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Green Lightning – Class – Witch


Level Base Attack Resist


Reflex Save Will Save Defense


Special Ability
01 0 0 2 4 1 Familiar,  Mana User +10 Mana, Spell Book
02 1 0 3 4 1 Magical Attack
03 2 1 3 5 2
04 2 1 4 5 2 Bonus Feat
05 3 1 4 6 2
06 4 2 5 6 3
07 5 2 5 7 3
08 6/1 2 6 7 3 Bonus Feat
09 6/1 3 6 8 4
10 7/2 3 7 8 4 Cast spells thru Familiar
11 8/3 3 7 9 4
12 9/4 4 8 9 5 Bonus Feat
13 9/4 4 8 10 5
14 10/5 4 9 10 5
15 11/6/1 5 9 11 6
16 12/7/2 5 10 11 6 Bonus Feat
17 12/7/2 5 10 12 6
18  13/8/3 6 11 12 7
19 14/9/4 6 11 13 7
20 15/10/5 6 12 13 7 Bonus Feat

Magic users that work as a team with their Familiar and study spells individually in place of studying them in general. They also gain means of attacking using raw magical power at their disposal.


Mana User – At first level and every level after that the Witch class gets +10 mana every level.


Spell book – The Witch casts spells from a book, each spell is gained by scrolls or learning from other casters and their spell book. Unlike Sorcerers the witch wizard learns based on individual spells a division of magic. While a Sorcerer cast without one instantly, a Witch must spend 1 round to search for a spell that is not their prepared spell (A prepared spell is one they have set to cast that moment at any time a Witch player can state to switch out which spell they have prepared). A Witch can learn spells and cast them on the fly but to cast those at double cost of mana. Additionally a Witch’s spell book is considered a book of scrolls for other players. Thus if a non-witch casts the spell the spell in the book is destroyed.


Familiar – A witch gains a familiar that grants them a bonus to a skill based on the choice, the familiar has the ability to communicate with their owner. They also can perform a second attack for their owner based on the witch/wizards attack. When a player loses a Familiar they cannot gain new spells to their spell book till they gain a new one. All Familiars have 10 HP and their saves match their owner, and their PS is +2 that of their owner.




Familiar Type Skill Bonus Attack Damage Critical Range Type
Toad 10 Jump Tongue lash 1d2 x2 10’ reach bashing
Raven 10 Appraise Peck 1d3 19-20/x2 N/A piercing
Rat 10 Survival Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Snake 10 Medicine Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Owl 10 Taunt Peck 1d3 19-20/x2 N/A piercing
Cat 10 Intimidate Claws 1d4 x2 N/A Slashing
Ferret 10 Bluff Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Monkey 10 Climb Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Lemur 10 Acrobatics Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Bat 10 Notice Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Mink 10 Seduction Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Pig 10 Gather Info Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Otter 10 Swim Bite 1d4 x2 N/A slashing
Swan 10 Navigate Peck 1d3 19-20/x2 N/A piercing
Squirrel 10 Streetwise Bite 1d4 x2 N/A Slashing
Dog 10 Diplomacy Bite 1d4 x2 N/A Slashing
Rabbit 10 Escape Artist Bite 1d4 x2 N/A Slashing
Lizard 10 Stealth Bite 1d2 x2 10’ reach bashing
Other more advance familiars can be gained by taking some monster types and granting a skill bonus based on the creatures highest rated skill.



Magical attack – player uses mana to make a ray attack doing damage magical damage based on the amount of mana used the player can add a total of their level in Witch/Wizard in mana per attack


Bonus Feat – Witch can gain a Bonus Meta Magic Feat to boost their spells for free, starting at level 4 and every 4th level thereafter, the choices are Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Widen Spell, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Homing Spell, Signature Spell, Magic Boost. The choices still need to meet and requirements that they have. They can also choose advanced familiar as a feat choice as well.


Cast Spells thru Familiar – At level ten the witch wizard can have spells be casted through their familiar


Weapon Proficiencies:

Simple Weapons


Armor Proficiencies:

Light Armor


Hit Die: 1d8


Skills: (points per level 40 + INT MOD) Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Gather Info, Knowledge Astrology, Knowledge Occult, Medical, Notice, Profession, Perform, Search, Stealth, Streetwise, Taunt, Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Green Lightning – Class – Witch

Green Lightning – Class – Witch

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