Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Brawler Class – Beta Rules


LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbility
2212Tosser/ Grappler/ Fisticuffs 
4423Unarmed Damage
5523Greater lift / Biter/ Sleeper Blow
8834Forceful Throw/ Choke Hold/ Body Blow
121256Massive Lift/ Suplex/ Uppercut
161678Brutal Throw/ Pile Driver/ Punch Drunk
2020910Giant Throw/ Cage Match/ Deadly Punch

Brawler is a powerhouse formed in fighting about for sport or fun. The roughest of people found in cities often have a brawlers Fury in their wake. Built for tough brawls, the brawler is adept, if one took their weapons they foolishly over looked the true power behind the Brawler which is combat adaptability. While not as hardy as a Barbarian the brawler is a rough combative that will put the other brute class to shame at times in a proper bar room brawl.

Fury – At level 1 a Brawler can 3/day gain +2 Power +2 AC +2 Avoidance and Body Saves, for 1+level in rounds, After which the Brawler takes a point of Exhaustion 

Brawler Type

Tosser – Tosser’s are masters of thrown and improvised weapons, at 2nd level a Tosser brawler, Gains the ability to throw anything up to Medium sized based on the improvised weapons chart without taking penalties on Focus or power

Grappler – Grappler’s are masters of grappling and Wrestling, at 2nd they gain a +2 to the Body or Avoidance saves for Grappling, Additionally they take no penalties on fighting in grapples 

Fisticuffs – Fisticuffs are masters of Boxing, at 2nd level they gain +3 to Focus and Power with unarmed attacks.

Unarmed Damage – All types of brawlers now do +1d8 damage, with unarmed attacks or with improvised weapons

Greater Lift – [Tosser] – A Tosser of level 5 now can throw objects in large category  

Biter – [Grappler] – A Grappler of level 5 can do +1d6 damage, maintaining a grapple in addition to any attacks made.

Sleeper Blow – [Fisticuffs] – A Fisticuff of level 5 – can 1/day cause any target that they damage to make a Will or Body save DC 10+Damage Rolled vs Sleep 1d4 rounds

Forceful Throw – [Tosser] – At level 8 a Tosser can double the damage they do with thrown weapons or objects.

Choke Hold – [Grappler] – At level 8 a Grappler can cause a target to make a Body or Will save vs Sleep DC 10+Power Mod

Body Blow – [Fisticuffs] – At level 8 a Fisticuff can cause a target to make a Body save DC 10+ Damage Done vs lose turn

Massive Lift – [Tosser] – At level 12 a Tosser can throw Huge category sized objects

Suplex – [Grappler] – At level 12 a Grappler can do 3d12 in an attack

Uppercut – [Fisticuffs] – at level 12 a Fisicuff can do double damage and cause confusion Will or Body save DC 10+ Power Mod

Brutal Throw – [Tosser] – at level 16 a Tosser does x4 damage with thrown or improvised weapons

Pile Driver – [Grappler] – at level 16 a Grappler can do 6d12 in an attack 3/day

Punch Drunk – [Fisticuffs] – at level 16 a Fisticuff can ignore any damage that doesn’t surpass their Body score.

Giant Throw – [Tosser] – at level 20 a Tosser can throw Massive category sized objects

Cage Match – [Grappler] – at level 20 a Grappler a +10 to Dominate a Grapple

Deadly Punch   – [Fisticuffs] – at level 20 a Fisticuff can take no attack action for 3 rounds after of which the next attack does x5 damage and the target must make a Body Save DC 10+Power Mod vs Death

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Unarmed, Improvised (Tossers only) 

Armor Proficiencies: Light

Hit Die: 1d12

Skills: (points per level 30 + INT MOD), Animal Empathy, Atonement, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Notice, Ride, Survival, Swim, Taunt

Class Saves: Body, Power

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