Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor            (2012 rewrite) Episode 6 “Shocking BattleElement of the sky.”

Purple = Character
Green = Action
black = Spoken
red = Voice over or character inner dialog (Not spoken out loud)

(The scene opens in the class room of Yamazaki where the girls sit in place Serena lays with her book open wide to cover her face from the prying eyes of the fierce instructor she dislikes so much. The Bell rings and Yamazaki sighs shutting his book he was reading instructions from.)




Very well I want the class to read and prepare to be tested on the subject at hand in the current chapter. Some of you need a better shot at improving your grades then others if you have hopes for a future in college or for some hopes to get out of high school am I right Ms. Tsukino.


(Serena peers over the book and spies Yamazaki staring at her)




How does he do that?




It’s his magic goblin vision.




It’s so creepy.




So, we are gathering tomorrow for a study session.




But there is no school tomorrow why do we have to get together then.


Mina: (Mimicking Yamazaki)


Because you Ms. Tsukino are a complete and utter failure at my master pop quizzes.




Wow that’s a great impersonation Mina. But still we have two days off cant we just meet the next day.




I agree




Awe Amy your always … Huh wait did you just agree to skip on studying tomorrow.




Are you okay Amy




I’m fine. I thought it be a good idea to check out a science event at the university in town. They have a great experiment on testing a new type of energy generator.




Figures you only want to skip studying to hang out at a nerd fest Ami.




That’s not the only reason.




Really what other reason do you have.




Well I figure the latest villains are after technology and not just any advance. This is a huge target based on the earlier discoveries we made so it would be a good idea to go on the defensive and take part in the event. Plus it wouldn’t hurt to get some info on the college while we where there.




I thought you had already been getting approval from Harvard or Yale Amy.





Nothing like that Lita, I only got early acceptance from them. I haven’t agreed to go I mean travel to the US for my college years I would miss you guys too much.




So you would rather be stuck around with us but still college life is not for me.




Me ether I plan to be discovered before graduation.




Lita what about you?




Well I haven’t thought about it too much, I don’t have too much money to pay for college but I guess it doesn’t hurt to look into it maybe I will find something I could get into. But I think I would have to find a good job first.




Hey what do you think Rei is going to do when we all graduate?




She could follow in her father’s foot steps and go into politics.




Nah she plans to dedicate her time at the temple and take some classes on her free time. You wouldn’t guess but she’s starting to really worry about her grandfather’s health and the temples future.




First I hear of this.




Yeah don’t tell her I said that, but its kind of why I agreed to help her out more. But I think it still might be a good idea to invite her along.




Yeah she’s still upset about the robot exhibit.




Fine I call her and let her know to join us.


(The scene changes to Iris and Spectral in Specters lab.)




I hope you found me a better monster this time.




My creation was perfect, they always are Iris. If you didn’t leave them alone to face the Sailors they may have a chance.




Check the score board bucko, I got a element and you and your monster failed to do more then get in my way.




Oh we will see who gets in the way this time. (Specter tosses a crystal at Iris)

Your target this time is a man lost from this world in the world of his own mind, Right now his power is reaching a peak as he works on some interesting devices. On top of gathering the element it is good if you can gather the machine too. I could use it to power the base and get thing operational again.




I don’t follow your orders Spectral. After I have the element and only if your monster defeats any threats that show up will I bother with the machine?


(Iris flips her parasol and teleports out of the lab)




That’s if you survive the secondary mission I placed on my creation you witch.



(The scene changes to Moyria’s apartment, which now consisted of a rug a pillow and blanket and several bags of clothing thrown about the floor, a TV lined the wall and stretched in front on his back Circuit stretched out along trying to both actively watch the screen and bath in the false light of the screen. Moyria walked in wrapped in a towel and pressing lotion on about on her skin)




Query Mistress why is it you bath your self in mass produced replications of scents not of the area and then slather on more scents placed in a milk and glycerin combination. 




Your slipping you missed the Aloe.




The mixture carries very little Aloe if you wish for more may I suggest you head on down to 3 clicks to the north there you will find a store that sells the plant for its use in your own housing location.




It’s called home. Sayrun says it will help smooth my skin and after the scrapes from the last battle with Iris, I could use a little healing to my skin. Not to mention I could use more baths.




I do not see the logic in your statement that occurred two weeks ago and you showered everyday since. I detect no traces of the mud that covered you from that day other then a small collection that remains in the grooves of your boots.




Yeah should clean them again.




Is this in some way you trying to make up for the defeat you faced the other day? I fail to see how you can blame yourself, the combined elements of Iris and the Monster where troublesome and you couldn’t for see the sudden growth of the tree that sent you flying off.






Your not making me feel better, why don’t you shove it for the night.




But Mistress I have locked in on a possible target of Geo’s forces.




Chance of them actually targeting it.




85% quite high, Apparently a local institute of higher education tomorrow will be showing off the power of a super conductor designed there that runs on Fusion Energy. A very strong and power source of power that has yet to fully be achievable to the humans of this world.




Fusion you mean, the way the sun burns.




Yeah only vastly weaker, the tests are being used to create a plasma ball that will be able to power the school without need for new fuel sources. The size of the actual power source is the same as the liquid storing device you like to use in the morning.




My coffee cup… Come on you can tell me the description of the chemical make up of a star 250 trillion miles from here but you can’t learn the term for a ceramic cup that is used to house coffee and tea.




Its cause any number of liquids can be stored not just two and many types of said cups are made as well as many terms. Such as the term cup of Joe. I for one don’t under stand why so many people want to drink from this one man’s cup but it’s quite famous.









Yeah yeah. But I can’t go there till late tomorrow unless an emergency hits, I can’t afford to miss a day at work. Sayrun’s shopping sprees with my money to get me to fit in are getting me barely leaving income for food supplies or the cost of this housing. I swear she got me this job so she could spend my money for me.




Ms. Calvin has shown a interest in your development in society around here. Perhaps she is interested in you in some way romantically.




WHAT…No way.




Why not from the info I gathered its fairly common place these days for people of the same sex to be attracted to one another, and besides you felt it was the same way when Sailor Uranus picked you up at the Museum.




I didn’t quite get that she was a she, but even still I’m not that way.




Your heart rate increased when I brought the subject up and continues to beat at a increased rate.


Moyria: (gritting her teeth)


I don’t think of ether in that way and if you don’t drop it soon you will be permanently fixed making my breakfast in the morning with your own internal body functions as I rebuild you into a toaster got me. Now drop it.




Very well mistress, perhaps it would be a good idea for me to head out and investigate the power supply tomorrow.




Fine but keep to the sewers and air ducts this time I don’t want you being spotted this time understand.




Yes Mistress.


(The scene changes to the next day as the girls gather at a bus stop, Amy, Lita, Mina and Rei all standing and watch as a bus pulls away, Rei gains a look of irritation on her face.)




Where is that Meat ball for brains, she’s super late.




We called her and she was awake (to self) after I called her 10 times that is but better Rei doesn’t find that one out.


(Suddenly Serena comes running carrying two large bags, one that looks to have stuff inside and another empty)




Sorry guys, thanks for waiting




Oh no problem we have another 15 minutes till the next bus anything else you want to do since you made us miss the bus we set on taking.




Chill Rei, Hey Serena what is up with the bags.




Uh well Mom asked what I was doing and when I said we where going to the college to look at classes she packed me a big lunch and put it in this bag. (Serena presents a large lunch box)




And the empty bag is for?







Well she kind of made me promise to pick up a bunch of school and class info or else I would be grounded for a week for skipping out on studying.




Troubling she wants proof of the trip or else it’s seen as a waist of time. I guess that what comes with bottom of the class status.




Your second from the bottom why are you so proud.




Hey I scored a 53 on the last test. So my parents aren’t after me like you and your 31.




Man I wished I had your parents, Mina.




I don’t see why ether of you should be proud anyway here (Amy hands them both a notebook) These are notes for you two to study on our way to the college.


Serena: (Mouth open)


You evil traitor Amy, you said we could have the day off from studying.




This is worse then the Negaverse attacking us all at once.




I said you could take a break from studying all day but as you will more likely just waste the time waiting traveling on the bus you two has plenty of time to catch up on your studies.


(The scene changes to outside the News Studio as Moyria and Darien pack the News van before receiving the days location orders from Sayrun)




Moyria: (Moyria glances at Darien and blushes)


Um hey uh Darien I have a question.




Sure no problem what question do you have for me?




Um when you uh look at me I mean do you think I you know?


(Darien stands confused as Taka and Sayrun walk in behind them)




She wants to ask you out.






Moyria: (a very red faced Moyria)


No that’s not it.




Better not be Darien’s girlfriend is pretty protective of him.




I told you its not it.




Ignore them what is it you wanted to ask?




It can wait.




Uh okay then how about you ask me after work okay.




Yeah sure.




Okay Love Birds we are off to film a interview with some scientist over at a college. Some new contraption that will save the world or destroy it I really don’t care. Moyria you and Darien are to grab some public opinions while Taka and I gather the interview okay.


Taka, Moyria, Darien:




(The group hops in the van and drive off as the scene changes to inside the college and the girls walking around with Serena carrying a very bored face about her and dragging the bag around that she has.)




Man this bag is getting heavy. Hey Lita could you help me carry this bag. (Serena looks around and doesn’t see Lita around) Hey where did she go?




She saw a cooking class that they had set up for people to attend and sit in on.




They where cooking food how did I miss that.




It was a lecture on cooking techniques, I don’t think they where cooking at all actually.




Oh that how. In that case Mina will you help…



Not a chance Serena. I’m in serious guy hunting mood. These college guys are so cool.






Yeah did you see that guy earlier Mina?




The one with goatee or the one in the sun glasses




The one with the ponytail




How did I miss him?




No fair I want to see him too.


Mina and Rei:


You have a boyfriend leave some for us.




Ah this is the room for the presentation on the Fusion generator.




Fusion … like in that one anime wow this will be cool


(The scene flips to moments in the show)




Correction this is boring why are we here




Cause the Enemy could be after it.


Amy: (typing on a tablet)


Guys I can’t say if the enemy is here but something is moving along the walls that has a electrical charge.


Mina: (points at three air vents)


Rei you go right I will go left Serena be prepared to get what ever may come out of the middle one.




Wait that sounds like the job of the person who gets eaten first in a monster movie.




Yeah and your the bait.


(Mina pulls the vent cover off and Rei mimics it on her end.)




You have it trapped


(The two girls reach in after the target only to have it dash and burst out of the middle vent and causing Serena to jump about.)




AH its Got me Help the monster is eating me.


(The few people gathered in the exhibits room turn to face the girls.)




Excuse her she’s just acting out a scene she saw on TV.


(Amy turns and looks at Serena laying on the ground with Circuit on her chest)




It’s that cat robot from before.




Andromita’s partner.


Serena: (Hasn’t noticed yet)


Get it off me it’s gonna eat me…. Huh it’s you.




I am sorry Princess, I was trying to merely observe the exhibit and watch over for enemies approaching it but so far no signs have been seen.




So if Andormita is watching this then Amy’s calculations must be right. The enemy will strike here for the device.




Unknown I am afraid.



Circuit, where is your master is she here.




Negative… The mistress is predisposed at the moment; I am to alert her of any incident that causes a need for her.




Well I guess its okay to have you here, but for now consider your self a prisoner till we can figure out what to do with you.




I am a prisoner? Then I will take precautions based on the manuals directions on the matter.




Fine now get off me you way a lot heavier then you look. (To self) what is with me doing all the heavy lifting today?


(Suddenly the buildings Alarms sound)




I don’t believe it.





What is it Amy?




The program I made just detected a huge spike of energy similar to the enemies but not in this room but a couple rooms over.




They aren’t after the Generator?




Doesn’t look like it?




Then lets get too it.




Mercury Crystal Power Makeup




Mars Crystal Power Makeup




Venus Crystal Power Makeup




Moon Royal Crisis Activation


(The girls go through their transformations and end. Then Venus takes a look at Sailor Moon’s new look)




Oh wow that’s a wickedly cool new look.






No way you got a new form.




Yeah its cool isn’t it.



Uh I don’t want to alarm you all but…


(The door to the room blows open wide as a large creature shooting off sparks appears in its wake behind it is Iris calmly twirling her Parasol.)




Okay Kiteru I want you to deal with any pests in the room while I grab the element okay.


(The monster screams in pain as a way to agree and begins thrashing whips of pure electricity out from its arms)




Element what’s this element you speak of Nega-trash




I should have guessed I smelled Sailor babies in here.


Sailor Moon:


I am Sailor Moon the champion of love and Justice.


Mercury, Mars and Venus:


And we are the Sailor Soldiers.


All four:


And in the name of the Moon we’ll punish you.




Isn’t that touching? Kiteru eliminate them don’t let them interfere.


(The Monster Lashes and hits Venus how cries on in shock and Mars jumps nearly missing a attack her self)




Where is Jupiter she can’t still be in that class.




She’s on her way Moon, till then we just need to… (The monster takes Mercury’s distraction as a moment of weakness and strike her unprepared causing her to go flying into the wall near Circuit.)




Hey you’ll pay for that Nega-freak. Moon Tiara Action (Sailor Moon tosses her Tiara only to have it whipped away into the ground bouncing uselessly.) Hey no fair.


(Taking the chance of the groups distraction Iris takes the crystal and places it on the canister that housed the Fusion reaction suddenly the power goes dark and the only light is form the distant window and the eerie glow of the monster)




So that’s the element of the Sky too bad the machine is useless (suddenly the monster whips grabbing the crystal and taking it into its body.) What are you doing Kiteru? Damn Spectral set you up to betray me. Fine then deal with the scouts on your own. I’m not getting killed for Spectral petty jealousy. I will just make sure Geo knows of your treachery. (Iris goes to flip her Parasol but again the monster slaps the item from her hands) When I get back I’m going to have to stage a little homicidal accident for our dear Spectral.


Circuit: (To Self)


I am going to alert my Mistress the creature has arrived.

o way dly cool new look. Sailor Moon'  spike of energy similar to the enemies but not in this room but a couple rooms over.u. a




They are fighting each other.


(Jupiter comes running in from the hall)




Looks that way, sorry for the delay guys.


(The scene switches to outside the building, Darien and Moyria stand looking around as people panic some smashing tiny window that they cant fit through in a effort to get out)




Looks like the doors to the building shut down with the power.


Moyria: (looking at her cell phone that is buzzing in her hand)


Yeah Um why don’t you try the doors on that side I will try the ones on this side as soon as one gets in let the other know okay!




Sounds like a plan


(Darien runs off and Moyria finds a hidden spot on the roof to place the camera down.)




Circuit … Report what is going on in their.




A monster is attacking and the sailors are fighting it.



I’m outside but the doors are locked for some reason




A alarm system was triggered I believe it’s a theft alarm it is set to lock down the building then when the power went out it remained locked.




So I need a proper key then well it’s a good thing I have one. Oh and Switch to camera mood so I have some footage of it for work okay.




You have the key mistress I don’t understand why is it you have the key to this location.






Sigh …Circuit I have got to teach you about expressions….Stardust Illumination Activate

(Moyria goes through her transformation and become Andromita)




Right now time to open a new door.


(She goes to pull back and punch the roof to bring it down when a sudden red blur flies by and a rose lodges itself in front of where she was just about the unleash her power. She turns and Tuxedo Mask stands near by his cape flowing in the wind)


Tuxedo Mask:


I can’t let you do that. There are too many people inside and we don’t know if they are below you or not.




So you’re fine with letting the enemy win. Cause the longer we waste trying to find a opening to this place the more likely they are to hurt those people inside.


Tuxedo Mask:


You’re far too reckless we are here to save lives. Or do you even care.




Back off Prince I was saving lives of this planet from threats long before, even threats that where capes and seduce Princesses.


Tuxedo Mask:


Still not letting it go are you, we aren’t your enemy Andormita.




Yeah well this is a real funny way of showing it, Endymion, As best I can tell you want me to not go in there so your minion can get what they came there for and perhaps to hurt countless others along the way.


Tuxedo Mask: (pulling out his cane and raising it to use like a sword against Andromita)


I don’t want to fight you but if I have to I will.


(Andromita Flips in the air landing down upon Tuxedo Mask who is able to block the kick with the cane)




You distorted the Princesses mind, twisted her in your ways (Andromita continues to throw punch after punch at Tuxedo who keeps dodging them.) You took her from me.

(the statement catches Tuxedo Mask by surprise and he takes a full on force of Andromita punch to the gut sending him flying off the building and landing in a collection of bushes. He takes a quick measure to slip into the shadow and inspect the damage of the blow.)


Tuxedo Mask: (To Self)


Damn that one hurt, feels like she broke a rib or two. Better switch back and go into hiding for my own sake. But what was that she meant by taking Serena from her.


(Back on the roof top)




That’s right coward run, next time I have the chance you won’t be so lucky as to flee from me. (Presses her bracelet) Circuit I need you to lock on my position and tell me if there are any civilians below.




Negative the only ones remaining in your position are myself, the soldiers and the enemy targets.




Then its time to knock on the door.


(The scene changes to inside as Mercury rises back to her feet Venus, Jupiter and Mars are constantly swinging at the monster and dodging its attacks while Sailor Moon is trying to head off Iris)




I’m not letting you go easily this time.








Even without my parasol I’m more then a match for you Princess. Crimson Bullet (a quick and sudden burst of red light shoots at Sailor Moon nicking her shoulder just enough to give it a scratch)




Okay that was a close one


(Suddenly the sound of heavy knocking is heard from above and both Sailor Moon and Iris look up as the ceiling busts open a hole and Andromita comes crashing in the room)




Damn this just went from bad to worse.


Mercury: (Using her computer)


Sailor Moon The monster the others are fighting its human it needs to be healed.




Damn it, fine (Sailor Moon looking at Andromita) I take it you can hold on to her this time.




Shove it Sailor Moon. I would beat this one to a pulp even if you weren’t here.


(Sailor Moon runs over to the other side of the room to aid her teammates)


Sailor Moon:


Andromita you better not lose this time.




Already on a winning streak. (She reaches in her holster and grabs her blaster and starts shooting at Iris who is within reaching distance of her parasol. Iris keeps dodging with Andromita firing away, the scene switches to the other side of the room.)




Mercury can you distract that guy long enough for me.




Sure thing. Mercury Sabao Spray (A dense fog fills the area)




Okay guys help slow him down




Venus Love Whip




Jupiter Coconut Cyclone


(A swirl of wind and Venus’s whip surround the monster as Mars moves in closer)




Evil Be gone (Mars places a talisman on the monsters forehead preventing it from moving)




Now Sailor Moon




Moon Blessed Wishing (Energy builds in her hands and forms a ball of light that flies off and starts to spin around Kitera.) Heal this soul. (The light moves rapidly filling the area around Kitera healing him back to a mere office geek and as he falls a bright green crystal falls near him. Iris takes note that Kitera is defeated)




Well can’t say I won’t miss him but this isn’t a total waste.




What are you getting at Iris.


(Iris aims her hand at Andromita)




Crimison Bullet (quickly she raises her arm to blast the weaken roof above the two of them causing it to fall down around them)




Andromita look out.


(As the smoke begins to clear Andromita was quick enough to dodge the debris but failed to notice Iris grab her parasol and teleport away. In frustration Andromita punches the ground cracking the floor.)




She got away again and with no clue as to what she’s after.




Uh well she said something about an element.


Circuit: (comes crawling out from under a chair)


There is a strange power reading near the human victim.


(Mercury reaches down and picks up the crystal.)




Hey it’s another one of those crystal thingies




They are called Magi Crystals you all should know them.




This is the first I heard about them. They seem to house a strong amount of power of a type of energy.




Wait tell us what this Magi crystal is.




Yeah it’s the least you can do.




Seriously you don’t know. Man your minds have been wiped hard, Endymion did quite a number on you all.




He didn’t do a thing.




Yeah right.


Jupiter (grabbing Circuit):


Look here we captured your partner you can have him back if you at least tell us what the crystals are for.




Their storage devices to great magical power, much like the Sliver crystal. Each contains a source of energy from nature.




An element.




It would seem logical yes, that this is the very element that enemy is after. But you don’t need large amounts to power it.




Unless you have something really powerful that needs charging.


All the Sailors (except Moon):






No way guys I destroyed her last time.






Circuit, cross reference the total items stolen and the uses with it and the element in using it for Queen Metalia. 




Accessing…. The items could be use to craft a machine that the queen could use as a new host but the element’s power alone is not enough.




She needs more then just this one.




So what she will attack power plants?




No it’s not energy to power the machine its magical energy she needs. She needs the power of the elements of nature, the more power the stronger she will get.




And this Magi-stone is the power of energy.




It’s the element of the sky. There are 12 elements of magic in all, the elements of nature Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lighting, and Plant. Then the elements of the form Shadow, Light, Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit, together they form two parallel stars of magic.




So we stopped them from getting this one so their plans are ruined.




Wait didn’t the other day.




Iris already has one element, the power of plant life better known as the Element of Nature. 




The day the giant tree showed up




The crystal you lost in the battle. The energy stored away released causing the tree to grow rapidly.




And the crystal today caused the power to be drained I wouldn’t be surprised if other places around here not just the college suffered the power outage.


Mercury: (types on her computer)


She’s right half the city is in a blackout.


(Andromita starts to walk away from the room)




Where are you going?




To rest and prepare for their next attack, it can be at any time.




But the crystal




And your partner




You all keep the crystal. Looks like the element of the sky, Jupiter may find it useful. As for Circuit are you following the manual.




Yes Mistress


(A smile hits Andromita’s face)




Good then see you back at base Circuit. Oh and Sailor Moon don’t take my good mood lightly I still will kill you, I just have bigger issues to handle at the moment and you prove to be some what useful.


(She darts off down the hall)




What’s the deal with her?




Who knows but she had us keep the crystal and Circuit so maybe we can find out more.




Uh Jupiter you where holding Circuit right?




Yeah I have him right … (Jupiter holds up a cat shaped rock and they hear clanging in the vents as Circuit also dashes away)




Let him go guys.




What is the deal Sailor Moon Andromita just threatened you and you’re letting her and her partner off.




I’m sorry guys I just feel there is something else here we haven’t yet learned about her and I don’t know if even Circuit knows it.


(Mercury walks up and hands Jupiter the crystal)




Huh why are you giving this to me.




Andromita said you could find some use in it so for now it might be a good idea for you to hold on to it.




Guys can we go home now?




Hey where is my bag of stuff.




Uh Sailor Moon you’re not going to like it but I think it’s under the pile.




Oh no Moms going to kill me.


(The scene changes to Geo’s throne room. A blast of energy flies and bursts near Iris’s Head)




You lost the element. You fail me again Iris.




I had the element and the monster Spectral made betrayed me.




(Laughing) There you go making excuses again Iris.


(Another blast is fired this time nearly missing Spectral)




I am not blind Spectral, I watched the battle and Iris is correct, which means you seeked to cause this mission to fail. You will pay a price for your treachery indeed.




No Master I merely had the Monster take the element with orders to return it to me. Iris abandoned another perfect creation.




Now who is the fool Spectral.




Silence both of you, we need at least six of the elements to revive Metalia. I can not accept you all letting the pesky Sailors get their hands on them. You will work together now on or I will make sure you all will never have another chance, For when I’m through you will wish you got the treatment Beryl gave her minions. As for your betrayal Spectral.

(A burst of energy is shoot this time lower but destroys Spectral’s Left hand. He screams out in pain.) Next time the blast will be higher and closer to that precious brain of yours. Do I make myself clear?


Iris and Spectral:


Yes Lord Geo.


(The two leave and the raspy voice of Metalia raises from the element of Nature)




Careful my Child we have few good loyal subjects left. And the Sailors out number us.




Merely in bodies not power.




Spoken as a fool, many before you including myself have misjudged the power of the Sailors




Yes but I have something they don’t. An Ace up my sleeve, a very powerful ace.


(The light of the chamber gleams on a strange container with a sleeping person with short blond hair inside, the Scene fades to Outside the College as Moyria is taking Circuit to a near by sewer drain for him to crawl in.)




Query Mistress.




What is it?




Why give the Sailors the element. It could be a great power source for us.




Well I’m not really skilled in using the stones, my instructor well um.. Lets just say that our lessons ended before they really got far. Jupiter is naturally tuned into the element so I figure she could find a use for it given time.




Still we could have placed it in a secure location.


Moyria: (setting Circuit at the drain)


Uh yeah well I just figure the numbers weren’t with us today and since they already have one element then they beat me in power there.




They have an element but they just learned what the elements are? I don’t understand what element do they posses?




Sailor Moon’s Magi Stone, it’s the element of Heart. I didn’t want to tell them that this would make two stones in their favor, so from now on I guess I need to get to the elements before they all gather like that. But for now I have to grab the camera before Sayrun and the others show so head back to base I will be there not too much longer.




Understand Mistress


(He hops into the sewer drain and Moyria turns to look at the building and makes her way to a fire ladder she found earlier only to be stopped by Sayrun and Taka)




There you are. What the heck happened?




Uh well when the power shut down Darien and I looked for ways in the building. Where did you two go?




We where inside but the damnest thing the camera battery died at the same time the power went out we just got out a minute ago, Where is Darien? And more to the fact where is the Camera?




Uh the camera is on the roof. I was shooting some video of the panic I also had a battery problem and ran to get a new one then you got me about to got me about to go back and get the camera again.


(Moyria Climbs the ladder)




Yeah and where is the battery?




Uh in my pocket… Hey look at that the camera is fine and hey I think I see Darien over there. (She points to the opposing side of the building as Sayrun’s Phone rings and she answers)




Hello… Oh Darien … You what… you’re where… very well I will have Moyria come get you. (Moyria, gets an uneasy smile hitting her face as Sayrun hangs up the phone.)

Well the camera is safe but your partner in this venture isn’t it turns out he’s at one of the ambulances getting treated for some injuries from a stamped of escapees. Give Taka the Camera and go get the Intern.


Moyria: (Allready climbing down)


Uh Okay.


(The Scene changes to the ambulance where Darien is getting treated. Serena and the girls surround the workers)





Oh please be okay Darien




Uh you do know it’s just some bad bruises




Yeah he will be fine Serena.




Well Amy what do you think.


(Amy leans back from actively watching the workers treat Darien)




It looks like some broken ribs but he will be fine.




You guys do notice I’m awake and can hear you.




What happened?




Uh well I kind of slipped and fell in a bad way after Moyria and I got separated.


(Serena’s Face turns red with anger)




Oooh that woman, she is behind this. I bet she even pushed you didn’t she. When I see Moyria I am gonna tear her a new one. (A cough is made behind Serena) Rei cover your mouth.




Me why don’t you turn and look at who coughed Dimwit.


(Serena turns and sees Moyria with a upset angry face of her own)




What did I do Serena?




You heard me you pushed him.




Uh no Serena I fell after separating from her to find a way to get people out.




Yeah I haven’t seen him for awhile. By the way why the heck are you all here?




Chill it both of you. (Darien looks at the workers who nod and hand him a large piece of paper.) Serena go home with your friends for now. I have to go back to work I will call you when I get home Moyria will see to it I get there.




Leave you alone with this Hussy hell no not happening.




Um actually Serena with your bag we need to see if we can go back in and get more info and…


Serena: (Mentally Visualizing her moms orders)


Sigh your right. But that doesn’t mean I don’t trust her. I want you to call me when you get to work and then again when you get home. (Turns to Moyria) I want him safe in his apartment alone but resting after that got it.



Moyria: (sarcastically)


Aye Aye …Princess.


(The girls run off with Serena looking back briefly)




Don’t give her more reasons to hate you Moyria. Now can you help me back to the van, oh and I’m going to need you to drive us home in my car. The meds are going to make it hard for me to focus.




Yeah fine.




Oh Yeah didn’t you have a question for me earlier?




Umm yeah but it wasn’t important.




No its okay (yawns as his eyes begin to close a bit)




Its just I was wonder given different circumstances would you find me attractive in a boy like girl sort of way.


Darien: (Mumbling in a sleepy way)


Yeah you’re very cute.


(Moyria turns red faced and walks Darien to the van when his phone rings and Moyria answers)




Hello… Serena we just got to the van… Besides the meds they gave him have him drifting off… I did nothing of the sort (Moyria with the help of Taka load Darien in the van as she continues to argue with Serena on the phone the van starts up and the scene goes black.)






Preview of Next Episode:




Man I hate scary places like this.




Man you are such a crybaby Serena.


Tuxedo Mask:


Trouble is building as the next element is detected in a graveyard on Halloween Night, Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon find that not all things that go bump this night are merely costume monsters and the only help at their disposal of the latest Monster creation of Spectral’s is trusting in a alliance with Andromita.




Next Time Episode 7: Night of the Dark Nocturne


Sailor Moon:


See You Next Time.



Sailor Moon Says:


Sailor Mercury:


Colleges are a great place to go and further ones personal goals in life. But getting there may be hard.


Sailor Jupiter:


With the high costs and required grades it may not be achievable to all.


Sailor Venus:


And not every one wants to go there in the first place.


Sailor Mars:


Colleges are a great way to open doors but it’s important to know what you want to do first with your life before you waste time and money.


Sailor Moon:


The future is yours to reach for. Find your path and take the steps along the way ether through college or not. It’s all up to you. Sailor Moon Sez.