Green Lightning RPG General News

Mink Race and Animal Races

Mink / Beastmen

The Mink Tribe is a race of anthropomorphic animals in the world. They were first mentioned in the list of slave prices that Duval showed to Sanji. The vast majority of them live in the Mokomo Dukedom on top of Zou, and has largely remained isolated from other human civilizations for 1000 years.

The world has a diverse number of creatures about it, strangest of them all is those that are not beast or man. A category almost as diverse as its source, these begins tend to be a creation of magic, science or evolution gone mad. They have intelligence unlike their bestial counterparts but their twisted and distorted forms take on a form unlike that of humans. These are the highly praised yet hidden race of beast men, known as Minks.

(Note this section does not include Aqua based races for space reasons, for those choices of Minks look for the)

Mink Types

The types are broken into the following groupings with descriptions of each. The types grant them unique bonuses on top of the Basic Mink bonuses and level requirement.

Mink Types
Bagers, Bears/Panda, Otter, Boar/ Pig, Bunny / Rabbit, Cat , Cow, Deer / Reindeer / Elk / Moose, Dog / Wolf, Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Goat / Llama, Gorilla, Horse / Zebra, Fox, Leopard, Lion, Mole, Monkey, Mouse / Rat, Platypus, Racoon / Red Panda, Sheep / Alpaca, Squirrel / Chipmunk, Tiger/ Jaguar, Weasel / Mink
Other Mink types could be made but they must have two properties. One is being Mammal, and two is have fur.
Other One Piece Animal Races
Spotted Duck, Hiking Bear, Lapahn, Kung-fu Dugong, Humandrill

Overall Strength

The advantage of strength that each of these races hold over all outside of their individual bonuses are a keen heightened form of senses, and danger awareness about them.

Both Mink and Beastman Base Racial Traits:

Scale Size – Based on choice

Notice – +10 to Notice Checks 

Danger Sense – +2 To PS score to avoid danger

Natures Resilience – +5 vs effects of environment when in areas similar to their home.

Mink Racial Bonuses:

Static Buildup – Minks daily activities cause them to build up a collection of electrical (1+level of electric charges a day)

Electrical Strike – 3/day The Mink can discharge the buildup of electricity and add 1d6 per charge into a single attack.

Sulong Form – Limited to higher level or trained Minks. Under the light of a full moon, a Mink can unleash a boosted form multiplying their stats by x5. This stays in effect as long as they are in the Moons light. After they lose the form, they become exhausted.

Defect – Desired slaves – Minks are Sought to be slaves due to their rarity. they go for a higher price based on looks and / or if they have learned Sulong form.

Defect – Overly Friendly – Minks have little to no sense of subtlety when around those they are friends/ like. Due to this they tend to, rub, hug, nuzzle, or nibble the ones close to their happiness.

Melee Fighters – Minks are trained and prefer Melee over ranged attacks, due to this they gain a +1 with melee attacks and a -1 with ranged.

Level rating – +2 (+4 if they start with Sulong Form)

Badger – Tough and Fast these temperamental minks tend to be loners but if a fight comes to them, they make sure they are on the winning side… no matter what.

PS Score – 10

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 DEX, +4 INT -2 END, -4 CHA

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Escape Artist, +10 Intimidation 

Rage – Badgers gain the ability Rage like the Barbarian Class, taking the class grants them one extra use of rage per day

Claws – 1d6 Slashing x2

Volatile – Character is known for going overkill on things, Will save DC 20 vs. to add more or do more to things (aka kicking a man when he’s down) 

Level Rating – 3 this includes Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Bears / Pandas – Strong and tough, based on the bear type determines the bonus one gets.

PS Score – 10 due to their size

ADS Score – +2

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +4 END

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Survival, +10 Swim (Polar only)

Rage – Bear gain the ability Rage like the Barbarian Class, taking the class grants them one extra use of rage per day (excludes Panda)

At Peace – (Panda only) Pandas don’t rage like other bear minks instead they are calm and gain a daily ability to tap into peace granting bonus +2 ADS to them and allies within 30 ft plus the panda gains temporary HP equal to level. 

Loner – (panda only) Panda Minks tend to not be Social and take a -5 on all social skills

Claws – 1d8 Natural Claw attacks Slashing x2 (Excluding Panda) Slashing (Panda) 1d6 Bashing x2

Tool User – (Pandas only) Pandas gain a +2 with Melee weapons (this includes the mink bonus)

Level Rating – 3 / +1 Cost to the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:

Martial Artist

Beaver / Otter – The strongest of swimmers in the Mink tribe. These Minks are adept at fighting from water as well as land.

PS Score – 10 due to their smaller size

ADS Score – 0  

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 WIS, -2 STR

Skills+10 to craft skills, +10 Swim

Bite – 1d6 natural Bite Piercing x4

Level Rating – No added cost outside the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Boar / Pig – Tough and Defensive these Minks are some of the hardiest to take down from attacks.

PS Score – 8 Due to their general human like form and size

ADS Score – +3 Their tough hide and skin grants them strength to ignore many hits

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 STR, -2 CHA

Skills – +10 Search, +10 Knowledge Nature

Gore – 1d6 slam attack with the head, bashing x2, +2 on Boar Minks with Tusks   

Level Rating – No added Cost outside the Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Bunny / Rabbit – Quick and Nimble a good lower cost start for the Mink race, they also gain a Com bonus.

PS Score – +10 due to their natural Speed

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WIS

Skills – +10 Jump, +10 Movement

Level Rating – no added cost beyond the +2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Cat – Agile but easily the lazy and temperamental of the Mink Types.

PS Score – 8 While they can grow larger, they tend to be around the same size as humans

ADS Score – 1 Cat Minks gain 1 to their ADS due to their quick reflexes

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +4 DEX, – 4 WIS

Skills – +10 Climb, +5 Jump

Weakness – Easily Distracted – Cat minks can be distracted by things that cats love, Cat Nip, toys and such

Claws – 1d6 natural claw attack, Slashing x2

Level Rating – No added cost to Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Cow – Tough and strong these Minks are adept at holding their ground making them good at defenses.

PS Score – 6 due to their size these minks are easier to hit.

ADS Score – +4 due to Cows tough hide and Muscle mass.

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, -2 INT

Weakness – Sluggish – Cow Minks Tend to move Slower in taking action thus take a -5 to Initiative

Trample –   1d8 damage from natural hoof attacks, Bashing x2

Level Rating – No Added Cost to Minks general cost of 2

Favored Class:


Deer / Reindeer / Elk / Moose – Tough and quick Minks these ones move fast and take hits.

PS Score – 10 due to their speed

ADS Score – +2 due to their tough hides

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 END

Speed Boost – +10 Speed

Horns – 1d8 ram attack, Piercing x4     

Level Rating – +3 this includes the +2 for Minks

Favored Class:


Dog / Wolf – Loyal and strong Trackers, this type of Mink has the bonus feat Track at their disposal.

PS Score – 8 this mink’s range around the same size as humans

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 WIS  

Skills – +10 Search, (Bonus Feat) Track – Dogs/ Wolves gain the Feat Track for free

Weakness – Throw the Ball Dog/ Wolf Minks love to play fetch must make a DC10 Will save vs chasing thrown objects once they resist that battle, they won’t chase another

Bite – 1d8 Bite attack, Piercing x2

Level Rating – Just the standard +2 of Minks Race

Favored Class:

Bounty Hunter

Flying Squirrel – The only Minks with the ability to actually fly (glide actually) this grants them a huge advantage in movement.

PS Score – 10 due to the smaller size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX

Skills – +10 Climb

Bonus Ability – Glide – A Flying squirrel can slow fall and move at a rate of 40’ for every 10’ decent

Bite – 1d8 bite, Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 3 this includes the +2 for Minks

Favored Class:


Giraffe – The tallest of all Minks, these ones adapt their forms to be keen on spotting threats.

PS Score – 6 due to larger than human size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT, +2 WIS  

Skills – +10 Spot

Bash Head – 1d8 15 ft reach, Bashing x2

Level Rating – 2 standard Mink level

Favored Class:


Goat / llama – Stubborn but wise, this type of mink grants bonuses to Wisdom skills and abilities.

PS Score – 8 Same as Human size

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR +2 WIS

Skills – +10 in one Knowledge Skill

Horns – 1d10, Bashing x4

Level Rating – 3 this includes the +2 mink levels

Favored Class:


Gorilla – Strongest of the Minks in physical strength. These Apes lead the pack as great fighters.

PS Score – 8 Same as Humans… maybe a bit larger in form then humans

ADS Score – 0 

Stat Bonus – +6 STR

Skills – +10 Climb

Weakness – Short Fuse – Gorilla Minks tend to get angered easily

Tool User   Unlike most Minks Types Gorilla have a +1 to all attacks with weapons to hit due to their natural use of tools

Level Rating – 3 this includes the 2 for the mink race

Favored Class:


Horse /Zebra – Strong and Speedy these Minks have a good sense about them and pack a strong punch.

PS Score – 10 large category sizing

ADS Score – +2 due to Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 STR


Bonus – +10 movement speed

Hooves – 1d6 Bashing X4

Level Rating – 3 this includes Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Fox – Cunning and Quick, while smaller of the Canine types Fox Minks are adept at Stealth.

PS Score – 10 Fox Minks are small size category

ADS Score – +2 for Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX, +2 INT

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 movement   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2

Level Rating – 3 including Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Leopard – The speediest of the Minks Types, they go with speed over strength to hit their targets fast.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – +2 for Speed

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Movement

Claws and Bite – Claws 1d8, Slashing X4, Bite 1d6 Piercing x4

Level Rating – 4 this includes the 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Lion – Strong and Proudest of the Cat Types. They have great strength in their attacks along with their claws.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 CHA

Ability – Lions Roar – Grants Allies a +2 to attacks (hit and damage) and Will save DC12 in 60 ft radius Fear on Enemies

Weakness – Pride – 1/day Lion Minks refuse that they are wrong and can be stubborn in their ways DC 12 Will save for the Lion verse Depression to go against his ways. For 1d4 rounds

Claws –   1d8 Slashing x4, 1d6 Bite x4 Piercing

Level Rating – 4 this includes the 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Mole – Skilled digging Minks that gain a secondary form of travel through the earth.

PS Score – 10 Small size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT  

Ability – Digger – Mole Minks can make ½ their movement under ground

Weakness – Light Blindness – Mole Minks is sensitive to light DC 12 Fort vs Blind when light bursts hit them, It will fade in 1d4 rounds

Claws –   1d8 Slashing x 4

Level Rating – Just the standard 2 for Mink race

Favored Class:


Monkey – Agile with the ability to swing and leap about trees easily.

PS Score – 10 due to Small Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 INT

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump

Ability – Tool User – Monkey Minks have an advantage with using weapons and tools granting them a +1 to all to hit attacks   

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Mouse / Rat – Smallest of the Mink Race but vastly intelligent, so They tend to make up with their size with tactics.

PS Score – 12 due to Tiny Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +4 INT, -2 END

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 to 1 Knowledge Skill

Bite – 1d4 Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 2 this includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:

Lore Master

Platypus – The mysterious of all minks they are the only ones to possess a secondary attack with poison-based attacks.

PS Score – 10 Small Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 END, +2 WIS

Skills – +10 Swim, Double Movement in Water

Ability – Poison Barb – In Combat a Platypus Mink while doing melee on a crit can Poison a target doing 1d10 damage at first, the target then must make a Fort save vs Poison DC 15 or take another 1d4 rounds of 1d4 damage

Tail Slap – 1d6 Bashing x2   

Level Rating – 3 this includes the Mink level of 2

Favored Class:


Racoon / Red Panda – masters of stealth and smarts, these minks make up a great choice for Rogues.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 END +4 INT

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Disable Device

Weakness – Furry Fury – In battle if the Racoon / Red Panda is below half their Hp they must make a Will save DC 15 vs going Berserk where they will attack anyone for 1d4 rounds   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2    

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Levels

Favored Class:


Sheep / Alpaca – Calm and fluffy, these minks hold a deceptive advantage at having a greater buildup of electricity then the others.

PS Score – 8 Medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 INT, +2 CHA

Skills – +10 to 1 Knowledge Skill

Head Butt – 1d6 Bashing x2   

Level Rating – 2 This includes the Mink Race levels

Favored Class:


Squirrel / Chipmunk – Quick and nimble. Not the strongest of the race but one of the more diverse ones with skills.

PS Score – 10 Small Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 DEX +2 INT – 2 END

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump

Stuff Cheeks – Squirrel Minks can Stuff their face with items and food granting them +10 to hide a item and 20 extra carrying capacity   

Bite – 1d6 Piercing x2  

Level Rating – 2 This Includes the Mink Race levels

Favored Class:


Tiger / Jaguar – a combination of Stealth and Strength these cat minks are a great choice for more deadly missions.

PS Score – 8 medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +4 STR +4 DEX  

Skills – +10 Stealth, +10 Climb

Claws and Bite – 1d8 Slashing x4, 1d8 Piercing x2   

Level Rating – 4 This includes the 2 for Mink Race

Favored Class:


Weasel / Mink – Fierce and Quick these minks strike fast and hard, but when not fighting often look cute and innocent.

PS Score – 8 medium Size Category

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 CHA

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Pick Pocket

Shiny – Weasel Minks must make a DC 10 Will vs a compulsion to steal any thing they see as Shiny

Bite – 1d8 Piercing x4  

Level Rating – 2 This Includes the Mink race levels

Favored Class:


NON- Mink Races

Spotted-Billed Duck – A race of large birds that move across land and waters at a high rate. Despite their link to ducks, they are a flightless creature. They possess a high amount of intelligence for animal species, yet do not possess the ability to speak vocally

PS Score – 8 Despite their large size the Spotted Ducks speed and reflexes let them avoid attacks

ADS Score – 0

Stat Bonus – +2 DEX, +2 END, +2 WIS, -4 STR, -2 INT

Saves – +2 Reflex

Skills – +10 Swim, +10 Notice, + 10 Survival

Weakness – Can’t speak – while spotted-billed duck are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally

Run – Spotted-Billed Ducks gain the Run feat for free

Mount – Spotted-Billed Ducks are able to be used by others as a Mount 

Land Speed – A Spotted-Billed Duck moves normally at a rate of 60ft

Swim Speed – A Spotted Billed Duck moves normal swimming at a speed of 40ft

Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:


Hiking Bear – The Hiking bear is a human acting bear that is dedicated to the polite nature of others to the point that they are very obsessed that such actions always occur. Adept travelers and survivors of the world Hiking Bear are skilled tool users and have skills in the means of living off the land.

PS Score – 6 due to their large size

ADS Score – 2 Hiking Bear have a tough hide that grants them a bonus to ADS

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 END, -2 INT, -2 DEX, -2 COM

Saves – +4 Resistance

Skills – +10 Survival, +10 Profession Lumberjack, +10 Herbalist

Weakness – Politeness Matters – Hiking Bears are compelled to be polite and bow to everyone they great (with the exception of hostile targets) they feel also its important that those they bow at return by bowing in turn, if a target fails to bow then the Hiking bear will attack them for the insult

Tool User – unlike their bear cousins Hiking bear are adept at using tools granting them Martial Weapons for free

Level Rating – 0

Favored Class:

Lapahn – Giant rabbits that look more like a cross between bears the humanoids, though they can use weapons, they tend to be ferocious loners to other races.

PS Score – 6

ADS Score – 2 due to their thick hides Lapahn’s are more resistant to damage

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +4 DEX, -2 CHA, -4 WIS

Skills – +20 Jump

Weakness – Can’t speak – while Lapanh’s are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally 

Claws – 1d6 x2

Avalanche Detection – Lapahn’s can detect the lands weakness to set or avoid avalanches, they can tell the weak points which offer the best location for explosives or weak spots in walls.  

Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:


Kung-fu Dugong – Loyal warriors of the sea, Kung-fu dugongs are tough fighters with a strong sense of kung fu as their name promotes, and a hard armor-like shell that protects their softer bodies.

PS Score – 10

ADS Score – 4 due to their shell armor the dugongs have a strong defense

Stat Bonus – +2 STR, +2 END, – 2 DEX -2 WIS

Skills – +20 Martial Arts

Weakness – Can’t speak – while Kung-fu Dugong ducks are highly intelligent, they don’t have the means to speak vocally 

Loyal Warriors – Dugongs get the feat Loyalty for free

Level Rating – 1

Favored Class:

Martial Artist

Humandrill (Kuraigana)

A race of Monkeys that have the ability to learn fighting styles from observing how others fight. They learn from a kingdom caught in a civil war. Now the only Human to remain on the island peacefully with them is Mihawk who has claimed the island as his own.

PS Score – 8

ADS Score – 4 Humandrills are a battle-hardy race and their tough hides protect them 

Stat Bonus – +4 STR, +2 DEX, +2 END, -4 CHA, – 2 INT

Saves – +2 Reflexes

Skills – +10 Climb, +10 Jump, +10 Martial Arts

Style – Humandrills gain the warrior ability of style if they take the class or not (see Warrior rules for details)

Lick Wounds – Humandrills can heal their own wounds by licking them, it heals 1d6 per every three levels, they can perform this 1/day

Copy Cat Fighters – Humandrills – can learn how to use new weapons, or attack styles by observing a targets way of fighting after a period of time (typically 1d4 days) once they have it copied they treat the weapons as if they have skill in it.

Red Assed – Humandrill are a race-derived of baboons, in their nature, they taunt their enemies by slapping their red behinds and insulting their targets into fighting them +20 Taunt

Defect – Can’t Speak – Despite mimicking at an impossible rate they have not been able to mimic speech

Level Rating – 4

Favored Class:


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