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Technique Building rules

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Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News Naruto RPG One Piece RPG

Basic Rules of Play

Game Terms

This RPG uses several terms, abbreviations, and definitions in presenting the rules of the game. The following are among the most common.

Ability: A unique skill or an action that is used by a creature to perform tasks. These can both be taught through action in the game and rewarded to the player, or purchased with build points.

Ability Score: Each creature has six ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These scores represent a creature’s most basic attributes. The higher the score, the more raw potential and talent your character possesses.

Action: An action is a discrete measurement of time during a round of combat. Using abilities, using chi, using special actions, and making attacks all require actions to perform. There are a number of different kinds of actions, such as standard action, move action, swift action, free action, and full-round action.

Alignment: Alignment represents a creature’s basic moral and ethical attitude.

Armor Defense Score (ADS): This score is used to determine how much damage you can take in a hit. As well as figuring in your character’s weakness in defense.

Armor Bonus: Each Class helps train characters in how to take a more defensive position in combat. Thus the classes grant a bonus to  ADS per level of the class.

Background Abilities: Each player to better individualize their character can add Defects and Quirks to their character giving them a type of social and physical standing.

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): Each creature has a base attack bonus and it represents its skill in combat. As a character gains levels, his base attack bonus improves. When a creature’s base attack bonus reaches +6, +11, or +16, he receives an additional attack in combat when he takes a full-attack action.

Build Points: A set number of points used to buy unique abilities, Special Attacks, Extra uses of ability a day, Bonus feats, Bonus Skill points, and Extra HP. While this can be an optional rule, the build point system is a strong way to enhance the system.  

Bonus: Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are non-cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.

Chi: The source of all life, the way a ninja is able to perform unique and learned abilities and tasks power and ability when casting spells. When a creature uses chi, it often contains a number of variables, such as range or damage. That is based on the user’s level.

Class: Classes represent chosen professions taken by characters and some other creatures. Classes give a host of bonuses and allow characters to take actions that they otherwise could not, such as unique abilities or chi use. As a creature gains levels in a given class, it gains new, more powerful abilities. Most PCs gain levels in the core classes or prestige classes, since these are the most powerful.

Check: A check is a d20 roll which may or may not be modified by another value. The most common types are attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.

Concentration Check: When a creature is using Chi or powers, but is disrupted during the casting, he must make a concentration check or fail to perform the action being performed.

Creature: A creature is an active participant in the story or world. This includes PCs, NPCs, and monsters.

Damage Reduction (DR): Creatures that are resistant to harm typically have damage reduction. This amount is added to the players’ ADS score to allow them to take on greater hits.

Difficulty Class (DC): Whenever a creature attempts to perform an action whose success is not guaranteed, he must make some sort of check (usually a skill check). The result of that check must meet or exceed the Difficulty Class of the action that the creature is attempting to perform in order for the action to be successful.

Exceptional Abilities (Ex): Exceptional abilities are unusual abilities that do not rely on Chi to function.

Experience Points (XP): As a character overcomes challenges, defeats monsters, and completes quests, he gains experience points. These points accumulate over time, and when they reach or surpass a specific value, the character gains a level.

Feat: A feat is an ability a creature has mastered. Feats often allow creatures to circumvent rules or restrictions. Creatures receive a number of feats based on their Hit Dice, but some classes and other abilities grant bonus feats.

Game Master (GM): A Game Master is the person who adjudicates the rules and controls all of the elements of the story and world that the players explore. A GM’s duty is to provide a fair and fun game.

Hit Dice (HD): Hit Dice represents a creature’s general level of power and skill. As a creature gains levels, it gains additional Hit Dice. Monsters, on the other hand, gain racial Hit Dice, which represent the monster’s general prowess and ability. Hit Dice are represented by the number the creature possesses followed by a type of die, such as “3d8.” This value is used to determine a creature’s total hit points. In this example, the creature has 3 Hit Dice. When rolling for this creature’s hit points, you would roll a d8 three times and add the results together, along with other modifiers.

Hit Points (hp): Hit points are an abstraction signifying how robust and healthy a creature is at the current moment. To determine a creature’s hit points, roll the dice indicated by its Hit Dice. A creature gains maximum hit points if its first Hit Die roll is for a character class level. Creature’s first Hit Die comes from an NPC class or from his race roll their first Hit Die normally. Wounds subtract hit points, while healing (both natural and magical) restores hit points. Some abilities and spells grant temporary hit points that disappear after a specific duration. When a creature’s hit points drop below 0, it becomes unconscious. When a creature’s hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score, it dies.

Initiative: Whenever combat begins, all creatures involved in the battle must make an initiative check to determine the order in which creatures act during combat. The higher the result of the check, the earlier a creature gets to act.

Level: A character’s level represents his overall ability and power. There are three types of levels. Class level is the number of levels of a specific class possessed by a character. Character level is the sum of all of the levels possessed by a character in all of his classes. In addition, the build points are gained at each new level based on the game power level.

Monster: Monsters are creatures that rely on racial Hit Dice instead of class levels for their powers and abilities (although some possess class levels as well). PCs are usually not monsters.

Non-player Character (NPC): These are characters controlled by the GM.

Penalty: Penalties are numerical values that are subtracted from a check or statistical score. Penalties do not have a type and most penalties stack with one another.

Player Character (Character, PC): These are the characters portrayed by the players.

Powers: Unique attacks and abilities granted to the player through Family or Possession, however Monsters and some classes also offer these as means of attacks. Powers have a use per day based on the build points bought. A basic Power is granted to Possessed and Family Ninja and they start 1 use of it a day. New powers can be created and others can be expanded on.

Protection Score (PS): All creatures in the game have a PS score. This score represents how hard it is to hit a creature in combat. As with other scores, higher is better.

Reputation Score (RS): This score determines how Famous or Infamous the character has become. High fame can grant the character a bonus on purchases or even rewards. High Infamy grants bonuses to intimidation and fear-inducing abilities.

Resistance (R): Some creatures are resistant to elements and gain spell resistance. When a creature with resistance is targeted by an attack, the user of the attack must make a level check to see if the attack affects the target. The DC of this check is equal to the target creature’s R (some attacks do not allow R checks).

Round: Combat is measured in rounds. During an individual round, all creatures have a chance to take a turn to act, in order of initiative. A round represents 6 seconds in the game world.

Rounding: Occasionally the rules ask you to round a result or value. Unless otherwise stated, always round down. For example, if you are asked to take half of 7, the result would be 3.

Saving Throw: When a creature is the subject of a dangerous attack, or effect it often receives a saving throw to mitigate the damage or result. Saving throws are passive, meaning that a character does not need to take an action to make a saving throw—they are made automatically. There are three types of saving throws: Resistance (used to resist poisons, diseases, and other bodily ailments), Reflex (used to avoid effects that target an entire area, such as explosives), and Will (used to resist mental attacks and Genjutsu).

Skill: A skill represents a creature’s ability to perform an ordinary task, such as climb a wall, sneak down a hallway, or spot an intruder. The number of ranks possessed by a creature in a given skill represents its proficiency in that skill. As a creature gains Hit Dice, it also gains additional skill ranks that can be added to its skills.

Special Abilities (Sp): Spell-like abilities function just like normal abilities, but are granted through a special racial ability or by a specific class ability.

Stacking: Stacking refers to the act of adding together bonuses or penalties that apply to one particular check or statistic. Generally speaking, most bonuses of the same type do not stack. Instead, only the highest bonus applies. Most penalties do stack, meaning that their values are added together. Penalties and bonuses generally stack with one another, meaning that the penalties might negate or exceed part or all of the bonuses, and vice versa.

Supernatural Abilities (Su): Supernatural abilities are attacks, defenses, and qualities. These abilities can be always active or they can require a specific action to utilize. The supernatural ability’s description includes information on how it is used and its effects.

Turn: In a round, a creature receives one turn, during which it can perform a wide variety of actions. Generally in the course of one turn, a character can perform one standard action, one move action, one swift action, and a number of free actions. Less-common combinations of actions are permissible as well, see Chapter 8 for more details.

Generating a Character

At the start of the Game, the GM will state what difficulty they are giving the game which will determine the starting build points.

20 – Tough       the GM is giving a stronger restriction on early build and is keeping a tighter grip on players

30 – Average    the GM is granting the player plenty of room to create while keeping it balanced overall

40 – Weak        the GM is granting the players a strong role in playing a character and often battles weigh toward players

Either copy the character sheet we provide or create your own.

Step 1— Determine Ability Scores: Start by generating your character’s ability scores. These six scores determine your character’s most basic attributes and are used to decide a wide variety of details and statistics. Some class selections require you to have better-than-average scores for some of your abilities.

Step 2—Pick Your Race: Next, pick your character’s race, noting any modifiers to your ability scores and any other racial traits. There are many to choose from, although your GM might have others to add to the list.

Step 3—Pick Your Class: A character’s class represents a profession, such as Ninja or other classes. If this is a new character, he starts at 1st level in his chosen class. As he gains experience points (XP) for defeating monsters, he goes up in level, granting him new powers and abilities.

Step 4—Pick Skills and Select Feats: Determine the number of skill ranks possessed by your character, based on his class and Intelligence modifier (and any other bonuses, such as the bonus received by humans). Then spend these ranks on skills, but remember that you cannot have more ranks than x5 your level in any one skill (for a starting character, this is usually one). After skills, determine how many feats your character receives, based on his class and level.

Step 5—Buy Equipment: Each new character begins the game with an amount of money, based on his class and background abilities that can be spent on a wide range of equipment and gear, from armor to backpacks. This gear helps your character survive while adventuring. Generally speaking, you cannot use this starting money to buy Chi items without the consent of your GM.

Step 6—Finishing Details: Finally, you need to determine all of a character’s details, including his starting hit points (hp), PS and ADS scores, saving throws, initiative modifier, and attack values. All of these numbers are determined by the decisions made in previous steps. Aside from these, you need to decide on your character’s name, alignment, Background Abilities, and physical appearance. It is best to jot down a few personality traits as well, to help you play the character during the game.

Creating a game

Under these rules, the game holds a unique system of working together. The Game master as they work out the basics of the game to handle this game system is broken into categories to run games by. This system is designed to handle a variety of gaming styles and gameplay. To start this off the system starts with an HP system designed for the gameplay style.  Additionally, gameplay time lines determine the types of abilities weapons, and even some class choices based on the timeline of a game that the GM is set to run.

Game Play Styles

Survival – In this game style the GM runs the player through a low HP rate which causes the players to find a high challenge in the basic tasks. Other options of this gameplay is altering the healing rate and allowing the loss and damage of body parts. In exchange basic challenges grant a higher reward of experience for players.

Standard – The typical fantasy roleplaying game with a standard healing system. The classic form of gameplay in role-playing games.  Options in this gameplay for rules include slower experience gain and restricted equipment choices based on the game timeline.

Power – A higher rate of power for players, In this form the GM grants ways for players to increase their HP rate and have high-powered attacks. Players of our previous titles this is the most common play for our systems.

Comedy – The less often used but open form of game play, In most games in this choice while having HP, its loss does not result in death but a KO for the player. The difference it is that the EXP rate is harder to level as players have to meet a requirement to gain EXP. 

HP Rates                             

Game StyleEXP RateHP Per Level      
SurvivalHighClass Hit Die at Level 1+Endurance, +1 HP every level after & End. Bonus
StandardMediumClass Hit Die Per level +Endurance Bonus
PowerMediumClass Hit Die +Endurance Bonus, Build Points Gain extra die = to level
ComedyLowClass Hit Die +Endurance Bonus, characters do not die (optional)

Game Play Time Lines

Ancient – This covers the types of games that occur at any point from the dawn of time to about the Dark Ages in weapons, classes, and skills

Revolution – This covers the Middle Ages to Post World War, Opening new powers, technology, new classes, and skills. One of the broadest times covers most things outside of a few skills, classes, and technology

Modern – Modern day covers post-war to modern times and a little bit beyond. Most Archaic skills, tech, and a few classes have been lost for new ones.

Future – The time beyond the modern, most obsolete skills are gone replaced with high tech, and new ways to tackle skills and weapons become the strength of the world.

What kind of Game do you want to play?

When a GM is starting to run a game they need to choose the game style and timeline that best fits their choice of their game. I have listed the most common choices based on their game

SurvivalAncient Horror, Pre-human survivalFantasy Horror, Revolution Horror  Horror, Survival Adv., Noir Detective Anime HorrorPost Apocalypse, Scifi Horror Space Horror Scifi SurvivalTime Travel Survival
StandardEarly human Adv., Ancient Adventure Civilization Adv.Fantasy Adv. Revolution Adv. Western Adv.Steampunk, Modern, Adventure, Detective Adv.Cyberpunk , Science fiction Magical Science Space AdventureTime Travel Adv.
PowerAncient Super Hero, Ancient GodsAnime Fantasy, Power fantasy Super Hero, Martial Arts, Action Anime Magic Detective KajiuCyber Hero Scifi Anime Space Hero Adv.Time Travel Hero
ComedyEarly man comedy Ancient God comedyComedy Fantasy, Comedy Anime Fantasy, Western AnimeSchool Anime, Anime comedy, Comedy Adv.Scifi comedy  Mix genre Comedy
Game TypeMedia Example Game TypeMedia Example
Pre-human survival300 (Comic series/movies) Ancient Gods                                    Hercules (Book/TV/movies)
Fantasy Horror Dracula (Book/Movies) Anime Fantasy  Lodoss War (Anime/manga)
Ancient HorrorDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Book/Movies) Power fantasy One Piece (Anime/Manga)
Revolution HorrorSleepy Hallow (Book/Movies) Super HeroAvengers (Comics/Movies)
Horror  Friday the 13th (Movies) Martial Arts       Street Fighter (Anime/video games)
Survival AdventureLord of the Flies (Book/ Movie) Magic Detective               Dresden Files  (Books/TV series)
Noir Detective  Maltese Falcon (Movie) Kaiju     Godzilla (Movies)
Anime Horror    Hellsing (Manga/Tv show) Cyber HeroReboot (TV Series)
Post ApocalypseFallout (video games) Scifi Anime        Macross (Anime/Books)
Scifi HorrorAliens (movies) Space Hero AdventureGuardians of the Galaxy (Comics/Movie)
Scifi SurvivalHunger Games (Book/Movies) Early man comedy               The Life of Brian (Movie)
Time Travel Survival       The Time Machine (Book/Movies) Comedy FantasyPrincess Bride (Book/Movie)
Civilization AdventureGame of Thrones (Books/TV Series) Comedy Anime FantasySlayers (Anime/Manga)
Fantasy Adventure         Lord of the Rings (Books/ Movies) School Anime   Kampher (Anime/Manga)
Western AdventureDeadwood (TV Series) Western Anime                Afro Samurai (Anime)
Steampunk        Howl’s Moving Castle (Books/Movie) Anime ComedyRanma ½ (anime/manga)
Modern              Grand Theft Auto (video games) Comedy Adventure               Hot Shots (Movies)
AdventureIndiana Jones (Movies/ TV) Scifi comedySpaceballs (Movie)
Detective Adventure     Sherlock (TV series) Scifi Anime Comedy               Tenchi Muyo (Anime/Manga)
Science fiction  Cowboy Beebop (anime) Mix genre comedy 
Magical ScienceBen 10 (TV series)   
Space AdventureStar Trek (Tv/movies)   
Time Travel Adventure Doctor Who (TV series)   

Experience and HP based on gameplay styles

Survival – Low HP rate High EXP

Players gain their class HP and Endurance Bonus at the start of the game. Every level they gain they get 1 HP plus Endurance Bonus to add to their HP max.  The rate of leveling in the game is for every 5 points of Experience the character levels up. Extra HP cannot be bought with Build points.  Experience points are given when characters defeat encounters, avoid a hazard, complete objectives and survive on limited resources. Additionally, the Gm may reward EXP points for impressing the GM with the creative use of abilities and skills.

Standard – Standard HP and EXP gain

Players gain their class HP and Endurance Bonus at each level , again the HP cannot be bought by build points. The rate of leveling follows the same chart given below. Experience is given when players, defeat an encounter, complete an objective, and avoid a hazard. The GM can still give bonus Experience for impressing the GM in the player’s actions.

Power – Higher HP, yet low EXP

Players gain their class HP and Endurance Bonus each level, They also can spend 1 build point to gain an extra hit die of their class, or 2 Build points to gain the HP of an extra hit die at the Maximum result. The game’s balance however comes into play with the EXP gain, while this version follows the chart for EXP players only gain EXP by completing Objectives. Additional Experience may be gained if the GM feels fit to reward the players for their actions in a game.

Comedy – Standard HP (cannot die unless the player wants to), Difficult EXP

Comedy is loose fitting, Player’s HP totals are till the Player is KO’d not dead abilities like Die-hard and other effects keep a player up despite the amount of damage they take until they fail an increasing Resistance check, at which time they pass out. Extra hit die can be purchased with build points but have to be rolled. Experience is hard to come by. The player is only given EXP when a difficult objective is met. The GM may also award a player if they are amused by the player’s actions at which point no matter the difficulty the player gains 1 EXP for the task following the standard chart progress for leveling.  Due to the no-death rule players are restricted by the following. Players Build Point gain is set at the lowest setting, Death attacks cannot be taken.  Players are required to take defects and advantages at a rate of  
5 defects /2 advantages.  Players can decrease their EXP gain at the end of an objective for not playing their character.

Optional Special Rules:

Honorable Death – When a Player dies in a game normally the GM will have the player bring in a new character at or around the same level as the lowest player, or equal to their last character’s EXP. However, an optional rule a GM can put in place is the Honorable Death, this is a final reward for a player who sacrifices their character in a way to help the other players / move the game along. With this rule, the GM can reward the player extra EXP (for their new character) for their death in helping the group out. This is a special rule that is completely in the hands of the GM on whether the player deserves the reward. It is set this way so you don’t have players leveling up new characters off of Kamikazing their former characters.

Player Rewards – It’s a good idea particularly in lower EXP, Bonuses toward roles, or extra Build Points games to reward players for doing certain things in character at the end of each game session, Given this is a reward and should only be given for the following actions of a player in a game. But the reward should remain 1 EXP per or some other in-game prize by the GM.    

                Best Role Player – The player that acted out their character the most

Best Team Player – The player that best supported the group through actions with the group or in actions that helped the team progress to their goal.

Team Organizer – The player that kept the team the most focused on the game and helped push the game along

Note Taker / Info Broker – The player that takes notes and is helpfully supplies information to the others from the notes they have on the game. This helps GMs greatly as they can easily lose track of where they are in games.

Time Keeper – The player that helps keep track of dates and times sometimes even weather patterns in the game. This allows the GM to focus more on the events and characters to interact with the players and thus the Time Keeper is a valuable role to reward. 

Background Building Characters – One of the most interesting ways to help push the players into the characters they build is for the GM to offer a reward for their characters Background provides content for current or future events in the game. Because of this, it is suggested to offer an increased starting level for players that offer such content over others that just create a character.

Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News Naruto RPG One Piece RPG


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Green Lightning RPG General News

Building Rules

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One Piece RPG


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Fairy Tail RPG Green Lightning RPG General News Naruto RPG One Piece RPG

Power Building

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Armor Rules

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Weapon and Ammo Rules

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Green Lightning RPG General News

Mink Race and Animal Races

Mink / Beastmen

The Mink Tribe is a race of anthropomorphic animals in the world. They were first mentioned in the list of slave prices that Duval showed to Sanji. The vast majority of them live in the Mokomo Dukedom on top of Zou, and has largely remained isolated from other human civilizations for 1000 years.

The world has a diverse number of creatures about it, strangest of them all is those that are not beast or man. A category almost as diverse as its source, these begins tend to be a creation of magic, science or evolution gone mad. They have intelligence unlike their bestial counterparts but their twisted and distorted forms take on a form unlike that of humans. These are the highly praised yet hidden race of beast men, known as Minks.

(Note this section does not include Aqua based races for space reasons, for those choices of Minks look for the)

Mink Types

The types are broken into the following groupings with descriptions of each. The types grant them unique bonuses on top of the Basic Mink bonuses and level requirement.

Mink Types
Bagers, Bears/Panda, Otter, Boar/ Pig, Bunny / Rabbit, Cat , Cow, Deer / Reindeer / Elk / Moose, Dog / Wolf, Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Goat / Llama, Gorilla, Horse / Zebra, Fox, Leopard, Lion, Mole, Monkey, Mouse / Rat, Platypus, Racoon / Red Panda, Sheep / Alpaca, Squirrel / Chipmunk, Tiger/ Jaguar, Weasel / Mink
Other Mink types could be made but they must have two properties. One is being Mammal, and two is have fur.
Other One Piece Animal Races
Spotted Duck, Hiking Bear, Lapahn, Kung-fu Dugong, Humandrill

Overall Strength

The advantage of strength that each of these races hold over all outside of their individual bonuses are a keen heightened form of senses, and danger awareness about them.

Both Mink and Beastman Base Racial Traits:

Scale Size – Based on choice

Notice – +10 to Notice Checks 

Danger Sense – +2 To PS score to avoid danger

Natures Resilience – +5 vs effects of environment when in areas similar to their home.

Mink Racial Bonuses:

Static Buildup – Minks daily activities cause them to build up a collection of electrical (1+level of electric charges a day)

Electrical Strike – 3/day The Mink can discharge the buildup of electricity and add 1d6 per charge into a single attack.

Sulong Form – Limited to higher level or trained Minks. Under the light of a full moon, a Mink can unleash a boosted form multiplying their stats by x5. This stays in effect as long as they are in the Moons light. After they lose the form, they become exhausted.

Defect – Desired slaves – Minks are Sought to be slaves due to their rarity. they go for a higher price based on looks and / or if they have learned Sulong form.

Defect – Overly Friendly – Minks have little to no sense of subtlety when around those they are friends/ like. Due to this they tend to, rub, hug, nuzzle, or nibble the ones close to their happiness.

Melee Fighters – Minks are trained and prefer Melee over ranged attacks, due to this they gain a +1 with melee attacks and a -1 with ranged.

Level rating – +2 (+4 if they start with Sulong Form)

Badger – Tough and Fast these temperamental minks tend to be loners but if a fight comes to them, they make sure they are on the winning side… no matter what.

PS Score – 10

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 DEX, +4 INT -2 END, -4 CHA

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Escape Artist, +10 Intimidation 

Rage – Badgers gain the ability Rage like the Barbarian Class, taking the class grants them one extra use of rage per day

Claws – 1d6 Slashing x2

Volatile – Character is known for going overkill on things, Will save DC 20 vs. to add more or do more to things (aka kicking a man when he’s down) 

Level Rating – 3 this includes Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Bears / Pandas – Strong and tough, based on the bear type determines the bonus one gets.

PS Score – 10 due to their size

ADS Score – +2

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +4 END

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Survival, +10 Swim (Polar only)

Rage – Bear gain the ability Rage like the Barbarian Class, taking the class grants them one extra use of rage per day (excludes Panda)

At Peace – (Panda only) Pandas don’t rage like other bear minks instead they are calm and gain a daily ability to tap into peace granting bonus +2 ADS to them and allies within 30 ft plus the panda gains temporary HP equal to level. 

Loner – (panda only) Panda Minks tend to not be Social and take a -5 on all social skills

Claws – 1d8 Natural Claw attacks Slashing x2 (Excluding Panda) Slashing (Panda) 1d6 Bashing x2

Tool User – (Pandas only) Pandas gain a +2 with Melee weapons (this includes the mink bonus)

Level Rating – 3 / +1 Cost to the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:

Martial Artist

Beaver / Otter – The strongest of swimmers in the Mink tribe. These Minks are adept at fighting from water as well as land.

PS Score – 10 due to their smaller size

ADS Score – 0  

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 WIS, -2 STR

Skills+10 to craft skills, +10 Swim

Bite – 1d6 natural Bite Piercing x4

Level Rating – No added cost outside the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Boar / Pig – Tough and Defensive these Minks are some of the hardiest to take down from attacks.

PS Score – 8 Due to their general human like form and size

ADS Score – +3 Their tough hide and skin grants them strength to ignore many hits

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 STR, -2 CHA

Skills – +10 Search, +10 Knowledge Nature

Gore – 1d6 slam attack with the head, bashing x2, +2 on Boar Minks with Tusks   

Level Rating – No added Cost outside the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Bunny / Rabbit – Quick and Nimble a good lower cost start for the Mink race, they also gain a Com bonus.

PS Score – +10 due to their natural Speed

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WIS

Skills – +10 Jump, +10 Movement

Level Rating – no added cost beyond the +2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Cat – Agile but easily the lazy and temperamental of the Mink Types.

PS Score – 8 While they can grow larger, they tend to be around the same size as humans

ADS Score – 1 Cat Minks gain 1 to their ADS due to their quick reflexes

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +4 DEX, – 4 WIS

Skills – +10 Climb, +5 Jump

Weakness – Easily Distracted – Cat minks can be distracted by things that cats love, Cat Nip, toys and such

Claws – 1d6 natural claw attack, Slashing x2

Level Rating – No added cost to Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Cow – Tough and strong these Minks are adept at holding their ground making them good at defenses.

PS Score – 6 due to their size these minks are easier to hit.

ADS Score – +4 due to Cows tough hide and Muscle mass.

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, -2 INT

Weakness – Sluggish – Cow Minks Tend to move Slower in taking action thus take a -5 to Initiative

Trample –   1d8 damage from natural hoof attacks, Bashing x2

Level Rating – No Added Cost to Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Deer / Reindeer / Elk / Moose – Tough and quick Minks these ones move fast and take hits.

PS Score – 10 due to their speed

ADS Score – +2 due to their tough hides

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 END

Speed Boost – +10 Speed

Horns – 1d8 ram attack, Piercing x4     

Level Rating – +3 this includes the +2 for Minks

Favored Class:


Dog / Wolf – Loyal and strong Trackers, this type of Mink has the bonus feat Track at their disposal.

PS Score – 8 this mink’s range around the same size as humans

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 WIS  

Skills – +10 Search, (Bonus Feat) Track – Dogs/ Wolves gain the Feat Track for free

Weakness – Throw the Ball Dog/ Wolf Minks love to play fetch must make a DC10 Will save vs chasing thrown objects once they resist that battle, they won’t chase another

Bite – 1d8 Bite attack, Piercing x2

Level Rating – Just the standard +2 of Minks Race

Favored Class:

Bounty Hunter

Flying Squirrel – The only Minks with the ability to actually fly (glide actually) this grants them a huge advantage in movement.

PS Score – 10 due to the smaller size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX

Skills – +10 Climb

Bonus Ability – Glide – A Flying squirrel can slow fall and move at a rate of 40’ for every 10’ decent

Bite – 1d8 bite, Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 3 this includes the +2 for Minks

Favored Class:


Giraffe – The tallest of all Minks, these ones adapt their forms to be keen on spotting threats.

PS Score – 6 due to larger than human size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT, +2 WIS  

Skills – +10 Spot

Bash Head – 1d8 15 ft reach, Bashing x2

Level Rating – 2 standard Mink level

Favored Class:


Goat / llama – Stubborn but wise, this type of mink grants bonuses to Wisdom skills and abilities.

PS Score – 8 Same as Human size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR +2 WIS

Skills – +10 in one Knowledge Skill

Horns – 1d10, Bashing x4

Level Rating – 3 this includes the +2 mink levels

Favored Class:


Gorilla – Strongest of the Minks in physical strength. These Apes lead the pack as great fighters.

PS Score – 8 Same as Humans… maybe a bit larger in form then humans

ADS Score – 0 

Stat Bonus – +6 STR

Skills – +10 Climb

Weakness – Short Fuse – Gorilla Minks tend to get angered easily

Tool User   Unlike most Minks Types Gorilla have a +1 to all attacks with weapons to hit due to their natural use of tools

Level Rating – 3 this includes the 2 for the mink race

Favored Class:


Horse /Zebra – Strong and Speedy these Minks have a good sense about them and pack a strong punch.

PS Score – 10 large category sizing

ADS Score – +2 due to Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 STR


Bonus – +10 movement speed

Hooves – 1d6 Bashing X4

Level Rating – 3 this includes Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Fox – Cunning and Quick, while smaller of the Canine types Fox Minks are adept at Stealth.

PS Score – 10 Fox Minks are small size category

ADS Score – +2 for Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 INT

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 movement   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2

Level Rating – 3 including Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Leopard – The speediest of the Minks Types, they go with speed over strength to hit their targets fast.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – +2 for Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Movement

Claws and Bite – Claws 1d8, Slashing X4, Bite 1d6 Piercing x4

Level Rating – 4 this includes the 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Lion – Strong and Proudest of the Cat Types. They have great strength in their attacks along with their claws.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 CHA

Ability – Lions Roar – Grants Allies a +2 to attacks (hit and damage) and Will save DC12 in 60 ft radius Fear on Enemies

Weakness – Pride – 1/day Lion Minks refuse that they are wrong and can be stubborn in their ways DC 12 Will save for the Lion verse Depression to go against his ways. For 1d4 rounds

Claws –   1d8 Slashing x4, 1d6 Bite x4 Piercing

Level Rating – 4 this includes the 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Mole – Skilled digging Minks that gain a secondary form of travel through the earth.

PS Score – 10 Small size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT  

Ability – Digger – Mole Minks can make ½ their movement under ground

Weakness – Light Blindness – Mole Minks is sensitive to light DC 12 Fort vs Blind when light bursts hit them, It will fade in 1d4 rounds

Claws –   1d8 Slashing x 4

Level Rating – Just the standard 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Monkey – Agile with the ability to swing and leap about trees easily.

PS Score – 10 due to Small Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 INT

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump

Ability – Tool User – Monkey Minks have an advantage with using weapons and tools granting them a +1 to all to hit attacks   

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Mouse / Rat – Smallest of the Mink Race but vastly intelligent, so They tend to make up with their size with tactics.

PS Score – 12 due to Tiny Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +4 INT, -2 END

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 to 1 Knowledge Skill

Bite – 1d4 Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 2 this includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:

Lore Master

Platypus – The mysterious of all minks they are the only ones to possess a secondary attack with poison-based attacks.

PS Score – 10 Small Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 WIS

Skills – +10 Swim, Double Movement in Water

Ability – Poison Barb – In Combat a Platypus Mink while doing melee on a crit can Poison a target doing 1d10 damage at first, the target then must make a Fort save vs Poison DC 15 or take another 1d4 rounds of 1d4 damage

Tail Slap – 1d6 Bashing x2   

Level Rating – 3 this includes the Mink level of 2

Favored Class:


Racoon / Red Panda – masters of stealth and smarts, these minks make up a great choice for Rogues.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 END +4 INT

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Disable Device

Weakness – Furry Fury – In battle if the Racoon / Red Panda is below half their Hp they must make a Will save DC 15 vs going Berserk where they will attack anyone for 1d4 rounds   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2    

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Sheep / Alpaca – Calm and fluffy, these minks hold a deceptive advantage at having a greater buildup of electricity then the others.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT, +2 CHA

Skills – +10 to 1 Knowledge Skill

Head Butt – 1d6 Bashing x2   

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Race levels

Favored Class:


Squirrel / Chipmunk – Quick and nimble. Not the strongest of the race but one of the more diverse ones with skills.

PS Score – 10 Small Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX +2 INT – 2 END

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump

Stuff Cheeks – Squirrel Minks can Stuff their face with items and food granting them +10 to hide a item and 20 extra carrying capacity   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2  

Level Rating – 2 This Includes the Mink Race levels

Favored Class:


Tiger / Jaguar – a combination of Stealth and Strength these cat minks are a great choice for more deadly missions.

PS Score – 8 medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR +4 DEX  

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Climb

Claws and Bite – 1d8 Slashing x4, 1d8 Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 4 This includes the 2 for Mink Race

Favored Class:


Weasel / Mink – Fierce and Quick these minks strike fast and hard, but when not fighting often look cute and innocent.

PS Score – 8 medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Pick Pocket

Shiny – Weasel Minks must make a DC 10 Will vs a compulsion to steal any thing they see as Shiny

Bite – 1d8 Piercing x4  

Level Rating – 2 This Includes the Mink race levels

Favored Class:


NON- Mink Races

Spotted-Billed Duck – A race of large birds that move across land and waters at a high rate. Despite their link to ducks, they are a flightless creature. They possess a high amount of intelligence for animal species, yet do not possess the ability to speak vocally

PS Score – 8 Despite their large size the Spotted Ducks speed and reflexes let them avoid attacks

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 END, +2 WIS, -4 STR, -2 INT

Saves – +2 Reflex

Skills – +10 Swim, +10 Notice, + 10 Survival

Weakness – Can’t speak – while spotted-billed duck are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally

Run – Spotted-Billed Ducks gain the Run feat for free

Mount – Spotted-Billed Ducks are able to be used by others as a Mount 

Land Speed – A Spotted-Billed Duck moves normally at a rate of 60ft

Swim Speed – A Spotted Billed Duck moves normal swimming at a speed of 40ft

Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:


Hiking Bear – The Hiking bear is a human acting bear that is dedicated to the polite nature of others to the point that they are very obsessed that such actions always occur. Adept travelers and survivors of the world Hiking Bear are skilled tool users and have skills in the means of living off the land.

PS Score – 6 due to their large size

ADS Score – 2 Hiking Bear have a tough hide that grants them a bonus to ADS

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 END, -2 INT, -2 DEX, -2 COM

Saves – +4 Resistance

Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Lumberjack, +10 Herbalist

Weakness – Politeness Matters – Hiking Bears are compelled to be polite and bow to everyone they great (with the exception of hostile targets) they feel also its important that those they bow at return by bowing in turn, if a target fails to bow then the Hiking bear will attack them for the insult

Tool User – unlike their bear cousins Hiking bear are adept at using tools granting them Martial Weapons for free

Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Lapahn – Giant rabbits that look more like a cross between bears the humanoids, though they can use weapons, they tend to be ferocious loners to other races.

PS Score – 6

ADS Score – 2 due to their thick hides Lapahn’s are more resistant to damage

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +4 DEX, -2 CHA, -4 WIS

Skills – +20 Jump

Weakness – Can’t speak – while Lapanh’s are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally 

Claws – 1d6 x2

Avalanche Detection – Lapahn’s can detect the lands weakness to set or avoid avalanches, they can tell the weak points which offer the best location for explosives or weak spots in walls.  

Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:


Kung-fu Dugong – Loyal warriors of the sea, Kung-fu dugongs are tough fighters with a strong sense of kung fu as their name promotes, and a hard armor-like shell that protects their softer bodies.

PS Score – 10

ADS Score – 4 due to their shell armor the dugongs have a strong defense

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, – 2 DEX -2 WIS

Skills – +20 Martial Arts

Weakness – Can’t speak – while Kung-fu Dugong ducks are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally 

Loyal Warriors – Dugongs get the feat Loyalty for free

Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

Martial Artist

Humandrill (Kuraigana)

A race of Monkeys that have the ability to learn fighting styles from observing how others fight. They learn from a kingdom caught in a civil war. Now the only Human to remain on the island peacefully with them is Mihawk who has claimed the island as his own.

PS Score – 8

ADS Score – 4 Humandrills are a battle-hardy race and their tough hides protect them 

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX, +2 END, -4 CHA, – 2 INT

Saves – +2 Reflexes

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump, +10 Martial Arts

Style – Humandrills gain the warrior ability of style if they take the class or not (see Warrior rules for details)

Lick Wounds – Humandrills can heal their own wounds by licking them, it heals 1d6 per every three levels, they can perform this 1/day

Copy Cat Fighters – Humandrills – can learn how to use new weapons, or attack styles by observing a targets way of fighting after a period of time (typically 1d4 days) once they have it copied they treat the weapons as if they have skill in it.

Red Assed – Humandrill are a race-derived of baboons, in their nature, they taunt their enemies by slapping their red behinds and insulting their targets into fighting them +20 Taunt

Defect – Can’t Speak – Despite mimicking at an impossible rate they have not been able to mimic speech

Level Rating – 4

Favored Class:


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Skills represent some of the most basic and yet most fundamental abilities your character possesses. As your character advances in level, he can gain new skills and improve his existing skills dramatically.

Acquiring Skills

At each level, your character gains a number of skill ranks dependent upon your class plus your Intelligence modifier. Investing a rank in a skill represents a measure of training in that skill. You can never have more ranks in a skill than x5 your level. In addition, each class has a number of favored skills, called class skills. It is easier for your character to become more proficient in these skills, as they represent part of his professional training and constant practice.  If you have more than one class and both grant you a class skill bonus, these bonuses do not stack. The number of skill ranks you gain is on display along with the listing of class skills on each class listing. Normal characters gain 5 skill ranks at 1st level and 1 additional skill rank per class level afterward. If you select a level in a new class, all of its class skills are automatically added to your list of class skills. Untrained Class skills can only have skills x3 the character’s level.

LevelSkill Points Max (Class skill)Skill Points Max (untrained)
20+10060 +3 for every level increase Till 99

Set Skills

When a player starts they gain a certain amount of skills based on their Intelligence Mod to mark as a set skill (+1 extra one for Human characters). This skill can be any choice skill even if it is not a choice available through their class. Once chosen the skill cannot be changed and it will continue to max out for their level as the character levels (for example at 1 the skill is 5 points, at 2 it’s set to 10, 3 it’s set to 15 and so on increasing 5 points per level). New Set Skills can be gained if the player’s Intelligence Mod increases (cannot be a temporary increase). Additionally, if a player’s INT Mod decreases a set skill is lost (this can be ether temp or not) and the loss is counted as a form of memory loss. Because Set Skills are maxed the player cannot add skill points to it to raise a skill higher than their levels max score.  

Skill Checks

When your character uses a skill, he isn’t guaranteed success. In order to determine success, whenever you attempt to use a skill, you must make a skill check. When you make a skill check, you roll 1d20 and then add your ranks and the appropriate ability score modifier to the result of this check. Skills can be further modified by a wide variety of sources—by your race, class ability, equipment, powers, techniques, ability effects or empowered items, and so on. See below for a summary of skill check bonuses. If the result of your skill check is equal to or greater than the difficulty class (or DC) of the task you are attempting to accomplish, you succeed. If it is less than the DC, you fail. Some tasks have varying levels of success and failure depending on how much your check is above or below the required DC. Some skill checks are opposed to the target’s skill check. When making an opposed skill check, the attempt is successful if your check result exceeds the result of the target. Matched equally is seen as a failure on both sides.

Taking 10 and Taking 20

A skill check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually while under some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, a character can use a skill under more favorable conditions, increasing the odds of success.

Taking 10: When your character is not in immediate danger or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10. For many routine tasks, taking 10 makes them automatically successful. Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10. In most cases, taking 10 is purely a safety measure—you know (or expect) that an average roll will succeed but fear that a poor roll might fail, so you elect to settle for the average roll (a 10). Taking 10 is especially useful in situations where a particularly high roll wouldn’t help.

Taking 20: When you have plenty of time, you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20. In other words, if you a d20 roll enough times, eventually you will get a 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, just calculate your result as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to perform). Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task (hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties). Common “take 20” skills include Demolitions, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Notice, and Open Lock (when attempting to find traps).

Rolling 1: When the player is rolling a skill and gets the result of a Natural 1 on a d20 they fail at the skill no matter how much they have in the skill ranks.

Rolling 20: In past d20 games a result of a 20 is a natural success. That is not the case here. Instead, it is taken as 20 to the skill many skills however on the result of a 20 are considered a masterpiece, (when crafting, performing social actions, a piece of knowledge, or even performing an action) the result is that this is the way to make a masterwork item in-game or to gain positive reputation towards your character by creating an impressive action. It’s also good to note that a 20 at times may also grant a bonus to future rolls for a given time.  

Ability Checks and Mana/ Power/ Chi User Level Checks: The normal take 10 and take 20 rules to apply for ability checks. Neither rule applies to concentration checks or chi user-level checks.

Tools and Assistance

As a player, runs through a game they may come across the need to perform a higher than possible result in a skill roll than possible. To aid this certain tools and gaining the assistance of skilled people in the same skill will help aid the skill roll with a set bonus. For unknown assistance of an NPC, the GM can figure out the NPC’s skill number and roll. The character then grants a bonus of +5 for every 5 points in their roll result. However, gaining assistance does not grant a result of a 20 from the NPC when they are assisting. The result of a 20 can only come from a player’s roll. In the case of tools or certain environments (example: a blacksmith shop grants a bonus to crafting weapons) grant a set bonus based on their entry in the rules or set by the GM. Tools and Assistance is the only way to go beyond the skill limit of 100 for vastly complicated skill checks.

Aid Another (Players Only)

You can help someone achieve success on a skill check by making the same kind of skill check in a cooperative effort. If you roll a 10 or higher on your check, the character you’re helping gets a +10 bonus on his or her check. (You can’t take 10 on a skill check to aid another.) In many cases, a character’s help won’t be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once.

In cases where the skill restricts who can achieve certain results, such as trying to open a lock, you can’t aid another to grant a bonus to a task that your character couldn’t achieve alone. The GM might impose further restrictions on aiding another on a case-by-case basis as well.

Skill Descriptions

This section describes each skill, including common uses and typical modifiers. Characters can sometimes use skills for purposes other than those noted here, at the GM’s discretion. For a complete summary of all of the skills, see below. Skill descriptions adhere to the following guidelines.

Skill Name: The skill name line includes (in addition to the name of the skill) the following information.

Key Ability: The abbreviation of the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.

Trained Only: If this notation is included in the skill name line, you must have at least 1 rank in the skill to use it. If this notation is omitted, the skill can be used untrained (with a rank of 0). If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Untrained section (see below).

Armor Check Penalty: If this notation is included in the skill name line, an armor check penalty applies) to checks using this skill. If this entry is absent, an armor check penalty does not apply.

Description: The skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the skill represents.

Check: What a character (“you” in the skill description) can do with a successful skill check and the check’s Difficulty Class (DC).

Action: The type of action using the skill requires, or the amount of time required for a check.

Try Again: Any conditions that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If the skill doesn’t allow you to attempt the same task more than once, or if failure carries an inherent penalty (such as with the Climb skill), you can’t take 20.

Special: Notes the effects of rolling a natural 20 or any other effects caused by the skill.

Restriction: This describes a restriction or limit to skills used at a time or place.

Untrained: This entry indicates what a character without at least 1 rank in the skill can do with it. If this entry doesn’t appear, it means that the skill functions normally for untrained characters (if it can be used untrained) or that an untrained character can’t attempt checks with this skill (for skills that are designated “Trained Only”).

Skill Summary:

Acrobatics – DEX – allows you to do flips and walk tight rope and such

Animal Empathy – SPI – used to befriend or command animal 

Appraise – INT- used to determine the value of an item

Atonement – SPI – used to connect and communicate with nature and elements

Bluff – CHA – used to tell a good lie

Climb – STR – allows you to scale surfaces

Concentration – END – maintains control over difficult tasks

Control Shape – END – used to change from one form to the next

Craft (One craft from the list below) – INT- creates something

Demolitions – WIS – allows you to safely or not destroy things

Decipher Script – INT- used to read coded messages as well as research information

Diplomacy – CHA – used to help befriend others

Disable Device – WIS – allows you to safely disarm traps

Disguise – CHA – change the way you look

Drive – DEX – Used in driving vehicles on land

Empathy – SPI – Used to read the minds of creatures or people

Escape Artist – DEX- allows you to escape bonds or grapples

Forgery – INT – used to write codes or make fake copies of paperwork

Gamble – CHA – used to wager in games or cheat at games

Gather Info – COM- used to gather info from people

Intimidate – CHA- used to cause fear in the target

Jump – STR – Allows you to jump distances

Knowledge (one Knowledge from the list below) – INT- one’s knowledge of a subject

Martial Arts – STR- used to perform acts of Strength, perform some attacks and learn techniques

Medical – WIS – used to treat injuries and sickness

Navigate – INT – used to tell direction and maintain a course

Notice – WIS – is used to detect noises and sights at distances, as well as to detect truths

Open Lock – WIS – used to Open locked doors

Perform (performance type) – CHA – used to perform music, speech, or dance.

Pick Pocket – DEX – used to take or place things in the pocket without being noticed

Pilot – DEX – Used to drive/fly a ship

Profession (one from the list below) – WIS – secondary job

Read Lips – INT- used to read lips when listening cant be made

Repair – INT – used to fix broken items or vehicles

Ride – DEX – Used in Riding horses or such

Search – WIS – used to find hidden things

Seduction – COM – the art of charming someone

Stealth – DEX – lets a character move quietly and hidden from the notice of others

Streetwise – INT – Being able to identify the signs and gangs on the street

Survival – WIS – used to forage for food and water, skin hides, set traps

Swim – STR – used to swim

Taunt – CHA – Used to insult others

Use Rope – DEX – Used in making knots or binding people or things

Use Magic Device – CHA – used to control magical items and the powers they hold within 

Use Technology – INT – used to hack computers, understand difficult mechanics, and more

Knowledge Skills:

Area – info on a given island or town

Astrology – grants info on the heavens and helps in predictions of the future

Biology – info on Anatomy and biology

Foreign Culture – info on foreign ways and lifestyles

Geography – info on locations of the known world 

History – info on world history

Law – info on laws

Mechanics – info on machines

Military Science – technology and strategies of the military

Nature – info on all things natural

Ninjutsu – info and an understanding of ninja techniques and ways

Occult – info on the Dark and Hidden Art

Poisons – info on poisons and venoms

Programing – info and understanding of computer language

Religion – info on religions

Craft Skills:

Armor / Clothing – create normal armor

Chemistry / alchemy – create/identify basic chemicals, powders

Cooking / Brewing – cook food and brew stews and alcohol

Items / Jewelry – create basic items

Machines/Technology – create basic machines and advance Tech

Vehicles – create basic vehicles

Weapons / Firearms – create normal weapons


Bartender – skilled at getting people to talk with a little help from a bottle

Book Keeper – skilled at acquiring knowledge through books

Bum – skilled at survival on the streets

Farmer – skilled at growing plants and harvesting them

Fisherman – skilled at the art of catching fish, and handling a boat

Herbalist – skilled at finding and gathering herbs

Homemaker – skilled at keeping things clean

Lumberjack – skilled at getting supplies wood

Miner – skilled at getting supplies Metal

Officer – skilled at handling people and acting out the law

Politician – skilled at handling decisions and social issues

Potter / Artist – skilled at making pottery

Rancher – skilled at handling animals needs

Shop keeper – skilled at making deals on items

Tailor – Skilled at making cloths/cleaning/mending

Writer / Reporter – skilled at writing books and news reports


DEX     Armor Check Penalty Applies

This skill grants the player the ability to perform acts of balance and Tumbles. Be it staggering down a boat while in motion or walking a tight rope or small ledge the balance part of Acrobatics is a key in any movement choice. The skill also has use in performing flips, slides, and tumbles to move through a difficult area or trap.


When using it for Balance it’s common to run across these situations thus the DC is listed here.

Example:                                              DC:

Drunk / Ill walking normally                     20

Walking on a moving boat                     20

Walking on a beam 4 inches wide           30

Walking on a beam 2 inches wide           50

Tightrope Walking                                 75

Walking on Ice                                      40

Walking on Loose Ground                      15

When using it for Tumbles / Flips to move through difficult situations

            Example:                                              DC:

            Tumble from Jump                                10

            Tumble from Moving Vehicle                  40

            Tumble past Trap wire                           50

            Tumble past Laser sensor                      75

Lastly is when trying to use the skill when Sliding through an area sliding requires a running start. Doing this action causes the player to become prone. 

            Example:                                              DC:

            Slide 5’ Normal Ground                         5

            Slide 5’ Rough ground                           20

            Slide 20’ Normal Ground                        40

            Slide 20’ Rough Ground                         60


Depending on how the player chooses to use the skill determines what kind of action is taken, Balance actions are free, while Tumbles are a movement action and slides are a partial action.

Try Again:

Failing on this skill results in a fall or failing to move through the difficult situation, perhaps even making the player prone to an attacker or taking falling damage.  They can only recover from this roll by trying the task again.


One can use this skill to move past an enemy so long as they don’t attack them and are in melee combat. Any other time their movement is considered blocked and they can’t move forward.

For every 10 points in Perform Dance, a player gains a +2 in this skill.  On the result of a 20, the action causes an Impressing act granting a bonus to reputation gain roll at the end.


This skill can be used untrained.

Animal Empathy 


This skill is used to befriend, handle and care for in day to day needs of animals and monsters. Befriending an animal allows the player to change the domineer of the creature making them either less hostile or possibly even friendly towards them. The skill is also used to handle day-to-day tasks of dealing with a creature such as feeding and cleaning up after them. Lastly, Trainers, Rangers, and Combo Ninja can use this skill to teach their pet/partner to perform tasks such as fetch, sit, speak, and such. (Note if the pet/partner has a high INT they may already speak common or a given language)


When using this skill to befriend a creature the skill is affected by many situations

            Examples:                                            DC:

            Tame Hostile Creature                           75

            Tame Docile Creature                            40

            Change Domineer Hostile                      50

When using the skill to perform Day to day tasks is affected by the creature type, this also pertains to gathering items from them like eggs

            Examples:                                            DC:

            Feed Dog                                             10

            Feed Tiger                                            50

            Feed Shark                                           60

            Gather Eggs Chicken                            10

            Gather Eggs Crocodile                          75

            Shear Sheep                                         25                                

            Milk Cow                                               20

When Training a Pet / Partner at new Tasks

            Examples:                                            DC:

            Fetch                                                    50

            Trick                                                     75

            Speak                                                   30

            Sit                                                        20

            Stay                                                     10


The only time this skill is used in combat is Befriending the creature which at that time the skill takes a full round to perform. The rest all remain as skill checks made with no sense of rounds in mind. Some like training will have to be done regularly till the creature learns (time is determined by the GM based on the creature’s INT score)

Try Again:

Failure to Befriending the creature may cause it to run or attack, Failure on the day-to-day may cause the creature to become hostile, or ruin the gathering attempt preventing any more to be acquired by that creature. Failure on training can be re-rolled and it’s just determined that it took longer to train the creature that day.


Profession Rancher Skill will grant a +2 bonus for every 10 points placed in that skill. On the result of a 20 on this skill, the player gains a +5 bonus towards trying again with that animal.


This skill can only be used untrained in handling the day-to-day tasks of an animal and gathering from them. It can not be used untrained to befriend or teach a creature.



This skill is used to estimate the value of an item or object, calculate the number of funds in a pile and find hidden abilities of an object. It’s a skill highly used by both merchants and those with a criminal background to estimate if an item can be sold for a high price, or if it’s just useless junk.

The breakdown is in two parts the value and the use of an item.


When using this skill one can choose to use it to estimate a value which can be affected by the look and age of the object also used to estimate the amount in a pile of money or jewels

            Example:                                              DC:

            Common Vase                                      20

            Antique Vase                                        40

            Jewel Value                                          60

            Jewelry Value                                        40

            Coin Pile                                               30

            Other items                                           75

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


This skill takes a full-round action to estimate the value to perform yet is often not used in battle outside of greedy characters. Discovering the use of an item can not be performed in combat and takes a roll representing hours of examination of it.

Try Again:

A Failed roll will not be reported to the player and they simply are given a value or possible use that make be completely wrong. It’s up to the player to try again for a different result.


The Skills Knowledge History, Decipher Script and Craft (Weapons, Armor, Items) can also be used to find out about items uses and value. Knowledge History grants a +2 bonus on this skill for every 10 points in that skill. Craft (Weapons, Armor, Items) skill grants a +2 bonus on this skill when trying to figure out its uses for every 10 points in that skill. The result of a 20 on this skill grants a +5 bonus to try and discover the value or use of the item again.  


This skill can not be used Untrained, try to do such will always get the wrong result.



Atonement is a skill one has to be able to link with the world around them on a new level. This skill helps bring forth the player to gain a second sense of the world and find out of place things and detect strange effects of the environment around them.


When using this skill one can choose to use it to Sense or read the environment to learn about things coming or that occurred, even learning about sources of damage an area has taken.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Sense Weather Changes                       30

            Sense Natural Disasters                        60

            Read Damages Suffered                       20+       (DC is higher based on time passed)

            Eternal Clock                                        10

            Eternal Compass                                  50

            Speak with Nature                                 75

            Speak with Element                               100

            Understand/Read Elemental                  40

            Sense Hidden Rooms/Traps                  30+       (DC is higher due to the Stealth roll)

The skill can also be used to establish a connection with the environment boosting elemental-based attacks and defenses. The DC is harder based on the smaller amount of steady element or the presence of the counter element. This use can only be done through someone skilled in using the elements in their ways (Monks, Ninja, Powers)

            Example:                                              DC:

            Boost Elemental Attack                          20+       (Doubles the damage of the attack)

            Boost Elemental Defense                       20+       (Doubles the defense)

Elemental assist                                    10+       (brings forth a small elemental to aid)

            Add Element to Attack                           30+       (Adds Element to an attack)

            Add Element to Defense                        30+       (Adds Element to a defense)

            Elemental Movement                             10+       (User Moves with small wake in element)


This skill takes a full round to activate and requires a concentration roll each round to maintain it up.  

Try Again:

A Failed roll will result in the elements being unwilling to help and the player cannot try again in the area, they must move on elsewhere. On the result of a 1, the elements treat the user as a threat and the user falls under the unlucky defect effect (or more severe if they have it) while in the area.  


The skill gains a bonus to it for every 10 points in Knowledge Nature. This skill gains additional bonuses for the higher concentrated form of a set element within the area of the user. The result of a 20 on this skill grants a +5 bonus to its next use. 


This skill cannot be used Untrained, try to do such will always get a wrong result or cause the user’s action to outright fail.



This skill is used to create a lie or tell an untrue story to NPCs in hopes to sway their way of thinking. The use of fabricating lies to gain an advantage in some way is a very handy skill to have. Sometimes the skill can be used also to fool a target in combat to be distracted making them more venerable to a sneak attack. The Skill is divided into three parts, Lies, Story Telling, and Fooling opponents. Each time this skill is used the targets make an opposed Notice roll to determine if they fall for the bluff, the DC they need to pass is the result the player made with the bluff. If the target fails to get above the bluff roll then they will take it as truth. If they get above the result they don’t believe the bluff.


Telling a lie is helpful in gaining treasures or could be the difference in you ending up going to be executed for a crime.

Example:                                              DC:

Passing Counterfeit money                    20

Fooling Police off Trail                           75

Taking credit for a task not performed    30

Scamming money                                  50

If one wishes to gain a higher standing among a crowd or gain a Reputation the way to go about that is through storytelling, of themselves or others, while less damaging towards criminal ways it does have some difficulty in making others believe your stories or not.

            Example:                                             DC:

            War Story                                             30

            Fish Tale (about the one that got away)  50

            Heroic Story (your heroics)                     75

            Legendary Story (you are equal to God) 100

The last way to use the skill is to fool a target in combat. This is far more difficult as often the target is seeking to kill or harm the player.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Bigger threat then you                           50

            Your on their side                                  90

            You died or fallen                                  50        

            Distraction form another target               20

            Feint                                                     20


Telling a lie and storytelling are both done out of combat, the first is relatively done quickly with a single roll while the second one (which I suggest the GM gets as much of the story from the player) takes longer and may require more than a single roll. The last being able to fool an opponent is a free action that can be performed in combat and requires the target to make an opposed Notice roll, on failing to surpass the player’s result they fall for the bluff and become venerable to an attack.

Try Again:

Failing to pull off a bluff does not allow you to try again, while you can use another bluff (out of combat with a new lie. Failing tends to increase the DC of the future bluffs as people aren’t easily fooled many times over after they detect they are being told a lie.


Several Knowledge Skills can aid in a lie granting a bonus to the DC. A person with a High reputation has an easier time at telling convincing lies thus with every 5 ranks of a good reputation the player gains a +2 bonus to bluff rolls.  On the result of a 20 on this skill, it grants the player a bonus towards their next reputation roll.


Players’ traits such as Chronic Lair and Honest Abe affect how often one would use and how effective their bluff may be.


This skill can be used untrained with no restrictions on its use.



This skill is used to scale surfaces. An important skill to use to get by difficult terrains like mountains and cliffs, it also is used to climb trees, ladders, rope, and buildings. This skill only has one use.


The ability to climb is very important in making a difference; the difficulty is based on different situations.

Example:                                              DC:

            Climb a ladder                                       10

            Climb a rope                                         20

            Climb Tree                                            40

Climb Rocky Cliff                                  40

            Climb shear Cliff                                   60

            Climb difficult terrain                              75        

            Climb building stone / wood                   75

            Climb glass / metal building                   90                    

            Climb form upside down                        100

            Climb in Combat                                   +30


The action of climbing is considered a move if in combat but requires both hands to perform so unless you have another way to fight you are not very likely to perform this skill and attack at the same time without falling.

Try Again:

Failing a Climb skill check is not a good thing, while the player can take action to improve the result of a failure, they are given a second climb check in order to regain their grip. If they fail on the second the character is falling.


A ninja can take the ability or gain it through teaching that allows them a large bonus to this check by expelling chi into making the climb. The result of a 20 on this roll grants the player a +5 the next time they have to use this skill.


Characters that took defects to arms and legs or characters suffering from injured limbs will find it near impossible to even try to perform this skill. 


This skill can be used untrained without restrictions



This skill is used to maintain the steady use of multiple techniques or powers at one time or even use them in combat without declaring taking a defensive action first. This skill is very vital and failing it could mean the failure of a mission.


The difficulty of this skill is based on the situation they are placed in and the tasks they try to perform.

            Example:                                                          DC:

            Using a single Technique or spell                       0

            Using a technique or spell in combat                  20

            Using a technique or spell with an active ability   40

            Using two techniques at one time                       60

            Maintain bardic Performance                              15        


Using this skill is a free action, and often in combat is the result of a reactionary action such as being attacked while a technique is being used.

Try Again:

Failing this skill when it comes time to use it often means the failure of one or multiple techniques and abilities active in combat. There is no roll to recover from a failure. It’s also important to note that if the player does not make a declaration known to the GM that they are using the technique on the defensive then they leave themselves open to an attack of opportunity and the need to roll this skill to see if they can maintain the techniques use or waste the chi. 


This is one of the only reactionary skills. It’s used more often as the result of an action and not a task that needed to be performed beforehand. On the result of a 20, the player is granted a +5 bonus on the next concentration roll.


If the player is asked to make the roll and they choose not to the action is a failure and dropped.


This skill can be used untrained.

Control Shape 


This skill is used to change or resist a change of forms. No class has this as a skill and is considered a cross-class skill for all. The player can gain this skill through in-game training, or by taking the feat Cosmopolitan. Transformation magic types are the primary users of this skill to regain control over the possession or if they are competent in their skills bring out the possessed form. The Skill is also used to change into a mode of fighting or in the case of mermaids (over 30) gain use of their legs.


The difficulty of This skill is often affected by the DC of a possessed soul, also is based on the stress of the environment they are being put through.

Example:                                             DC:

Switch Form                                         +20

Maintain Form in hostile situation           +50

Change into a combat mode                  40


Using this skill takes a Full round to use, being attacked when doing this might require a concentration roll to get to the result you want, failing the concentration roll causes the transformation to return to normal (with the exception of going from animal form to Normal, in which they remain in animal form mode)

Try Again:

A failure with the roll causes the form to drop


Control Shape is a cross-class skill unless it is awarded through training or gained through the feat Cosmopolitan. The result of a 20 on this skill grants a bonus of +5 towards the next use of this skill.


This skill can not be used Untrained

Craft Armor / Clothing


This skill creates armor or article of clothing for the character. The value is based on the quality and reputation of the character. The character needs to either purchase supplies or gather them (using other skills). This skill lets the player treat/dye the materials, build the clothing or armor, and even understand the uses of some armor by simply examining it.


When Dying or treating materials some objects can be more difficult than others.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Dye Cloth                                              10

            Dye Leather                                           40

            Dye Metal                                             80

            Treat Leather                                         50

When Making the armor and clothing the difficulty is based on the difficulty of crafting

            Example:                                              DC:

            Tailor Shirt                                            15

            Tailor Jacket                                         25

            Tailor leather armor                               40

            Tailor Studded Leather                           50

            Craft Plate Mail                                     80

            Craft Chain Mail                                    75

            Craft Breast Plate                                  60

            Mend Clothing / Leather                         20

            Mend Armor (metal)                               50

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


The action of crafting is impossible to be performed in battle it’s a skill to be done in downtime and may require special equipment or even a special shop like (a blacksmith for crafting metal armor) it is considered that most of this work is based on hours not seconds that many skills use. In fact the higher the difficulty the longer in time it takes to craft the item.

Try Again:

Failing on a craft roll is known instantly and is considered a mess up when crafting (a result of a 1 may make a fault in the armor if the are multiple 1’s (see faults on armor in the items section). The armor/clothing is not useless it can still be crafted it just takes another result to recover from this mistake.


When rolling a 20 on a craft roll the player either succeed quicker or gains a Blessing (see item rules for the listing of blessings.) For every 10 points in Profession Tailor, the user is granted a +2 bonus to this skill.


Crafting Armor/clothing takes a set time limit to create. On clothing, it’s 1 hour per DC of the clothing, thus a shirt takes 3 hours to make. While for armor, which is a stronger harder material, it’s 6 hours per DC of the Armor thus a set of chain mail takes 450 hours (that’s 18 ½ nonstop no rest days) but stopping between crafts is very much doable.


This skill can be used untrained but untrained the player does not gain bonuses from tools or rooms that a trained person would.

Craft Chemistry / Alchemy


This skill creates chemicals used to heal/harm/affect a designated target. It is also used to identify chemicals as such. The player needs to gather materials and tools to craft the chemicals from as well as store them in. This skill is split into ways of Healing, Harming, Effecting, and Identifying.

The DC of the crafted chemicals to remove such things as disease grant the player a bonus of +5 per every 5 of the medicines DC  for each to make a new attempt to save vs. the bad effect. This is the way to figure out bonuses or DCs on Chemical boosts, drugs and weapons are +1 per every 5 of the chemicals craft DC and a set +10. 


The skill can be used to craft powerful healing potions, salves, and pills. (for a full listing see items section: Craft Chemicals)

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Cure Light Potion (heal 1d8)                               10

            Remove/Treat Disease Pill (cure disease)           40

            Healing Salve (heal 1d4, 1d10 rounds)               25

            Cure Moderate Potion (heal 3d8)                        50

            Cure Serious Potion (heal 5d8)                          80

            Chi Boost Pill (Bonus chi gain)                           40

            Chi Restoration Pill (heal 1d100 chi)                   50

            Resist Disease Salve (Bonus to resist)                50

The skill can be used to craft powerful drugs, and the ability affecting gasses, useful materials, and poisons. (for a full listing see items section: Craft Chemicals list)

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Cocaine                                                            60

            Opium (DC vs. Illusion and addiction)                 30

Nitrous Oxide (DC vs. uncontrolled Laughing)     60        

            Chloroform (DC vs. Sleep)                                 40

Glue paste (used to craft other items)                 10

Chemical Dye (used to craft other items)             15

Flash Powder (DC vs. blindness)                        25

The skill can be used to craft harmful splash-based chemicals, deadly poisons, or even dangerous explosives. (for a full listing see items section: Craft Chemicals list)

            Example:                                                         DC

            Acid, Common                                                  30

            Acid, Strong                                                      60

            Napalm                                                             80

            Mustard Gas                                                     40

            Nitroglycerin                                                      50        

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Identify Chemical                                   +10 (plus chemical DC) 

            Identify Bonus                                       +20 (per bonus)


Crafting chemicals take time to craft and even is at times difficult to make outside a controlled environment of a lab. Thus this is not a skill that often can be placed in combat. But at times some natural chemicals may appear (see plant guide for choices) and once identified can be used in their natural state. Identifying them takes a full-round action. Leaving a chemical to craft is unwise and often will cause the process to fail. Making chemicals requires constant surveillance.

Try Again:

Failing at crafting a chemical goes many ways, One is the effect or DC is less than it normally would be (if the roll is failed within 10), more than that destroys the materials making a useless goo. Rolling a 1 causes the effect of the chemical to either reverse or explode in a violent eruption or other effects (see chemical defects in the items section). Chemical can be added to with other chemicals but stacking effects of two of the same kind don’t work.


For every 10 points in Craft Cooking, this skill is granted a +2 bonus. Rolling a 20 on this skill grants a bonus to the chemical based on the crafter’s INT Modifier, this bonus on effect-based chemicals raises the DC of the item by the bonus, all others gain a bonus to damage or healing. 


Crafting takes time, all chemicals take 1 hour per every 5 in the DC. Some chemicals however must be made in a controlled environment and thus can’t be made outside a lab. 


This skill can not be used untrained.

Craft Cooking / Brewing


This skill creates food, and drink and even helps process food or supplies for later use. The difficulty of This skill is based on the type of food, environment, and overall goal. Unlike other crafts, these skills DC are stackable on each other due to the environment and food and tools at one’s disposal. The skill is broken up into parts of Brewing, Cooking, and Processing


To use this skill in Brewing is to craft liquids most likely alcohol from materials that have been gathered.

Example:                                 DC:

Brew in pot                               +50

Brew in Still                               +30

Brew in Brewery                        +10

Beer                                         +20

Sake                                         +50

Alcohol                                     +40

Wine                                         +10

To use this skill to create a meal in cooking it all depends on the quality of the ingredients and environment of what there is as well as the overall goal.

Example:                                             DC:

            Bonfire                                                 +20

            Grill                                                      +15

            Oven                                                    +10

            Poor Quality                                          +30

            Good Quality                                         +10

            Finest Quality                                        +5

            A simple meal                                       +5

            A Banquet                                             +30

            Gourmet Meal                                       +50

            Boil Water                                             +5

            Raw meal                                              +15

The final way to use the skill of cooking is to process food for later use or to keep it from spoiling.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Dehydrate                                             +50

            Smoked                                                +20

            Salted                                                   +20

            Canned                                                 +10

            Pickled                                                 +30


Cooking is impossible to be done in combat. It takes time to make a meal. Even more, time to brew and process food. Cooking takes 10 minutes per the DC of the final product. While Brewing and Processing take 1 hour per the final DC of the product. Once started leaving the food to cook will cause it to fail and burn.

Try Again:

Failing a craft cooking results in the destruction of the ingredients or causing a meal that asks for a DC vs. sickness based on the cooking. The player cant re-roll they would have to make a new meal.


For every 10 skill points in Profession Homemaker or Profession Bartender grants this skill a +2 bonus. Many items are out there that help grant a bonus to cooking skills such as a frying pan.

Cooked meals that have the result of a 20 on the roll, grant a healing of 1d8+crafters level, per meal.


Cooking can’t be used in battle unless a class or ability states otherwise.


This skill can be used untrained, but only for cooking a meal, and rolling a 20 does not result in the healing bonus.

Craft Items / Jewelry


This craft skill allows the crafter to make various items as well as wearable jewelry or armaments. This skill is for master artists and craftsmen. In-game terms it’s a handy skill to have as many of the abilities to aid through crafting can be done faster in this skill outside of skills like (crafting armor or craft weapons) yet these do offer less of a bonus in the end. The skill is also used to identify the value and abilities of an item. The skill is divided into Crafting Items, Jewelry, and Identifying items.

Infusing items as they are crafted will create a blessed item that has abilities or other uses.  (for a full listing of the items and Jewelry see the items section: Misc. Items  or Jewelry section.) Items require certain materials and tools but unlike other skills can be done in any environment at no added DC.


Using this skill to craft items allows the user to craft simple day-to-day items to even some with greater use.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Broom                                                  10

            Pan                                                      20

            Bucket                                                  15

            Vase                                                     25                   

            Rope                                                    15

            Repair Item                                           20

            Wooden ladder                                      30

            Rope Ladder                                         50

Using this skill to craft jewelry or other wearable accessories may by granting bonuses to the user.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Necklace                                               40

            Earrings                                                30

            Ring                                                     40

            Bracers                                                 50

            Belt                                                      30

            Shoes                                                   60

            Armband                                              40

            Crown                                                   80

            Hat                                                       30

            Bracelet                                                40

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


The task of crafting an item/jewelry takes time and can not be done in battle. It requires a set amount of time-based on what is being crafted. Items take 10 minutes per every 5 points in the DC. While Jewelry takes 1 hour for every 5 points in the DC.  Identifying takes Full action or more.

Try Again:

Failing on a craft roll is known instantly and is considered a mess up when crafting (a result of a 1 may make a fault in the item if the are multiple 1’s see items defects in items section). The item/jewelry is not useless it can still be crafted it just takes another result to recover from this mistake.


Items, as they are crafted, can have chi used in the crafting which at times offers the item a unique ability. Also rolling a 20 also grants an ability to the item bases on the Items section.


This can’t be used in battle at any time.


This skill can be used untrained to craft basic items, these items can not be infused with chi or gain an ability on the result of a 20. Jewelry can not be crafted untrained.

Craft Machines / Technology


Crafting Machines allows one to create useful tools and devices that help out in both adventures and in other crafts. A truly skilled craftsman in this skill can create constructs to perform actions under programmed orders. The skill is also used to identify the value and abilities of a machine.

While it doesn’t need a set place allowing the user to build anywhere machines require tools and massive amounts of supplies that aren’t likely to be carried along a journey.


This skill can be used to craft simple or complex Machines

            Example:                                             DC:

            Simple Lock                                          10

            Complex Lock                                       50

            Clock                                                    20

            Communication Device                          70

            Programmed Device                              60

            Puppet                                                  30

            Construct                                              90

            Drone                                                   110

            Cyborg                                                 60+

            Robot                                                   80+

            Nanobot                                                110+

            Mecha                                                  100+

Mech suit                                               90+

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


Crafting a machine takes a lot of time. Doing so in combat is impossible. When rolling on this craft the player is dedicating a set amount of time which is 1 hour for every 5 points in the DC. The player can gather up their supplies and move elsewhere and work on it in their own time, staying with the build is not necessary. Identifying a machine’s abilities is a full-round action.  

Try Again:

Failing on a craft roll is known instantly and is considered a mess up when crafting (a result of a 1 may make a fault in the machines if there are multiple 1’s (see faults on machines in the items section: machines). The machine is not useless it can still be crafted it just takes another result to recover from this mistake.


Rolling a 20 on this skill grants the Machine a special ability (see blessings on machines in the items section: Machines). This skill gains a +2 for every 10 points in Knowledge Machines.


This skill can only be used by those trained in it and requires tools to build with.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Craft Vehicles


A skilled task is being able to craft a vehicle, for long days of travel a vehicle is a better option offering the player a chance to not exhaust themselves and arrive at distances that would take days or even be near impossible to travel through human means. A handy skill to have on hand to travel the world’s waters, skies, and mountains. The skill allows the player to craft, repair, and fuel vehicles on top of value and identifies the abilities of other vehicles. To make the vehicles one needs a shop to work, tools, and materials to build from. 


This skill can be used to craft, repair, and fuel vehicles.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Make rowboat                                      25

            Make Bicycle                                         30

            Make Engine                                         60

            Make Cart                                             30

            Make Fuel                                             20

            Repair Vehicle                                       10+ (depending on the damage) 

            Make Sailboat                                       40

            Make Car                                              80

            Make Tank                                            100

            Make Train                                            75

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

            Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


This skill can not be done in a battle, it takes days to make a vehicle, 8 hours per 5 of the DC of the vehicle. Building a vehicle is one that takes time so leaving it and returning to it doesn’t matter.

Try Again:

Failing on a craft roll is known instantly and is considered a mess up when crafting (a result of a 1 may make a fault in the vehicles if there are multiple 1’s (see faults on vehicles in the items section). The vehicle is not useless it can still be crafted it just takes another result to recover from this mistake. Identifying a vehicle’s ability is a full-round action.


A roll of a 20 on this skill grants a Bonus to the vehicle’s movement of ¼ the players level x 10 in feet per round. The skill Repair grants a +2 bonus on this skill for every 10 points in it.


This is a skill that both require materials but also a place to work on it over the long hours it needs to craft.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Craft Weapons/firearms


This skill is used to craft weapons, ammo, and firearms, a handy skill for any team with the need for weapons. The skill can be used outside of a shop but is not very useful outside a shop. Users can also infuse chi into the crafting to grant bonuses and new abilities to weapons. The skill requires supplies to craft the weapons. The skill can also be used to identify bonuses and abilities of weapons and ammo. The skill is broken into three parts Weapons, Ammo, and Identifying.


Using the skill to craft Weapons is based on the type of weapon being made.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Sword                                                   40

            Staff                                                     15

            Bow                                                      25

            Dagger                                                 20

            Rifle                                                     70

            Mace                                                    30

            Club                                                     5

            Axe                                                      40

Hammer                                                20

Spear                                                   10

Using this skill to craft ammo creates 10 of the ammo in one process

            Example:                                              DC:

            Sling Bullet                                            5

            Arrow                                                    15

            Dart                                                      20

            Ninja Star                                              10

            Rifle Bullet                                            50

            Pistol Bullet                                           50

The skill can also be used to identify any special properties of the item

Example:                                              DC:

            Unique Item                                          40

            Masterpiece                                          15

+1 Item                                                 20

            +2 Item                                                 40

            +3 Item                                                 60

            +4 Item                                                 80

            +5 Item                                                 100

            Unique Ability                                       50


Crafting a weapon can’t be done in combat. Crafting takes 1 hour per every 5 for the DC of the weapon or the ammo. While it takes a full-round action to identify a weapon’s properties.

Try Again:

Failing on a craft roll is known instantly and is considered a mess up when crafting (a result of a 1 may make a fault in the weapons if they are multiple 1’s (see faults on weapons in the items section). The weapons/firearms are not useless it can still be crafted it just takes another result to recover from this mistake.


Weapons, as they are crafted, can have chi used in the crafting which at times offers the weapon a unique ability. Also rolling a 20 also grants an ability to the item bases on the weapons section.


Crafting Weapons can be used untrained but are limited to simple weapons, and can not be infused with chi.


This skill can be used untrained in crafting simple weapons only.



This skill is used to plan and set an explosive to gain the best result in destruction from it. This skill can mean the difference in getting a hole in a wall or having a wall collapse down on the explosives expert.  This skill lets the player determine where to place explosives to get the best results and not bring harm to others unintentionally. The skill can also be used to identify the type and location where explosives were used in ruins.


Using this skill lets the user determine the best place to set explosives to destroy something.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Shaped Charge                                     40

            Dynamite                                              10

            Homemade Explosive                           50

            Explosive Burn                                      40

            Cutting Charge                                      60

            Detecting Explosives Used                    +40


This skill can be used in battle but takes a full-round action to perform unless an ability states otherwise.

Try Again:

Failing on this skill does not mean it can be re-rolled the result of failing results in either destroying the set target or worse case causing harm to the user or allies with the skill.


A 20 with this skill grants additional damage on the explosive, or on identifying the explosive grants an +5 on the next time the skill is used that way even if it fails to identify.


This skill requires a form of explosive to be placed with the exception of looking through damage to see what kind of explosive and where it was placed.


This skill can not be used untrained

Decipher Script


This skill is used to understand and send coded messages, research books for information and gain knowledge on info one doesn’t have previous knowledge in. This skill is handy when sending coded messages back and forth between commanding units and teams, it’s also handy for those with few knowledge skills allowing them a way to research through books and papers to find an idea on what they need in info from the knowledge they seek.


When using this skill to decode a message its difficulty is based on the code type

            Example:                                             DC:

            Numeric Code                                       40        

            Invisible Ink Code                                  10

            Message Code                                      50

            Image code                                           50

            Partial Code                                          70

When using this skill to research a subject the difficulty is based on the rarity of that knowledge

            Example:                                              DC:

            Common knowledge                              20                                

            Advance Knowledge                              40

            Hidden Knowledge                                80

            Rare Knowledge                                    100


This skill is used out of combat only. Both ways of using this skill take time and even a proper location like a library to get research materials on subjects. Using the skill depending on the DC makes end up taking days to research or understand. Doing research can be interrupted and not affect the skill in any way.

Try Again:

Nothing occurs other than failing to receive the info from the use of the skill when failing, so re-rolling the skill is very possible with no difficulty.


Rolling a 20 on this skill even if the result fails to make the DC grants a +5 for the next time the skill is used to assist in getting the skill to pass.


Due to the time requirements, this skill is not useable in combat and may require a location such as a library.


This skill can be used untrained but rolling a 20 does not get the bonus to the next roll.



This skill is used to talk and influence the way and opinions of individuals, through strong arguments, debate, and speeches. A handy skill to be used to help deal with situations with more finesse than raw muscle and brute strength. This skill can be used to influence decisions or to rally a group.


Using this skill to Influence Decisions the player suffers a DC on the attitude of the target towards them and the decision they need to make.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Enemy, something they are against        100

            Enemy, something they are for              80

Angry, something they are against          80

            Angry, something they are for                60

            Neutral, something they are against        60

            Neutral, something they are for              40

            Happy, something they are against         40

            Happy, something they are for               20

            Loyal, something they are against          20

            Loyal, something they are for                 5

Using this skill to Rally a group has its DC based on the attitude of the crowd.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Calm an angry crowd                             60

            Calm a mob out for blood                      80

            Enrage a mob                                       20

            Enrage a gathering                                60

            Gather People around                           10

            Sway the opinion of a group                   50


While the skill can be used in combat it is rarely done as often in battle it is hard to influence people beyond their current state. But in either way the player uses the skill, it is considered a free action.

Try Again:

Failing to perform diplomacy will often make any future attempts much harder than to do, In some cases, it might even enrage the target towards the user of the skill if failed by a great amount. 


When rolling a 20 even if the end result fails to beat the DC of the skill the player gains a +5 to the next attempt and does not have a negative result of the speech it’s taken as they haven’t yet swayed their influence on their target.


The only restriction is that the words being used to influence must be heard in the case of spoken or written in the case of reports and letters. It is also suggested to GMs ask that the player say what they are trying to say first before making a roll as their choice of words may affect the DC of the roll.


The skill can be used untrained, but the results of a 20 do not apply to those not trained in this skill.

Disable Device 


The skill Disable Device is a handy one to have in the team. The skill could make the difference between a trap going off on the players or safely being destroyed or dismantled. It is also used to find and destroy weak points in machines. The skill is broken up into two parts Disarming, and Salvaging.


When disarming a device the player is out to destroy or deactivate the item so it is not used again.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Disarming Tripwire trap                                      10

            Disarming Tripwire explosive                             30

            Disarm Pressure plate trap                                50

            Disarm pressure plate explosive                        75

            Disable Vehicle                                                 40

            Disable Construct                                              80

When Salvaging the player is seeking to either collect from the disarmed trap or change the operation of the device

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Salvage Explosive trap                                      60

            Salvage Trap                                                    40

            Change Orders Constructs                                 100

            Hot Wire vehicle                                                40


Trying to disable a device in combat is vastly difficult if not impossible adding an additional +40 to the DC to perform. But often the skill is used outside of combat. In both cases it takes a full-round action or longer depending on the task they are trying to perform.

Try Again:

Failing to disable a device is not known to the player till they follow through with the actions that normally would set the device to become active. Because of this, it’s completely up to the player if the device is disabled or not. If they think they failed they can keep trying till they are satisfied. While Savaging an item using the skill only allows one roll if they fail to succeed then the salvage can’t be done again.


This skill allows the player to both destroy and gather the remains to use themselves on their own or other devices. Rolling a 20 does not guarantee success on this skill and grants a +5 on trying this skill again. Many tools are available to help with this skill. Every 10 points in Knowledge Machines grants a +2 to this skill.


The skill has no restrictions other than the fact that it’s a trained skill only.


This skill can not be used untrained. The untrained have to find other ways to disable devices.



This skill is used to hide one person’s looks from the eyes in a public setting. This skill is used in two ways one in changing the physical look of the character through the use of makeup costumes or even props, the other is to change the look through the performance of actions, such as how they walk, talk or even smell.


Using this skill to disguise the physical look is based on what one is trying to hide.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Hide or add Scars                                 10

            Change Hair color                                 15

            Change Age look                                  40

            Change Sex Look                                 60

            Change clothing                                    5

            Change Skin color                                 15

            Change racial look                                50

            Change look to animal                           70

            Change look to object                            80

Using this skill to disguise the actions of the character has a Dc based on how they have to


            Example:                                             DC:

            Act different age                                    25

            Act like different sex                              20

            Act like Animal                                      50

            Act like object                                       60

            Act like a completely different person        50

            Act like a different character class                         75


While this skill is and at times constantly used in combat it mainly takes prep time out of combat to set up. The harder to perform the longer it takes to prep.

Try Again:

If a disguise roll is failed it results in one of two issues, the first being the failure is discovered and the disguise attempt reveals them to those they are hiding from a second attempt is not possible with the same disguise. The second is they aren’t discovered yet and can make a second attempt with the same disguise.


When the result of a 20 is made even if it fails the DC grants the player a +5 for a second attempt and a +5 for Stealth checks. Ninjas have the technique “Transformation” which grants them a massive bonus to this skill without disguise kits but uses up chi which can go detected. There are many items that give bonuses to disguise attempts like makeup/disguise kits or costumes.


While this skill can be used untrained to act out a role, it can not be used untrained to disguise oneself physically, instead, it’s good advice to get another person with the skill to apply the physical changes.


The skill is useable untrained in acting out the role of a disguise but does not gain the bonuses from the result of a 20 and can not be used when applying a physical disguise.



This skill is used to operate, control and even perform tricks with machine-operated vehicles. Unlike operating a horse or other creature it takes a deal of trained skill and knowledge to operate a vehicle. Using this skill is based on two types of difficulty, one is performing a trick, the other being operating a type of vehicle.


To use this skill to operate a type of vehicle-based the difficulty.

Example:                                             DC:

Operate Car                                          20

Operate Train                                        30

Operate Tank                                        60

Operate Construction Equipment            50

Operate Motorcycle                               40        

To Perform a trick with the vehicle also is away with the skill-based on the difficulty of the trick

            Example:                                             DC:

            Quick 360 turn                                       30

            Spinout recovery                                  20

            Ride on two wheels (not motorcycles)     70

            Wheelie                                                40

            Jump gap                                              40 (+10 for every 10ft over 10ft)

            Sudden reverse                                     20

            Aggressive Driving                                30


These actions can be performed in combat and often are of the mobile combat as actions used to help operate, this skill is used as a move action for basic operations and standard action for tricks.

Try Again:

Failure to operate the vehicle can be retried so long as the vehicle is in working condition. However failing in tricks may cause the vehicle to crash and no second roll will be made, it is up to the Gm if they can recover from the trick (getting a second roll) or crash the vehicle.


No the result of a 20 the player can operate any vehicle without crashing it immediately but must continue to make rolls if they still failed the DC of operation, if they pass the DC they get a bonus of +5 on the next trick, getting a 20 on a trick grants +5 on the next trick or on operating the vehicle. For every 10 points of Craft Vehicle skill, the player gains +2 in this skill. 


The only restriction is that the vehicle is in a work order to be operated by this skill. DC may be increased if there are some issues such as a flat tire, engine problems, or such.


This skill can not be used untrained.



Empathy is a skill that lets a player delve into the thoughts of others and gather surface thoughts and actions. With greater skill, one can even go deeper into reading the minds of a target that they have a prolonged time to study.

Check: This skill has two routes that can be taken when using it, the first is considered surface thoughts and emotions. Doing things, such as studying a target for lies that they may be telling, or being able to gain a target’s opinion of something being presented. The longer a target is studied the less the DC for performing the skill.  

            Example:                                              DC:

            Read targets Opinion on                        30+

            Read targets Emotions                          10+

            Lie Detection                                         40+

            Read Targets recent events in life          60+

            Identify a person based on room            80+

            Read a crowd to find a target                 50+

The second form of using the skill is delving deeper into a target’s mind, this version of the skill can only really be done though possessing psychological abilities is a must to perform the skill this way. (Ninja, Psychics, Powers)

Example:                                              DC:

            Read Targets Surface Thoughts             10+

            Read Targets Lost Memories                 90+

            Place Trigger Word Suggestion             50+

            Alter Thoughts                                       60+

            Alter Memories                                      80+

            Read Memories                                     30+

            Create Mental Block                              40+

            Block Thoughts from Others                   40+

            Block Thoughts of Others from Others    80+


This Skill takes at least a full round to activate and is one of the few that taking a 10 or 20 is not allowed.

Try Again:

A Failed roll will result in the subject being able to block out the user from gaining access to the information that they are seeking. On the result of a 1, the target becomes immune to further attempts of them by the user for 24 hours.


On the result of a 20, the player gains a bonus +5 to the next use of the skill and to any social rolls to that target in the next in-game hour, even if the result of a 20 doesn’t pass the DC needed. Additionally, players with psychic abilities can gain a thought (if the DC isn’t passed the thought can be a clue but not the actual thought needed) or something extra /random from the target.


This skill cannot be used untrained and will fail every time it is used for those untrained.

Escape Artist 


Escape Artist is a handy skill for those that often find themselves in tight binds (literally). The skill can be used to get out of bindings and to avoid the domination of a grapple. The skill is broken up into two parts Bindings and Grapples.


Using the skill to escape bindings is something that can turn your character from a captive to a freeman.

Example:                                                         DC:

            Rope Binding                                                    20

            Hand Cuffs                                                       40

            Manacles                                                          30

            Straight Jacket                                                  80

            Bound to stretcher                                             75

Using this skill to avoid a grapple is a strong advantage for those with less physical strength than those that specialize in grappling

            Example:                                                         Bonus vs. Grapple result:

            +5                                                                    10

            +10                                                                   20

            +20                                                                   40


Performing this skill to escape bindings is a standard action, thus you can escape the bindings and move as well. When using it in grapple attempts it’s a free action as it’s used to avoid the actions of a target.

Try Again:

Failing the roll has no side effect other than having failed to escape. A re-roll can be made on the player’s next turn.


On a 20 even if it fails to get the player free the next time that they have to use this skill they gain a  +5 bonus to break free. A player gains a +2 bonus in this skill using it in a grapple for every 10 points they have in Acrobatics. A player gains a +2 bonus in this skill using it in bindings for every 10 points they have in disabled the device.


To avoid grapples is only available to those that have this as a trained skill. Untrained ones can still attempt to get free but are likely at a greater disadvantage in skill.


This skill can be used untrained in attempts to break free of bonds.



Using forgery can both create copies of documents, but also can be used to make illegal copies of money and write coded messages to other sources. A handy skill to have in dealing with a lower than lawful world, is being able to make fake money when one is short on cash and also handy on making copies of important documents for spying needs.


The skill is used to copy some kind of document.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Copy paperwork                                   20

            Copy Blueprints                                     40

            Code a message difficult                       50

            Code a Message Complex                     80

            Code a message simple                        20

            Forge money                                         75

            Identifying a Fake Message/money 20


This skill can be performed in combat taking a full-round action or longer but is more often used out of combat to take time and make sure the forgery is similar to the original.

Try Again:

Failing to perform the forgery can either go noticed or unnoticed depending on the time they have, the more time the player has they have time to make additional rolls to see if something was missed in their skills or not. If they don’t have time then the mistakes could go unnoticed causing errors in messages or counterfeit money. Ultimately it is the player’s call to re-roll the Gm not to tell them if it passed or not on this skill till it fails to be passed on as information or money.


On the result of a 20 this skill grants the player a +5 on the next use of the skill whether they passed the DC or not. Every 10 points in Decipher Script grants this skill +2 bonus.


This skill requires an original document to copy from


This skill can not be used untrained.



The Gamble skill allows the player to learn the odds of a situation, or cheat in games of chance. It also informs the player of how the game of chance is played without having it explained to them. This skill is a handy one to have for characters that like to place money on games of chance or even want to guess the odds of situations.


Using this skill helps one learn the odds or cheat at a game based on a set DC. DCs can increase with other players of the game of chance also cheating or in a highly watched game.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Cheat at Poker                                      30

            Cheat at Black Jack                               60

            Cheat at Dice Game                              50

            Cheat at Race betting                            80

            Cheat at Roulette                                  75

            Count Cards                                         40

            Learn odds of Battle                              30

            Learn odds of war                                 60

            Learn odds of Game of chance round     70

            Size up other players’ skill                    50        


This skill is used in a single action and often is not used in battle, learning the odds however can be done in battle and is a standard action to work out.

Try Again:

Failing only truly fails if it goes unnoticed. Thus just because someone failed to get the result they wanted on a roll doesn’t mean the jig is up and they can roll again the next round without any added suspicion. Meanwhile, if it does go noticed until they are called off on it the GM can keep letting the player roll on cheating but each time they are caught the DC for the notice of it will keep going down till they are called on it. Failure on counting odds just means the math is wrong and a different result than calculated, can occur.


On the result of a 20 whether the player succeeds or fails the player is granted a +5 for the next time, they need to use this skill. Every 10 points in Pick Pocket grants this skill is a +2 bonus.


This skill is not needed to play a game of chance, however, it is needed to cheat at a game of chance.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Gather Info 


This skill is used to talk to and get informed by the public completely based on the public reputation of the character. This is a vital skill to gain info that is in the public know for issues of information. In many ways, this is the only way to learn certain information.


The skill is used to gain information and the difficulty is based on the public opinion and the reputation of the characters.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Friendly, basic info                                10

            Friendly, Difficult info                            30

            Friendly, hidden, or rare info                   50

            Enemy, Basic info                                 50

            Enemy, Difficult info                              80

            Enemy, Hidden or rare info                    100

            Neutral, basic info                                 20

            Neutral, Difficult info                              50

            Neutral, hidden or rare info                    70


The skill is not used in combat at all (as townsfolk most likely will run and hide in a battle or fight along in some way) the skill takes little time to occur though out of the game and the answers will be based on the character’s questions and the NPC’s knowledge of the question.

Try Again:

Failing to succeed in gathering info will only cause the target to either shut up or be unable to answer. A re-roll is not possible as the results of the skill are immediate. It is important though the player ask for their requests for info first before rolling as how they ask may raise or lower the DC. It is completely up to the player if they believe on if the NPC actually knows more or not.


Rolling a 20 grants the player a +5 in the next use of the skill even if they fail to pass the DC needed to succeed at the skill. For every 10 points in the skill, Profession Bartender grants a +2 bonus to this skill.


Using this skill requires being able to approach townsfolk, forcing them makes the skill intimidating and not Gather Info.


This skill can be used untrained but untrained the bonus gained from the result of a 20 does not apply.



Glaring over or bringing fear into the hearts of your enemies is done through Intimidation. This skills task is mainly to cause fear in those weaker than you. But at times can be used to impress or even amaze an audience. The difficulty of this skill increases with the opposing target’s own skill. A higher level target is harder to intimidate than a lower level.


The skill is used to cause fear or awe to a target its DC is based on the task and target.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Fear low-level target                              20

            Awe low-level target                               10

            Fear equal level target                           40

            Awe equal level target                           30

            Fear higher-level target                          70

            Awe higher-level target                          60


To intimidate someone is a free action, but it can only be acted out once during the player’s turn.

Try Again:

Failing to Intimidate makes the subject less likely to fear or be in awe of you. Granting the next attempt by the player, a higher DC. In the next round, a player can try again at the intimidation but will find it’s much harder as they already are proving to not be a threat to the target.


A player gains a +2 in this skill for every 10 points they have in the taunt skill. On the result of a 20 on this skill, it grants the player a bonus towards their next reputation roll. A player gains +2 to this skill with every 10 points in Martial Arts.


A player can’t make an intimidate roll unless they have it as trained. They can however activate intimidate through a grand action such as a great act of strength.


This skill can not be used untrained willingly. It can happen though through actions in-game.



Jumping is a skill is set to be used when one needs to ether reach great heights and distances in one action. The skill is used to leap distances such as gaps between buildings, cliff,s and such; it also is used in jumping up and down heights. This vital skill lets players latterly go to new heights in their actions.


The check needed for this skill is based on distances and how the player is trying to jump the distance.

Example:                                             DC:

            Leap Forward Distance 10’                     20

            Leap up Distance 10’                             60

            Leap down Distance 10’                         10

            Leap sideways Distance 10’                   40

            Leap Forward Distance +10’                   +20

            Leap up Distance +5’                             +30

            Leap down Distance +10’                       +10

            Leap sideways Distance +10                  +40


Using this skill is considered a Partial Action in most cases, except when using it when going down a distance, then the skill can be taken as a free action to lessen the damage from a fall. By an increment of how much they roll past the DC of the Jump.

Try Again:

Failing at making a Jump does not allow a re-roll to recover unless it’s jumping a gap that failed the player can make another roll to lessen the fall damage. Failing in a jump means in some way the player is going to fall. Anything above a 10’ distance takes 1d10 in damage for each 10’ increment of falling. 


The result of a 20 if the player still is unable to beat the DC gain both a +5 on a second roll attempt to succeed, if it’s still unable to succeed from that jump then the +5 applies to the roll to lessen the damage from falling. Every 10 points in Acrobatics grants +2 in this skill.


The only restriction to this skill is based on defects or injuries, as well as carrying a heavy or difficult load. Which all make performing this task a problem.


This skill can be used untrained.

Knowledge Area


This skill lets the person have intimate knowledge of a given area, be it a town, village, country, building, or just a chunk of land. This knowledge covers many subjects that fall in this set area such as water supply, food supply, people in the area, hidden places in the area, special dealers, and shops.  


A check-in this skill lets the player with the selected area make rolls that grant bonuses to several other skills, such as Search, Notice, Gather Info, Diplomacy so on. The skills difficulty is based on what task they need.

Example:                                                         DC:

Know person basic location                              40

Know stores location                                         10        

Know where to go for Great Deals                      30

Know the good source of Info                                  50

Know Hidden Locations                                     60


This skill can be used at any time and its action is considered a free action.

Try Again:

Failure on this skill just means they fail to recall or don’t have the info, the player can choose to make a re-roll on the skill. 


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of what they may have at a location or have a good relationship with the person they are seeking.


This skill only applies to given locations the player lists on their character. It can not be used to gain other areas of the world not listed.


This skill can not be used untrained

Knowledge Astrology  


This skill lets the person have intimate knowledge of the stars and what secrets they hold. It helps in learning of their power and influence on the world and even help predict someone’s future and how the stars affect them.


A check-in this skill lets the player Detect the relation of the stars as they stand at that time, and figure out any secrets that they may hold in people’s lives

Example:                                                         DC:

Know the position of the stars on day                        40

Know the position of the stars at night                      10        

Determine the Horoscope of a person                   30

Predict a person’s future luck                              50

Predict a person’s future general                         60


This skill can be used at any time and its action is considered a free action.

Try Again:

Failure on this skill just means they fail to recall or don’t have the info, the player can choose to make a re-roll on the skill. 


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet it fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of what they may have at a location or have a good relationship with the person they are seeking.


This skill only applies to given locations the player lists on their character. It can not be used to gain other areas of the world not listed.


This skill can not be used untrained

Knowledge Biology


This skill lets the play have knowledge of the physical workings of a creature, human, or even the unknown. Using this skill both applies to knowing how to affect someone through injuries and healing, and also helps identify if a living creature is living or not, this skill even at higher skill aids in seeing through illusions.


Using this skill informs the player of the inner workings of a living target, higher skill even lets them see through the illusions.

Example:                                                         DC:

Human normal                                                  15

Human acting odd                                             25

Common Animal normal                                    30

Common Animal acting odd                               40

Rare Animal normal                                           50

Rare Animal acting odd                                     60

Unusual Creature normal                                   70

Unusual Creature acting odd                              85

See-thru illusions                                               50+ (+5 to the DC-based on illusion users per each of the user levels) 


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure on this skill may bring about false readings, I.E. you might think a normal person has an injury that they don’t or they may appear to be perfectly fine. It’s up to the player to believe the result or not. Then make a re-roll through their call.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of if what they see is an illusion or not, giving a good idea of health or injuries the target may have.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Coding


This Skill lets the player know how to build, protect, and search systems of numbers and letters that make up the programing language of technology. It goes on to reveal hidden secrets people use to hide in technology.

Knowledge Foreign Culture


This skill lets the player know the actions, culture, and places of a set place outside the player’s own hometown.


This skill is used to know about foreign events, places, people, basic lifestyles

Example:                                              DC:

Basic Culture                                         10

Popular Locations                                 20

Important People                                   25

National Holiday                                    30

Up and Coming Person                          50

Shady locations                                    60

Days of Importance                               55

Advance Culture                                    75

Town Secrets                                        85

Hidden Locations                                  90

The historical date of a Location                   80


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure results in possible bad information it’s up to the player to determine if the info they are given is false or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the events, places, people, and mannerisms of people from certain foreign cultures.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Geography  


This skill lets a player understand the make and lay of land to better figure out places of hiding, Locations of towns, water, and food.


This skill is used to survey and understand the basic workings of nature to estimate locations of vital necessities

Example:                                                         DC:

Locate Water location Field                                20

Locate Water location Dessert                            80

Locate Water location Artic                                40

Locate Food Field                                             30

Locate Food Dessert                                         60

Locate Food Artic                                              70

Locate Town                                                     40

Find Easy way up Mountain                               30

Find an Easy way up to Cliff                                       50

Find an Easy way through swamp                           20


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may cause in having bad information and often won’t be known till arriving in a given area, a player can determine at any time to re-roll in double-checking their info is right or not


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet it fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the lay of the land possible locations of food and water, and even chances to find hideouts or hidden locations.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge History


This skill lets players understand and have knowledge of events that have occurred in the past. Be it recent past to distant events.


This skill is used to reference events, people, and legends and even sometimes towards identifying items, places, and lost languages.

            Example:                                 DC:

            Historic Event                            20

            Historic Person                          30

            Legendary tales                        40

            Historic Item                              70

            Historic location                         50

            Lost Language                          90


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the information is false or not and to take that info and re-roll for a different result


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of historical items, legendary people, places, and events. They can recite many of the stories at heart and can recall vital info from them.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Law


This skill lets the player know and understand the vast array of laws and actions to create masses of paperwork involved in contracts and political actions.


This skill is used to understand, laws, contracts, and how to best use the law and the ways around them.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Write New Law                                      20

            Understand Law                                    30

            Write Contract                                       50

            Understand Contract                             60

            Find Legal Loopholes                            80


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failing could result in bad information, thus it’s up to the player if they passed or not and whether they re-roll their results


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of laws and how they are written. They can use this knowledge to provide legal assistance, write contracts or even know ways around the law to acquire info or wealth. 


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Mechanics


This skill lets the player have a strong understanding of the inner workings of machines, mechanical devices, and vehicles and figure out how best to use them.


This skill grants the player knowledge of the inner workings of all machines and also what kind of machine could be used to help out in a situation.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Identify Machine Basic                           20

            Identify Machine Advance                      45

            Identify Machine Complex                      80

            What works best here                            30+


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, its up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and its up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the inner workings of machines and what parts and supplies would be needed in building, repairing or destroying said machine.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Military Science


This skill lets the player have knowledge of complex weapons, explosives, armor, and other devices used by armies and ways to use objects as such.


This skill is used to identify, understand their use, and how to operate complex weapons, explosives, armor, and other devices safely.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Identify Explosive Type                          50

            Identify Weapon                                    30

            Identify Armor                                       40

            Identify Military device                           70


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet it fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of what a complex device is needed to solve certain issues and the best places to strategically use said devices.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Nature


This skill lets the player identify plants, animals, and their uses.


Knowledge Nature is used as a vital skill in identifying plants, materials, and uses of things found in the wild (for items DC see Plant guide rules section) Below is a basic setup of DCs as they stand for new plants and Materials.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Identify Plant Common                          15

            Identify Plant Uncommon                       40

            Identify Plant Rare                                 60

            Identify Uses Common                          15

            Identify Uses Uncommon                       40

            Identify Uses Rare                                 60


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of what a plant has in both uses and if it’s safe to use as a food source, also in identifying animals.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Ninjutsu


This skill lets the player identify techniques, village markings, ninja coded messages, and even Clans, and Families.


This skill lets the player identify techniques, elements, hand symbols, and ultimately the amount of chi needed to perform, a skilled user of this technique can learn a new technique from using this skill.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Identify D – class technique                    10

Identify C – class technique                    30

            Identify B – class technique                    50

            Identify A – class technique                    70

            Identify S – class technique                    90

            Identify Elements in Technique               60

            Identify hand symbols                           40

            Identify Chi cost                                    80

            Identify Technique Requirements           75

            Learn Technique                                   (Rank Identify + / – Study Time)


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of what kind of technique, and what signs are needed if it requires an element source even if it’s a unique technique or not. When learning a technique each week dedicated to studying of the techniques use drops the DC by 5 on the roll to learn the technique. 


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill cannot be used untrained.

Knowledge Occult


Knowledge of the dark, and unknown areas of the world. An understanding of dark arts, unknown objects, and/or creatures.


This skill is used to have knowledge of the dark arts. Letting the player have the knowledge, of rituals, demons, mysterious objects, and creatures of the world. At times a player that is skilled in magic can study to learn a new magic type to add to their list.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Common Ritual                                     20

            Rare Ritual                                            50

            Demon Types                                       40

            Demon by Name                                   70

            Mysterious Item                                     45

            Mysterious Item Rare                             70

            Mysterious Creature                               40

            Mysterious Creature Rare                      65

            Learn new Magic Type                          70


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of dark rituals, skills, and demonic paths which may be used or required to perform tasks.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Poisons


Knowledge of types of poisons, drugs, and venoms, as well as ways to deliver them to their victims.


This skill is used to have knowledge and skill at identifying poisons and their properties as well as the best ways to deliver said poisons.

Example:                                              DC:

            Identify Poison Basic                             30

            Identify Poison Uncommon                    50

            Identify Poison Properties                      30+

            Best way to deliver Poison                     40+


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the kind of poisons, the best combination of poisons, and the best ways to deliver them.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Knowledge Programing


This skill is one’s study and understanding of computer language, with it the user can manipulate, find hidden secrets or even just program set instructions for a piece of technology to follow. A useful skill to have in any modern to science fiction game, as it helps players gain better control of technology and disarm hazards.


            Example:                                              DC:

            Read HTML                                           10

            Read Binary                                          30

            Read C++                                             40

            Speak Binary                                         100

            Find Broken Code HTML                        30

            Find Broken Code Binary                       60

            Find Broken C++                                   70        

            Find Hidden program HTML                   40

            Find Hidden program Binary                   70

            Find Hidden program C++                      80

            Write Program HTML                             20

            Write Program Binary                            40

            Write Program C++                               50

            Write Security Codes GL3                      40         (previous code type)

            Write Security Codes GL4                      60         (current codes)

            Write Security Codes GL5                      80         (current advance tech codes)


This skill can be used at any time as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the kind of poisons, the best combination of poisons, and the best ways to deliver them.


This skill cannot be used untrained.

Knowledge Religion  


Knowledge of different religions, their displays, temples, and holidays.


This skill lets players use a collection of knowledge they have on religion, their displays, temples, and holidays.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Info on a Religion Basic                         15

            Info on a Religion Uncommon                40

            Hidden info on a Religion                       70

            Knowledge of religious items                  30


This skill can be used at any time and used as a free action.

Try Again:

Failure may result in bad information, it’s up to the player to determine if the info is bad or not, and it’s up to them if they choose to re-roll for a different result or not.


If a 20 is rolled on the skill yet fails to meet the DC the Player gains a +5 towards their next attempt. Gaining a 20 and passing the result grants a moment of genius and lets the player have a good idea of the gods, demons, devils, and ways to confront them.


There is no restriction to using this skill once trained in it.


This skill can not be used untrained.

Martial Arts 


This skill is used to perform acts of complex moves and displays of strength. Using this skill in many ways is a performance-style action but is done with acts of strength, doing things like splitting boards supporting one full-body on one finger, Breaking chains, and such.


This skill is used to perform great acts of strength and affect the influence of those witnessing them. Upon success, this skill can be used to influence the sway of people through a form of admiration or intimidation this skill can also be used to perform acts of strength. This Skill is also used in performing some Combat Maneuvers such as Grappling and Sundering of weapons or bones.

Example:                                             DC:

Flex Muscles                                         10

The test moves solo                                   30

Test moves with Partner                         40

Break Boards                                        50

Break Bricks                                         60

Snap Chains                                         80

Bend Bars                                             75

This skill lets the player identify techniques, elements, hand symbols, and ultimately the amount of chi needed to perform, a skilled user of this technique can learn a new technique from using this skill.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Identify D – class technique                    10

Identify C – class technique                    30

            Identify B – class technique                    50

            Identify A – class technique                    70

            Identify S – class technique                    90

            Identify Elements in Technique               60

            Identify hand symbols                           40

            Identify Chi cost                                    80

            Identify Technique Requirements           75

            Learn Technique                                   (Rank Identify + / – Study Time)


This skill takes a standard action to use and can be done at any time.

Try Again:

Failure to pull off this skill means that any bonus to intimidation or performing with this skill is not achieved. Failing the skill mean failure, a second attempt can be made but counts as a new roll, not as a continuous roll.


When rolling a natural 20 on a success the player gains a Temp bonus to their reputation score with the witnesses, if they still fail to succeed they gain a bonus +5 to the next use of this skill.


The only restriction to this skill is it has to be trained to use.


This skill can not be used untrained, with the exception of grappling



This skill is used to study and determine issues with a target, identify diseases, poisons, and injuries, and even take actions into healing the target from these issues. The skill is broken into two categories, one identifying and one treatment. The skill does not restore HP but can bring a dying or dead character to stability.


The first way to use this skill is to identify problems and the best ways to treat them, using the skill this way determines issues that are problems to the target, from the basic injuries caused by weapons to the more complex poisons and diseases.

Example:                                 DC:

Cut                                           5

Bullet wound                             15

Broken Limb visible                   10

Broken Limb is hidden 30

Disease Common                      20

Disease Abnormal                     50

Disease Rare                            75

Poison Common                       15

Poison Abnormal                       40

Poison Rare                              75

The second way to use the skill is to treat the wounds and injury, while identifying some issues like a bullet wound is easy it’s vastly harder to treat without causing greater problems when doing tasks like removing the shrapnel.

Example:                                              DC:

Stabilize dying character                        20

Bandage Wound                                   5

Sterilize Wound                                     10

Remove Arrow                                      10

Remove Shrapnel                                  30

Perform Field Surgery                            +30

Remove problem (organ or item)            50                                

Plastic Surgery                                      30

Implant                                                 40

Remove Poison Common                      10+ Poison level

Remove Poison Abnormal                      30+ Poison level

Remove Poison Rare                             50+ Poison level

Cure Disease Common                          10+ Disease level

Cure Disease Abnormal                         30+ Disease level

Cure Disease Rare                                60+ Disease level

Cure Common Cold                               90

Restore Stat Drain                                 60

Restore Life (after death)                       75+ Target Characters Level (Limit one attempt only, must be performed within 6 hours of death. Upon success the GM rolls 1d4, and the revived target is now less than roll in CON Score permanently)


The action used to perform this task varies based on the two ways to use this skill. However, both can and often are used in combat. Using the skill to identify a problem can be performed as a free action for basic issues, but to see about diseases and poisons a full round of study is needed. Treating normally takes a partial action with most basic tasks, but Surgery takes rounds (DC divided by 10) to perform successfully.

Try Again:

Failure on this skill differs in many ways, failure in identifying may give false or incorrect information, it’s up to the user if the info they gained is right or not, letting them re-roll their skill. Treating with the skill if a failure is made then damage may be taken in performing surgery, or in other cases the effect is not resolved. Once again it’s up to the player to try again but if they fail at surgery there is a percentage chance that they made the situation worse. Trying to restore life to the dead will prevent any future attempts a failure.  


The result of a 20 depends on what is being done, No matter if the skill fails to succeed in treating wounds or injuries the user gains a +5 on a second attempt, no ill effect can occur from the failure and the target is healed 1d6 HP. A 20 on identifying if the skill still fails grants a +5 to the next use of the skill. Players with skill in, Knowledge Biology grants an overall bonus of +2 to this skill for every 10 points in the skill. Also, players with skill in, Knowledge Poisons, grant a +2 to this skill in identifying a poison for every 10 points in that skill.


While there are no restrictions, outside of trying to do surgery or treatment while both target and player are in active combat.  For performing the skill there are several places and items in the world that will grant bonuses to this skill being performed.


The basic uses of this skill in treatment can be used untrained however, identifying issues can not be used untrained.



This skill is used to know which direction one is facing and can be used to follow or make maps. This skill is a very vital one, it helps prevent one from getting lost, helps find locations, and treasures, and even predicts upcoming weather issues.


The skill is broken into two categories, these categories are, current and prediction. Current allows one to determine the direction and make maps.

Example:                                             DC:

Know Direction with common signs        15

Know Direction with uncommon signs     40

Know Direction with no signs                  70

Make simple Map                                  10

Make Complex Map                              40

Make Complex Treasure Map                60

Make World Atlas                                  100

Prediction is used to determine routes with maps or roads, and estimate conditions of land or weather so as to better prepare for travel.

Example:                                                         DC:

Estimate conditions of a day travel                    10

Estimate conditions of a week travel                 50

Estimate conditions of a month travel                80

Estimate conditions of a Year travel                  100


The skill when being used to predict a day’s travel or figure a direction takes a full round. While all other forms of tasks with the skill take far longer in time. Maps take 1 hour for every 5 in the DC of it. Estimating greater than a single day takes study and time of 1 hour for every 10 to the DC of it.

Try Again:

Failure can bring about incorrect information that won’t be known till ether the direction is followed or the time arrives to which doesn’t match the prediction. A player can second guess their roll and re-roll when they feel fit. In the case of map-making however, the mistake can be seen as the map is made by destroying the creation and having to start over.


The result of a 20 grants a small success in some with the prediction (even if the skill fails overall). On current based rolls a 20 creates a masterwork with maps and grants a +5 to the skill when next used even if the result did not pass the DC of the skill. Knowledge Foreign Culture and Geography grant a +2 to this skill for every 10 ranks in those skills. Knowledge Area grants this skill a +5 towards a given location for 10 ranks in that skill.


When making maps its easier to do this in a proper environment with the right tools, while it can be done and the more complex a map the higher chance it can’t be done without said equipment on the move rooms such as Navigation or map rooms grant bonuses when being worked on here, other than that there are no restrictions on other uses of this skill.


This skill can not be used untrained



A very important skill used to detect a target through noise or sight. It also is used to detect the actions of a person on if they are lying, hiding something, or even having something they are trying to protect.


This skill is broken up into three categories, Look, Listen, and read motive. While they stand all as a separate Look and Listen are often taken together with the exception of a few cases such as searching out the location of an invisible target, or spying on land or a vehicle on the distant horizon. The first segments is looked.

Example:                                             DC:

            Spot Nearby target                               10

            Spot Distant Target                               50

            Spot Quiet Moving Target                      10+ Targets Stealth roll

            Spot Hidden target                                20+ Targets Stealth roll

            Spot Silent target                                   50+ Targets Stealth roll

The Second segment is listened.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Hear nearby call                                    10

Hear distant call                                    40

            Hear conversation nearby                      25

            Hear thru crowd at conversation             50

            Hear movements of hidden target           25+ Targets Stealth roll

            Find Invisible Target (Noisy)                   10+ Targets Stealth roll

            Find Invisible Target (Stealthy)               30+ Targets Stealth roll

And finally, the last segment is read motive.

Example:                                             DC:

            Target is visibly showing emotion to       10

            Target is hiding emotion to                     15+ Targets Bluff roll

            Target is giving false emotion to             20+ Targets Bluff roll

            Target has no emotion to                       70


This skill in all uses can be taken as a free action at any given time (provided that the person they are looking at is clearly visible at the time with reading motive). This skill can also be used by a player to purposely ignore a fellow party member, like when a bard performs. 

Try Again:

If a player fails them then they fail to take notice at all or get false information. In some situations, the GM can allow a re-roll but this is purely up to the GM’s call and not the players. If it’s a one-time event then they missed it and can’t re-roll.


On the result of natural 20 grants an additional +5 to the use of the skill even if the skill fails to meet the DC of the given use at that time.


Certain Quirks and Defects affect the use of this skill and in some cases even limit its use in cases like Deaf, Blind or Cold-hearted, While Acute hearing, Seeing, or Warm Hearted grant great bonuses to this skill. 


This skill is trained in all classes and thus is always treated as such.

Open Lock 


This skill is used to disable locks in a careful and skillful way. Without this skill, a player must seek less delicate and quiet ways to open and unlock doors, storage containers, and even treasure chests.


This skill is used only in one way which is to pick and open locks without drawing attention form-finding other ways to get passed them. The difficulty of this skill is raised by the environment and time the player has to pick the lock as well as the complexity of the lock.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Simple lock                                                       10+

            Standard lock                                                    30+

            Difficult Lock                                                     50+

            Complex Lock                                                   70+

Master Work Lock                                             20+ (if the lock is masterwork this bonus is added to the lock type above)

            Hasty Time                                                       30+

            Plenty of Time                                                   5+


This skill is performed in and out of combat in rounds. And while the skill takes time to perform it’s more a matter of skill and luck getting past locks without busting or blowing them up which draws attention.

Try Again:

Failure in this skill causes the lock to remain locked; the result of a 1 breaking the lock pick being used to pick the lock or if the GM feels as such destroys the lock in the locked position. The player can try again but it counts as a new attempt and can only be done if the lock and lock picks are still useable.


On the result of a 20 if a skill-based success makes it not only easier the next time the skill is used but keeps the opening of the lock-in stealth not alerting people even if they stand outside the door. If the skill is not a success in passing the DC then the player gains a +5 for the next use of the skill but the lock remains closed


This skill requires a sort of lock pick, (craft items: DC 10) without this lock pick unless it’s a combination-based lock it is useless to try this skill on a lock requiring a key.


This skill can not be used untrained


(See description for types of performances)  


This skill is used to perform a song, Spoken word, dance, or with a musical instrument. This skill is used by Bards and Nobles to perform their abilities (See classes abilities), but also can be used to bring in profit or help entertain a crowd. Performance types are in three types (Instrument – examples: Guitar, lute, Flute, Drums, and such) (Vocal – Singing, Speech, Poetry) or (Action – Dance, Cheering, Tricks)


This skill while it has many ways to use always comes back to the same issue of how difficult it is to affect the targets the performance is for. Add to that the type of distractions of the environment may drown out the performance results.

Example:                                 DC:

Willing Ally                                10+

Unwilling Ally                             20+

“Easy to impress” target             -5

“Hard to impress” target             20+

Hostile Target                           40+

Quiet room                               -5

Noisy room                               30

Large Battle                              50

Small Battle                              25


This skill is used both in and out of combat and a single performance is usually 2-5 game minutes long but can be stopped at any time by the player. When the performance ends is when the countdown begins on the time-based abilities of bards and Nobles. Depending on the performance type it can be used while fighting at the same time or not. Spoken word or Singing can go on in battle and only be stopped if the words can be stopped from being heard, Dance can in some cases be used in battle, Instrument and other uses of performance require the player to focus on a standard action in a performance fully and can’t fight while performing.

Try Again:

In many cases, the effects of performance will be known ahead of time, out of combat usually in the actions of the targets, while in combat the target will ignore the effects of the performance. If it’s an ability used with the performance then the ability fails to act and that use per day is used up. A player can try again but it would be a new attempt at the performance.


The result of a 20 on this skill grants a +5 on the next use of the skill if the skill passes or even fails to pass the DC, If it passes it also grants a +5 bonus to the DC (or damage) of a Bardic or Noble ability.


This skills-only restriction is based on the performance type, if the type is instrument-based then it requires that instrument to be used, is vocal then it requires free use of one voice if dance or motion-based it requires to be unbound to perform.


While the skill can be used untrained only Bards and Nobles can use the skill to perform abilities of their classes.

Pick Pocket 


This skill is used to gain access to others’ pockets and other means of carrying stuff without the knowledge of the holder. It can be used to take or place different items. This is a very handy skill for those set on maintaining a touch of stealth in their actions.


This skill has one basic use which is to take or place items unnoticed by others. The skills difficulty is based on a Notice roll of the target. And the type of action they are doing.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Pick Sleeping Persons pocket                            10+

            Pick Guards Pocket                                           40+

            Pick Commoners Pocket                                   20+

            Pick Thieves pocket                                          50+

            Pick Distracted Target                                        -10

            Small-item                                                         10

            Large item                                                        40


This skill in or out of combat is done in a single action for each item to be taken or placed into the target’s holdings.

Try Again:

Failure results in a notice of the player’s action with the target, this results in combat, cries for help, or even an awkward moment that causes the target to be suspicious of the player from that point on raising the DC of any other attempts made by the player. 


The result of a 20 is if a player fails to pass the DC they do not gain the notice of the target and gain a +5 to the skill. If they do pass the DC then they gain the choice of a +5 bonus to the skill or can acquire or place 2 items from the roll without being noticed.


The only restriction on this skill is that requires it to be trained to be used.


This skill can not be used untrained.



This skill is used to drive/fly a ship from location to location safely. By not bringing it to harm on obstacles or in mobile combat.


This skill is vital in traveling on Ships. This skill is used to maintain courses, drive the ship past difficult obstacles, and avoid and deal damage in combat at sea.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Maintain course                                                 20

            Avoid Deep reefs 20+

            Avoid Shallow reefs 30+

            Avoid Sand bar                                                 40+

            Avoid Whirlpool                                                 50+

            Avoid Tidal Wave                                              80+

            Combat Bonus +1                                             20

            Combat Bonus +2                                             30

            Combat Bonus +3                                             40

            Combat Bonus +4                                             50

            Combat Bonus +5                                             60

            Combat Bonus +6                                             70

            Combat Bonus +7                                             80

Combat Bonus +8                                             90


Using this skill to avoid obstacles and in combat, the skill is used as a standard action. Using it to maintain a course is a single-use in a day unless some action such as poor weather conditions at which point the skill will be needed to re-roll to return on course.

Try Again:

Failure when staying on course won’t be known till the end of the day when its shows they are off course which causes the travel to add an extra day of travel. When avoiding obstacles failure can result in damage or even destruction of the vessel depending on the obstacle one needs to avoid. In combat, failure results in not granting the ship a bonus that round and is given its basic set results in AC and combat. A player can choose to re-roll the Combat and Course-based rolls when they see fit but avoiding obstacles can not be re-rolled to avoid damage.


On the result of a 20 if it passes the DC the player grants the ship an additional +2 to combat bonus, reduces the travel by a day in charting a course, or gains a +5 bonus on the next use of the skill when avoiding an obstacle. If the DC is not passed the ship still gains a bonus that would be successful in combat, The player gains a +5 bonus on the next use of the skill on traveling a course, or the player gains a second attempt to avoid the obstacle with a +5 to the skill.  


This skill only applies to operating sea and air-based ships and not land-based vehicles thus can only be used at those times.


This skill can be used untrained, but only those trained gain the bonuses of rooms and items, and the result of Natural ’20s

Profession Bartender 


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks for both money and information while helping people in a bar.


This skill is used to service customers and acquire profits from serving drinks and loosening lips. While the DC isn’t really an indication of monetary success it’s more a matter of it granting a bonus result based on the type of request made by the set customer of that day.

The Bonus result in the Bartender grants ethers a bonus of information or greater pay for the day.

Example:                                 DC:

Serve Simple Drinks                  10

Serve Expensive Drinks             30

Serve Mixed Drinks Basic          40

Serve Mixed Drinks Hard           60


This skill can not be used in combat and the roll is made 1 per days work (8 hours).

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full or even if the GM decides it debt over broken or lost items. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Seduction skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This task can only be performed in an established bar where the player can ask to work for some time.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Book Keeper 


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks at research and basic knowledge learned as one keeps and categories books.


This skill is used by the player to maintain conditions of books organize and establish a system of lending or selling them to others. No matter the results after a full day’s work (8 hours) the player will gain a set amount of money depending on how they do with a set customer or task.

            Example:                                                         DC

            Repair Damage book Minor                               30

            Repair Damage book Major                               70

            Find book common                                           20

            Find book rare                                                   50


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform. 

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full or even if the GM decides it debt over broken or lost items. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to Gather Info when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill can only be performed in an established Book shop or Library that the player has been allowed to work in.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill.

Profession Bum


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks to gain money and gather info on the streets.


This skill used the player’s ability to beg for money but also lets them listen in on info among the others on the street. The difficulty is based on the environment of the area and the extra money of the people.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Well off, Wealthy                                               10

            Well off, Middle                                                 20

            Well off, Poor                                                   50

            Troubled, Wealthy                                             40

            Troubled, Middle                                               45

            Troubled, Poor                                                  80


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid money. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Streetwise skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


Unlike other Profession skills, Bum can be used in any town or urban location, using it outside urban locations increase the DCs by x3


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Farmer


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks to grow and produce food and materials.


This skill is used to plant, grow and harvest many plants for food and materials, the difficulty is based on the rarity of what is being grown and the environment it is being grown in.

Example:                                  DC:

Common plant, Temperate         30

Common plant, Harsh                60

Common plant, Controlled         10

A rare plant, Temperate               50

A rare plant, Harsh                      80

A rare plant, Controlled                20


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any plants trying to harvest. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


As the result a 20 on this skill, results in the bonus production of crops in the end, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Survival skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires access to a garden or field that the player has permission to work at and a lot of time to grow a said plant.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Fisherman


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks in gaining fish and learning basic ship travel tasks in doing so.


This skill lets a player gather a strong source of food by fishing. While the pay is set no matter if the DC is passed or not by the player, the type and amount of fish bases the DC.

Example:                                             DC:

School of fish Small                               30

School of fish Large                               10

Large fish (Tuna)                                   35

Large Violent Fish (Shark)                     60

Whale                                                   80


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any gear trying to harvest. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus amount of fish, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Pilot skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires fishing gear, and a boat is a good option.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Herbalist


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks letting them gather plants and use them to craft medicine and more.


The difficulty of This skill is found in the finding and gathering of herbs, while others use search and find random plants an herbalist uses their skill and knowledge to lock in on types of plants and where to find them in vast amounts.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Find Common Plant                                           10

            Find Bulk of Common plant                                30

            Find Rare Plant                                                 50

            Find Bulk of Rare plant                                      80


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any plants trying to harvest. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus to the collection of plants, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Craft Chemical skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


A Herbalist has no restrictions on gathering other than they need time to perform their tasks.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Homemaker


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks such as daily cleaning, and cooking and establish a strong relationship in a given area.


The check-in this skill is based on the amount of work and type of mess to clean up. In the end, result in the actions, improve relations with the owner and grant the home the user bonuses for other skills.

Example:                                 DC:

Small, Dusty House                   10

Medium, Dusty House               15

Large, Dusty House                   25

Mansion, Dusty                         30

Small Trashed House                40

Medium Trashed House             50

Large Trashed House                60

Mansion Trashed                      70


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full or even if the GM decides it debt over broken or lost items. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Knowledge Area skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires a home or given location to be worked on.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Lumberjack


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks of gathering wood and crafting vast uses from that wood.


This skill is used to gather wood and craft items from said wood. The difficulty is based on the rarity of wood, size of wood, and difficulty of the task.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Gain Wood from Small Tree                   20

            Gain Wood from Medium Tree                40

            Gain Wood from Large Tree                   60

            Gain Wood from Huge Tree                    80

            Shape Wood to form                             50

            Carve Wood Plank                                10

            Carve Wood Dow                                  20


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any trees/lumber trying to harvest. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Craft Vehicles skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires tools to gather wood without taking penalties such as a saw or ax, and tools to shape wood.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Miner


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks gathering minerals from mines and forging the material into metal.


This skill lets the player find a certain location to find a set mineral, Also grants the player the skill to harvest the mineral safely and lets them know how best to maintain a safe dig. The difficulty of this skill is based on the environment and type of Mineral the player is looking for.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Safe Mine                                             30

            Weak Mine                                            50

            Dangerous Mine                                    70

            Common Mineral                                   20

            UnCommon Mineral                              40

            Rare Mineral                                         60

            Gather Mineral                                      10+


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any tools being used to harvest. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Craft Weapons skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


Those not trained in this skill are not aware of the hazards the dig has for them or the location of a mineral. They just get the result of how much they mine if they succeed. Mining tools such as a miner’s pick are required to use this skill. 


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Officer


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks of keeping law and order while bringing in money and strong knowledge of how secure locations are. 


The difficulty of this skill is based on the challenge of the task provided within that day. Handling things like robbery, fights, and even murder investigations.

            Example:                                 DC:

            Trespassing                              15

            Unarmed robbery                      20

            Armed Robbery                         40

            Small Fight                                25

            Large Fight                               50

            Riot                                          75

            Murder                                      60

            Drug Deal                                 30


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Intimidation skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires the approval of the local police, guard, or military force to take part in this skill.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Politician


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks of making laws and giving speeches, granting them a strong diplomatic relationship.


The difficulty of this skill is based on where you stand on a task and how the public feels towards it. Also one’s Reputation among the public also increases the difficulty, the less respected you are the harder a task.

Example:                                 DC:

Well Liked Task                         -10

Liked Task                                +0

Mid Ground Task                       +10

Disliked Task                            +20

Hated Task                               +40

No Reputation                           +50

High Bad Reputation                 +80

Low Bad Reputation                  +60

Low Good Reputation                +25

Good Reputation                       +10

High Good Reputation               -10


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Diplomacy skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires an established location to work on politics and a high reputation in the area to handle tasks and speeches in the area.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Potter / Artist


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks crafting fine works and devices for monetary gains.


Difficulty in this skill is found in the material being used and the size of the object being crafted.

The closer to medium craft is easier, yet larger and smaller objects are more difficult along with more challenging materials to make them from.

            Example:                                 DC:      

            Medium Object                          0

            Small Object                             20

            Large Object                             10

            Huge Object                             30

            Tiny Object                               40

            Easy material                            10

            Difficult Material                        30

            Complex Material                      50

            Rare Material                            70


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any item materials being created. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Craft Item skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires tools of the trade, Painters need an easel, paints, and brushes, and crafters need a table and materials to craft the item.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Rancher


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work on tasks of handling and raising many types of animals and harvesting supplies from them.


The difficulty of this skill is based on the type of animal and the difficulty they provide. While Handle Animal handles the gathering of some food items from animals and basic maintenance this skill is vastly more advance granting the ability to breed and handle mass groups of animals at one time with one roll.

            Examples:                                            DC:

            Small Birds                                           10

            Small Farm animals                               30

            Large Farm animals                               40

            Exotic domestic creatures                      25

            Exotic small creatures                            40

            Exotic Large creatures                           60

            Rare Creature                                       80


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Handle Animal skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires access to an animal pen, ranch, or zoo to handle and harvest from the animals in.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Shop Keeper


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks in selling products and making great amounts of money, with a strong understanding of items’ worth.


The difficulty in this job is based on how busy the shop is, and how well-stocked. The greater the crowds and less stock the harder it is to perform this task.

Example:                                             DC:

            Full Stock, Light Crowd                          10

            Full Stock, Heavy Crowd                        30

            Some Stock, Light Crowd                      45

            Some Stock, Heavy Crowd                    55

            Little Stock, Light Crowd                        60

            Little Stock, Heavy Crowd                      90


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full or even if the GM decides it debt over broken or lost items. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to Appraise skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill can only be done in a given location where either a shop/stand is set up or within an established shop.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Tailor


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks in crafting clothing and fine designs for armors.


The difficulty of This skill is based on the type of materials being used and the size of the project, the Larger and rarer the materials the higher the difficulty. Plus making a unique designer-type item also raises the difficulty.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Shirt, Common                                      10

            Shirt, Uncommon                                  30

            Shirt, Rare                                             50

Jacket, Common                                   20

            Jacket, Uncommon                                40

            Jacket, Rare                                          60

            The suit, Common                                       25

            The suit, Uncommon                                    50

            The suit, Rare                                             75

            Designer                                               +40


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in either not being paid in full or failing to gain items one is trying to collect. It also destroys any materials being used to create the item. A second roll can be made but is done as a new action and not a second attempt to gain from the previous failure.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Craft Armor skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


This skill requires sewing tools such as needles and thread along with cloth of some type to be able to craft from.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Profession Writer / Reporter


This skill is a secondary job-based one. It allows the player to work at tasks gathering information and spreading that information in their own words throughout the world.


The Difficulty of this skill is determined by the complexity of the story or writing. A book is vastly harder than a news article and such. It also is based on a time limit to get the workout. Quicker release dates make the task vastly harder.

            Example:                                 DC:

            Small News Article                    10

            News Article                              20

            Exclusive Article                        40

            Daily Column                             50

            Weekly Column                         35

            Children’s Book                        25

            Novel                                        45

            Biography                                 55

            Encyclopedia                            100

            Dictionary                                 90

            Book Series                              75


This skill cannot be performed in combat and requires a day’s work (8 hours) to perform.

Try Again:

Failure Results in doing a bad job and results in ether not being paid in full. The player can re-roll but it’s taken as a new attempt.


The result of a 20 on this skill, results in a bonus tip, even if the player fails to meet the DC of the job at the time. This skill grants a bonus to the Gather Information skill when used granting a +10 to the next use of that skill.


The only requirement with this skill is that the info they gather has to be passed on in some public way.


All professional skills can be used untrained, but players do not grant the Bonuses to other skills unless they are trained in the skill

Read Lips


This is a handy spy skill used to read lips when one can’t be heard.  While the skill still requires the target to be in view it’s a handy skill to use in crowds, in distance viewing, or in viewing the target through glass windows and such.


The difficulty of This skill is a solitary one and is based on both the complexity of the conversation and the area in which one is watching the person speaking. Crowds tend to move back and forth making it hard to see all the words spoken while a good distance view with aid can get you a clear line of sight on the lip movements of your target.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Simple, In Crowd                                   40

            Simple, Distant view                              30

            Simple, through window                         10

            Complex, In Crowd                                80

            Complex, Distant view                           70

            Complex, through window                      50


While this action can be done in combat, it’s unwise, as reading lips takes time to concentrate on fully, taking a full-round action for as long as the player keeps it up. 

Try Again:

Failure results in bad information and since it’s a matter of how events play out in time a re-roll is not possible, in the end, it’s up to the player if the info they obtain is correct or not and if they choose to act on it as such.


On the result of a natural 20, the player gains a +5 bonus to the skill for its next use even if the overall result is still not a success. It is up to the GM if the result of a natural 20 yet failure on the still grants useful info or not.


The player must have a clear view of the target’s mouth so if they can’t see the target’s mouth then they can’t read the target’s lips its that simple.


This skill can not be used untrained



This skill is used to fix broken items or vehicles, a vital skill with Vehicles as it’s the way to restore vehicles and constructs HP much the same way Medicine heals HP for players. It can also be used to assess the damage to see if a ship or vehicle is even usable or on the verge of total destruction with further use.


The difficulty of this skill is broken into two parts, Repair HP of Vehicle / Construct, and Assess Damage of Vehicle / Construct. The first of these skills allow the player to regenerate the Hitpoints of a Vehicle / Construct, the Difficulty is figured by How much HP needs to be restored and how quickly, The more time to make repairs the easier it is to fix overall, the less time it’s better to focus on minor problems. The following is the DC-based on a full-round action.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Repair 1-10 HP                                     20

            Repair 11-30 HP                                   40

            Repair 31-60 HP                                   60

            Repair 61-100 HP                                  80

            Repair 101+ HP                                    100

The second use of the skill is to assess the damage of a vehicle/construct to see if it is still even usable after repair or if the damage it sustained that a new vehicle/construct would need to be crafted. The DC is determined by the amount of damage taken. 

            Example:                                             DC:

            Minor Damage                                      10

            Slight Damage                                      20

            Damage                                                40

            Moderate Damage                                 60

Severe Damage                                    80

Nearly Destroyed                                  100


When using the skill to conduct repairs to regain HP it takes a full-round action, for in combat use while out of combat can take several minutes to hours to perform repairs for HP regain. Assessing damage takes a Standard action at all times.

Try Again:

Failure in assessing damage will give you false info on the roll result, On restoring Hp it simply means that the Vehicle / Construct fails to regain HP. The player can choose to re-roll in either case with no negatives, outside the possibility of an exploding vehicle or construct if it reached a critical state and the player failed to notice. 


On the role of a natural 20, the player gains a +5 for the next use of this skill when assessing damage even if the result fails the DC. On the result of a natural 20 on this for restoring HP grants a healing bonus of x2 if succeeding the DC, or a straight +5 Healing if the DC is failed to be met. 

For every 10 points in the skill Knowledge Mechanics grants a bonus +2 to this skill.


This skill requires to the player have some basic tools and or replacement materials with the player to make repairs, if they don’t have the items then repairs are not able to be made.


This skill can be used untrained, but only trained players gain bonuses from both Natural 20s and outside sources



This skill is a handy one in Riding horses or such creatures or single-person vehicles like Bikes, Motorcycles, Scooters, Surfboards, Skateboards, Skis, and sleds.


This skill while used differently on each of the types of riding creatures and vehicles the skill is very much the same for rolling results with the only difference being when one performs tricks. The player is basically rolling on this skill to maintain their balance less tame creatures or balance heavy vehicles vary the DC of this skill. All vehicles listed below are considered in the best condition, damaged or bad condition vehicles may affect this roll.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Horse, Tame                                         20

            Horse, Wild                                           40

            Horse, Unbroken                                   60

            Mule, Tame                                           10

            Camel, Tame                                         20

            Elephant, Tame                                     30

            Bicycle                                                 15

            Motorcycle                                            45

            Skis                                                      20

            Sled                                                     15

            Scooter                                                 30

            Motor Scooter                                       35

            Surfboard                                             50

            Snowboard                                           55

            Skateboard                                           35

When Performing tricks, while riding the DC of the ride is increased, the harder the trick the higher the DC.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Jump > 5 ft object                                 +30

            Jump < 5ft object                                  +10

            Jump 10 ft gap                                      +20 (this adds, with each addition distance of 5ft)

            Wheelie, Stand on two legs                    +25

            Ride sideways                                       +30      

            Ride and grab object on ground             +40

            Perform fancy trick (grind, ollie, grab)     +50

Attack with vehicle, Creature*                 +10 (Attack is based on creature damage or 1/4 Vehicle weight in d6s no less then 1) 

            Attack while on Vehicle, Creature*           +25

(* – Ride based feats lower/remove this DC) 


This skill only comes into play at the start of riding or in a difficult situation or when the player wishes to perform a trick. It does not matter if the skill is made in combat or not.

Try Again:

Failing in this skill results in falling off, failing to perform a trick, or both in some cases, thus the player would have to try again if they choose only, but it counts as a new attempt.


On the result of a 20 if the player succeeds to pass the DC then it can grant a bonus to impress people out of combat granting the player a shot at improving their reputation score. In combat can grant a morale bonus to their friends by granting +2 to attacks and saves for ½ their class levels. If they fail the DC even after rolling a 20 then they gain a +5 bonus to the next use of the skill and do not fall off.


This skill requires a vehicle (mainly single user type) or creature for which to ride.


This skill can be used untrained but some bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill



This skill is used to find hidden things, be they hidden on purpose or just misallocated from where they normally could be found. The skill is also used to detect signs of other things such as where one can mine for ore, in finding plant types that can aid in some way, and hidden marks or objects that are clues in puzzles or quests.


An important skill is to find items, clues, people, or plants for general use. The DC is the same in all cases of using the skill the difficulty is based on how well hidden the object is the size of the object and the quantity of the object. Thus a large collection of small coins may be easier to find than one single gemstone lost.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Single                                                   +35

            Small group                                          +30

            Medium group                                       +20

            Large group                                          +10

Small object                                          +10

            Tiny object                                            +20

            Medium object                                      +5

            Large object                                         -5

            Huge object (doors)                               -15

Well Hidden                                          +40

            Hidden                                                  +20

            Misplaced                                             +10

            Out in the open                                     -10


Search can be done at any time but doing it in battle is dangerous as it takes a full-round action or longer depending on how well it’s hidden from prying eyes. Each roll is considered searching a 5ft area which depending on the condition of the area takes at average a minute (6 rounds) game time. More difficult situations such as searching through a pile of trash take much longer.

Try Again:

Failure on the roll results in not finding anything provided that there is an item there, to begin with, the GM otherwise will make sure to note that in either case, the player won’t know if they fail or not simply cause they failed to find anything. It’s up to the player if they want to recheck the area or not.


On the result of a 20 if the player passes the DC they acquire the object hidden in the area. While if the player fails the DC the player gains a strong feeling on if the area is completely searched or if something may still be hidden there, they also gain a +5 on their next use of the skill. Some skills such as Profession Herbalists can find some things (plants) without using this skill. There are some tools like (magnifying glass, metal detectors, treasure maps, or radar) grant bonuses to search an area for a set object.


There is no restriction on this skill, but gaining the bonus of Natural 20s can only be achieved by those that are trained in this skill.


This skill can be used in Untrained



The art of charming someone, in the tasks of gaining ether knowledge, items, and/or just plain romantic passion. A skilled user of this skill can convince others to grant them things that they are seeking from their targets. While some drugs and alcohol can help in some ways with this skill often they can cause issues to the target so the best way to cleanly handle it is to be skilled in this task.


These skills Dc are determined by the attitude of a target, interest of a target, and outside factors such as the use of potions, charms, or alcohol.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Friendly Target                                      +10                  

            Flirty Target                                           +5

            Cold Target                                           +20

            Unresponsive target                              +15

            Upset Target                                         +30

            Enemy Target                                       +40

            Likes players sex                                   +10

            Dislikes Players sex                              +50

            Finds Player attractive                           – 20

            Finds player repulsive                            +30

            No attraction                                         +10

            Uncaring                                               +20

            Love Potion                                          – 10 (greater bonuses based on potency)

            Slightly Drunk                                        – 5

            Drunk                                                   – 10

            Wasted                                                 – 20

            Charm object or technique                     (based on object or technique bonus)


This skill is a free action but can not be used in combat as combat causes distractions from the player’s attempts to seduce the target.

Try Again:

In many cases, the player will see the results of a failure through the reactions of the target. So long as the target doesn’t consider the player hostile or leaves the room. The Player can make a second attempt but at a strong DC for having failed before.


On the result of a 20 if the player succeeds they get the goal that they are seeking, if the player fails the DC the target doesn’t change their attitude for the worse like they would if the player had failed before. Many items out there help in this skill, but the Skill Profession Bartender helps in this skill by knowing how to mix drinks to loosen the morals of a target.


This skill requires to, have the full attention of the target, thus any major distraction will cause the result to fail.


This skill can be used untrained, but only trained users gain bonuses from items, rooms, and natural 20s



This vital skill lets a character move quietly and hidden from the notice of others. It’s used to mask oneself in the shadows and objects to remain hidden from the notice of others.


The DC of this skill is broken in two parts, Silence and Shadow. Silence allows the player to quiet their movements and actions; The DC is increased on the difficulty of the situation. All listed below are actions to maintain silence with these objects.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Open Squeaky Door                              40

            Stone floor                                           35

            Carpet floor                                          15

            Strong wood floor                                 30

            Creaky wood floor                                 50

            Metal floor                                            25

            Crawling through pipe/vent (metal)          50

            Crawling through pipe/vent (stone)         20        

            Crawling through pipe/vent (water)          60

            Moving through water                            45

            Moving through snow                            20

            Moving through sand                             5

            Moving through loose rock                     55

            Moving through loose mud/muck            25

            Moving through hard ground/dirt            10

            Moving through grass                            5

The second way of using the skill is Shadow. This is a way to find and hide from the notice of others. The DC is based on the alertness of the targets, and the terrain to hide around.

            Example:                                             DC:

            Open area, no shadows                         60

            Open area, some shadow                      50

            Open area, Heavy shadow                     40

            Open area, Darkness                             30

            Cluttered area, No shadow                     40

            Cluttered area, some shadow                 30

            Cluttered area, Heavy shadow               20

            Cluttered area, Darkness                       10

            Dense area, no shadow                         30

            Dense area, some shadow                    15

            Dense area, Heavy shadow                   5

            Dense area, Darkness                           0

            Alert target                                            +30

            High Alert target                                    +50

            Distracted target                                    +20

            Not Alert target                                      +10

Sleeping target                                      -10 (Note light sleeper/ heavy sleeper alters DC)


This skill is a free action out of combat and a partial action in combat.

Try Again:

Failing this skill will not alert the player until they are detected. The player can choose if they think that they failed to improve this by re-rolling this skill at any time.


On the result of a 20 if the player succeeds on the DC they are able to go unnoticed and gains a +5 for the next use of this skill. If the player rolls a 20 yet fails the DC they draw attention but don’t get noticed till the result of a second roll with a bonus +5 to the skill is made, they can also choose actions to better take stealth measures to improve this roll. Disguise skill can grant bonuses to this skill, as well as ninja techniques, items, and even some basic objects to hide in the environment such as boxes, barrels, leaves, and branches, Given that they fit the environment around them.


This skill can be used at any time but once one is noticed, trying to hide again is considered useless in most cases.


This skill can be used untrained but some bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill



Being able to identify the signs and gangs of the street is what this skill brings to the table. This allows the player to move from town to town and gather info on the area without even asking the people around on this info.


This skill has only one category but none less is a handy one to learn information that is in plain view of the public that many people tend to ignore around them. The DC is based on the complexity of the sign or information given by the street and what they mean.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            The symbol for to upcoming or past crime                 50

            Location of crime organization                            25

            Politics of area                                             30

            The attitude of issues in area                               15

            Location of Black Market                                    40

            People that have vast knowledge                       75

            People in charge of crime organization                   60

            People looking to buy drugs/ stolen goods          45


While this skill can be used in combat it’s better to use it out of combat as it takes a full round to read and process the meaning of a symbol or sign in the area to make sense of them.

Try Again:

The result of a failure can give bad information that the player won’t know until the information is acted on, at any time the player can decide on if the information is right or not and re-roll on the symbols or signs.


On the result of a 20 if the player passes the DC they gain the info and even have a good idea of the attitude of the public on that issue when asking around for more info or approaching people on this issue. If they fail the DC the player gains a +5 on their next attempt and gets a feeling of the attitude of the public towards what this symbol may mean.


This skill requires a symbol to use this skill, Symbols such as graffiti are available all around but sometimes need to be searched for to find first.


This skill can only be used trained.



A handy skill used to forage for food and water, skin hides, and set traps. This skill grants the player ways to handle the wilderness in a way that they can survive on the bounty that nature provides for them.  


Survival is a vital skill that has a few different uses, the first is seeking, this covers looking for and staying in track of a creature or person, it also helps in finding locations for water and possible food sources. The DC is based on the difficulty of the terrain.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Tracks, in Mud                                                  15

            Tracks, in Dirt                                                    30

            Tracks, Dirt road Rural                                       40

            Tracks, Dirt road Urban                                      70

            Tracks, Dry Sand                                              50

            Tracks, Snow                                                    10

            Tracks, Rock                                                     80

            Tracks, Overgrowth                                           35

            Tracks, Grass                                                    45

            Estimate Water source, Grassland                      30

            Estimate Water source, Dessert                                     80

            Estimate Water source, Mountain                       45

            Find Edible Plants, Grassland                            5

            Find Edible Plants, Dessert                                40

            Find Edible Plants, Mountain                              25

            Find Edible Plants, Tundra                                 35

The next use of this skill is to harvest skins or try taxidermy from the bodies of creatures. The DC is based on the size of the creature.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Skin Tiny                                                           15        

            Skin Small                                                        20

            Skin Medium                                                     30

            Skin Large                                                        40

            Skin Huge                                                         50

            Stuff Small                                                        25

            Stuff Tiny                                                          35

            Stuff Medium                                                    50

            Stuff Large                                                        60

            Stuff Huge                                                        70

            Stuff made up creature                                       90

The final use of this skill is to build, set, and place traps.

            Example:                                                         DC:

            Build simple Snare                                             15

            Build Pit trap                                                     25

            Build Spike Trap                                                40

            Build Rock Drop trap                                         50

            Build Log Slam trap                                           35

            Poison Spike Trap                                             45

            Tripwire                                                            10

            Pressure Plate                                                  60

            Set Machine trap simple                                    10

            Set Machine trap Complex                                 50

            Set Chemical trap Simple                                  20

            Set Chemical Trap Complex                              70


This skill can not be used in combat as it takes time often several game minutes to figure things out in all cases, the only exception to this is placing traps with abilities or feats that make this happen quicker.            

Try Again:

A failure to surpass the DC of this skill in tracks or being able to find food or water sources means just that they don’t find those things, On skinning or stuffing creatures they destroy the supplies and cant gain hide or taxidermy of the creature from that one, on traps the traps fail to activate when they need to (on a result of a 1 the trap goes off on the one placing it) On all these the player can make a new attempt but it counts as a new trial for the skill and not one to recover from a failure.


On the result of a natural 20 on this skill as long as it passes the DC gets the following results, Finding tracks tells you the time the target moved through and how fast, Find food and water finds plentiful sources for gathering, Skinning/taxidermy raises the value of the hide/creature, Setting traps raises the DC of the trap by adding the Players Levels in the DC. If the DC of the skill is not met then the player does not face the negatives they would otherwise get in failing to pass the DC, and they gain a +5 for their next use of the skill. Profession Farmer grants bonuses to this skill when finding food sources.


This skill takes too much time to be used in a combat effectively without feats or abilities that state otherwise.


This skill cannot be used untrained



This skill used to swim, is a very handy skill to have when it comes to needing to cross bodies of water or even moving through other liquids without suffering from drowning.


The DC of the skill is based on the water/ substance conditions of flow and tide as well as the weight of supplies trying to swim with another person. While there are several factors there are only two categories for all to fall under in this skill use. The first is basic surface swimming. 

Example:                                                         DC:

            Still Water                                                         5

            Choppy Water                                                   20

            Rough Water                                                     40

            Heavy Tide                                                        60

            Stormy Water                                                    80

            Rip Tide                                                            70

            Strong Tide                                                       50

            Light Tide                                                          10

            Carrying < Medium weight limit                          +20

            Carrying > Medium weight limit                          +40 (for every category above medium)

            Carrying another person calm                                +30

            Carrying other person excited                            +60

The Second category is Diving (no not how one jumps in) the DC is based on the Con bonus of the player and the depth of the dive. (Note: undead or those that breathe water do not need to breathe thus dive is a simple swim roll as in the section above)

Example:                                                         DC:

            Dive 10 ft                                                          20

            Dive 20 ft                                                          40

            Dive 30 ft                                                          60

            Dive 40 ft                                                          80

            Dive 50 ft                                                          100

            Con Bonus +1                                                   -10

            Con Bonus +2                                                   -15

            Con Bonus +3                                                   -20

            Con Bonus +4                                                   -25

            Con Bonus +5                                                   -30

            Con Bonus -1                                                    +20

            Con Bonus -2                                                    +40

            Con Bonus -3                                                    +60

            Con Bonus -4                                                    +80


This skill is considered a movement action at all times including in underwater combat. Those that can not, breathe water or are not undead then have the DC increase each round and their Con Mod is considered one lower per each round underwater.

Try Again:

A failure on the DC has immediate danger for the player. On surface rolls, it has the player losing control at first at which a second roll is called for to regain control, failure on that roll results in drowning, while diving failure on their first roll has them drowning and a swim check is needed to attempt to make for the surface.


On the result of a natural 20 if the player passes the DC on the surface swimming they gain a bonus of 30ft to their movement, if they fail the DC they don’t take risks and lose control like they would if they got a lower result. In the case of diving, success on the DC grants a player a long time to survive by granting them a limit one higher than their set Con Mod, if they fail to meet the DC they don’t begin to drown but they don’t gain the bonus. Several devices and items can be gained to aid in this skill such as breathers, scuba tanks, water wings, and life vests.


This skill has no restrictions (with one exception [One Piece RPG only: Fruit users are weaken being underwater and can not, swim or breathe under it no matter what race they are])


This skill can be used untrained but some bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill



This skill is used to insult others, in a way to change a target’s influence on you to one of hate, or to cause a target to focus on you instead of a different person or object. It also can be skillfully used to cause distractions when acting in stealth to send guards the wrong way or get them in the line of sniper fire.  


This skill when used by the player is set to irritate or distract a target and draw their attention towards them. The DC of this skill is based on the attitude of the target and possible interactions the target has with others.

Example:                                             DC:

            Insult friendly target                               50

            Insult Neutral target                               30

            Insult Enemy target                               10

            Distract alone target                              20

            Distract target engaged in combat          60

            Distract target engaged in conversation 40


This action is a free action that can be used at any time provided one can be seen or heard to create the taunt.

Try Again:

Failure to taunt results in the player’s taunt going ignored, the player can make a second attempt in the next round (when in combat) or after they learn of the first failure out of combat.


On the result of a 20 a player that meets or passes the DC makes them the target of the one that they taunted and depending on how the one they taunted takes insults reacts towards it. If they fail to meet the DC yet roll a 20 then they gain a +5 on the next attempt. Knowing things that upset the target grants bonuses to this roll. Some feats grant this ability to do Sub-dual damage to a set target.


Some targets have Defects or Advantages that may make it hard or useless to taunt them while others might be weak to them.


This skill can be used untrained but bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill

Use Rope


This skill is used in making knots or binding people or things. A handy skill to have in keeping things in bindings, it’s also useful in making sure that rope is safe to use in climbing, or best for securing things down from moving in a vehicle.  


The DC of this skill is determined by the skill two uses, the first is to tie one down/up while the other is to secure for climbing or use to pull/lift items. The first use of this skill is vital it determines how strong and secure one has made an item/person from getting away. The DC is determined by the type of object and “rope” used to bind.

Example:                                             DC:

Vine                                                     40

Silk                                                       10

Hemp                                                   15

Cord                                                     25

Cable                                                    50

Chain                                                    60

Rubber Cord                                         30

Cloth                                                    45

Leather                                                 20

Barrel/Medium box                                +20

Crate/ Animal Pen/Cage                         +10

Small box/ Sacks                                  +40

Person Unconscious                             +15

Person Conscious                                 +30

The second use is securing for safe use to climb or lift/ pull objects/creatures/ people, the DC of the skill in this one is determined by the weight the rope needs to support. All of the following is for normally bought rope, the weight limits of chain, cable, leather, and cloth are different. The rubber cord weight limit is the same as normal rope but stretches in length when used. 

Example:                                             DC:

            < 200 lbs                                              10

            < 400 lbs                                              20

            < 800 lbs                                              40

            < 1000 lbs                                            60

            < 1300 lbs                                            80

< 1 ton                                                  100


This skill is considered a standard action for use in combat.

Try Again:

Failure on this roll is not known to the player until the object/person breaks free, escapes, or, falls down. It is up to the player to re-roll before such a thing happens. This can be done at any time. 


On the result of a 20 is the player passes the DC when binding it raises the DC of Escaping from the bindings by +20. On securing it grants a bonus +10 to climbing. If the player gets a 20 but still fails to get past the DC then they suffer no ill effects from the attempt to bind but gain no bonuses to keep the object from escaping, while securing it allows the weight of one size category lower and the player knows the weight limit it will hold.


This skill requires one has access to some type or kind of rope-like object or material.


This skill can be used untrained but bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill

Use Magic Device  


This skill is used to use the power of the tools such as staff and wands and the like.  


This skill is used to cast and control magic thru magic items. On top of the ability to have items that have spells linked to them, a player can drain an item for its mana to add to their own or infuse some of their mana in the item to improve the power of the spell. 

Example:                                             DC:

Magic Wand                                          15

Staff                                                     25

Wondrous Item                                      50

Artifact                                                  60

Sword                                                   30

Ring                                                     20

Magic Book                                          30+ Rank of Spell

Drain Item for Mana                               70

Infuse Item with Mana                            40


Using a magic item takes a full round of action as does draining. Infusing however takes 2 rounds to perform.

Try Again:

Failing to use the item results in no magical effects or casting of the spell. Failing to drain causes the player to lose 1d6 mana. Failing to infuse causes the mana they spend to be released and lost.


The result of a 1 on this skill will cause the item to explode in magical energy. On a 20 it doubles the effect of the spell it is casting. Rolling a 1 while draining or infusing causes the player to be drained completely of their mana. On a 20 they double the mana received or double the mana given (yet at the cost as if it was normal)


This skill requires one has access to some magical item.  


This skill can be used untrained but bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill

Use Technology


This Skill allows a player to control, use and even hack technology.

Check: There are two ways of using this skill, the first is being able to use a technology device as it was intended with permission or access to use it.

            Example:                                              DC:

            Access Devices Program                       10

            Access Devices Abilities                        05

            Search for info on computer                   30

            Set Alarm system                                  40

            Link Technology with vehicle                  50

            Link Technology with Race                     80 (such as Robots/Cyborgs)

            Link Technology with Weapon                40

            Link Technology with Armor                   40

            Link Technology with Technology           30

The second way to use the skill is to hack the device for knowledge, secrets, reprogram, or to gain access to its uses.

Example:                                              DC:

Hack No Security Code                         10

            Hack GL3 Security Code                       50+

            Hack GL4 Security Code                       70+

            Hack GL5 Security Code                       90+

            Hack Alarm Trigger                               40+

            Reprogram Device                                50+

            Unlock Passcode                                  30+

            Create Computer Virus                          30+


Using Technology uses one or more full rounds of actions to activate. Hacking takes 1 or more hours based on the difficulty.

Try Again:

A Failed roll will cause the device to be unresponsive, hacking it may set off an alert to its owner/maker.


On the result of a 1 on this skill will cause the item to break or become unusable without repair. On a 20 it doubles the effect of the technologies abilities. When hacking the device, the roll of a 1 will set off an alert to the technologies owner/maker.


This skill requires one has access to some technology device. 


This skill can be used untrained but bonuses only can be gained by those trained in the skill

Synergy Bonuses

Synergy Bonuses are where skill in using one skill grants you a better chance with another skill, the way this is done is for every 10 ranks the player spends in this skill grants a +2 bonus to the skill listed. Profession skills also grant an additional +10 bonus to skill on the result of a 20 on their skill roll.                                                                                

*- skills bonus is based on conditions

Escape artist Bonus from Acrobatics is only usable in escaping grapples

Appraise Bonus in Craft skills is only toward items crafted in that skill

Navigate Bonus in Knowledge Area is only in the known area

Craft Alchemy Bonus in Knowledge Poisons is on identifying chemicals/ poisons

Craft cooking Bonus in Profession Bartending is towards Brewing not cooking food

Survival Bonus in Profession Farmer is towards finding plants to eat only

Survival Bonus in Profession Fisherman is towards surviving on the sea not land

Survival Bonus in Profession Herbalist is towards finding plants to eat only

Appraise bonus in Profession Miner is towards the Value of materials/gems only

Use Magic Device bonus in Knowledge Astrology.

Appraise bonus in Profession Artist is towards Value of Art/collector items only

The medical bonus in Profession Rancher is towards Animals/monsters only

SkillBonus Skill +2 for every 10 ranksCritical Bonus Skill +10 on the result of a 20
AcrobaticsJump /Perf. Dance/ Escape Artist* 
ConcentrationControl Shape 
Craft Armor / ClothingAppraise* 
“ ” Chemistry/alchemyCraft Cooking/ Brewing 
“ “ Cooking / BrewingCraft Chemistry/ Alchemy 
“ “ Items / JewelryAppraise* 
“ “ MachinesCraft Vehicle 
“ “ VehiclesDrive 
“ “ Weapons / FirearmsAppraise* 
Decipher ScriptForgery 
Disable DeviceOpen Lock/ Escape Artist 
Drive   Pilot 
Escape ArtistUse Rope 
Knowledge AreaNavigate* 
“ “ AstrologyUse Magic Device/  Navigate 
“ “ BiologyMedicine 
“ “ Foreign CultureNavigate 
“ “ GeographySurvival 
“ “ History         Appraise 
“ “ MechanicsCraft Machines, Disable Device 
“ “ Military ScienceDemolitions, Craft Weapons 
“ “ NatureSurvival 
“ “ PoisonsCraft Alchemy*/ Medical 
Martial ArtsIntimidate 
Pick PocketGamble 
Profession BartenderSeduction/ Gather Info/ Craft Cook*Seduction
“ “ Book KeeperAll Knowledge’s/ Decipher ScriptGather Info
“ “ BumGather Info/ Diplomacy/ StreetwiseStreetwise
“ “ FarmerSurvival*/ Craft Cook/ Know NatureSurvival
“ “ FishermanPilot, Survival*/ Use RopePilot
“ “ HerbalistCraft Alchemy/ Medical/ Survival*Craft Alchemy
“ “ HomemakerCraft Cooking/ Gather Info/ SearchKnow Area (location skill is used)
“ “ LumberjackCraft Vehicle/ “ “ Machines/ RepairCraft Vehicle
“ “ MinerCraft Weapon/ Appraise*/ “ “ MachinesCraft Weapon
“ “ OfficerKnow. Law/ Intimidation/ StreetwiseIntimidation
“ “ PoliticianDiplomacy/ Seduction/ Foreign CultureDiplomacy
“ “ Potter / ArtistCrafts All/ Appraise*Craft Item
“ “ RancherMedical*/ Know Biology/ Handle AnimalHandle Animal
“ “ShopkeeperAppraise/ Foreign Culture/ ForgeryAppraise
“ “ TailorCraft Armor/ Appraise/ Craft ItemCraft Armor
“ “ Writer / ReporterGather Info/ Decipher Script/ DiplomacyGather Info
RepairCraft Vehicle / “ “ Machine 
SeductionDiplomacy/ Bluff 
Use RopeClimb