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Green Lightning – Quirks and Defects

Quirks / Defects

Quirks and defects add a flavor to your character granting them a set personality some benefit while others harm. So why not just take advantages and not defects you ask. It’s simple like other such games you have a limit of quirks you can take, and equally defects. A player can start the game with 2 Quirks and can take up to 6 defects. For every 2 defects, a player takes they can take a new quirk. But since the limit is 6 total defects at the start of the game (defects could be added later but they do not count to more quirks than the max at the start) granting the players the chance to have 5 quirks if they take all 6 defects.


The Mental

Easily Amused – You get Impressed Easily, Performances act better with you (+10 perform)

Eidetic Memory – Your memory is better than others, you can recall many things important, Character rolls a 1d6 on a 1thru 3 they recall most of the info, 4 or 5 recall pieces of the info, 6 normal memory

Great Wisdom – The character has live a life full of lessons and learned from them (-1 END, +2 WIS)

Mental Guardian – The character has such a strong sense of self-worth their inner voice can fight off invaders with magical other means of entrapping the character in illusions +4 to all saves involving illusions

Nerd – Characters a book worm that spent many days studying (-1 STR +2 INT)

Psychic Resistant – The character stand strong against the mental attacks from psychic attacks, +4 ADS verse Psychic Energy

Random Knowledge – Character knows random bits of knowledge, on all knowledge skills they roll a 1d6 on a 5-6 they gain that knowledge as a class skill if their class doesn’t offer it


Hard Worker – Character finds enjoyment in doing work, +2 on all attack/ save rolls involved in doing the job and +5 on all skill rolls

Playa – Skilled master of seduction to the point it can land you in trouble at times (+10 Seduction)


Black Hole Stomach – You can go on eating without getting full, eat x5 the number of normal people

Cardio Workout – Player starts the game with an additional point in their DEX stat; they however are addicted to working out each day much the same way as a drug addict level 1

Double Jointed – The character’s body can dislodge joints at will, +10 to Escape Artist

Eagle Eye – The character has a keen sense of sight, +5 to Notice and Search checks

Fast Healer – You heal wounds a little better than others, all hospital stays are ½ the time

Girl / Guy Magnet – You have the ability to gather crowds of one or both sexes to you because of your looks, -15 to Stealth (Hide), +5 Diplomacy

Good looker – Player starts the game with an additional point in their CHA stat. They however are obsessed with their looks and must make a will save or pause to check themselves in mirrors

Hit the Weights – The player starts the game with an additional point in their STR stat. They however are addicted to working out each day much the same way as a drug addict level 1

Personal Style – The character has a personal way of movement that can be odd, +5 to Perform

Pleasant Smell – Your body gives off a pleasant and pleasing scent attracting others to you +5 Seduction.

Powerful Immune System – Your character is resistant to weak Diseases, Player ignores DC 15 or below diseases

Strong Stomach – Your character is resistant to weak poisons, Player ignores DC 15 or below poisons

Super Hearing – The character has a keen sense of hearing, +10 to Notice Checks

Work Out Fanatic – Player starts the game with an additional point in their END stat; they however are addicted to working out each day much the same way as a drug addict level 1

The Weird

Big Brother/ Sister – The character has a strong bond with a powerfully skilled fighter in the world

Contacts – You tend to know people that know things, +10 Gather Info rolls

Family Heirloom – The character gains an item or money passed down through the ages, Character gets a magic item or significant amount of money at the start of the game, losing the item is a very bad issue with the character’s family 

Good Family Name – You come from a well known/liked Family, +5 on Social rolls

Kind to All Creatures – The player is well-loved among all animals of the world +10 Animal empathy

Lucky – The character seems to be a lucky person things always seem to go his way, Character can re-roll a non-combat role 1/day

Past Adventure – The character starts the game with a higher good reputation for a past adventure

Plain Faced – Characters face is so plain it blends in with others well +10 Stealth in Urban environments

Significant Other – You have someone close to you that you are willing to protect, gain Loyal Feat, and give it to NPC (if you have Leadership NPC has levels if not they count as a commoner)


The Mental                                                                           

Absent-Minded – Characters have difficulty remembering the specific details of things. Their mind tends to wander or they become hyper-focused on some projects to the exclusion of nearly everything else. Following verbal directions and remembering names is fairly difficult. (Will Save DC 20 to remember simple things like names or verbal directions) 

A.D.D. – Your mind is hard to ever set in one place (DC 20 Will save vs. Distraction)

Annoying Optimist – Player is positive on all things to the point that they annoy someone 1/day (-10 all social rolls to that person)

Chronic Lair – You are known for lying all the time, (-10 to Diplomacy) people are less likely to trust your lies

Day mares – The character is prone to have nightmares while awake, Will Save DC 15 versus Fear at random times

Depressed – Character is prone to fits of depression; random roll (Will save DC 15 vs. Depression)

Easily Distracted – Your mind wanders easily, (DC 10 Will save vs. Distraction)

Exhibitionist – Player feels the urge to expose themselves to others at times random (Will DC 20 vs. Strip) when the GM calls for the roll to be made

Gender Identity Disorder – Character thinks they should be another gender, DC 20 Will vs. Depression at any point, can be cured with DC 30 Medical surgery, or getting Meds

Hard to Impress – You don’t get impressed easily, the difficulty of Performances to affect them is a DC 15

Honest Abe – The character always says the truth, (-10 to bluff) but if you succeed the lie is accepted by all as the truth 

Homicidal – Character is prone to seek to kill others, random roll (Will save DC 15 vs. Urge to kill)

Illusion of Grandeur – You think much higher of yourself. You work hard explaining to others your strengths often over-exaggerating their power of them. At a -4 to your reputation make a target make a Wisdom roll vs your reputation, if the target fails they fall for your stories about yourself, but if they pass then the player’s reputation score suffers a -4 in the area.

Invulnerability Complex – The player is careless about their attacks leaving themselves open to attacks 

-2 PS & -2 ADS

Kleptomaniac (stage 1) – Character randomly steals stuff without knowing it, (+10 Pick Pocket), if caught bad reputation goes up for being labeled a thief stage 1 this happens rarely

Kleptomaniac (stage 2) – The character randomly steals stuff without knowing it, (+10 Pick Pocket), if caught bad reputation goes up for being labeled a thief In stage 2 this happens often 

Narcoleptic – character easily falls asleep at any time, (DC 10+ Resistance vs. sleep at random times)

Nightmares – The character is prone to have nightmares, Will Save DC 15 Every night failure causes Fatigue for the next day

No Sense of Direction (Stage 1) – character is bad at directions and maps (-10 Know Geography and Navigation)

No Sense of Direction (Stage 2) – the character has no sense of direction often will go one way when there are clear signs the path is the other way, roll a 1d4 only on a result of 4 do they properly go the right direction on their own or trailing /leading the group

Nudist – Player resists the need for clothing and tries to go about nude at all times, -20 Social Rolls

Oblivious (Stage 1) – The Player chooses a type of thing that they by no means are able to take notice of easily. The Player suffers a DC penalty on notice checks of -30 notice when that issue is involved.

Oblivious (Stage 2) – The Player is not likely to focus on any subject suffering a constant to -20 Notice checks

Obsession – The player has a target of their desire that they must possess, they will go to any length to obtain this target and even turn on their teammates if such an item was offered the player must make a DC 15 Will save vs going for the direct path to gain the target of their obsession  

OCD (Stage 1) – there is some task you must perform before doing some basic tasks, player choose what they do and Gm decides what tasks it affects Will Save DC 15+ (most of the time it comes up)

OCD (Stage 2) – your character can’t let a task chosen go undone or in their mind, bad things will happen perhaps even the end of the world. Will Save DC 20+ (all the time it comes up)

Phobia (Stage 1)– The character has Fear of something, in stage 1 the fear cause a fear check vs. fleeing from the target of their fear. Will save DC 15+ (increased by the rarity of fear)

Phobia (Stage 2)– The character has Fear of something, in stage 2 the fear cause a fear check vs. Enraging causing them to attack in a berserk fury till the target of their fear is removed from around them by 1d6 rounds Will save DC15+ (increased by the rarity of fear)

Phobia (Stage 3)– The character has Fear of something, in stage 3 the fear cause a fear check vs. paralyzing of fear till the target of their fear is removed from around them by 1d6 rounds. DC 15+ (increased by the rarity of fear)

Pyromaniac – The Player gains the urge randomly to start fires, (Will Save DC 20 vs. start Fires) when called for the roll by the GM

Psychic Weakness – The player is weak to Psychic Attacks, Psychic attacks have a +2 on their effect when the player is hit by them.

Simple Minded – The Player is weak to illusions created by magic/techniques/ powers or technology, they suffer a -6 to Will saves vs Illusions

Split Personality (Minor) – Character has more than one type of personality in their head sometimes even goes by different names when they activate, (random will save Dc 15 vs. switch)

Split Personality (Major) – The Character’s alternate personalities lead different lives including a different set of skills and abilities. The play must divide its build points between two or more personalities the switch remains just like the minor form.

Suicidal – Character is prone to make attempts to kill themselves, random roll (Will save DC 15 vs. Suicide attempt)

Tourette’s Syndrome (stage 1) – the character does something completely uncontrolled makes a random movement of the body, (-5 to Social rolls)

Tourette’s Syndrome (stage 2) – the character does something completely uncontrolled such as shouting words, vulgarities or Noises, or severe ticks of the body (-10 to Social rolls)

Volatile – The character is known for going overkill on things, It will save DC 20 vs. adding more or doing more to things (aka kicking a man when he’s down) 

The Emotional

Ageist – You are unwilling to deal with people of a certain age, +2 to rolls vs. hated age

Body Envy – The player has to roll a Will save DC 10 vs enragement over the presence of certain body parts of others (examples, Breast size, height, and such)

Bondage Freak – Character gets pleasure to be tied up and treated poorly, Will save Dc 15 vs. pleasure when tied up, Character may seek friends to tie them up for pleasure.  

Class Envy – you are unwilling to deal with a certain class (rich, poor, regular, or classes of the game), +2 to roll vs. hated class

Cowardice – unwilling to face dangerous or potentially dangerous situations, Fear check DC 20 Will versus combat or hazardous situations

Easily Fall in Love – The character is Prone to fall in love easily with someone new, Will save DC 20 vs. Charm

Egoist – Character thinks they are more important than they are -5 to social rolls but player plays out as if they have a +10 in the skills

Greedy – character is known to take more than their share of the loot, +5 to Appraise, -10 to bluff checks when treasure or loot is involved

Gullible – Character falls for most lies or help asked for, Will save DC 15 no matter their result on the sense motive they do what was asked or believe the lie

Gluttony – The character has something that they are possessed to have more of, be it food, drink, wealth, an action, or things it doesn’t matter. The player when they get a little bit of the object of their desire must make a Will Save DC 20 vs continuing to gain more.

Hot Head – Character is likely to jump at attacking person that insults them or attacks them, -5 vs. Taunt rolls, +2 to the initiative

Masochist – Character gets pleasure when given pain, Will Save Dc 15 vs. pleasure when taking damage, Player may seek out friends to hurt them for pleasure

Molester – Character seeks to grope and grab people, random Will Save DC 20 vs. grope subject

Otaku – The character is obsessed with something or someone, Will save DC 20 vs. charm within the presence of the item or person

Pedophile – The character seeks to have relationships with children, Will save DC 20 vs. charm

Pervert – you are labeled a pervert and people hate you for it, – 5 to social checks 

Power Hungry – Character seeks power, Character must make Will save DC 20 when given the chance at obtaining power on fail of the roll they demand to obtain it no matter what even willing to fight their friends for it

Praise Hungry – you live to accept praise, Character stops and does not act after receiving praise to soak it in for one round

Racist – You are unwilling to deal with people of a certain race, +2 to rolls vs. hated race

Reckless – willing to ignore the problems and push onwards, -10 to Notice

Sadist – Character gets pleasure in giving people pain, Will save DC 15 vs. pleasure when causing damage on a target, will sometimes seek to hurt friends to gain pleasure, pleasure has no real game value other than the character like to do it

Simple – The character is not likely to understand most complex things, Will save DC 20 vs. confused (not confusion they simply just don’t understand)

Shot Nerves – The character is jumpy in combat, Will save DC15 in combat when someone moves close, a failure they attack that person it doesn’t matter if their  friend or foe

Snob – Stuck up and unwilling to help others, -5 to Gather Info and Diplomacy

Stage Hog – Character is under the delusion that they are the star of the show and are sure to let the world know it by thrusting their actions and importance into conversations (- 10 Diplomacy, +5 Bluff, -5 Seduction) 

Super Pervert – you are a pervert and act the part publicly, – 10 to social checks

Tone Deaf – Character is under the delusion that they are great at singing or playing an instrument and will be more than willing to perform (-20 Performance)

The Physical


Bad Hearing – The character Hears thing just misinterpret what they heard, the character makes Notice (Audio) checks as normal but the Gm will randomly tell them what they thought they heard instead of what they heard

Deaf – Character can’t hear things, Character can’t make Notice (Audio) checks, -6 to reflex rolls, immune to audio attacks, and Saves

Hard of Hearing – Character has a hearing problem, -20 to Notice (Audio) checks


Blind – Character is blind, Character can’t make Notice (Visual) checks and suffers -6 to hit and reflex saves, Immune to Illusions and Visual Will saves 

Color Blind – Characters can’t see colors, The Gm describes things to them as grey giving them a  -10 to identify the objects at times 

Far-Sighted – The character has trouble reading things up close, -5 to Forgery, Navigate, and Decipher Script

Missing One Eye – The character is missing an eye, -10 to Notice (Visual) and search checks

Near-Sighted – Character has trouble seeing things at a distance, -20 to Notice (visual) checks

Visions – The character is prone to see things that don’t exist at times, random Will save DC 20 vs. seeing things


Lisp – A Person with a lisp suffers little in the way of damage because of this flaw. This does however cause a -2 to social rolls.

Loud Boor – Similar to the Jerk Quirk the Loud Boor is very much in line with getting what he wants. This time though the Boor wishes for attention. Someone with this quirk will do what they can in order to get attention even if it means screaming or yelling being obnoxious or trying to one-up anyone around. This trait lands a 5% penalty roll as well on social skills and a -1 penalty on first impressions.

Loud Talker – Character is very loud when they talk making it easy to hear them, +5 to Notice checks to hear a character speak, -5 to Stealth (Quite)

Mute – Character can’t speak, +20 to Stealth (Quite)

Odd way of speaking – Character adds a weird saying or word at the end of their speeches, No in-game element other than the player should play this out 

Quiet Talker – Character is very quiet when they talk making it hard to hear them -5 to Notice Checks to hear a character speak +5 to Stealth (Quite) 

Slang Slinger – The way you speak is odd and difficult to understand at times (-5 Social rolls)

Stutter – Character stutters/slurs their speech, -5 to social rolls


Ageism – You are much older or much younger than your peers, -5 to Bluff Checks

Albino – People with this flaw have very light skin and white hair due to a lack of pigmentation in their skin in hair. This also results in pink or blue eyes. Albinos burn easily in the sun as well as have difficulty seeing in bright lights. This gives them a -1 to rolls if they are not shaded during the day.

Big man – The character’s body is larger than normal, Character is one size category larger than their race

Disgusting – Character is visually ugly, -10 to social rolls, more severe cases face can cause Fear checks DC 15+

Freak Body – Character has a weird appendage or look to them (I.e. scaly skin, a tail or such), – 5 to social checks, -5 to disguise checks

Frail Body – The player’s body is physically weak and isn’t very good at taking damage, The player’s ADS score suffers a -2

Funny Hair do – Character has a weird or odd hairdo, -5 to social rolls

Going Bald – Your character is going bald. Because of this, there is a 2 point penalty for social rolls

Hairy – The character has an unusual amount of body hair. Males with this flaw have a very hairy back and have the ability to grow a beard regardless of race. Females have a noticeable mustache -2 to social rolls if not treated.

Marked – You have a mark that makes you easily spotted, -5 to disguise rolls

Petite Body – The character’s body is smaller than normal, Character is one size category smaller than their race

Prematurely Gray- The character has gone gray early in life -1 to social rolls.

Scared Face – The character has a badly scarred face, -5 to social rolls, -5 to disguise rolls

Ugly – Character is visually ugly, -5 to social rolls, More severe cases face can cause Fear checks   DC 10 

Wanted Poster – You have the misfortune of having the same face as a person that is a known criminal, +2 To Reputation (Bad) -5 to Stealth checks


Awkward – your clumsy and have a hard time doing things, -2 to Reflex Saves and random reflex

saves DC 15 vs. Trip

Limp – The character walks with a limp, -10 ft in Movement

Missing Leg/foot – The character is missing a leg or foot, -10 ft in Movement

Trick Knee – The character has a bad knee and can have it go out at any time leaving them with a DC 18 Reflex save to stay on their feet as well as the loss of a combat round if this is to happen in battle. The GM determines when the knee gives way so be wary. 


Butter Fingers – The character is clumsy when handling things, randomly character must make a reflex save DC 20 vs. dropping items in their hands

Missing Thumb – Character is missing one of their thumbs, -2 to hit with weapon attacks

One Arm – The character has lost their arm or hand at some point, can’t take the two-weapon fighting feats


Addiction (Stage 1) – The character is addicted to a Drug, Character must make a Will save DC 15 + (increases each time the drug is used) to use it if they need it or not 

Addiction (Stage 2) – The character is addicted to a drug so severally that they will suffer the pain of withdrawal the longer they go without it they must make a Resistance save DC 15+ (the amount used) vs. Temp END damage of 2 

Addiction (Stage 3) – The character is so addicted to a drug its long term effects have started to damage the body with long term effects (see drugs chart)

Alcoholic (Stage 1) – The character is hooked on Alcohol they must make a Will save vs. taking a new drink this urge is above all other tasks if failed when in the presence of Alcohol.

Alcoholic (Stage 2) – The character is so hooked on Alcohol they have harmed their END Score, -2 END

Allergies (Stage 1) – suffer sneezing fits DC 20 Resistance which causes the character to lose one action around

Allergies (Stage 2) – You are weak to a certain thing, it causes ether a poison effect 1d6 damage a round till treated on a Medical Check Dc 20

Anemia – The character is prone to fainting and bleeds easily, Character randomly has to make a Resistance roll DC 15 vs. fainting also when hit for bleed damage character bleeds out at double the rate

Anosmia – People with anosmia have no sense of taste or smell this is mistakenly believed to be an advantage by some as it permits them to enter areas with extremely strong odors that would repel others. The main problem is that the individual cannot judge if food is spoiled or liquids are tainted. Rotten meat, sour wine, curdled milk, and spoiled fruit are indistinguishable from fresh and wholesome food and drink.

-40 Craft Cooking, – 40 Survival, +5 Resistance vs. Sickness

Asthma – Character has difficulty doing stressful things at a prolonged time, can’t take Endurance                feat, +5 Resistance DC when doing stressful things for long times

Body Odor – Your body gives off a horrible stench repulsing others from around you – 2 to all social rolls, people around you need to make a Resistance save DC 15 vs. sickness

Chronic Nose Bleeds –Anyone with chronic nosebleeds gets them often and should keep items handy just in case. A Simple Healing check is all that is needed to stop them due to the problems people suffer 1hp lost every other round for an active nose bleed. Nose Bleeds occur at random times according to the GM.

Cursed Body – You have been given some power at a great price, Gm creates a unique advantage you gain along with the cost you pay for it

Diseased – The player’s body houses a disease that requires constant medical attention on a regular matter, The longer the player goes without seeking medical treatment the player suffers -1 END per day, taking 1 day of medical rest to recover lost Endurance from the damage of the disease. Medicine for the character can stave off the effect of the disease but cannot cure it and treatment outside a hospital/clinic can only delay the effect for ½ the time.

Hyperactive – The character is quick to jump into action and charge into battle but is easily bored and often in dull times will sleep if interesting things can’t be found. +2 To Initiative Will DC 15 vs. Boredom

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Character must make regular long trips to the bathroom, -5 to social rolls

Jumpy – The character is Jumpy at things and is easy to scare (DC 15 Will save vs. Fear)

Migraines – An individual with this quirk has Migraines at the rate of around one per week. The Character is unable to function well during these periods and must rest a day to relieve the symptoms or they will continue until this happens. If trying to function with a Migraine a character takes a -20 penalty on skill checks as well as a -1 on all d20 rolls.

Paranoia – Character fears the actions of others or events they will take measures to avoid contact with people and events

Sterile – While this might be considered a boon to lecherous types fearful of long-term consequences of their debauchery they will never be able to produce heirs without magical aid.

Weak Constitution – Character is prone to easily get sick, +10 to the DC rolls vs. Poisons or disease

Weak Stomach – You have a hard time eating without getting sick, Resistance save DC 15 vs. Vomit -10 to social rolls at eating in a group

The Weird

Accident Prone – The character has to make random Reflex Rolls DC 15 vs. causing Chaos events, these events can bring harm or damage to the player or others around them.   

Animal Antipathy – Certain animals do not like the character and will attack any character with this on sight. The animal type is determined by the GM.

Announce Your Attack – The Player shouts out their actions or moves granting their target a +2 to their Protection Score versus the player.

Bad Family Name – You come from a well-known/hated family, -5 to social rolls

Bad Luck – Character seems to have bad luck happen to them often, When a GM must choose who gets attacked or such they must consider the character’s bad luck and give them double the chance than the others at it affecting them

Bad Name – character’s parents weren’t thinking when they gave them that name, -5 Diplomacy checks

Bad Sense of Humor – The character tells really bad jokes that no one likes, jokes require a DC 15 Will vs. enrage to those that hear it

Close Talker – This character doesn’t understand the concept of personal space. Whenever a person with this quirk engages another in conversation he tries to be within one or two feet of his audience. This gives a 2 point penalty to interaction rolls.

Cold Heart – Characters with this defect are unaffected by Bardic Music (unless the bards can affect Constructs)     

Conscientious Objector – The player is unwilling to fight without it being an absolute last resort. The player will try to find other means to resolve a fight till they or someone else is attacked by someone. The player will only fight for defensive means and never go on the offensive.   

Dark Past –  Character has had issues in the past that shaped them to act the way they do now, It’s up to the GM what the issues were and how they shaped the character it could be a mental issue, a physical issue, or even development of theirs

Debt – Character owes a large amount of money, GM chooses how this affects them when buying stuff or dealing with merchants

Dependent Family – Family is dependent on you to give them aid ether money or actual help, GM chooses if they have family follow or just keep mailing them for help

Elemental Chaos – Your character is unstable when it comes to elemental attacks / environmental conditions (I.E. it’s hot or cold) and takes a –2 to all attack rolls and -20 to all skill rolls.

Elemental Weakness – Your character is particularly weak to an element taking 2x normal damage normally taken.

Enemy – The character has made a powerful enemy that is seeking revenge, GM creates a character that is out to defeat and/or kill the character 

Gay – The character is fond of people of the same gender as themselves, No in-game effect

Haunted – The character sees ghosts and/ or is constantly bothered by them, No in-game effect other than the GM can pester the player with something only they

Hunted – You are being hunted by someone for some reason, Gm creates random bounty Hunters

and sends them after you

Involuntary change – character’s body changes randomly for some odd reason, GM’s choice on what causes that action and what reverses it

Miserly – A miser finds it nigh impossible to justify spending even a mere copper piece on anything that isn’t absolutely essential. This goes far beyond the ridiculous notion of spending money for someone else’s benefit. The miser doesn’t spend money on personal items unless they contribute directly to his obtaining more wealth. 

No Sense of Humor – jokes don’t affect you at all, no in-game effect other than they are just a killjoy of jokes

Obsessed Family – The player’s family is overprotective of them and obsessed with their well-being and care and whatnot. The player must make stealth rolls vs their own family to escape their grasp or to have events they do escape the ever-watchful eye of their family. Should they fall into danger while the family is observing the family will punish the team and baby the player by trying to prevent them from taking on greater risks, Sometimes the family will come to the player’s aid but they in turn take any EXP the player will gain from the events for themselves in place of the player?

Owned – Character was a former/current slave, GM chooses how this affects them, Social rolls in high social areas is -5

Skeleton in the closet – The character has a deep dark secret that they want to keep that way, Character must do things to protect this secret from coming out the GM has to decide what kind of penalty is made if they fail to do so

Stalker – The player has a character that follows them around and watches them almost all the time, the character is obsessed in some way with the player be as a rival or love interest. 

Superstitious – Characters who are superstitious feel they can control what happens to them by avoiding certain actions or performing certain rituals. These people put a lot of faith in luck. 

Taken – The player has a history of having been kidnapped or abducted in the past by mysterious forces during their sleep. When the player sleeps there is a 1 out of 10 chance they will be taken. The player will be gone for 1d30 hours, when they return they will be normal but will be under the effects of shaken and down 10 HP.

Rival – Character has a person from their past that seeks to be better than them at what they do, GM creates an NPC that will randomly challenge them to battles or contests

Red Tape – Character has a massive amount of paperwork involved in doing basic things, GM chooses what happens if they don’t do the paperwork involved with the basic tasks they have to do

Wears Drag – Character goes around in clothes of the opposite gender, -5 to social rolls

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