Green Lightning RPG General News

Green Lightning – Bard Class – Beta


LevelBase AttackSave BonusAC BonusAbilityBase lvl spells
1021Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Counter Song, Healing Word, Inspiring Word, Calming Word, Fiery Word, Loving Word0
2131Bardic Magic1
3232 1
4342Confident Word, Invigorating Word, Thrashing Word, Sleeping Word2
5342 2
6453 3
7553 3
8663Greater Healing Word, Greater Inspiring Word, Enflaming Word, Protective Word4
9664 4
10774 5
11874 5
12985 Cutting Word, Confusing Word, Forceful Word, Burning Word6
13985 6
141095 7
151196 7
1612106Master Healing Word, Sheltering Word, Bursting Word, Frightening Word8
1712106 8
1813117 9
1914117 9
2015127Saving Word, Deadly Word9

Untold wonders and secrets exist for those skillful enough to discover them. Through cleverness, talent, and Abilities, these cunning few unravel the wiles of the world, becoming adept in the arts of persuasion, manipulation, and inspiration. Typically masters of one or many forms of artistry, bards possess an uncanny ability to know more than they should and use what they learn to keep themselves and their allies ever one step ahead of danger. Bards are quick-witted and captivating, and their skills might lead them down many paths, be they gamblers or jacks-of-all-trades, scholars or performers, leaders or scoundrels, or even all of the above. For bards, every day brings its own opportunities, adventures, and challenges, and only by bucking the odds, knowing the most, and being the best might they claim the treasures of each.

Role: Bards capably confuse and confound their foes while inspiring their allies to ever-greater daring. While accomplished with both weapons and Abilities, the true strength of bards lies outside melee, where they can support their companions and undermine their foes without fear of interruptions to their performances.

Bardic Knowledge – A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance – At first level the bard can make a performance equal to the number of Comeliness Mod +1 a day. The Bard gets to make the performance as a free action unless the performance type states otherwise. The bard however cannot cast a spell at the same time a performance is made. The performances options grow as the bard levels and their choice of performance can be done through the following actions.

Singing/ Vocal – This is a simple version granting no bonus or defects in using other actions for the bard and is the safest way to play a bard in combat

Playing Instrument – Bard cannot make an attack with weapons at the same time as performing but the effects of performances are doubled  

Dance/ Cheer – Bard cannot make movement actions and has -2 Avoidance and -2 AC but can make attacks and grants the performance effect as doubled

Words – Words are Performance types that the Bard chooses to perform, each time. The type of words performed do different tasks and as the bard levels they gain new words every four levels to have the option to use.

Healing Word – Bard can heal allies in a 30ft ring at a rate of 1d6 a round of the performance, up to 1 min.

Inspiring WordBard can grant all allies +5 on skill checks, instant  

Calming Word – Bards can use this to hit enemies in 30’ft ring -2 on their Focus rolls for saves and attacks, lasts 1 min

Fiery Word – Bards grant allies in 30 ft ring +2 Focus on attacks and saves, last 1min

Loving Wordbards can try and charm enemies in 30ft ring Will save DC 10+ COM Mod once the enemy is Charmed the bard can get them the enemy can’t take actions unless attacked for 1d4+1 rounds

Confident WordAt level 4, the bard can grant all allies a +2 to any save, in a battle

Invigorating Word – At level 4, the bard can grant all allies +2d8 extra hit points, last till lost

Thrashing Word – At level 4, the bard can do a sonic attack to a 30ft ring to all enemies doing 1d8+COM, instant  

Sleeping Word – At level 4, the bard can make enemies make a Will save vs Sleep DC10+COM

This last 1d6+1 rounds or when attacked or woken

Greater Healing Word – At level 8, the bard can do 2d6 healing a round to allies in 30ft ring, lasts 1 min

Greater Inspiring Word – At level 8, the bard can grant all allies the ability to reroll one skill save a day

Enflaming Word – At level 8, the bard can grant all allies a +2 to Focus and Power towards attacks (these stack with any others boost with the exception of any boost the bard already made)

lasts 1 min

Protective Word – At Level 8, the bard grants a +4 AC to all allies within 30ft (this stacks with other boosts with the exception of any made by the bard) lasts 1 min

Cutting Word – At level 12, the bard can do a sonic attack in a 60ft ring to enemies of 2d8+COM, Instant

Confusing Word – At level 12, the bard can attack enemies with a Will save vs Confusion DC15+COM, Instant, confusion last 1d6+1 rounds or till attacked

Forceful Word – At level 12, the bard can attack enemies with a Avoidance save vs Knocked Prone, DC15+COM, Instant

Master Healing Word – At level 16, the bard can now heal allies within 30ft for 3d6 a round, lasts for 1 min

Sheltering Word – At level 16, the bard can lower all enemy save attacks DC’s by 5, lasts for 1 minute

Frightening Word – At level 16, the bard can attack enemies within 30 ring, with Will save DC 15 vs Fear, Instant

Bursting Word – At level 16, the bard can do a 3d8+Con, sonic attack to all enemies within 60ft ring, Instant

Saving Word – At level 20, the bard can expel a performance to bring back an ally that has fallen recently (Within 10 minutes) back to life at 1 HP + Revival Sickness, Instant

Deadly Word – At level 20, the bard can target one enemy and have them make a 10+COM, DC Will save vs Death, Instant

Counter Song – At 1st level, a bard can expend a bardic performance, to cancel the effects of another bard. 

Bardic Magic – At Level 2 and every two levels after the Bard (in magic based games only) gains spells found in the Arcane Magic category of (Enchantment, Healing, Transmutation, and Charm only)

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Rapier, Long sword, sap, short sword, short bow, small pistol and Whip

Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shields

Hit Die: 1d6

Skills: (points per level 50 + INT MOD)

Acrobatics, Appraise, Athletics, Atonement, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Gamble, Gather Info, Knowledge (all skills ), Medical, Navigate, Notice, Perform, Slight of Hand, Profession, Seduction, Stealth, Taunt, Tech

Class Saves: Comeliness, Influence      

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