Green Lightning RPG General News

Old Naruto Character Sheet

Green Lightning RPG General News

Old Naruto Rules

Naruto was one of our first RPG rules set from 2007. Due to size of the game book we can only offer a Pdf and download like for it.

Green Lightning RPG General News

Fairy Tale Old Character Sheet

Green Lightning RPG General News

Old Fairy Tail Rules

We created this rule set right before we started creating, the Green Lightning Rules set for the game going forward. Unfortunately due to its page count we can only release this in Pdf and downloadable.

Green Lightning RPG General News

Old One Piece Rules

We orginially crafted these rules back in 2009. Due to space the Complete rules wont be posted here on the site but here is the PDF version.

Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Brawler Class – Beta Rules


LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbility
2212Tosser/ Grappler/ Fisticuffs 
4423Unarmed Damage
5523Greater lift / Biter/ Sleeper Blow
8834Forceful Throw/ Choke Hold/ Body Blow
121256Massive Lift/ Suplex/ Uppercut
161678Brutal Throw/ Pile Driver/ Punch Drunk
2020910Giant Throw/ Cage Match/ Deadly Punch

Brawler is a powerhouse formed in fighting about for sport or fun. The roughest of people found in cities often have a brawlers Fury in their wake. Built for tough brawls, the brawler is adept, if one took their weapons they foolishly over looked the true power behind the Brawler which is combat adaptability. While not as hardy as a Barbarian the brawler is a rough combative that will put the other brute class to shame at times in a proper bar room brawl.

Fury – At level 1 a Brawler can 3/day gain +2 Power +2 AC +2 Avoidance and Body Saves, for 1+level in rounds, After which the Brawler takes a point of Exhaustion 

Brawler Type

Tosser – Tosser’s are masters of thrown and improvised weapons, at 2nd level a Tosser brawler, Gains the ability to throw anything up to Medium sized based on the improvised weapons chart without taking penalties on Focus or power

Grappler – Grappler’s are masters of grappling and Wrestling, at 2nd they gain a +2 to the Body or Avoidance saves for Grappling, Additionally they take no penalties on fighting in grapples 

Fisticuffs – Fisticuffs are masters of Boxing, at 2nd level they gain +3 to Focus and Power with unarmed attacks.

Unarmed Damage – All types of brawlers now do +1d8 damage, with unarmed attacks or with improvised weapons

Greater Lift – [Tosser] – A Tosser of level 5 now can throw objects in large category  

Biter – [Grappler] – A Grappler of level 5 can do +1d6 damage, maintaining a grapple in addition to any attacks made.

Sleeper Blow – [Fisticuffs] – A Fisticuff of level 5 – can 1/day cause any target that they damage to make a Will or Body save DC 10+Damage Rolled vs Sleep 1d4 rounds

Forceful Throw – [Tosser] – At level 8 a Tosser can double the damage they do with thrown weapons or objects.

Choke Hold – [Grappler] – At level 8 a Grappler can cause a target to make a Body or Will save vs Sleep DC 10+Power Mod

Body Blow – [Fisticuffs] – At level 8 a Fisticuff can cause a target to make a Body save DC 10+ Damage Done vs lose turn

Massive Lift – [Tosser] – At level 12 a Tosser can throw Huge category sized objects

Suplex – [Grappler] – At level 12 a Grappler can do 3d12 in an attack

Uppercut – [Fisticuffs] – at level 12 a Fisicuff can do double damage and cause confusion Will or Body save DC 10+ Power Mod

Brutal Throw – [Tosser] – at level 16 a Tosser does x4 damage with thrown or improvised weapons

Pile Driver – [Grappler] – at level 16 a Grappler can do 6d12 in an attack 3/day

Punch Drunk – [Fisticuffs] – at level 16 a Fisticuff can ignore any damage that doesn’t surpass their Body score.

Giant Throw – [Tosser] – at level 20 a Tosser can throw Massive category sized objects

Cage Match – [Grappler] – at level 20 a Grappler a +10 to Dominate a Grapple

Deadly Punch   – [Fisticuffs] – at level 20 a Fisticuff can take no attack action for 3 rounds after of which the next attack does x5 damage and the target must make a Body Save DC 10+Power Mod vs Death

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Unarmed, Improvised (Tossers only) 

Armor Proficiencies: Light

Hit Die: 1d12

Skills: (points per level 30 + INT MOD), Animal Empathy, Atonement, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Notice, Ride, Survival, Swim, Taunt

Class Saves: Body, Power

Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Bounty Hunter Class – Beta Rules

Bounty Hunter

LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbility
1121Track, Wild Empathy, Snare
2231Weapon Focus
4442Trap, Trap Sense
6653Extra Action, Quick Track, +1 use of Snare
8864Pin Down, +1 use of Trap
101075Ambush Sense
121285Extra Action, +1 use of  Snare
1616107+1 use of Trap
1818118Extra Action
2020129Pin Down Radius +40ft area

A Bounty Hunter is a skilled hunter in urban environments. Skilled warriors built to bring justice down upon the wicked of the world.

Track– A Bounty Hunter adds half her level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks. They can move and track taking a -10 to the skill at normal speed, or -60 at double speed.

Wild Empathy – A Bounty Hunter can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The Bounty Hunter rolls 1d20 and adds her Bounty Hunter level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

Snare – at level 1, a Bounty Hunter can target an single enemy within 120ft, the enemy must roll a will save DC 10 + Bounty Hunter Level or become Immobile till the subject can break the DC. The Bounty hunter gets 3/day uses of this ability.

Weapon Focus – at level 2, a Bounty Hunter favors a single weapon type and because of this when using that type of weapon they gain a +2 bonus on Focus with that weapon (This is stackable with bonuses from other classes)

Trap – At level 4, the Bounty Hunter can choose a 10ft spot where no one else is occupying within 120ft of them, the trap is triggered as a target makes a movement is made through the trap Avoidance save DC 10+WIS MOD vs 1d12 damage and Halts movement, the bounty hunter has 3/day. 

Trap Sense – At level 4, the Bounty Hunter can sense traps nearby at a +10 Notice within 10ft of the trap

Quick Track – Beginning at 6th level, a Bounty Hunter can move at her normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –10 penalty. She takes only a –30 penalty (instead of the normal –60) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Extra Action – At 6th level, and again at 12th and 18th levels, the Bounty Hunter gains one extra action per round to make a second attack or make another movement action. 

Pin Down – At 8th level, the Bounty hunter can cause a 20ft of their choosing and make them make a Will save DC 10+Will Mod vs immobile, lasts till save is broken or spell / ability is used to free themselves

Ambush Sense – At 10th level, the Bounty Hunter gains a bonus +20 Notice vs an Ambush from impending threats, letting them and allies to not be caught surprised.

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial

Armor Proficiencies: Shields, Light, Medium

Hit Die: 1d8

Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD),  Acrobatics, Athletics, Atonement , Bluff, Craft, Drive, Forgery, Gather Info, Intimidate, Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Area, Knowledge Law, Medical, Notice, Profession, Stealth, Survival, Taunt, Tech

Class Saves: Avoidance, Will

Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Bard Class – Beta


LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbilityBase lvl spells
1021Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Counter Song, Healing Word, Inspiring Word, Calming Word, Fiery Word, Loving Word0
2131Bardic Magic1
3232 1
4342Confident Word, Invigorating Word, Thrashing Word, Sleeping Word2
5342 2
6453 3
7553 3
8663Greater Healing Word, Greater Inspiring Word, Enflaming Word, Protective Word4
9664 4
10774 5
11874 5
12985 Cutting Word, Confusing Word, Forceful Word, Burning Word6
13985 6
141095 7
151196 7
1612106Master Healing Word, Sheltering Word, Bursting Word, Frightening Word8
1712106 8
1813117 9
1914117 9
2015127Saving Word, Deadly Word9

Untold wonders and secrets exist for those skillful enough to discover them. Through cleverness, talent, and Abilities, these cunning few unravel the wiles of the world, becoming adept in the arts of persuasion, manipulation, and inspiration. Typically masters of one or many forms of artistry, bards possess an uncanny ability to know more than they should and use what they learn to keep themselves and their allies ever one step ahead of danger. Bards are quick-witted and captivating, and their skills might lead them down many paths, be they gamblers or jacks-of-all-trades, scholars or performers, leaders or scoundrels, or even all of the above. For bards, every day brings its own opportunities, adventures, and challenges, and only by bucking the odds, knowing the most, and being the best might they claim the treasures of each.

Role: Bards capably confuse and confound their foes while inspiring their allies to ever-greater daring. While accomplished with both weapons and Abilities, the true strength of bards lies outside melee, where they can support their companions and undermine their foes without fear of interruptions to their performances.

Bardic Knowledge – A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance – At first level the bard can make a performance equal to the number of Comeliness Mod +1 a day. The Bard gets to make the performance as a free action unless the performance type states otherwise. The bard however cannot cast a spell at the same time a performance is made. The performances options grow as the bard levels and their choice of performance can be done through the following actions.

Singing/ Vocal – This is a simple version granting no bonus or defects in using other actions for the bard and is the safest way to play a bard in combat

Playing Instrument – Bard cannot make an attack with weapons at the same time as performing but the effects of performances are doubled  

Dance/ Cheer – Bard cannot make movement actions and has -2 Avoidance and -2 AC but can make attacks and grants the performance effect as doubled

Words – Words are Performance types that the Bard chooses to perform, each time. The type of words performed do different tasks and as the bard levels they gain new words every four levels to have the option to use.

Healing Word – Bard can heal allies in a 30ft ring at a rate of 1d6 a round of the performance, up to 1 min.

Inspiring WordBard can grant all allies +5 on skill checks, instant  

Calming Word – Bards can use this to hit enemies in 30’ft ring -2 on their Focus rolls for saves and attacks, lasts 1 min

Fiery Word – Bards grant allies in 30 ft ring +2 Focus on attacks and saves, last 1min

Loving Wordbards can try and charm enemies in 30ft ring Will save DC 10+ COM Mod once the enemy is Charmed the bard can get them the enemy can’t take actions unless attacked for 1d4+1 rounds

Confident WordAt level 4, the bard can grant all allies a +2 to any save, in a battle

Invigorating Word – At level 4, the bard can grant all allies +2d8 extra hit points, last till lost

Thrashing Word – At level 4, the bard can do a sonic attack to a 30ft ring to all enemies doing 1d8+COM, instant  

Sleeping Word – At level 4, the bard can make enemies make a Will save vs Sleep DC10+COM

This last 1d6+1 rounds or when attacked or woken

Greater Healing Word – At level 8, the bard can do 2d6 healing a round to allies in 30ft ring, lasts 1 min

Greater Inspiring Word – At level 8, the bard can grant all allies the ability to reroll one skill save a day

Enflaming Word – At level 8, the bard can grant all allies a +2 to Focus and Power towards attacks (these stack with any others boost with the exception of any boost the bard already made)

lasts 1 min

Protective Word – At Level 8, the bard grants a +4 AC to all allies within 30ft (this stacks with other boosts with the exception of any made by the bard) lasts 1 min

Cutting Word – At level 12, the bard can do a sonic attack in a 60ft ring to enemies of 2d8+COM, Instant

Confusing Word – At level 12, the bard can attack enemies with a Will save vs Confusion DC15+COM, Instant, confusion last 1d6+1 rounds or till attacked

Forceful Word – At level 12, the bard can attack enemies with a Avoidance save vs Knocked Prone, DC15+COM, Instant

Master Healing Word – At level 16, the bard can now heal allies within 30ft for 3d6 a round, lasts for 1 min

Sheltering Word – At level 16, the bard can lower all enemy save attacks DC’s by 5, lasts for 1 minute

Frightening Word – At level 16, the bard can attack enemies within 30 ring, with Will save DC 15 vs Fear, Instant

Bursting Word – At level 16, the bard can do a 3d8+Con, sonic attack to all enemies within 60ft ring, Instant

Saving Word – At level 20, the bard can expel a performance to bring back an ally that has fallen recently (Within 10 minutes) back to life at 1 HP + Revival Sickness, Instant

Deadly Word – At level 20, the bard can target one enemy and have them make a 10+COM, DC Will save vs Death, Instant

Counter Song – At 1st level, a bard can expend a bardic performance, to cancel the effects of another bard. 

Bardic Magic – At Level 2 and every two levels after the Bard (in magic based games only) gains spells found in the Arcane Magic category of (Enchantment, Healing, Transmutation, and Charm only)

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Rapier, Long sword, sap, short sword, short bow, small pistol and Whip

Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shields

Hit Die: 1d6

Skills: (points per level 50 + INT MOD)

Acrobatics, Appraise, Athletics, Atonement, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Gamble, Gather Info, Knowledge (all skills ), Medical, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Slight of Hand, Profession, Seduction, Stealth, Taunt, Tech

Class Saves: Comeliness, Influence      

Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Class Barbarian: Beta


LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbility
1122Pure /Savage /Elemental Rage 1/day , Illiteracy
4444Rage 2/day
7755Damage Reduction 1/-
8866Rage 3/day
101077Damage Reduction 2/-
111177Greater Rage
121288Rage 4/day
131388Damage Reduction 3/-
141499Indomitable Will
16161010Damage Reduction 4/-, Rage 5/day
17171010Tireless Rage
19191111Damage Reduction 5/-
20201212Mighty Rage, Rage 6/day

For some, there is only rage. In the ways of their people, in the fury of their passion, in the howl of battle, conflict is all these brutal souls know. Savages, hired muscle, masters of vicious martial techniques, they are not soldiers or professional warriors—they are the battle possessed, creatures of slaughter and spirits of war. Known as barbarians, these warmongers know little of training, preparation, or the rules of warfare; for them, only the moment exists, with the foes that stand before them and the knowledge that the next moment might hold their death.

Role: Barbarians excel in combat, possessing the martial prowess and fortitude to take on foes seemingly far superior to themselves. With rage granting them boldness and daring beyond that of most other warriors, barbarians charge furiously into battle and ruin all who would stand in their way.

Illiteracy – Barbarian must take Common Language as a feat to read or write this despite having a positive bonus Intelligence  

Rage Type – The player chooses the type of Rage that they wish to use throughout the build granting the following advantages to their rages.

Pure – Player Gains +4 Focus +4 Power -2 Avoidance, Plus their Endurance Modifier in extra HP, lasts for 1+level in rounds

Savage – Player gets 3 Attack actions that round at a -2 Focus, +Endurance Modifier in extra HP, lasts in 1+level in rounds

Elemental – Players attacks do Elemental damage based on their Natural Alignment type, granting them attack bonus of +4 Power of that element, +2 AC -2 Focus +Endurance Modifier in extra HP, lasts for 1+level in rounds

While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Skills outside of Strength and Endurance based ones. After the end of their rage the Barbarian suffers from a point of exhaustion, making their movement -5 and -1 on Avoidance Saves.

A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies; see below). A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter.

At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else’s action. A barbarian can’t, for example, fly into a rage when struck down by an arrow in order to get the extra hit points from the increased Endurance, although the extra hit points would be of benefit if he had gone into a rage earlier in the round, before the arrow struck

Damage Reduction – At 7th level, a Barbarian, gains damage reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage the barbarian takes each time dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At 10th level, and every three barbarian levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.

Greater Rage– At 11th level, at this level the Barbarian boosts their bonus as follows.

Pure – Rage boost is now +5 Focus, +5 Power

Savage – Rage now grants 4 attack actions

Elemental – Rage boost is now +6 Power and grants a 10ft radius in elemental damage making those in that radius to make a Avoidance Save DC10 + Elemental Damage, +3 AC

Indomitable Will – While in rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on saves to resist Charms, illusions and Psychic Suggestions. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves also receives during rage.

Tireless Rage – Starting at 17th level, a barbarian no longer gains exhaustion at the end of rage.

Mighty Rage – At 20th level, The Barbarian achieves mastery over their rage.

Pure – Rage boosted to now be +6 Focus, + 6 Power, No more Avoidance decrease

                Savage – Rage boosted to 5 Attack actions, No Focus decrease

Elemental – Rage boosted to +8 power and grants 10ft radius in elemental damage making those in that radius to make a Avoidance Save DC10, +4 AC, -2 Focus   

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial

Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shield

Hit Die: 1d12

Skills: (points per level 30 + INT MOD), Animal Empathy, Atonement, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Notice, Ride, Survival, Swim, Taunt Class Saves: Body, Avoidance

Green Lightning RPG General News

Ability, Alignment, and Saves – Beta Rules



Each character has six rolled ability scores that represent his character’s most basic attributes. They are his raw talent and prowess. While a character rarely rolls a check using just an ability score, these scores, and the modifiers they create, affect nearly every aspect of a character’s skills and abilities. Each ability score generally ranges from 3 to 18, although racial bonuses and penalties can alter this; an average ability score is 10. The latter two abilities Spirit and Comeliness are determined by the combined score of three of the previous six

Generating Ability Scores

There are several different methods used to generate ability scores. Each of these methods gives a different level of flexibility and randomness to character generation. Special modifiers are applied after the scores are generated.

Standard: Roll 4d6, discard the lowest die result, and add the three remaining results together. Record this total and repeat the process until six numbers are generated. Assign these totals to your ability scores as you see fit. This method is less random than Classic and tends to create characters with above-average ability scores.

Classic: Roll 3d6 and add the dice together. Record this total and repeat the process until you generate six numbers. Assign these results to your ability scores as you see fit. This method is quite random, and some characters will have clearly superior abilities. This randomness can be taken one step further. With the totals applied to specific ability scores in the order they are rolled. Characters generated using this method are difficult to fit to predetermined concepts, as their scores might not support given classes or personalities, and instead are best designed around their ability scores.

Heroic: Roll 2d6 and add 6 to the sum of the dice. Record this total and repeat the process until six numbers are generated. Assign these totals to your ability scores as you see fit. This is less random than the Standard method and generates characters with mostly above-average scores.

Dice Pool: Each character has a pool of 24d6 to assign to his statistics. Before the dice are rolled, the player selects the number of dice to roll for each score, with a minimum of 3d6 for each ability. Once the dice have been assigned, the player rolls each group and totals the result of the three highest dice. For more high-powered games, the GM should increase the total number of dice to 28. This method generates characters of a similar power to the Standard method.

Purchase: Each character receives a number of points to spend on increasing his basic attributes. In this method, all attributes start at a base of 10. A character can increase an individual score by spending some of his points. Likewise, he can gain more points to spend on other scores by decreasing one or more of his ability scores. No score can be reduced below 7 or raised above 18 using this method. After all the points are spent, apply any racial modifiers the character might have. The number of points you have to spend using the purchase method depends on the type of campaign you are playing. The standard value for a character is 15 points. Average non-player characters (NPCs) are typically built using as few as 3 points. See Table 1–2 on the next page for several possible point values depending on the style of campaign. The purchase method emphasizes player choice and creates equally balanced characters.

Luck of the Draw:  What is needed for this is a deck of cards and a set of dice (multiple dice sets are suggested)

The Drawing: Well now that we know about the ability scores now, we need to know how to determine them. At creation all characters have all 10s to start. At either end the soul must gamble with the creator to determine your starting abilities. The Player shuffles the deck in front of the GM to avoid cheating then hands the deck back to the GM for inspection. After noting that the deck is random the player will draw 6 cards and lay them face down on the table. The player can decide to keep a 10 in any ability but once decided he cannot go back unless he draws the joker. If the player is unsatisfied with average he or she can decide to gamble with the creator for greater ability. The player then places his wager which can be as small as a Coin toss or as high as a d8 which is the dream of great power.

Once the wager is laid the GM must ask “Your Fate has been Judged! Do you Accept Fate?”

If the player says no then the bet is off and they have their 10. If they say yes, the card is turned over to reveal their fate. If the Card is red then they have won the wager and may roll their dice and add that number to their current score. If the card is Black then they lose the wager and must subtract that amount. If the player takes the highest of the bets either win or lose and rolls the maximum amount they are bid to roll again. If the maximum amount is rolled a second time, they are allowed to roll an extra d4 to add to their stat in the case of a win and the stat is reduced to 1 in the case of a loss. If the player has drawn the joker Chaos has decided to allow for a change to fate. The color of the card still determines loss or gain but the amount of the bet may be changed with the added penalties or bonuses it may give. If the player draws a joker when they decided not to gamble, they are given the chance to roll a die if they wish to add or subtract depending on the color of the joker involved. They are always allowed to keep their 10 if they chose not to gamble and those stats not gambled on are always held to the last.  This Choice is Utter Chaos and can result in a weak character as often as a strong one. So it is suggested when a player chooses this method to roll that the GM offer a bonus level, ability or Build Points.

Determine Stat Bonuses

1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 ect.-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 +

The Ability score is divided by 2 (rounded) to get the result of a of a Bonus to an ability to higher the ability the greater the bonus.

The Abilities

Each ability partially describes your character and affects some of his actions.

Strength – Determines the Players Physical Strength as it plays into Saves, Skills, Grapples, Carry Weight

Dexterity – Determines the Players ability to move as it plays into the players Saves, Skills, Speed, Bonus Actions, Initiative

Endurance – Determines the Players ability to take a hit as it plays into the players Saves, Skills, HP, Resistances

Intelligence – Determines the Players ability to learn as it plays into the players Saves, Skills, Studying, Skill Points, #Spells/Powers

Wisdom – Determines the Players ability to Perceive as it plays into the players Saves, Skills, # Spells/powers, Perception, Psychic Points 

Charisma – Determines the Players ability to convey their presence as it plays into the players Saves, Skills, # Spells/Powers, Magical Points

Strength (Str)

Strength measures muscle and physical power. This ability is important for those who engage in hand-to-hand (or “melee”) combat, such as Warrior, Monks, Martial Artists. Strength also sets the maximum amount of weight your character can carry. A character with a Strength score of 0 is too weak to lift anything including clothing worn. Some creatures do not possess a Strength score and have no modifier at all to Strength-based skills or checks.

You apply your character’s Strength modifier to:

• Strength Determines the Players Carry Weight

• Athletics, Martial Arts skill checks.

• Strength is used Body, Influence, Power, and Comeliness Saves.

• Strength is used to roll a D20 roll for Grappling with any bonuses the players have to attack or avoid grapples. Grapples made to held items have a -4. 

Classes Best for High Strength – Brawler, Super, Martial Artist, Warrior, Samurai, Solider  

Dexterity (Dex)

Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it’s also useful for characters who wear light or medium armor or no armor at all. Dexterity is used to determine a player’s base speed and Initiative. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).

You apply your character’s Dexterity modifier to:

• Dexterity is used to determine the Players bonus to Speed and additional Actions that they can do in a round.

•Body, Focus, Will, Avoidance saving throws, for avoiding explosives and other attacks that you can escape by moving quickly.

• Acrobatics, Disable, Drive, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skill checks.

• Dexterity plus a D20 roll and bonuses are used to determine the Initiative order in battles

Classes Best for High Dexterity- Bounty Hunter, Gunslinger, Ninja, Ranger, Scout, Swashbuckler, Vigilante 

Endurance (End)

Endurance represents your character’s health and stamina. An Endurance bonus increases a character’s hit points, so the ability is important for all classes. Some creatures, such as undead and constructs, do not have an Endurance score. Their modifier is +0 for any Endurance-based checks. A character with an Endurance score of 0 is dead, the exception of which is undead or a construct which does not have this score counted.

You apply your character’s Endurance modifier to:

• Each roll of a Hit Die (though a penalty can never drop a result below 1—that is, a character always gains at least 1 hit point each time he advances in level).

• Resistance saving throws, for resisting poison, disease, addictions and similar threats to ones body.

If a character’s Endurance score changes enough to alter his or her Endurance modifier, the character’s hit points also increase or decrease accordingly.

• Endurance is used on the saves of Body, Power, Influence, and Avoidance

• Endurance is used on the skills, Control Shape

Classes Best for High Endurance

Barbarians, Paladin, Pirate, Punk, Savage, Survivor, Trainer, War Mage

Intelligence (Int)

Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons. Creatures of animal-level instinct have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2. Any creature capable of understanding speech has a score of at least 3. A character with an Intelligence score of 0 is comatose. Some creatures do not possess an Intelligence score. Their modifier is +0 for any Intelligence-based skills or checks.

You apply your character’s Intelligence modifier to:

• Study – Intelligence Modifier is used for the player to learn new languages, Spells, Powers and skills. The GM will determine the player has to meet a DC to learn these before spending on the points adding these or gaining them in the case of new skills or languages. Players start with the number of languages equal to their bonus in Intelligence. If a player has a Negative in Intelligence they know how to speak common but cannot read or write without rolling a D20 – Int Modifier vs DC 10. Additionally Study can be used to influence the DC of a puzzle/ riddle/ Faded or rare written languages  

• Skill Points, Players with a Int Mod in the positive gains additional points for skills, Players with a Negative Modifier get the Base bonus skill points. 

• Intelligence is used in Appraise, Craft, or Knowledge skill checks.

• Intelligence is used in the following saves, Focus, Power, Spirit, and Comeliness

• Intelligence is used to determine the number of Spells/ Powers that Mages, Wander, Lore Masters, Students, Oracle, and Artificer

Classes Best for High Intelligence

Artificer, Lore master, Mage, Mechanic, Oracle, Rogue, Student, Wanderer

Wisdom (Wis)

Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition. Wisdom is the most important ability for Monks for greater Bonus to their Armor Class (AC), Psychic’s attacks are also strongly based on their Wisdom score and it is a useful thing for all classes for noticing ones surroundings. If you want your character to have acute senses, put a high score in Wisdom. Every creature has a Wisdom score. A character with a Wisdom score of 0 is incapable of rational thought and is unconscious.

You apply your character’s Wisdom modifier to:

• Wisdom is used in the following Saves Focus, Spirit, Will, and Avoidance

•Medical, Notice, Profession, Gather Info, Handel Animal, Atonement, Empathy and Survival checks.

• Monks use their Wisdom Score to raise their AC.

• Psychics, Priests, Empaths, Druids, Chemists, War Mage and Sorcerers use Wisdom to determine the Number of Spells that they have

• Wisdom is Determined the amount of Power Points (PP) the players have to use powers   

Classes Best for High Wisdom

Chemists, Druids, Empaths, Cleric, Healer, Monk, Priest, Psychic, Sorcerer

Charisma (Cha)

Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, and ability to lead. It is the most important ability for Trainers, and bards. It is also important for Nurses, since it affects their ability to both heal and add to their thrown weapon attack. For undead creatures, Charisma is a measure of their unnatural “life-force.” Every creature has a Charisma score. A character with a Charisma score of 0 is not able to exert themselves in any way.

You apply your character’s Charisma modifier to:

• Charisma is used in the following skills, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Seduction and Perform checks.

• Nurses use Charisma to add to their thrown weapon attacks to hit

• Mana Points, Charisma is used to Build a players Magical Points to cast spells.

• Charisma is used to determine the Players, Spirit, Will, Influence, and Comeliness saves   

• Warlocks, Magic Girls, Bards, Trainers, Witches, Geomancers, Paladins, and Enforcers use Charisma to Determine the number of Spells/ Powers per level

Classes Best for High Charisma

Bard, Enforcers, Geomancer, Magic girls, Noble, Warlocks, Witch


Saves are rolls used to protect the player from actions or used to perform actions like pushing, bonuses to attacks, AC, and Damage. At times the DM may ask the players to roll a save to determine their success in the type of action to avoid or perform.

Avoidance (Avo) – Dex, Wis, End (Determines the subjects AC Bonus both armored or not [unless otherwise stated], as well as their ability to spot weaknesses in objects, walls, vehicles or injuries)

Body (Bod) – Str, Dex, End (Grants save against physical- Disease/ Drugs/Chemicals / magic / natural Attacks added to d20 roll)

Focus (Foc) – Dex, Int, Wis (Grants Bonuses to Hit [Unless otherwise stated, also the ability to cast magic or use a power while being attacked)

Comeliness (Com) –  Str, Int, Cha (Determines the Subjects natural enternal / External Beauty granting bonuses on Prices, Renown, infamy added to d20 roll[unless otherwise stated], Also used to influence people into improving or dropping their attitude towards player.)

Influence (Inf)  –  Str, Cha , End (Grants Bonus, Casting Charms, Enchantments, Diplomacy, Fear added to d20 [Unless otherwise stated])

Power (Pow) – Str, End, Int (Grants Bonus to Damage Dice [Unless otherwise stated], Also is used to pull, push, Bend, Break things/creatures physically)

Spirit (Spi) –  Wis, Int, Cha  (Grants Bonus to Magical Healing and Blessed / Unholy attacks, and Perceiving the presence of others added to a d20 roll)

Will (Wil) – Wis, Dex, Cha (Grants save against non-physical and spiritual attacks added chosen dice [Unless otherwise stated], also grants the player the ability to better break through Magical Defenses)

Determining your Saves Scores

Add the Total Bonus from the three stats that make up that save, then using that number use Chart 1.2 to see where your number total lands on the Bonus granted to that save. Add any Advantage / Disadvantage, and Feature Bonus to that score and that equals your total score before the roll.

Example:  Player wants to know their Body Save the save is (Strength 18 + Dexterity 10 + Endurance 14 = 42 [Using chart 1.1 42= +4 to this save] Thus the base for the save is +4, The player also has a Feature the grants them a +2, A Disability that grants them a -1 Thus the Total score before the roll is +5, this gets added to the result of the roll on a d20)

Chart 1.2   Determining the Base Save
3 Stats Base Added#Base Save Result
00-09+ 0
10-19+ 1
20-29+ 2
30-39+ 3
40-49+ 4
50-59+ 5
60 ++ 6
For every 10 Points in the added number gain a +1

Character Build Points

All players start the game with Build points at the start of the game and automatically gain another 5 points after every level these points can be spent on any of the following. The Amount of beginning build points depend on how high powered the GM wants the game to be. The levels are as follows.

High Powered Game = 30 Starting Points

Medium Powered Game = 20 Starting Points

Low Powered Game = 10 Starting Points

Special attacks/ Powers / create spell* – Grant a new attack based of ether powers, chi, or physical abilities of that character – + BP points Based on the power building chart

HP Boost – Gains a Bonus hit die roll – 4 BP point (Not available in Survival/Normal Games)

HP Max Boost – Gains a Maxed Hit die result without having to roll – 3 BP points (Not Available in Survival/Normal Games)

Additional Use* – grants a bonus use per day of special ability, power or attack – 3 BP points

Extra Skill Points – Grants more 5 skill points at this time – 1 BP points

New Feat* – Grants an extra Feat – 5 BP points

Tier Ability – Grants an abilities through the options of Tiers – 3 BP points or reward prize

Stat Boost – Only available at creation, the player may boost a stat by +2 at the cost of – 8 BP Points

Save Bonus – Only available at creation, the player may boost one save by +2 at the cost of – 8 BP points

Combos* – The true way to fight in the game. Combining or Linking Abilities, Powers to Techniques or having two Techniques work together in a single attack or action – 2 BP points

Unlock Races – Standard races cost no build points, but some races and types that are more powerful will demand the use of a player’s Build points to use to gain access to them – BP cost listed with Race Choice

Gain a Quirk – Player can gain a quirk of their choosing from the Backstory section after the results of their backstory was already chosen – 2 BP Points

Bonus Spells/Technique – Player can spend build points to start with more spells [created by others or listed in spell/ Technique section] then they get at their creation – 2 BP points per new spell

Bonus Spell Type* – Player can open a new spell type for them to use – 5 BP points

Class Skill – Player can make a skill that is not part of their class a skill they have as a class skill – 1 BP point

Class Save – Player can make a save become a class save gaining the bonus that they get each level to that save (limit can only be done once) – 6 BP points

Re-roll – Player can spend a Build Points to reroll any roll (1 time) – 1 BP point

Extra Action – (Can’t be done till 5th level) –player can make an extra action for a bonus attack or movement action. Per turn – 10 BP points

Advantage – Player can spend points to gain the ability of Advantage on a Skill or Save, once unlocked they always have this unless something it done to prevent this. When the player has advantage they can roll two dice and take the higher result. – 10 BP points.

Speed Boost – Player can add +10 to their characters speed movement – 5 BP points

Power Burn – Power burn is done much the way Action points are done in game. If the player has any unspent points and is in a dire situation they can use their power point to aid them in this situation. The situations are as follows.

Saving Grace: Player is knocked well below –10 and should be dead but spends their point to be stabilized at -10 instead – 1 BP point

Heroic Surge: Player spends a point to be granted a temp +10 to all hits for the next Game Hour – 1 BP point

Slam Master: Player spends a point to be granted a temp x2 to all damage rolls for the next Game Hour – 1 BP point

Angel of Mercy: Player spends a point to bring another dead player back from the dead to stabilized -10 BP points

* – can also be gained in game through battle lessons or spending learning or training.  

Character Alignment

Unlike other games the Character alignment is less a basis of where one stands in Good and evil sense on a moral sense, and more where they stand on a mental level. The two categories stand as Laws and Mental Status

Laws Alignments

(O) Order – A person of order has a strong sense of laws ether of social or personal nature. They use these laws to guide their actions through choices.

(F) Freewill – A person of individual choice. The hardest of the choices a freewill person takes and weighs the decisions of each choice. Choosing the one that they feel will be best at the time.

(C) Chaos – A person of Chaos never makes choices and lets events play out as they go. Often they will do something merely to see what chaos is comes from it. 

Mental Status

(S) Sane – A sane person is solid strong mind that thinks things through to their conclusion.

(W) Weird – A Weird person will make random thoughts and actions.

(I) Insane – A Insane Person will make crazy non-sense-based decisions in their life.

Example of how each player works on a situation.

The group arrives in a massive room. A large Casket with Gold coins spilling out stands on a raised dais in the middle of the room, columns line the room each with a nude statue. A massive Beast stands between the party and is ready to attack.

The OS Character will strike at the beast in the most logical way

The OW Character will seek for a way to start a chain reaction of explosives on the Statues in the room to harm the beast with shrapnel.

The OI Character will also seek for a way to start a chain reaction but on the columns of the room. Hoping to bring the room down on it and then digging the treasure free afterwards.

The FS will let the Beast move to attack them and spring an attack on them as an act of defense.

The FW will let the Beast attack his teammates then attack it from behind.

The FI will let the Beast attack his Teammates while he goes after the treasure.

The CS will try to go around the beast striking it from behind, while ducking behind the statues, hoping the beast’s strength won’t push the statues into the columns crushing him.

The CW will run head forward willing to take the beast head on.

The CI will run head first on a suicide bomb quest of trying to toss explosives into the beast’s mouth or personally delivering them.

Now the Beast lay dead and the treasure before them.

The OS character will study the dais making sure it’s not trapped then will demand they divide the treasure fairly between the party.

The OW character will let the others pick up the treasure in turns. Choosing the items that fit for each member perfectly.

The OI character will divide the treasure in piles of equal size and give a pile to each member.

The FS character will divide the treasure giving items to those that contribute the most or give the best use to each member.

The FW character will divide the treasure into items of value to sell off and items that may be useful to him.

The FI character will randomly hand out treasure to those he feels may be useful later.

The CS character will gather the treasure and take what they find they want if they can use it or not for use or sale later.

The CW character will demand the group gamble for the treasure here and now.

The CI character will take all the treasure and toss it in the air what falls near each person is theirs to keep.

Natural Alignment (Optional Rule)

In all games characters have a Natural Alignment. This is the elements of Nature that they find a greater draw to them. The Natural Alignment can manifest itself in learning technique, empowering techniques, or powers, and even in granting special abilities at time. Each person has one of these Alignments. Some classes and abilities use this alignment to empower the players but the following is important.

Natural Alignments
ElementStrong AgainstWeak AgainstCombinable With
FireIceWaterMetal, Wind
WaterFireLightningIce, Earth
EarthLightningIceWater, Metal
WindPoisonEarthMetal, Fire
LightningWaterMetalPoison, Fire
PoisonMetalWindLightning, Water
MetalEarthFireWind, Fire
IceWindPoisonWater, Wind

(Optional Rule, Resistance) When the player chooses their alignment, they gain a +2 Resistance of that element and +4 resistances of the element that they are strong against, and the player gains takes double damage from natural elements that your type is weak to.

In some classes like Barbarian, and all magic classes that make Elemental magic a type they can learn. The players attacks unless otherwise stated are based on the players Natural Alignment. Additionally, if two or more players make a combination attack with the same or Combinable elements, they do greater damage with the attack. If the player wants to counter spell or attack a use of one element, a strong type will always win whereas neither strong nor weak attack depend on the casters Spirit Save. 

Holy to Tainted Alignments

A third alignment for those that use holy based attacks or spells that they gain from higher power (I.E. – Clerics in traditional terms). These players gain a Second alignment. That of being along the more traditional lines of Good and Evil. These alignments are…

Holy – Magic used to improve and aid the living
Neutral – Has no opinion can use powers of both holy and Tainted
Tainted – Magic used to corrupt and destroy

Plus, the Lawful alignments (See Above). If a player falls out of this alignment from the ones granting them power, their power is sealed till an amendment or new connection is made to regain their magical power.  We will go into these more in the Building Magic part of the rules.

Optional Rule

God and their alignment

While its not required, to build a larger world one key element is gods people look to follow. From just flavor text to all powerful beings that watch over the players its up to the GM on what to use. And which gods to go with. But we here at Green Lightning have some pre made gods for you, based on the alignment that they follow stronger. Along with the domain of magic they offer their followers.

Holy Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
LiberGod of ProtectionLiberOrder HolyEnhancement
EmpyreanGod of SkyHorusFreewill HolyWind
AeonGod of the MoonBastetOrder HolyShadow
KliegGod of LightBaldrFreewill HolyLight
SavolGod of MedicineAsclepiusFreewill HolyHealing
SolGod of the SunApolloOrder HolyLight
Holo’kelGod of the HarvestSventovidChaos HolyConjuration
Xava’rulGoddess of SpiritsAmaterasuChaos HolyNecromancy
UzzaGod of StrengthUzzaChaos HolyEnhancement
KhepriGoddess of RebirthNinlilFreewill HolyNecromancy

Holy Gods

Holy Gods are those that prioritize helping those that live and build into improving the world.

Neutral Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
Sud’laGoddess of LoveInannaChaos NeutralCharm
Bloom WalkerGod of NatureSilvanusChaos NeutralNature
ValiGod of ArcheryValiFreewill NeutralEnhancement
FestorieGod of WineDionysusFreewill NeutralCharm
CronosGod of TimeCronosOrder NeutralTime
PrometheusGod of FireHeliosFreewill NeutralFire
StribogGod of FateStribogOrder NeutralQuintessence
The LadyGoddess of LuckEbisuChaos NeutralPlayer’s choice
Sol’magusGod of MagicOgmaOrder NeutralEvocation
TinkererGod of ScienceDian CechtFreewill NeutralQuintessence

Neutral Gods

Neutral Gods are those that tend to be a combination of Magical enhancements and charms with more a Las fair attitude to helping or hurting the living

Tainted Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
TiamatGoddess of DragonsTiamatChaos TaintedEvocation
HelGoddess of undeadHelFreewill TaintedNecromancy
MaraGoddess of DeathMarzanaOrder TaintedBlood
DesireGod of LustErosChaos TaintedCharm
VizariusGod of CrueltyChernobogFreewill TaintedBlood
OyaGoddess of StormsOyaChaotic TaintedLightning
Mor’GainGod of DemonsMorriganOrder TaintedConjuration
Lunah KrayGoddess of InsanityErisChaos TaintedMind
Div’nulGod of DestructionNergalFreewill TaintedVoid
Shadow StriderGod of  ThievesFoxFreewill TaintedShadow
Tal’okGod of WarTar’lokOrder TaintedBlood
Flesh WeaverGod of CorruptionFlesh WeaverChaos TaintedTransmutation

Tainted Gods

Tainted Gods are those that prioritize bringing Pain and disaster to the world, the darkest of gods power comes from this lineup.

Order Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
HermitGod of WisdomOdinOrder NeutralTime
TyrGod of CourageTyrOrder HolyEnhancement
Law BringerGod of LawsShangtiOrder NeutralEvocation
Lady OshunGoddess of DestinyOshunOrder HolySpace
TetanusGod of EarthTetanusOrder NeutralEarth
JahdoreGod of WorkEopsinOrder NeutralMagnetic
Darz’aolGod of the UndergroundArawnOrder TaintedEarth
UtuGod of JudgementUtuOrder TaintedVoid
Silver KingGod of rivers and lakesSliver KingOrder NeutralWater

Order Gods

Order Gods, a gods focused on laws be it of nature or law and order among the living world.

Freewill Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
HunvoleGod of HuntingUllrFreewill NeutralNature
EstoreGod of SpringYariloFreewill HolyQuintessence
UmbraGod of NightSusanooFreewill TaintedShadow
TempestGod of WindFujinFreewill NeutralWind
Baster RoanGoddess of HorsesEponaFreewill HolyConjuration
BahamutGod of Beasts BahamutFreewill NeutralNature
Divine PainterGod of RainbowsIstaranFreewill HolyEvocation
TravelerGod of TravelAttonisFreewill NeutralIllusion
HearthGoddess of DoorwaysPhoebesFreewill NeutralSpace
Wild HuntGods of ChangeThe Wild HuntFreewill TaintedIce
ZepnederGod of SummerAineFreewill NeutralFire
AyaGoddess of DawnAyaFreewill HolyLight
AoGoddess of PurityAoFreewill HolyHealing

Freewill Gods

Freewill Gods empathize freedom, choice and finding your own way in life.

Chaos Gods
NameGod of…Also known asAlignmentMagic Domain
Blood DrinkerGod of ViolenceSethChaos TaintedBlood
YotilGod of ChaosLokiChaos TaintedIllusion  
DimoutGod of DarknessPanguChaos NeutralShadow
LeviathanGod of SeaLeviathanChaos NeutralWater
Au’fe LucreGod of WealthCaishenChaos TaintedMagnetic
Carrion KingGod of SacrificeHuizilopochtliChaos TaintedBlood
Tal’locGod of RainTlalocChaos HolyWater
CoyotlGod of TrickeryCoyoteChaos NeutralConjuration
Jorg’ventylGod of Nature’s FuryEnlilChaos TaintedNature
Storm RiderGod of LightningRaijinChaos NeutralLightning  
SkaoiGoddess of WinterSkaoiChaos NeutralIce

Chaos Gods

Chaos Gods are those that seek to challenge the lives of other be it for good or evil, these gods tend to be the most erratic of gods.

The CW will run head forward willing to take the beast head on.

The CI will run head first on a suicide bomb quest of trying to toss explosives into the beast’s mouth or personally delivering them.

Now the Beast lay dead and the treasure before them.

The OS character will study the dais making sure it’s not trapped then will demand they divide the treasure fairly between the party.

The OW character will let the others pick up the treasure in turns. Choosing the items that fit for each member perfectly.

The OI character will divide the treasure in piles of equal size and give a pile to each member.

The FS character will divide the treasure giving items to those that contribute the most or give the best use to each member.

The FW character will divide the treasure into items of value to sell off and items that may be useful to him.

The FI character will randomly hand out treasure to those he feels may be useful later.

The CS character will gather the treasure and take what they find they want if they can use it or not for use or sale later.

The CW character will demand the group gamble for the treasure here and now.

The CI character will take all the treasure and toss it in the air what falls near each person is theirs to keep.

Natural Alignment (Optional Rule)

In all games characters have a Natural Alignment. This is the elements of Nature that they find a greater draw to them. The Natural Alignment can manifest itself in learning technique, empowering techniques or powers, and even in granting special abilities at time. Each person has one of these Alignments. Some classes and abilities use this alignment to empower the players but the following is important.

Natural Alignments
ElementStrong AgainstWeak AgainstCombinable With
FireIceWaterMetal, Wind
WaterFireLightningIce, Earth
EarthLightningIceWater, Metal
WindPoisonEarthMetal, Fire
LightningWaterMetalPoison, Fire
PoisonMetalWindLightning, Water
MetalEarthFireWind, Fire
IceWindPoisonWater, Wind

(Optional Rule, Resistance) When the player chooses their alignment they gain a +2 Resistance of that element and +4 resistances of the element that they are strong against, and the player gains takes double damage from natural elements that your type is weak to.

In some classes like Barbarian, and all magic classes that make Elemental magic a type they can learn. The players attacks unless otherwise stated are based on the players Natural Alignment. Additionally if two or more players make a combination attack with the same or Combinable elements they do greater damage with the attack. If the player wants to counter spell or attack a use of one element, a strong type will always win whereas neither strong nor weak attack depend on the casters Spirit Save.