leave you with a lifetime of problems you know!?
Jyabura‘s warning to Kalifa and Kaku.

Another problem with the Devil Fruits is that a few of them offer “weird” or “useless” powers. While many citizens can be fascinated by their powers, others may leave a consumer leading a miserable life full of discrimination from those around them.  Certain societies who are blind to the existence of Devil Fruits usually are told lies regarding the reason behind their strange abilities, keeping secrets but commonly causing misconceptions on how this power was achieved.


Doctor Vegapunk, a Marine Scientist, is responsible for the research into the effects of Devil Fruit and Sea stone heavily. His research has also led him to devise the method that lets an inanimate object (such as a gun or a sword) gain the effect of a Devil Fruit (it has not yet been shown how this is done).

Tony Tony Chopper created, during his five-year apprenticeship under Dr. Kureha, a drug called “Rumble Ball” that enhances the effects of the Devil Fruit. Thus far he is the only one so far shown to have consumed it. According to him the Rumble Ball disrupts the wavelengths of Devil Fruit forms. It is implied that the “Rumble Ball” will activate when consumed by any Zoan type Devil Fruit user, albeit with different but slightly similar effect.

Types of Devil Fruit

Paramecia: The most common of the three classes, users of Paramecia Devil Fruits gains super-human physical abilities. Other users can alter features of their bodies or their environment. Finally, there are some users than can manipulate and generate some kind of substances.

Zoan: The users of Zoan class Devil Fruits gains the ability to transform into an animal (and acquire every ability affiliated with the said animal). The user can also transform into a human-beast hybrid form. There are Zoan Devil Fruits not only for common animals, but for prehistorical animals and mythological creatures as well.

Logia: The rarest of the three classes, users of Logia Devil Fruits gains the abilities to manipulate and transform themselves into an element. They also gain every ability related to that element and gains the skill to regenerate every part of their bodies (even their whole bodies) from that element.

For More Info on Fruit user powers see the Power creation section and the Fruit List


Smile is a completely artificial version of Devil Fruit crafted in labs with a chemical called Sad, this allows multiple versions of the same devil fruit to be created, and however the effects of the crafted fruits are still a mystery at this time. These are a recent creation in the world.

While eating Smile will grant a player devil fruit abilities it is believed that they are limited or may cause harm over time to those that eat them. It’s up to the GM at this time as to how t proceed with Smile.

Starting powers

Once a player eats a devil fruit they gain one power with 3 uses a day for free (equal to 15 build points). In addition the player also gains a quote always active power of their fruit. This can be like a higher ADS, or weak ability that they can use at will freely at any time such is the case for  Logia and Paramecia this is their choice. Yet for Zoan they get two powers to use freely, one to shift from their normal form, to their beast form, and a half way point between them. This requires a control shape skill check to shift to forms outside of the regular form they are in, and the other power Zoan’s get is fast healing equal to ¼ their level.

How Devil Fruits work in this game

A player with a devil fruit has access to a unique system of powers, when any player builds powers they use build points to new power creations within some reasoning such as a weapon’s style or arsenal of ammunition, player’s skills or abilities and such. With devil fruit they can reach beyond this and have magic like abilities based on the fruit that they ate, additionally a player will gain one ability / power for free when eating a fruit but suffer from the following issues.

Player cannot longer swim PERIOD; it doesn’t matter if the player could breathe underwater before, they will drown after eating a devil fruit. When in water the player becomes effectively paralyzed all over for a period of 1d4 rounds out of water.

Salt Water causes the target to be fatigued. A player in salt water, (up to their stomach) becomes severally exhausted and unable to due major actions, they need 1d10 rounds out of the salt water to be restored to normal.

Sea Stone, Sea stone has the same effect as Salt Water and will cause the player to be severely exhausted, till the stone is removed for 1d10 rounds. These stones are mostly mined, controlled and in the hands of the world government.

Fruit List

Devil fruits in game can come from one of three results. Lugia, Paramecia, and Zoan. The three types are rolled by the GM by making a chart of 6 different fruits that are then asked by the player to roll a d6 and that is the result. If the fruit is acquired in game it’s up to the GM on the fruits look. The fruits while looking like actual fruit display a pattern and/or odd color scheme then a normal fruit of its form. Below is a listing of types based under the 3 divisions of types? While some in the series have powerful fruits it is to be noted that there seem to be a lot of similar fruits like fire types are quite common in the anime and manga. Once a character dies the fruit returns to the list as available but it’s a difficult one thus if it comes up its up to the GM to accept it or to re-roll it.

The Following are the steps to roll up a fruit.

Step 1: The GM rolls 6 fruits on the list below using a 1d10 (1 -2 – Logia, 3 -6 Paramecia, 7-10 Zoan)

Step 2: Following the type of fruit roll on their section to get the category of fruit

Step 3: Now we know the listing and type, now we roll to determine the actual fruit

Step 4: have each choice placed on a note or hidden from the players view and have them roll 1d6 to see which of the 6 choices they get. It is not advised to give them the fruit they want. The concept is to leave it as a power gamble.

Logia Fruits

With these fruits, the user will become a natural element completely. The users are neither human nor element when they are in their normal state. Logia fruits have major and minor based fruits based off the same elemental control roll 1d12. This is just a small listing more fruits can be created as long as they have a unique or strangle use.

  1. Fire (roll 1d8)

Minor Fruits 

01 Spark – Create sparks from nothing

02 Flame – create flame from nothing

03 Burn – Touch burns at high temps

04 Steam – Creates steam from nothing

05 Ignition – can cause things to ignite

06 Lava – Creates molten rock from earth

07 Fire – creates fire from nothing

08 Inferno – can cause things to become a large fire

Examples in series:

Flare Fruit [Portagrace D. Ace] ~ Dead / [Sabo] – can turn body into living and controlled flame.

Volcano Fruit [Admiral Akainu] – Can turn body into living and controlled lava

Heat Fruit [Don Archino] – can increase the temp around himself

  1. Water (roll 1d8) note no seawater power exists due to effect fruit users

01 Bubble – can create bubbles from nothing

02 Squirt – Body can shoot out blast of water

03 Rain – can call forth storms of rain fall

04 Wave – can control water to form waves

05 Water Spout – Can call forth cones of water from nowhere

06 Tsunami – Can create massive waves of water

07 Liquid – Can turn body to a liquid form

08 Flood – Can bring forth massive storms and control the waters movement

Examples in series:

Liquid Fruit: Form Slime [Queen Honey] – can change body into a slimy liquid

  1. Air (roll 1d8)

01 Wind – Can cause the wind to below in directions

02 Dust – Body can take a dust form

03 Cloud – Body can take on a form of cloud

04 Mist – Can create and move through mist

05 Vacuum – Can create a vacuum drawing things towards you

06 Gust – Can create blasts of wind

07 Twister – Body can become a massive swirling wind

08 Tornado – Can create and control tornado’s

Examples in series:

Plume Fruit [Smoker] – Can take the form of smoke and control its movement

Typhoon Fruit [Monkey D. Dragon] – Can call forth Hurricanes and ride their winds





  1. Earth (roll 1d8)

01 Stone (multiple versions based off of stone types) – control over stone

02 Ground – control over the ground, they can shift or alter it as they wish

03 Gollum – Create and control creatures of earth and stone

04 Poop – body form and Control over Poop

05 Slurry – body form and Control over slurry

06 Soil – control over non rock type earth

07 Earth – Control over all kinds of earth

08 Mountain – Create Mountains out of nothing

Examples in series:

Mud Fruit [“Wet Haired” Caribou] – Body can take form of Mud

Quake Fruit [White beard] ~ Dead (Marshal D. Teach) -Create Earthquakes

Sand Fruit [Crocodile] – Body form and control over sand


  1. Wood (roll 1d8)

01 Wood – control over wood

02 Flower – control over flowers

03 Pollen – Body can become pollen

04 Paper – Body can become and control over paper

05 Plant Body – Body takes on plant based form

06 Seed – Control and creation of seedling plants

07 Plant control – Control over plant life

08 Forrest – Control and Body form of Trees and all  plant life in a area


  1. Lightning (roll 1d8)

01 Battery – The ability to absorb and slowly release electricity

02 Shock – The ability to shoot shocks of electricity

03 Lighting Bolt – The ability to call forth lightning bolts

04 Lighting Ball – The ability to create bursts of electricity

05 Wire – The ability to traverse through electrical devices

06 Charge – Body form of electricity

07 Storm – The ability to create and control thunder storms

08 Thunder – the ability to call forth sonic blasts of Thunder

Examples in series:
Rumble Fruit [Enel (Eneru)] – Body form and control over Electricity
Magnet Fruit [Eustass Kidd] – Control over all things metallic
Combo Fruit [Brindo – Red] [Kanpahino-Blue] – the ability to be magnetically connected to each other





  1. Ice (roll 1d8)

01 Chilly – control a drop in temps

02 Frost – create ice  from nowhere

03 Freeze – Body form of ice

04 Dry Ice – Create cold so strong it burns flesh

05 Snow – create snow from nothing-

06 Winter – Body form of ice and drop temps

07 Glacier – Create huge blocks of ice from nothing

08 Blizzard – Body form of Ice and create snow storms from nothing

Examples in series:

Ice Fruit [Aokiji] – Body form and creation of ice


  1. Shadow (roll 1d8)

01 Shadow control – able to control shadows and their users

02 Shadow Stealing – able to possess a shadow and thus their body

03 Shadow walk – able to travel through shadows

04 Shadow Body – Body form of living shadow

05 Shadow Form – Body form of a living ghost

06 Gravity – Control over gravity

07 Dimension – Creation of void spaces from nothing

08 Black Hole – Body form of a black hole

Examples in series:

Shadow Fruit [Gekko Moriah] ~ Dead – Body form, capturing and control of shadows

Darkness Fruit [Marshal D. Teach] – Body form and creation of black holes

Ghost Fruit [Perona] – The creation and control over ghosts

  1. Light (roll 1d6)

01 Illusion – creates and controls illusions

02 Flash – Creates bursts of light

03 Explosion – Body can cause explosive bursts

04 Fire Works – creates explosions of light in bursts

05 Neon – Control over light in an area

06 Sun – Body form and control over light in an area

Examples in series:

Shiny Fruit [Admiral Kizaru] – Body form of light particles

  1. Metal (different forms based on the metal type) (roll 1d6)

01 Blade – Can create blades from nothing

02 Call Metal – can detect and pull out metal form the ground

03 Shaper – can shape metal into objects  

04 Alter Type – can alter metals form and shape

05 Metal Form  – Summon forth metal

06 Metal Control – Creation and control over metal



  1. Poison (roll 1d6)

01 Decay – Causes things to decay and rot

02 Acid – creates and controls acid

03 Syrup – body form of syrup

04 Disease – Body form and creation of diseases

05 Rot – Destroy and decays any substance as if 1000’s of years past

06 Reaper – Body form of dangerous chemicals

Examples in series:

Poison  Fruit [Chief Warden Magellan] – Body form of Purple ring Octopus poison

Spore Fruit [Musshuru] – Body form of poisonous spores

Rust Fruit [Captain Shuu] – causes metal to rust and crumble

  1. Spirit (1d4)

01 Blood – can release and manipulate blood to form and attack

02 Willpower – One can manipulate their will power into abilities and attack

03 Spirit Energy – One can manipulate gather and use the energy of the world around them

04 Life force – One can use their life force to attack and even take or restore others

Paramecia Fruits

Paramecia Fruits are the most common of the Devil Fruits types. They can change the user’s body in some way. (roll 1d20) often there are multiple versions of the same fruit type.

  1. Health (roll 1d4)

01 Drain – gain the ability to drain stats, Chi, or HP

02 Healing – Gain the ability to heal wounds ether on self or others

03 Aging – body can grow old or young at will

04 Immortality – grants immortality to person

Examples in series:

Aging  Fruit [“Big Eater” Jewelry Bonney] – cause targets to age

Undead Fruit [Just Me Bones Brooke] – can return to body upon death

Surgery Fruit [Trafalgar Law] – Can divide people and objects (people remain alive once divided)


  1. Body Part Control (roll 1d8)

01 Elongate – Body can become long or short

02 Separation – body can separate and act on its own

03 Enlarge – Body can grow to great heights

04 Shrink – Body can shrink to great sizes

05 Kinetic – Body can absorb and redirect kinetic energy

06 Weight control – Can manipulate the weight of objects

07 Extra Limbs/Attacks – Can form extra limbs and body parts

08 Skin/Muscle – enhance ones skin and/ or muscle

Examples in Series:

Chop Fruit [Buggy the Clown] – body can be broken in slices

Berry Fruit [Captain Very Good] – body can be broken in small balls

Slip Fruit [Alvida] – creates slick mucus on her body and makes her slim

Muscle Fruit [Urouge] – Increases his own muscle mass

Flower Fruit [Nico Robin] – she can mimic any of her body parts in a certain range

Kilo Fruit [Ms. Valentine’s Day] – can manipulate owns weight

Mini Fruit [Bruce the Gaint] – Can shrink body down to human sizes



  1. Intangible (roll 1d4)

01 Phasing – Move through objects

02 Ghost form – Body can move through objects and cannot be harmed by normal means

03 Displacement – Body holds a miss chance against all attacks

04 Flow – Body moves around and object or person

Examples in Series:

Cage Fruit [Marine Officer Hina] – Body can move through things and create a binding around


  1. Pheromone (roll 1d6)

01 Terror – Creates fear in others at will

02 Heart – creates love in others at will

03 Calm – creates a calming nature in others at will

04 Anger – enrages others at will

05 Depression – causes target to become lethargic and unwilling to continue

06 Inspire – causes targets to be under the influence of suggestions

Examples in Series:

Lust Fruit [Boa Hancock] – Can turn bodies that show attraction to her to stone



  1. Shape change (roll 1d6)

01 Love – Body can copy person’s desires and take that form

02 Fear – Body can copy person’s fear and take that form

03 Shift – Body can change form of any race at will

04 Mimic – Body can change form of any object at will

05 Shape – Can change the form of others into another

06 Clay – Can change objects form

Examples in Series:

Clone Fruit [Bon Clay, Mr. 2] – He can copy and take on any persons form

Wash Fruit [Vice Admiral Tsuru] – She can take others and make their bodies flat and lifeless like laundry in the wind.


  1. Telekinetic (roll 1d4)

01 Pyro-kinetic – Mental control over fire

02 Electro-kinetic – mental control over electricity

03 Aqua-kinetic – mental control over water

04 Telekinesis – mental control over objects

05 Mecha-kinesis – mental control over machines

06 Terra-kinesis – mental control over the earth


  1. Absorbing (roll 1d4)

01 Absorb – can take in items and attacks

02 Mimic Material – Touching / absorbing objects lets you mimic them

03 Merge – can combine two or more items into one

04 Synch – Can link items / people to one another to work as one

Examples in Series:

Munch Fruit [King Wappo] – ability to eat objects and use or combined their properties



  1. Body Weapon (roll 1d8)

01 Slashing Melee Weapon

02 Bashing Melee Weapon

03 Piercing Melee Weapon

04 Slashing Ranged Weapon

05 Bashing Ranged Weapon

06 Piercing Ranged Weapon

07 Item based form

08 Subdual Weapon

Examples in Series:

Sickle Fruit [Erik The Whirlwind] ~ Dead – Ability to create blades of sharp wind

Spike Fruit [Ms. Double Finger/New Year’s] – ability to turn any body part into a spike

Dice Fruit [Mr.1] – ability to change any body part into a blade

Bomb Fruit [Mr.5] – ability to cause any body part to explode

Wheel Fruit [Captain Sharingu] – ability to create wheels from body parts

Fortress Fruit [Capone Bege] – Ability to house a army within himself

Scissors Fruit [Inazuma] – Ability to cut anything as if it where paper

Net Fruit [Largo] – the ability to create nets from the body

  1. Skill Based (roll 1d12)

01 Potter – user can mold and form things with their hands

02 Calculating – can alter the path, weight or directions of objects, attacks and people

03 Art – user can paint/draw objects into being

04 Cooking – user can turn anything they want into food

05 Building – user can use anything as a building material

06 Dancing – user can compel objects or others to dance

07 Singing – user can affect status of objects or others through song

08 Sewing – can sew things together no matter what

09 Writing – can write about things and they become true

10 Acting – can compel others to into their acting scene

11 Hiding – can bend the world around them to hide

12 Stealing – can compel objects to go to their pockets

Examples in Series:

Pervert Fruit [Absalom] – Body and objects held can become invisible


  1. Super Vision (roll 1d4)

01 Heat – Eyes can see heat signatures

02 X-ray – eyes can see bones and organs

03 Scope – eyes can lock in on objects at distances

04 Dark – eye can see in total darkness



  1. Petrifaction (roll 1d6)

01 Stone – Touch can turn objects and people to stone

02 Metal – touch can turn objects and people to metal

03 Wood – touch can turn objects and people to wood

04 Flesh – touch can turn objects to living flesh

05 Tag – touch can cause person to stop moving

06 Picture – can trap person or object in picture


  1. Teleportation (roll 1d6)

01 Self – can teleport over a distance

02 Others – can teleport others over time

03 Parts – can teleport bits and pieces of people or objects

04 Dimensional Pocket – Create a small room dominion

05 Dimensional Storage – create a small storage dominion

06 Creation – player can bring item into creation

Examples in Series:

Door Fruit [Blueno] – can create doors to move between distances

Pocket Fruit (as in pants pocket) [Blamenco] – the ability to pull things from within his own body

  1. Multiplication (roll 1d3)

01 Double – can create copies of one self

02 Duplicate – can copy objects

03 Mirror – can control and bring forth copies from a mirror


  1. Environment (roll 1d4)

01 Shape Change land

02 Move Land

03 Alter Form Type (ie, liquid, gas, solid)

04 Alter materials Type


  1. Status Effecting (roll 1d10)

01 Mood – alter the moods of others

02 Body – cause stat altercations of the self or others

03 Mind – cause changes in mind

04 Sleep – cause targets to get sleepy

05 Gero (Gero – translated as disgusting) – causes other to be disgusted at them

06 Curse – cause problems on others

07 Hunger/Thirst – cause target to have a compelled desire to eat/drink stuff

08 Clumsy – causes a target to drop things or trip about

09 Speed – can alter a targets speed

10 Illness – can give strange or creative illnesses

Examples in Series:

Slow Fruit [Foxy] – causes targets to be slowed down for a amount of time

Vodoo Fruit [Basil Hawkins] – causes others to take damage he takes




  1. Flight (roll 1d6)

01 Winged – Creates wings which allow the user to fly

02 Jet – User can create blasts and move in that direction

03 Propeller – user has a propeller that they can use to fly with

04 Rocket – user can launch themselves in the sky

05 Balloon- the user can float themselves and slowly move about in the air

06 Glide – user can leap and move their body to stay in air

Examples in Series:

Levitate Fruit [Shiki The Golden Lion] – can cause himself and non-living objects to float in the air.

  1. Land Based movement (roll 1d8)

01 Bouncing – Body can bounce off objects

02 Hop – body can hop at great speeds in similar fashion to rabbits

03 Leap – body can leap great distances

04 Dig – user can dig through any substance

05 Run – user can run on walls and ceilings

06 Slide – user can slide about any surface

07 Skate – user can skate about on any surface

08 Drive– user can treat objects like vehicles

Examples in Series:

Swimming [Senior Pink]

Spring Fruit [Bellamy]

  1. Sonic (roll 1d6)

01 Boom – ability to create massive explosions of sound

02 Burst – ability to shoot off bursts of sound in sonic cones

03 Punch – ability to do sonic damage with attacks

04 Scream –

05 Shout –

06 GM creation – GM creates a way to use this ability

Examples in Series:

Voice Fruit [El Drago] – The ability to shoot sonic rays form the body

Paw Fruit [Bartholomew Kuma] – the ability to create sonic bubbles to absorb and attack with

Band Fruit [Scratchman Apoo] – the ability to turn his body into different instruments

  1. Telepathy (roll 1d6)

01 With others – the ability to talk to others through one’s own mind

02 With Animals – the ability to talk to animals through one’s own mind

03 With plants – the ability to talk to plants through one’s own mind

04 With Elements – the ability to talk to elemental things through one’s own mind

05 With Spirits – the ability to talk to the dead through one’s own mind

06 With Machines – the ability to talk to Machines through one’s own mind

Examples in Series:

Whisper Fruit [Apis] – the ability to hear the thoughts of other creatures




  1. Body Material (roll 1d20) Body does not take the element but effects of

01 Glass – Body takes on form of glass

02 Cloth – Body takes on form of cloth

03 Tar – Body takes on form of tar

04 Oil – Body takes on form of oil

05 Cream – Body takes on form of cream

06 Salt – Body takes on form of salt

07 Rubber – Body takes on form of rubber

08 Feathers – Body takes on form of Feathers

09 Glue – Body takes on form of glue

10 Gelatin – Body takes on form of gelatin

11 String – body takes on form of string

12 Magnet – body takes on properties of magnets

13 Tape – body takes on properties of tape

14 Swarm – body takes on properties of a swarm of insects

15 Paper – body takes on properties of paper

16 Wire – body takes on properties of wire

17 Sponge – body takes on properties of sponge

18 Hair – body takes on properties of hair

19 Mineral – body takes on properties of a mineral on the periodic table

20 GM Creation

Examples in Series:

Wax Fruit [Mr. 3] – Body takes on and creates and controls wax

Heatstone Fruit [Bear King] – Body takes on form of lava stone

Bubble Fruit [Kalifa] – Body takes on form of soap and can shape others

Diamond Fruit [Jozu] – body takes on form of Diamond

Zoan-Types Fruits

A Zoan Devil Fruits is the kind of Devil Fruit that will transform you into an animal

if you eat one. (roll 1d20) as a bonus all Zoan type users gain Fast Healing ¼ their level. Unlike the first two no description is given as each is taking on the animal or creatures qualities and traits of that creature

  1. Cats (Roll 1d6)

01 Cat Breeds

02 Lion

03 Tiger

04 Jaguar

05 Liger

06 Bobcat

Examples in Series:

Cat Fruit, Model Cheetah) [Chiqicheetah – Foxy Pirates]

Cat Fruit, Model Leopard) [Rob Lucci]

  1. Dogs (Roll 1d6)

01 Dog Breeds

02 Coyote

03 Hyena

04 Fox

05 Dingo

06 Cerberus

Examples in Series:

Dog Fruit, Model Dachshund [Mr. 4’s dog]

Dog Fruit, Model Dalmatian [Vice Admiral Dalmatian]

Dog Fruit, Model Jackal [Chaka]

Dog Fruit, Model Wolf [Jyabura]

  1. Rodents (Roll 1d12)

01 Rat

02 Mouse

03 Kangaroo

04 Squirrel

05 Chipmunk

06 Armadillo

07 Gerbil

08 Hamster

09 Beaver
10 Weasel
11 Ferret

12 Capybara

  1. Lizards (Roll 1d12)

01 Frill

02 Iguana

03 Monitor

04 Chameleon

05 Crocodile

06 Alligator

07 Monitor

08 Kimono Dragon

09 Skink

10 Gecko

Examples in Series:

Lizard Fruit Model T-Rex [X Drake]



  1. Snake (roll 1d6)

01 Viper

02 Asp

03 Constrictor

04 Cobra

05 Quetzalcoatl

06 Basilisk

Examples in Series:

Snake Fruit Model King Cobra [Boa Marigold]

Snake Fruit Model Anaconda [Boa Sandersonia]

  1. Spider (roll 1d8)

01 Spider Types

02 Scorpion

03 Crab

04 Centipede

05 Millipede

06 Lobster

07 Arachne (Legendary Spider woman)

08 Tick/Flea

Examples in Series:

Caterpillar fruit [Epodia]

Spider Fruit, Model ???? [Onigumo]

  1. Frog (roll 1d6)

01 Frog

02 Toad

03 Turtle
04 Salamander

05 Kappa

06 Kane Toad

  1. Birds (roll 1d8)

01 Bird types

02 Raptor

03 Penguin

04 Bat

05 Carrion

06 Griffon

07 Duck

08 Swan

Examples in Series:

Bird Fruit, Model Falcon [Pell]



  1. Cow (roll 1d6)

01 Cow

02 Hippo

03 Sheep

04 Buffalo

05 Ox

06 Water Buffalo

07 Ram

08 Goat

Examples in Series:

Cow Fruit, Model Bison [Dalton]

Cow Fruit, Model Cow [Minotaurus]

Cow Fruit, Model Giraffe [Kaku]

Rhino Fruit [MinoRhinoceros]

  1. Horse (roll 1d8)

01 Horse Breeds

02 Camel

03 Mule

04 Deer

05 Elk

06 Moose

07 Reindeer

08 Antelope

Examples in Series:

Horse Fruit [Pierre-Gods horse]

Zebra Fruit [Minozebra]

  1. Insect (roll 1d10)

01 Fire Fly

02 Bee/ Wasp

03 Fly

04 Ant

05 Moth

06 Butterfly

07 Killer Bee
08 Fire Ant

09 Antlion

10 Cockroach

  1. Beetle (roll 1d6)

01 Dung

02 Hercules

03 Scarab

04 Lady Bug

05 Stink bug

06 Golden beetle

  1. Worm (roll 1d4)

01 Worm

02 Slugs

03 Snails

04 Death Worm

  1. Monkey (roll 1d6)

01 Monkey

02 Ape

03 Yeti

04 Lemur

05 Orangutan

06 Chimp

  1. Bear (roll 1d6)

01 Grizzly

02 Panda

03 Raccoon

04 Polar

05 Black

06 Sloth

Examples in Series:

Koala Fruit  [Minokoala]

  1. Man (roll 1d8)

01 Toddler

02 Geriatric

03 Neanderthal

04 Proto (Alien like Human)

05 God (GM decides what type of human)

06 Race based (Not skin color Races from the guide)

07 Devil (GM Decides on Demon of type)

08 God (GM Decides on God Type

Examples in Series:

Human Fruit [Tony Tony Chopper]

God Niko /Gum Gum Fruit [Monkey D. Luffy] – body takes on form of rubber

  1. Other Animal types (1d20)

01 Hedgehog

02 Rabbit

03 Skunk

04 Platypus

05 Porcupine

06 Badger

07 Honey Badger

08 Wombat

09 Tapir

10 Boar

11 Pig

12 Walrus

13 Seal

14 Otter

15 Porcupine

16 Tasmanian Devil

17 Alpaca

18 Tarsier

19 Aye-Aye

20 Jackalope

Examples in Series:

Elephant Fruit [Funk Freed – Spandam’s Sword ]

Mole Fruit [Ms. Groundhogs day/ Merry Christmas]

  1. Prehistoric ( roll 1d20)

01 Saber tooth – Character takes on the form of a saber tooth tiger

02 Mammoth – character takes on the form of a Mammoth

03 Megaloth – character takes on form of a massive Sloth about 9 ft tall

04 Meiolania – Takes on the form of a giant spiny barbed tail turtle

05 Dodo – a large flightless bird

06 Roc – character can take the form of giant bird

08 Raptor – character can take the form of velociraptor

09 Stegosaurus – character can take the form of Stegosaurus

10 Allosaurus   – character can take the form of Allosaurus

11 Ankylosaurus – character can take the form of Ankylosaurus

12 Triceratops – character can take the form of Triceratops

13 Pentadactyl – character can take the form of Pentadactyl

14 Spinosaurus – character can take the form of Spinosaurus

15 Brontosaurus – character can take the form of Brontosaurus

16 Tyrannosaurus – character can take the form of Tyrannosaurus

17 Pachycephalosaur – character can take the form of Pachycephalosaur

18 Plesiosaurus – character can take the form of Plesiosaurus

19 Aves – character can take the form of a large Raptor bird

20 Titanosaurus – character can take the form of Titanosaurus

  1. Legend

01 Chimera – character gains abilities of the legendary creature

02 Medusa – character takes on likeness of mythical creature

03 Vampire – Character becomes a vampire (cannot sire others)

04 Angel – gain the ability to gather others and flight perfect

05 Phoenix – Gain the ability to manipulate fire, Heal wounds, and fly good

06 Zombie – Gain the ability to remove limbs and enslave others

07 Ghost – gains ability to phase, fly poor, and become intangible

08 Demon Succubus – Can Drain life, Charm and fly good

09 Banshee – Gain same abilities as ghost but gain Sonic attacks as well

10 Gigas – Become a massive Giant Colossal Size

11 Devil Balthazar – can manipulate the earth

12 Devil Hades – can manipulate fire

13 Devil Auron – can manipulate water

14 Unicorn – can shift into the legendary horned horse

15 Sleipnir – can shift into a horse with eight legs

16 Fairy – can change into a small flying human like creature with magic

17 Dryad – can shift into a living plant person

18 Nymph – can shift into a creature of blinding beauty

19 Fenrir – can shift into a massive wolf creature

20 Hag – user can shift to the form of a witch and cast magic

Examples in Series:

Phoenix Fruit [Marco] – Takes on the form of the legendary bird right down to it healing properties

Buda Fruit [Sengoku] – Takes on the form of a living Giant golden Buda statue

  1. Fish

01 Pufferfish

02 Stingray

03 Tiger Shark

04 Hammerhead

05 Octopus

06 Squid

07 Box Jellyfish

08 Stonefish

09 Great white

10 Megalith

11 Kraken

12 Magical Carp – User can become a dragon



One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Tontatta


Dwarf / Fairy

Dwarves refer to humans as “Big Humans” (大人間 Dai Ningen?) and casually ask them whether they are good or bad and as a tradition a good human can prove him/herself by either giving up their weapons or being stripped of all their possessions. Dwarves are very careful not to be seen by any humans as they will try to kill anyone who sees them unless they promise not to tell anyone of their existence. They are also gullible to anything humans say to them, making them easily fooled.

They are behind Dressrosa’s belief in fairies and accept the country’s offerings to them.
According to Wicca, they only show themselves to the Riku royal family, but they make an exception for Usopp and his friends.

Despite their small size, dwarves possess great strength, with a single dwarf being able to easily destroy a building. They are very fast, enough for them to disappear in a blink of a second, making it nearly impossible for a normal person to see them. They are known as great cultivators as they stated that they can cultivate any plant, as evidenced by the abundance of plant life on Green Bit. However, they have trouble growing SMILE correctly, as it is artificial in nature. Dwarves are shown to be extremely gullible and trusting.

Level adjustment: +4

Racial Traits:
• +8 STR, +10 DEX, -4 END, -4 WIS, +2 Com.
• Tiny size – +2 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls,
• land speed – 30 feet. Burrow 10ft
• Low-light vision – Dwarves can see better in low light and treat it like day
• Dodge – as a bonus feat.
• Skill Bonus – +20% Knowledge nature, +20 Stealth, +20 Profession Farming , -20 Bluff

Defect :
• Gullible – Dwarves are a simple minded race that easily falls for bluffs and lies having a -20 to the Social skill checks
• Hunted Race – Dwarves are a wanted slave race each one is worth 700,000 Berri, they are sought as slaves to be kept as pets, their plant and burrowing skills and speed and strength.
• Honest Abe – Dwarves are horrible liars and because of that they stink at Bluff -20 to their uses of the skill.
• Long Time Slave Race – Dwarves have lived most their life in slavery and thus know nothing outside of the world from their local areas of captivity. They are not prone to be world travelers. They cannot gain knowledge Skills (other than Knowledge Nature) till they seek education, even if the player takes a class that grants all those skills.
• Easily Impressed – Dwarves having not seen much of the world get impressed at new things 1d4 rounds of stunned distraction when something strange and new appears before them (GM declaration)

Dwarves are an extremely small sentient race. In comparison to an average sized human, their difference in height is approximately the same as that between a normal-sized human and an average-sized giant. They are mostly human in shape, apart from having a thick fluffy tail and chibi-like proportions.

In proportions the Dwarves are the smallest race in the world. Standing on average about 2-3 inches high, they are also very light weight only coming in at the heaviest of 2 lbs But their size and weight don’t mean they aren’t a viable threat as they are almost as strong as Giants which are over 1000 times their size. Their small size doesn’t make them weak in weapon choices While their smaller weapons look weak the size is equal to weapons of a larger size and some dwarves have even been able to use normal sized weapons with the feat Monkey Grip.

A Century of Slavery
Over 900 years ago, the dwarves set out to sea in search of resources. The Donquixote Family proposed a treaty in which they would provide shelter and resources in exchange for manual labor. As Gancho puts it, this was the darkest period of the Tontatta tribe. The Donquixote Family enslaved the dwarves and the humans of Dressrosa prospered from their labor.

Liberation by the Riku Family
After the Void Century, the Riku family became the rulers of Dressrosa. King Riku at the time was saddened by the mistreatment the dwarves suffered and liberated them. After forming a bond with the Riku family, the dwarves covered Dressrosa with luscious greens and blooming flowers. The dwarves were also allowed, as part of their compensation, to take anything they wanted from the country, no questions asked. To cover for them, King Riku created the legend about fairies and firmly implanted it into his people as a means of covering for the dwarves’ actions.

Fight against a Return to Slavery
After Donquixote Doflamingo overthrew the Riku Royal family and ascended to the throne, the Donquixote Family kidnapped 500 dwarves and put them to work in the SMILE Factory of Dressrosa. Some of the dwarves formed an anti-Doflamingo army, the Riku Royal Army, led by Thunder Soldier.

One Piece – Race – Tontatta

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Tontatta

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Fishmen


Fishmen are one of two species that dominate the seas (the other being the Merfolk). As slaves they sell for 1000000 beli, In terms of leadership, none are mentioned, however Fisher Tiger, Jinbei and Arlong were said to have the highest respect amongst their people.

Arlong, a member of the Fishman race.
Appearance-wise, they are more “fish-like” than merfolk, looking like a cross between a man and a fish of the ocean such as an octopus, manta ray, or sawfish; however, they still have legs. They have their gills near their necks which only work when they are in water. On land they can breathe with their lungs like humans do. They are ten times as strong as normal humans from birth, and this difference is magnified underwater, where a human’s power is cut in half (while Fishmen are completely unhindered, and perhaps even strengthened).
Even though Fishmen are part fish, they are still mammals and give birth to live young.
As was revealed during the Davy Back Fight arc with Big Pan Fishmen can also breed with Giants, producing a hybrid who has biological abilities of a Fishmen and a huge body of a Giant (but still smaller than a full one, as related by Robin), they are known as Wotan. Although never shown it’s clear that Fishmen and humans can also breed the same way Merfolk and humans can breed.

Inter-species Relationships
Their view of life under the sea is dominated by their views that they should rule over all other fish in the sea. Despite this view, usually they get along well with the Merfolk who share the opposite view on life, however it is not unknown for Fishmen to take advantage of the Merfolk’s nature. Because of their strength, they appear in One Piece on a regular basis.
A stereotypical Fishman considers humans an inferior, weaker species. However, this does not apply to all Fishmen: for example, the puffer fish shipwright Tom cared and looked after two human children (Iceburg and Franky) and even protected them from the actions of Spandam and CP5, and even the Shichibukai, Jinbei, considers the Whitebeard Pirate, Portgas D. Ace an equal and holds the Whitebeard Pirates as a group in high regard because of Whitebeard protecting Fishman Island.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, human relationship to the Fishmen was defined with their definition of both them and merpeople as “fish” instead of “men”. This lead to centuries of discrimination as the Fishmen fought to prove their worth to the world. Only two hundred years ago did the World Government began to bridge the gap, making an alliance with Fishman Island to remove the problems between the two sides. While attempting to fix the problem, centuries of bad relations remained: many humans continued to see Fishmen as freaks or, in the case around Sabaody Archipelago, slaves for the Tenryuubito. On the opposite end, certain sects of Fishmen attempted to create their own societies where they dominated over the humans, such as Arlong Park in East Blue.

Overall Strength
Fishmen are claimed to be one of the strongest races in the world. Their strength is equal only by the giants of the world. They also have the ability to fight as well on land as well as in the sea. Making them one of the most dangerous races out there.

Level Adjustment +1 (Higher level Adjustment for Fishmen Variants listed Below)
• PS Score – 6
• ADS Score – 2
• Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, – 4 COM
• Skill – +10 Swim
• Water Breathing – Fishmen can breathe both air and water, they only can drown if they have eaten a devil fruit.
• Swim Speed – 30ft Good
• Defect – Hunted Defect – The slave trade on Fishmen is that they make good labor workers
• Defect – Hated Race – Due to the actions of Arlong and Fisher Tiger Fishmen are a hated Race
• Level Rating – +1(Higher level Adjustment for Fishmen Variants)

Favored Class:


Shark Fishmen have a natural Bite attack and can re-grow their teeth instantly They also have an addition Strength boost and are often looked on as the strongest of the fishmen.

Level Rating +4

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +6 STR, +2 END, -2 COM, -2 SPI
• Natural Attack (Bite: 2d6 x2 Piercing)
• Regeneration [Teeth only] Instant

Octopus / Squid
Octopus and Squid Fish men are great warriors for their multiple arms allowing them to have multiple attacks at hand. They also can make a cloud of Ink appear in water to creating a blinding fog of 60ft radius.

Level Rating: +3

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 30 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, -4 COM
• Multiple Arms allows extra attacks a round at -2
• Ink Cloud – Create blind area 60ft radius underwater

Quick and Agile Fishmen they only pale in Mermaids with their great speed in the water. Their Arm blades can also be used as a natural Weapon in Battles

Level Rating +2

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +15 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, +2 DEX, -2 COM, -2 SPI
• Natural Weapon (Arm Blade 1d10 x3 Slashing)

The Ability to inflate their bodies enlarging their size category, they also have a collection of spine on their back allowing them to make a piercing slam attack

Level Rating +3

Racial Traits:
• Water Breathing
• +10 Swim, Swim Speed 60 ft Good
• +2 STR, +2 END, -2 COM, -2 INT
• Natural Weapon (Back Spines 1d6 x2 Piercing)
• Enlarge Self 3/day (counts as 2 size categories larger, lasts Level +END +6 rounds)

There also are two additional variants that can be placed on any of the other templates above.

Natural Attacks Spew a Poison from their body, The stronger the Poison the Higher the level Adjustment.

Level Adjustment:
DC 15 Poison +1 Does 2d6 a round for 1d12 rounds
DC 20 Poison +2 Does 2d10 a round for 1d20 rounds
DC 25 Poison +3 Does 3d10 a round for 2d12 rounds

Natural Camouflage
Natural ability to blend in with ones surroundings, this ability is available to be used 3/day

Level Adjustment
+1 50% concealment when activated
+2 75% concealment when activated

One Piece – Race – Fishmen

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Fishmen

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Merfolk


Mermen / Mermaid

Merfolk are shown in the world of One Piece as one of the two major races that inhabit the Sea, the other being the Fishmen, and seemed to be ruled by an individual know for now only as the mermaid Princess. Merfolk are the prize catch as slaves with young females selling at a staggering 70,000,000 making them highly sought after by kidnapping teams. Parted females sell for only 10,000,000

Like the mermaids and mermen of folklore, their upper half is that of a human while the lower half is that of a fish. As demonstrated recently by Kokoro, mermaids may walk on land as when they are thirty years old, their tails split into two. Like the Fishmen, they are based on the different fish of the Sea; for example, Kokoro is an Icefish Mermaid.

Inter-species Relationships
Unlike the Fishmen, the Merfolk are peaceful, and prefer their race to remain a secret. They often are rumored to aid drowning sailors, plucking them from the sea and taking them to safety.
Mermaids and Mermen are friends to the fishes of the sea, fun loving and usually get along with most people, including Fishmen (even though Fishmen can often take advantage of the Merfolk’s good nature).

Like Fishmen, Merfolk face dramatic discrimination in certain areas due to past history between them and humans. While the World Government has attempted to bridge the gap, they are still considered valuable in areas where slavery is still legal in this world. A captured female mermaid under 30 (when their tail splits and they can walk on land) that is sold in auction in the Sabaody Archipelago can go for a starting price of 70,000,000 Beli. The wealthy who buy one usually keep them as a trophy.

Mermaid/mermen don’t exchange blood and its said wont have a relationship with humans due to the refusal in the past by humans to give blood to Sun Pirates captain Fisher Tiger. Do to this while the two species get along its less likely any half breeds with humans are seen.

Overall Strength
They appear much weaker then the Fishmen, however it is difficult to tell their strength considering only two so far have made an appearance. Merfolk are also the fastest swimmers in sea.
• PS Score – 10 Mermaids are keen at avoiding attacks
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, -2 STR
• Water Breathing – Mermaids can breathe both water and air, they lose this ability if they eat a devil fruit
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Defect – Hunted Defect – The slave trade on Mermaids is so high many will take a chance at kidnapping them
• Level Rating –+ 2 (This is higher for some variant Mermaid types.

Favored Class:

Racial Defects:

Special – Until a Mermaid / Merman reaches Adulthood in their age their fins don’t split and thus cant walk on land, however many get around this with a floating bubble created from the sap from Yakukiman Mangrove
bubbles. They can also seek to amend this by having legs of other surgically added to them.

Variant Types:
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +6 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Great Beauty – Goldfish Mermaids gain a bonus to all Social skills of +10
• Level Rating – +2

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 2
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +4 COM, +2 STR, -2 END, -4 SPI
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Visions – This version of mermaid is capable to foresee future events and events occurring sever distances away in their mind
• Level Rating – +3

Octopus / Squid
• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 COM, +2 SPI, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +10 Swim
• Multiple Arms – allows extra attacks a round at -2
• Swim Speed – 30ft Good
• Boneless form – this mermaid can squeeze their body into tight spaces and hiding spots ¼ their size.
• Level Rating – +2

Flying Fish
• PS Score – 10
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 COM, -4 STR, -2 END
• Skill – +20 Swim, +20 Jump
• Fly Speed – 60ft Fair
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Level Rating – +4

• PS Score – 6
• ADS Score – +4
• Stat Bonus – +6 DEX, +2 SPI, +4 STR, -4 WIS, -2 CHA
• Skill – +20 Swim
• Speak with Fish – Player can talk to fish letting them use social roles to gain assistance or knowledge from them
• Swim Speed – 60ft Good
• Echo Location – This ability grants them a bonus +20 to search roles
• Level Rating – +5

One Piece – Race – Merfolk

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Merfolk

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Sky Islanders

Sky Islanders

Sky Islanders

Skypieans are the people who come from Skypiea and live on Angel Island and other islands in the sky. The skypieans are mostly a non-aggressive race who live peacefully on the Sky Islands. They use dials for everyday use such as cooking. They have wings similar to the ones found on the backs of the Shandians. They greet each other by saying ‘Heso’ (which is Japanese for bellybutton) often while putting their hand against their head and sticking two fingers up.
First Appearance: Chapter 238; Episode 153
They follow the Leadership of their ruling governor (which they call ‘God’). They rarely question the actions of their ruling cast, even when faced with the fearsome Eneru. To the Skypieans, the ground from the Blue Seas below (which they refer to as ‘Vearth’) is sacred as plants do not grow without it in Skypiea. Because of their devotion towards their ruling cast and their value of Vearth, long ago their ancestors entered a war with the Shandian over their homeland, one which lasted 400 years.

They train their hair to grow like the antenna of an insect from a young age, using sticks in their hair to support the end. Their wing style is very different from Bilkans, styled closer to the Shandians wings. Their wings tend to have shorter feathers that are slightly less in number than a Shandians, often these feathers are thicker and more rounded. They are so close that at times the wings appear to be identical.


The Immigration to the Blue Star

An ancient drawing of the three former races of the moon: Birkan, Shandorian and Skypiean. Skypieans originate from the moon, along with the Birkans and Shandorians leaving behind their friends the Spaceys. When resources on the moon were used up they, along with the Shandorians and Bilkan, moved to the Blue Seas. At some point the three races separated and became what they are today.

Song of the Holy Land
Skypiea was “blessed” when the homeland of the Shandians, descendants of the Shandorians, was blasted up into the sky. Their God immediately claimed the land as his home and a bloody war began between the two races.

Inter-species Relationships
Do to their isolation form the rest of the world they don’t have a relationship just a long lost and forgotten history, with the world below.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 COM, +2 INT, -2 STR, – 2 END
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Machines, +10 Repair, + 10 Craft Machines, +10 Craft Vehicles
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Not from around Here – Sky Islanders take a -6 to all Knowledge skills (with the Exception of Knowledge Machines) on any place that is not a sky island
• Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Sky Island Variants

An island race similar in Skypieans, but adept at using, Haki or as they call it Matra. Enel destroyed their home island, latterly sending it crashing to the sea, Now many of its survivors are scattered across the seas and are the sky islander most likely to be seen publicly in travels. They have the identifying quality of having elongated ear lobes or goat like faces. But not all carry this trait.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 0
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 CON, +2 INT
• Skills – +10 Knowledge Machines, +10 Repair, + 10 Craft Machines, +10 Craft Vehicles
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Haki Users – as a people Birkan have the ability to use at least one of the Haki forms Observance or Armament, Conqueror can only be achieved through the random character creation roll.
• Adapt Jumper – Birkan’s gain the ability for free at creation
• Refugee – Birkan’s home island was destroyed and set crashing to the sea below. Because of this they have no real home to go to and must seek a new one out in the real world.
• Not from around Here – Sky Islanders take a -6 to all Knowledge skills (with the Exception of Knowledge Machines) on any place that is not a sky island
• Level Rating – 5

Favored Class:

A lost tribe of Islanders that was displaced from their home by a jet of water thrusting their
homeland to the sky, over years they too adapted to acquire wings on their backs. Unlike Skypieans they have some lore of the world below but are a more closed minded group protecting their home land from invaders. And they stand as guardians of a Golden Bell.

• PS Score – 8
• ADS Score – 2 Shandorians are a warrior race trained in how to fight and withstand damage
• Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA – 2 END, +2 SPI
• Skills – +10 Survival,+10 Knowledge Nature
• Dail In – Sky Islanders start with 1d4 dails, and +1 dail for every 2 levels about level 1
• Children of Calgara – A warrior of Legend that was known for his great strength in a pinch 1/per day a Shandorian can release a strength boost granting them a +4 to their strength for their level +1d4 rounds
• Sense of Honor – Shandorians is not ones to back down easily they have to make a will save vs. the trill of battle. DC 15
• Lost to Time (Medicine) – Shandorians greatest week point is their lack of medical knowledge, It wasn’t till the Arrival of Noland till the concept came to them the sacrificing people to gods wouldn’t solve their medical problems. Because of this the skills Medicine and Knowledge Biology are always considered a cross class skill to them.
• Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Sky Islanders

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Sky Islanders

One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Giants


Giants are a race of beings that vastly overshadow the other known races of the One Piece world in size. The most commonly known are those from the island of Elbaf. As slaves they sell for 50,000,000 for males and #10,000,000 for females.

Being giants, they are literally Giant humans in appearance. They are so large that when they cry, their tears can cause large areas on the ground to be covered with them. They are based on Vikings in both design and beliefs. But not all of them seem to be Viking themed, which is peculiar to ones from Elbaf. Jaguar D. Saul told Nico Robin not to mistake him for the brutes of Elbaf. Also marine vice-admiral John Giant seems to be non-Elbaf giant.

They are not to be confused with large-sized humans such as the Franky Family’s Mighty Destroyers or Bartholomew Kuma. To a giant, these large humans are no more than “oversized ants.” Large sized humans at their tallest reach knee-height of a giant, a normal human only reaches as high as the ankle in comparison.

Inter-species Relationships
Giants seem to get along fine with other races, though generally many humans think twice about upsetting them. Normally they seem very casual, light-headed and friendly towards just about everyone despite their size. Though a different race they are still regarded as “Men” by humans, noting there is a respectful acceptance between them and humans.

Giants can also interbreed with Fishmen, which produces a Wotan. Though Wotan’s are huge by human standards, they are still not as big as an actual giant.

Overall Strength

They are a strong and almost unstoppable race, the average human cannot stand up to them making them both ideal guards and deadly warriors. In fact, many giants are servants of the World Government and the Marines, enforcing the latter as one of the Three Great Powers.

Throughout the storyline, characters regularly are aware of just what the strength of giants is:
Mr. 3 had to devise a plan in order to take down Brogy and Dorry. While he took down Dorry by a explosion in his stomach (Brogy had finished him off), the giant had survived because of the giants endurance.
At Enies Lobby the sight of seeing the giants Oimo and Kaashii made the Franky Family commented on how using giants was “unfair”.

Saul had lifted up and smashed a number of the large Buster Call fleet ships during the destruction of Ohara. He had also taken several hits of cannon fire. He has been noted to have more strength than an average giant.

When the allies of the Straw Hats appeared to have been wiped out by the Buster Call fleet, whose cannons are able to wipe out whole island with their cannon blasts, it was revealed that Oimo and Kaashii had taken the brunt of the attack yet been largely unaffected.

During the Sabaody Archipelago arc, the kidnapping group the Coffee Monkeys reported that the only reason why they captured their giant was because he was asleep.

Oars’ strength was said to be enough to move continents, and his fearsome reputation was one of the attractions for Moria that lead his desire to gain the corpse of both him and his descendant Oars Jr. to use to become Pirate King.

The Marines have an entire squad consisting of Giants. This is giants were place in charge of guarding Ace’s execution platform. When they were ordered to prepare themselves, the pirates advancing took warned each other that “the big-boys are advancing”. They also have many other Giants as high-ranking officers.

However while they are incredibly strong their size is also their biggest disadvantage; the larger giants such as Oars and Oars Jr. are so big that they make for easy targets during battles.

• PS Score – 4
• ADS Score – 15 Giants make up for their large size which makes it easy to hit them by having tough hides and use to taking massive blows.
• Stat Bonus – +10 STR, +6 END, +2 SPI
• Saves – +6 Resistance
• Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Fishing
• Monster Appetites – A giant eats x5 the amount of a Human normally thus require 5 units of food a day
• Hunted Race – Giants are prized fighters and are sought by slavers to be used in labor
• Savage Race – Giants are Nomads and live as such they are too keen on technology in fact they get a -4 to Craft Machines or in any skill dealing with technology
• Level Rating – 6

Favored Class:

Pictured above by sizing Oars (Previous Largest Giant. Two giants and a sole human in-between)
Half Giant
Half Giant is a mixed race of Giant and one other race of creature out there. Although weaker in strength then their parents their lower level cost and racial bonuses still make them a big force to be face in battle. Although at no point have they said any other half giants other than the Wotan race (half giant/half Fishmen) it is strongly believed many half giants are throughout the world and even believed that Whitebeard himself do to his massive size is a Half Giant.

Inter-species Relationships
Like the Half Mermen/ Fishmen, The half giant is not respected, they are looked on as weaker than other giants and they have to work hard to prove there place in the world. The other races still fear them as they may not be as strong as their parents but they still can make you hurt big time.

Overall Strength
Weaker than their Giant Parents but what they lose in strength they make up in skill. They being a mixed race may also gain bonuses from their other parent race.

• PS Score – 4 (the average between this score and the other parent race score)
• ADS Score – 8 ADS
• Stat Bonus – +5 STR, +3 END, +1 SPI
• Saves – +3 Resistance
• Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Fishing
• Monster Appetites – A giant eats x3 the amount of a Human normally thus require 3 units of food a day
• Hated Race – Half Giants are looked on as weaklings by other giants and monsters by other races thus often go through life with a problem handling diplomatic situations -2 to Social Skills
• Level Rating – 3

Favored Class:

One Piece – Race – Giants

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Giants