Moon: Andromita Factor (2012
rewrite) Episode 9: Mental Attack on Higher Learning
Purple = Character
Green = Action
black = Spoken
red = Voice over or character inner dialog (Not
spoken out loud)
[The Scene opens at the
apartment / TV studio of Moyria and
Don’t be this way Serena, look I know what you saw
the other day was upsetting but as I told you it was just for the show there is
nothing about it. Listen please call me back. I want to get together with you.
I miss you.
(Moyria sighs and rolls
her eyes as
Try as hard as you might
It may seem like a futile effort but we have been
through a lot over the past few years and because of that, events like our kiss
in front of her, I’m sure it hurt her greatly. (To
self) More so in the fact that she openly has distrusted you already Moyria.
Yeah well your plan is going to have to wait. While you made you call we got orders in on our next show, we need to pack warm.
Sayrun has setup an interview with a gold medalist Skier at a mountain resort, she also set up reservations for a room, and they want us to show off the resort some as well, sort of a sponsor tie in.
(Moyria tosses
They want a scene of the two of us in a Hot spring together!
Yeah so what’s the problem we sit in some hot water together.
I’m already in enough hot water with Serena, if they show the two of us in a bath together, then I think she’ll blow her top. Worse yet it’s a mixed spring.
I don’t quite get the problem here?
Are you saying they want us?
They want to film us nude in the bath together.
Umm yeah okay now I see the issue. Guess we will have to confront Sayrun at the hotel.
We need to put our foot down. Acting as a couple is one thing, bathing together on National TV is another.
(Moyria nods in
I can’t let this happen or
Serena will kill me for sure.
(The scene changes to
the city bus on the way to school, Mina gets on the bus and meets Amy and
Serena already on board, Serena is scouring at her phone and harshly pressing
at it)
OOH Delete… Delete and Delete.
Umm did I just walk into something?
Serena is deleting messages from
Still not over the kiss I see.
(Mina looks at Serena
then around quickly positioning herself in front of one of the ads for the news
cast trying her best to block it from Serena’s view)
You know it be good if she took this frustration out on the mock test today.
Yeah like that will happen. The day Serena gets good grades even in a mock test is the day I will eat my school bag.
Amy: (Spying Mina)
You’re not much better Mina.
Peh mock test, not like it will mater in my grades so why should I burn myself out studying all night for something that won’t affect my grade.
And it’s just that attitude why you do poorly on tests that matter.
No that’s not at all why I do poorly. (Mina shakes her head in agreement) I just don’t care to understand it.
(Mina begins to
continue to shake her head then both her and Amy look in sudden shock)
She admitted it out right.
Hey where is Lita? Doesn’t she get on with you Mina?
She wanted to get a work out before school so she decided to jog to school.
Man who would want to get all sweaty before class. Lita is strange sometimes.
scene changes to the path outside the school where Iris is standing with a
crystal in hand)
So the next element will appear here. Good thing Spectral designed a new version of monster to resolve the fact that the school won’t let me passed the door. (Iris spies the walk of the school and sees Mr. Yamazaki walking by she runs out and purposely runs into him knocking him to the ground and injecting him with the darts formula) Oh I’m so sorry sir.
Mr. Yamazaki:
It’s okay just watch where you’re going
Mr. Yamazaki are you okay?
I am fine Ms. Kino.
Lita: (turns and a looks at Iris)
Hey lady watch where you’re going next time. (Pauses looking at the woman) Hey don’t I know you from somewhere?
Iris: (To self)
Damn this girl does she know of my plans. No she can’t. (out loud) Oh I was just passing by on a stroll I doubt you have seen me before. Any way I am sorry for running into you sir. (Iris bows and heads off down the road. To Self) Now its just a matter of waiting nearby till the monster appears and uses the crystal.
(Lita helps Mr.
Yamazaki to gather papers that have fallen out of his case)
Here you go (she looks down and notices the top sheet is the answers to the mock test, her gaze does not however go unnoticed)
Mr. Yamazaki:
Ms. Kino, how dare you.
What is the matter sir?
Mr. Yamazaki:
I should have guessed given your past history and the rumors, you still are a delinquent aren’t you. Well I have news for you your actions to look at today’s test answers are a futile effort as I will be changing the mock test, and pushing forward with your classes final exams today.
What you can’t!
Mr. Yamazaki:
Oh an it will be a far different and more difficult task capable to separate the worthless trash like you and your friends from the top quality students.
(Yamazaki snatches the
papers and Lita stands there with a look of shock over her face as the girls
show up, but in his haste the crystal from Yamazaki’s pocket falls out and onto
the ground)
Hey there you are Lita!
What’s with Goblin King he looked upset at you.
I was just trying to help him then he just lost it, and now he pushed our exams up to today.
Amy, Mina and Serena:
He did what?
No way we haven’t even gotten enough time to study or try the mock test.
I don’t think I’m quite prepared ether.
Serena: (in a depressed mood)
If Amy isn’t ready for a test then there is no hope for the rest of us. (suddenly spies the glint of the crystal) Huh hey isn’t that an element crystal?
It is but why is it here?
I don’t like the feel of this guys!
(Serena picks up the
crystal and puts it in her pocket)
Better to hold on to it in case the element or the Nega verse shows. And who knows maybe it will be a good luck charm for me.
(The scene changes to
Geo’s Lair.)
Do to the difficult nature of locking in on the asset timing of the elements appearance I have crafted this minion to release when the element makes an appearance. Once the element appears the monster will be released and gather it with the crystal it possesses, and till then Iris will be stationed nearby to lend a hand should complications in the form of the Sailors or Andromita should appear.
It’s a worthy plan, but you shouldn’t worry about the mouse. Our latest guest has been sent out to deal with her.
Can you trust our guest?
The bad blood between the two will make it worth the effort in bringing her to our side. And she has much knowledge on how Andormita thinks, after all they both trained under the same masters.
I only mean sir that the mind corrupting powers of the queen has proven in past states to not hold so strongly with resistant souls.
True, Metalia’s greatest minions are willing subjects that gave into her power willingly. But I am not looking for someone to not do something that they already aren’t willing to do on their own.
(The scene changes to a
wooded area following a road as a large shadow dashes from tree top to tree top
and van passes by on the road, the scene moves into the van where
We can not do a scene like that Sayrun it’s too…
Risky. I mean it’s the news and all and what would the viewers say …
Stop it both of you. Its late night viewing and we will film the scene over and over again before we let it air so no vulgar images run across the scene, that being said we surveyed the idea and the test audience loved it so it is going to happen. If I have to tie you both up and stick my hand up your rears to say the lines then it will happen. So unless you want my untrained version of a colonoscopy then I suggest you get over the idea got it.
(Both Moyria and
Can we at least shoot the rest of the story first?
Fine we will save the bath for later, given the
shoot for it will be done after the
(suddenly a chill hits
Moyria which grabs
You okay?
Uh yeah I just need to go swimsuit shopping when we get to the hotel… For the scene and all. (To self) something doesn’t feel right if I didn’t know better I swear I had the feeling of being followed. Better check with circuit when we make our next stop.
(The scene switches to
the classroom as the girls are already seated for the exam, unseen by the girls
the crystal Serena grabbed out side begins to dimly flash on and off, as Mr.
Yamazaki passes out the exam papers)
Mr. Yamazaki:
Due to the actions of some of your fellow classmates you all can now celebrate as you all get to take my special final exam early. For some of you this should be little problem (looking at Amy) while others will find this to be the last nail in their hopes of progressing to the next school year. (looking at Mina, Lita and finally settling on Serena) You have till the end of the period to write your answers if you fail to answer any questions then you better pray your others answers are perfect or you won’t be moving on from this class. (The students go to place their hands over the exams ready to flip them over) Your exam begins now.
(Yamazaki continues to
walk up and down the rows trying to catch cheating and Serena is scratching her
head at the paper before her, so far the only answer she has right that she can
tell is where it asks for her name. Still the crystal glows only now a bit
stronger but still goes unnoticed but with each flash Serena finds her hand
suddenly moving her pencil across the page filling out the answers. She looks
shocked as even she isn’t sure what her hand is writing. Then suddenly the bell
rings and pencil come to a halt. Mina lets out a groan of mental strain)
I didn’t answer three of them, I hope I got most of them right.
(Yamazaki walks along
picking up the test papers and stops at Serena’s desk)
Mr. Yamazaki:
Lets see what silly drawing you did to waste my efforts this time Ms. Tsukino.
Uh no I did…
(Yamazaki glares at the
test sheet and a scorn look comes across his face)
Mr. Yamazaki:
Why you little cheat how did you know that answer? (He is practically shoving the paper in her face.) And this one? There is no way the brainless queen of this school could possibly have these answers. (Yamazaki grabs Serena’s arm and squeezes tight) You cheated it’s the only way, some how girl your trying to cheat your way out of my class. No one should have these answers.
Ouch let me go I didn’t cheat I just some how wrote what I did.
Mr. Yamazaki:
A lair now as well! (His eyes glint red briefly but then fade) You will be punished for your actions Ms. Tsukino.
I didn’t cheat.
Chill out gobby so she got an answer right it just mean maybe she was paying attention.
Mr. Yamazaki:
No she didn’t get one answer right she got them all right. A perfect copy of the answer sheet right down to the penmanship, she is a no good lying and cheating brat of a girl and you will face her punishment as well Ms. Anio!
Hey what did I do!
And Ms. Kino as well for being the one trying to cheat earlier as well.
What is going on with you?
This isn’t right you can’t treat your students this way Mr. Yamazaki.
Mr. Yamazaki:
You wish to join them as well Ms. Mizuno very well I will punish you all for your disobedient behavior (Yamazaki’s skin starts to turn green and some of the students begin to panic as Yamazaki starts to transform, when suddenly the glass window bursts open and Iris pops in, causing the rest of the students with the exception of the girls to flee the class room)
Well didn’t expect the monster to release so early, Oh well guess we will just have to seize control of the area where the element will appear. Awaken my minion Tenguousho. (Yamazaki transforms into a much larger green scaled form with claws feathered black wings a long beak like nose and huge fangs forming from the mouth)
Tenguousho? Seriously guess the name Goblin king was fitting after all.
Seize the girls as hostages Tenguousho, while I hunt for the element.
Think again Nega creep, ready.
Amy, Lita, Mina:
Venus Crystal Power
Mercury Crystal Power
Jupiter Crystal Power
Moon Royal Crisis Activation.
(The girls change into
their Sailor forms)
Damn of all the class rooms I find the one with the damn Sailor Brats. Tenguousho, deal with them I will go for the element. (Iris digs in her outfit, then panics and digs all around) Damn it where the heck did that crystal go. (growls) Damn must have dropped it outside, Handle this while I go find it (Tenguousho nods while Iris floats back out the broken window)
Um should we tell her?
Nah let her go hunting its not like she will find it before we deal with Goblin King.
Wow your calling him that too now.
Is this really the time to discuss Goblin King’s name?
Uh no but …hey Amy too (a smirk crosses Moon’s and Venus’s faces as Mercury and Jupiter sigh)
Silence, this is my domain and you will do as you
are ordered or be punished (A massive wood club
with spikes appears out of no where and he proceeds to swing it smashing the
wall from the shattered window taking out a greater portion as Venus and Moon
quickly drop to avoid the swing)
That club of his is powerful we need to get him to drop it or this fight could get ugly fast.
On it, Jupiter Coconut Cyclone (Jupiter tosses a burst of electricity which swirls around in a small whirlwind causing the club to shake) It’s not enough.
Venus Love Me Chain (Venus’s chain wraps around the club and she yanks at it to try and pull it from the Tenguousho who isn’t willing to let go easily.) Damn he’s strong who knew old Gobby had this much in him.
Mercury Sabao Spray (Mercury blasts at Tenguousho with her freezing water attack pushes him back slightly. But still he doesn’t let go of the club) Sailor Moon we are gonna need your help on this too. (Mercury looks as Sailor Moon walks quietly behind Tenguousho, turns to Mercury and grins.)
What is she doing?
Who knows, just keep pulling.
(Sailor Moon using a
piece of paper flaps it lightly against Tenguousho’s nose and whispers in his
I aced your evil exam and there is nothing you can do about it. (she continues to lightly tap the paper on his nose causing his nose to curl a bit, Then suddenly he sneezes and the club flies from his hand and goes crashing through the wall clear into the next class room and then on.)
Seriously you just disarmed him with a sneeze.
The club may be gone but my favorite target is right here. (He lashes out and grabs Sailor Moon by the neck and slams her against the chalkboard.) You’re a cheat, a moron a worthless low life scum that needs to be wiped from the earth. I will be doing the world a favor destroying useless crap like you.
She is not worthless; sure she may be a bit slow on understanding things.
She may be the biggest klutz of the world.
And she can devour household’s worth of food.
(Weakly) Guys I don’t think he needs reasons to prove his point.
There is no kinder soul.
She is always there to lend a hand when you need it.
She is the defender of all of us.
Mercury, Venus, and
But she is our friend, Sailor Moon and she will punish you.
(The three try their
attacks again this time on him to pull him away from Sailor Moon and they pull
just enough to let her escape)
Thanks a million guys, now it’s my turn….. Moon Blessed Healing (Light begins to surround Tenguousho and move around faster and faster) Heal this soul, and maybe work on making him less grumpy or something. (The lights move quicker enveloping him in light and he reverts back to Mr. Yamazaki who collapses to his normal self. The girls look around and notice Serena’s bag glowing a faint light, Sailor Moon opens it and pulls out the glowing crystal) An element in here?
Figures the only way you could ace that exam was if you had help some how.
So she did cheat?
No the elements seam to unlock some lost power in people.
So she is smart now?
Sailor Moon, what is the square root of pi?
Sailor Moon:
Pie doesn’t have roots and its round food, Amy you can’t fool me on that one. Hey Jupiter any way you could make some after this?
(Jupiter and Mercury sigh)
What she got it right? Didn’t she?
No, in a way I guess it’s a good thing.
(Mr. Yamazaki starts to groan.)
We need to change back before he wakes.
Well no matter what looks like school’s out for the semester.
Sigh Senior year is ahead and if its anything like today I don’t think this place can take it.
(The girls revert, as Mr. Yamazaki begins to wake. Serena
offers her hand to help him up)
Mr. Yamazaki:
Wha …What happened? In here it’s a mess, Girls?
Well you aren’t kidding when you say your exams are rough. Mr. Yamazaki.
Mr. Yamazaki:
Now Ms. Tsukino what have I said about you calling me by …. (Stops himself) … You called me by my name.
Are you okay Mr. Yamazaki?
Mr. Yamazaki:
No I think I hit my head pretty hard. Um was the window always like that, and did we have an open doorway to the next class?
Come along sir I think we should get you to the nurse’s office.
Mr. Yamazaki:
Um yeah right… Huh (he picks up a piece of paper and looks at it) Ms. Tsukino … I would like to apologize for my behavior to you this past year it would seem you have learned something this year.
I have sir.
Mr Yamazaki:
Good never stop that, if there is one lesson I want you girls to remember is even when school is gone for you never stop learning.
All four girls:
You got it sir.
(The scene changes to Iris on her knees feeling around
the blades of grass)
It has to be here! I can’t believe I lost the damn crystal.
(Suddenly Spectral appears from a doorway and grabs her
It’s over Iris Geo sent me to get you, as you failed again.
No I haven’t failed, its here somewhere I know it. Just give me more time.
Don’t worry Geo’s focus is on his other project he won’t much mind to your colossal blunder today much. You should be able to escape alive this time.
(Iris continues to dig at the grass pulling it out as
Spectral grabs her and drags her in the doorway)
Iris: (in a panic)
No I haven’t failed yet… No I won’t give up… NOOOOooooo.
(The scene fades to the ski slopes where
is that girl, she knows we have this shoot to do now.
Well last I saw her she was dropping off her bags in the room and then she ran
out the saying she had to go get something important.
Seriously that girl has no sense for the job. Taka you take over the camera work on this part we will just have to find a way to punish her for her skipping out.
Moyria? You’re skipping out on work to ski? (He looks with stronger intensity but doesn’t see any skis with her) What are you up to?
Earth to
(Returns to looking at Sayrun) Uh yeah sure. (To self) Moyria what is with you today?
(The scene changes to Moyria sitting alone on the ski
lift when she activates her cell)
Yes Mistress I have news to report to you about an element.
So there is one near here.
Negative I do not detect any forces near your location Mistress. The element appeared in a high school I was scanning what sources I could, and it appears the element of thought appeared and the Sailors where able to claim it with minimal damage to the stability of the building.
So if the power I am sensing isn’t an element, then why I can not shake is something else is going on here.
As I say mistress I detect no issues in your area as far as the elements or negaverse activity. Perhaps you are just feeling unwell.
No, there has to be something the entire trip here I felt like something was following me and now I am here, I can’t shake the feeling something is wrong.
hold as I asset the area with a scan. (A minute
passes and the lift begins to reach the top) Scan complete
What do you mean large doses?
I detect that just ahead of your location is a small amount of Nitrogen-glycoside.
Explosives, I’m dangling in mid air on a bunch of poles and wires and you don’t think explosives are dangerous.
It is not enough to break the poles or wire by themselves …Oh dear.
Oh dear what? What did you miss?
The explosive compound could be used to create a force that could knock down the poles.
mean. (Just then higher up the mountain from where
the lift lets off a explosion occurs)
(The scene changes to
Cut we will have to retake that. Some idiot with fireworks ruining it for us.
Gold Medalist:
That was no fireworks sounded like the explosives they use to clear mountains for safety.
They do that now while skiers are on the mountain.
Gold Medalist:
They usually do it in the mornings, it is odd.
Wait they purposely use explosives on a mountain?
Gold Medalist:
To prevent Avalanches.
Well it looks like someone is creating one on purpose to me.
Not good.
Gold Medalist:
We should be safe here don’t worry, of course anyone up top will have to ski fast.
And if they don’t have skis.
Gold Medalist:
Then they need to be all up on their life insurance cause that will be a quick way to bite it.
Sorry I need to take a quick break, Nature is calling.
(He starts to run off)
Way be professional rookie. (Turns to Taka) Get the best zoom footage you can of that Avalanche Taka, got to make something salvageable about this trip.
(The scene reverts to Moyria on the ski lift)
In its current placement it could start an avalanche that would be headed straight for you.
Damn it, I walked into a trap. (Moyria turns Circuit off) Going to need all my strength of this one … Stardust Illumination Activate.
(Light encompasses Her
body and fades with Moyria now in her Uniform. She starts to stand up on the
chair of the lift as the mountain begins to rumble with the sound of the
avalanche racing down the mountain top. Screams of people are heard and several
try to race their way to safety. Andromita leaps up and bounces as she lands on
top of the wire of the lift. Quickly she dashes up the lift running past the
other seats till she reaches the final tower.)
Got to time this right, I don’t get any second chances here.
(The Avalanche plows
closer and moments before it reaches the tower Andromita leaps in the air with
her fist raised high, as she lands the wave of white starts to come crashing
down at her but her fist is faster and a sudden burst blasts a gap in the wave
splitting it in two and spreading the threat to a much smaller annoyance. The
poles of the tower get covered a bit but the main force of the snow wave is
reduced leaving a simple blanket of white near its base looking untouched until
a hand comes crashing out from under it and Andormita climbs out of her winter
cover. Just as she raises her head out something slashes across her neck and yanks
her out of the snowy bank. Grasping for air she pulls at the thing that has her
by the neck and pulls away a whip that gives her a sudden shock of pain as it
cuts at her hand as her tries to yank it away from her throat. Freeing herself
she breaths deeply and starts to look around.)
Who are you? Why are you doing this?
Mysterious Voice:
You know who I am; you just don’t want to accept it. You never did.
Andromita: (Coughing and looking down at the blood covering the
Why… why are you doing this?
Mysterious Voice:
Cause I want to. I want the blood of the magi to spill.
I am not a Magi. Mother was the last one she … she.
Mysterious Voice:
Oh I know very well she died fighting the glorious Queen Metalia when she first attack earth. But the power of the magi is past down from mother to daughter. (A pressure hits Andormita’s head holding her face down in the bloody snow)
To first born maybe, I was the second child of my mother.
Mysterious Voice:
Is that what that worthless man you call father told you? You never did question the words of the great and noble Raydon did you? (Suddenly a arm grabs Andromita’s hair and yanks her head up to look at the face of her tormentor. The face of a short haired blond woman with brown eyes cause Andromita’s eyes to widen a bit) But I can assure you he lied to you on many things.
Cen… No you can’t be alive. Father told me you.
What? That I died. I was taken prisoner by the Negaverse and force to work as a slave for their plans for two years before. All the while I prayed that he would come save me. But no I was a child whom he raised but you… you where his only blood and the only one he cared for and he let your mother die Andi. He didn’t care for her ether. No he had his eyes on someone else someone whom he always loved.
Andromita: (with tears in her eyes)
Why are you doing this Cen, why are you working for the enemy?
Cause the Queen gave me freedom. Freedom from the king of lies Raydon and his lustful eyes for the Moon Kingdoms Queen. I am free and all I have to do for my freedom is wiping your sorry existence from this world before the queen rises to power once again. (Cen Grabs her whip and drops it under Andromita’s neck and begins to pull it up around her throat but suddenly she loses her footing as Andromita strikes the earth blasting the snow and causing both of them to fall loose from each others grip.) Oh how sweet you’re trying to escape. You think you actually have a chance.
Andromita: (grabbing her blaster and pointing it at the direction of Cen)
Don’t move an inch; I don’t want to hurt you Cen.
Oh but that’s where we differ sis, cause I really want to hurt you. (She raises her whip and goes to swing it when suddenly Andromita tosses a handful of snow dead on in her face blinding her temporarily.) Gah you think you can keep this up it doesn’t mater where you run sister, your already bleeding out I can find your trail (Cen wipes her eyes and is surprised that Andromita is right in front of her with the palm of her hand out in front of her nose)
Solar Flare. (The sudden burst of Light causes Cen to scream out in pain. As Andromita leaps out of the pit of snow she created) I won’t hurt you Cen. But I can’t let Geo win ether (Andromita shoots a blast that knocks the whip away, then grabs her armlet.) Circuit I need you to conduct a teleport.
But Mistress I have told you we do…..
Not me lock in on what Cen here is using and send her back and be sure to destroy it afterwards.
Mistress it appears your sister is using ….
I know what she is using just do as I say. (Turns and looks at Cen who is regaining her vision) Don’t come back Cen. Not like this. Transport Now Circuit.
(A portal opens and
sucks in Cen)
This is far from over Andi, I will come back for you and your Sailor friends. (The portal closes) Count on it.
That’s what I am afraid of Cen.
Mistress we could have tracked…
No Circuit.
I am detecting that you are badly injured you need medical attention.
(Adromita reverts back
to Moyria then grabs her slowly bleeding neck)
No arties just a really bad scratch that’s all. I will…be fine…
(Moyria collapses down
face first in the snow)
Mistress… Mistress … Detecting approaching people switching to quite mode.
(Suddenly Tuxedo Mask
leaps down and looks over at Moyria)
Tuxedo Mask:
She’s on top that’s good but I don’t like the looks of that injury better get her down fast. (He lifts her up on his back and then clicks his heels which convert into a pair of skis for him to ride down the mountain on.) I don’t know why you came up here Moyria, but someone is watching out for you to protect you from that avalanche. (He looks down at Moyria’s wrist and spies the camera she has been given is in her hand.) Maybe Sayrun will let you off if you have some footage of what went on up here.
(The scene changes to
the throne room of Geo, where Cen and Iris both kneel before Geo)
Failures, Failures on both fronts. You Iris failed to even aid the minion when facing the sailors and why? Then you Cen I revived you with one mission to destroy the mouse and yet she sent you back here how?
It has been years since I face Andi at in even mock battles, it appears she has learned a few things since then, perhaps some one brought forth a new sense of blood lust in her.
We can not let her live and discover the powers of the magi, if her powers unite with the moon princess’s silver crystal it will destroy our plans to restore Metalia to her rightful place as lord of chaos. But to do that I need the elements!
Iris: (Crying in fear)
I am sorry my lord. The crystal I lost it.
(Geo walks up and
grasps Iris head lifting her off the ground)
You lost the crystal, the one thing we can use to capture the raw force of the elements. Tell me Iris why should I bother with worthless trash like you to even have a second chance. (Geo’s hand begins to glow)
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to please my lord I won’t fail you again I will do as you ask.
Enough! You have continued to disappoint me Iris. No more mercy.
My lord perhaps it might be a good idea to spare her for now. After all why waste someone you can at least use as a distraction in the next battle. Just make it so she ether succeeds or pays for her next failure in the only suitable way.
I’m listening. (Iris looks in a panic at the evil grin of her new sadistic ally) But keep in mind you too have failed me.
I merely was investigating on if Andi has gained the power of the magi, but form the looks of it she doesn’t even know she possessed it let alone how to use it. As for our friend here may I suggest your scientist build a little device for her next trip out.
I will not reward her for her failure with new weapons she will destroy.
Not a weapon per say no. Only should she fail would it be one and she will be the weapons trigger.
Intriguing, tell me more of this plan.
(The scene switches to
the hotel bed of Moryia and
Moyria: (To self)
What happened how did I get
Your awake. How are you feeling?
Moyria: (a bit of a raspy voice)
A bit sore in some places but glad to be in here. How did I?
Some guy found you and got you to the Medical Office. Once Sayrun found out she figured she let you rest. They went off a bit to check out the footage you got on your camera.
Oh my camera … I forgot to…
(Suddenly the door
opens and Sayrun and Taka walk in)
And the walking disaster area is finally awake.
Done with the footage?
Yeah but not as much as the camera is.
I broke another one.
Well I would guess the avalanche did it. It killed the sound on the files and made it mostly useless. But you did get some good up close shots.
Most people use sacrificial cameras for those shots though as to not end up like you. But you did good kiddo, just wish we could get that sound working it would make ratings gold.
So I guess that’s it then. She should rest.
Oh no you two promised the
You can’t be serious she has been through a lot today.
And a moonlight kiss is what is called for to end the bit you know that.
No I don’t want to put any more strain…
Fine but lets make it quick and then Moyria gets all of tomorrow to rest.
(The scene changes to
Serena’s room)
This is a surprise Serena, you aced your final exam. Guess even hell has to get snow every now and then.
Ha…ha Luna, but it happened and with the destruction of the school it’s going to be closed for a few extra weeks between the next semester.
You actually made it to your Senior year in High school. Hard to believe and you even got a third element. I must say Serena you are growing up. Just a few years ago you where a complete mess as both a student and a superhero but you have begun to really shine and mature at times.
Uh thank you Luna.
So now that you’re a senior you really should start focusing on what you are going to do after you leave high school. Any ideas?
I don’t know Luna. I mean Amy is still on course for Med school which she has been on since I known her. Mina is still trying to be discovered as an actress, but Rei has turned her back on her dream and is quitting school to run the temple. Lita I think is looking to go to cooking school, then there is the others.
Yes Haru is working on getting a racing career, Michiru is in art school, and the two of them are living on their own. While Setsuna is working a tech job and raising Hotaru. Even Renee will be starting middle school soon.
Serena: (grumbles)
Yeah and
But he still loves you and he has been trying to get you to realize that.
I can’t help it there is just something about Moyria that rubs me wrong. Besides he goes about kissing her like that and ignores me.
(Luna pressing Serena’s
cell phone)
Thirty seven missed calls in four days from him says other wise Serena. Why don’t you call him back and forgive him I mean it is part of his job now to play this role.
(Serena picks up her
Yeah I guess your right. I should forgive him.
(Dials the number and
it rings several times then suddenly an answer)
Hey this is
I can’t come to the phone right now but I will get back to you as soon as I can please leave…
(Serena sighs)
Voice Mail! Guess it is kind of late. (the phone beeps to indicate to leave a message) Hi Darien I just wanted to say I am sorry for acting the way I have for the last few days (The scene changes to Moyria and Darien in the hot springs but Serena’s voice still comes through. As the two speak to the camera and lean in and passionately kiss the scene is blocked perfectly to just expose the idea that Moyria’s bare chest is pressed up against Darien’s this time unlike the fireworks days before both of them blush as they kiss) I know we have been through a lot of rough patches and each of us have had temptations to turn us from one another. But even death couldn’t separate our love for each other over the years, So what I am trying to say is I still and will always love you. I will answer the next time you call and we can set up a meeting with each other kay. Night sweetie.
(The Scene changes to
Princess Serena:
I can not live another without seeing you my love.
Prince Endymion:
Nor I ether but the dark forces threaten my kingdom and I must return there for their sake.
Princess Serena:
Then take my locket so that you may remember me and it may keep you safe. Letting you return to me.
Prince Endymion:
Even the forces of Hell won’t keep me from returning to you my love.
(A figure in the
shadows watches the two as the prince and princess separate from each other, and
then the shadow runs after the prince, and then suddenly attacks)
Prince Endymion:
The enemy you dare strike me here. (The figure steps out of the dark and is revealed to be Andromita) You’re one of the royal officers are you not?
Stay away from her.
Prince Endymion:
What business is it to you that our love brings us together?
I am protecting her from what trouble you bring this kingdom.
Prince Endymion:
Trouble? I’m not bringing any such thing here. I am merely here for her for my love.
You poison her mind turning it from the duties at hand, if you two keep going this rate both kingdoms will fall to the darkness not just yours.
Prince Endymion:
And what makes you think ether will fall. (Andromita’s eye flash a bright white light then fades and she collapses) That power was magic like the princesses but you aren’t of royal decent how can this. (He grabs Andromita by the shoulders as she comes to and tries to free her from his grip slightly blushing discovering herself in this position) The magi? You posses the power of the magi you must be the daughter of the queen’s ….
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am the second born I can not carry on her power my sister was the magi, then when my mother died the magi’s died with them.
Prince Endymion:
But your eyes just now shined with a magical force.
You’re seeing things earth prince now leave me. I care not what you want you do with your kingdom but leave the princess out of any pain you may bring her or else I will be the one to claim your head.
Prince Endymion:
You care much for her I see. Very well should I ever bring the princess pain as you say, then I ask you hold your sword out so I might fall on it.
Andromita: (Looks shocked at his agreement)
I will you can count on it.
Prince Endymion:
And since you do me this favor I will do the same for you. Next time I visit I will bring a friend of mine to keep you company so you don’t hide in the shadows alone.
Andromita: (Andromita blushes a bright red)
And I will be sure to kick both your rears should you dare even try.
(The prince laughs and
walks of leaving a very embarrassed Andromita standing alone. The scene
switches to Moyria laying in bed her face bright red and a slight giggle slips
out of her lips, While Darien lays on the floor of the room awake he lets out a
little smile while he looks at his phone housing one missed call from Serena.
Scene fades to black)
Preview of Next Episode:
I can’t believe we all got the chance to head out
on this trip to meet up with
Yeah well it’s been awhile since the two of you saw each other we felt it be a nice treat before you guys go back to school in a few weeks.
All the Sailors gather to have some relaxation
together and share what info they have gathered so far. But their meeting with
Next Time on Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor
Sailor Moon:
The Calm Tempest part 1
Sailor Moon Says:
Sometimes school can be a daunting task for us all.
But its important for us all to learn what we can to not just give us a hand in getting a job but dealing with issues that life will through at us.
If its learning complex math problems, or just how to cook a meal
Learning what we can from the lessons before us in school will help us grow
But even when school is out its important to learn the lessons life has to teach us from the actions of ourselves and our friends and family. Give yourself a fighting chance and never give up on learning. Sailor Moon Sez.