Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor: Episode 5 “Weather Or Not”

( The scene opens in the apartment of Moyria Gatent where there are many papers lying about dishes over flown in the sink and of course the one and only robotic cat Curcit right in the middle of the mess)

Curcit : guess with the mistress in bed resting I should clean up in here but ever sense she grew ill. Strange but I would think that she actually is at peace recently sense she last fought the negaverse. Lets see that was the same day the owner of this complex had a party for her. From I what I heard of the other people I don’t see why they complain of my late night info gathering on the TV set.

Moyria (in a very sickly voice): Curcit see if we have any thing left in the fridge .

Curcit: (walking to the fridge opening it only seeing an ice cube tray something in foil oozing a green liquid and milk beyond its expiration date.) Hmm none of these substances appear edible

Moyria: And I feel to sick to go to the store well guess I could ask Miriam to go for me.

Curcit: What about me

Moyria: somehow I don’t think that a grocery store would like having you in the store they might call someone to get you any way who ever heard of a cat doing the grocery shopping for its master let alone a robot.

Curcit: I don’t think you enjoy my help.

Moyria: Help what help. All you do is make a mess and raise and waste my money on useless things against the Negaverse

Curcit: Very well maybe I should offer my services elsewhere.

Moyria : Go ahead we will see how may people will be wile to take in a freak of nature like you.

Curcit: So long mistress (dashes out the widow of the apartment)

Moyria: Good residence maybe now I can get some peace all alone

( the word chokes through her lungs as she has been very weak recently what if the Negaverse did attack with her illness there is a very small chance she could defeat them by herself the more she thinks about it the more she thinks on how since she arrived Curcit was the only one she could talk to as both Moyria and Andromita and for the first time since the death of her father she admitted that she really cared about her companion )

(Meanwhile at the base of the Negaverse Geo and Iris plot there own plans to regain information that Curcit may have on him from the Government computer)

Iris: But master how do you know that the robot has the maneuvers to the Mech. plans we gained from the computer

Geo: He is constantly gathering Info in his databanks if we found it we could sreach his memory for the plans if he had the time to replace it with the file we saw then had enough time to gain the info for himself

Iris: What makes you think we can flush him out so easily

Geo: Cats have many fears and all machines are weak to one thing that cats hate

Iris: And what is that one thing

Geo: Come now Iris show some itellengence they both are weak to water. Understand.

Iris: perfectly. Monsoon Come forth

Monsoon: Im here Iris

Iris: Did you hear master Geo’s orders

Monsoon: yes

Iris: then go now and make it rain like never before.

Monsoon: Yes Iris I will not fail

Iris: See That you don’t

(Back at the apartment Moyria was sleeping until the ringing of the doorbell woke her)

Moyria: Who could that be

(she opens the door to see Miriam, Toy and a young man with blond hair tied back and deep blue eyes)

Moyria: Oh um hello Minim what can I do for you

Minim: it more like what we can do for you dear

Man: Darien told us you where sick so we came by to help you get better

Toy: Yeah we came to take care of you

Moyria: Thanks but I really don’t need any help

Miriam: Nonsense if theres one thing I remember when I was alone was the time I gotten sick I was miserable for weeks and worst I was hungry beside you haven’t left you apartment in days you must at least need us to get you some food

Moyria: well actually I could use some groceries

Miriam: Well I will go pick some for you. Toy why dont you help clean up in here and Garrett you can make Moyria one of you herbal cures

Toy: Right

Garrett: Understood

Miriam: Well Im going to get some groercies you two take of Moyria ok bye now.

Garrett: Im gonna pick up some of the herbs in my apartment I will be right back

Moyria: Um thanks

Toy: Moyria?

Moyria: Yes Toy

Toy: Why is your apartment so empty of personal things

Moyria: Well when you move around as much as me you take very little with you

Toy: Moving around must be tough on your family

Moyria: Family?

Toy: Yeah you know your parents

Moyria: My Parents?

( the thought of her times with her father ran thorough her head then a picture came into her head a picture of a woman with there face hidden in the shadows)

Toy: I mean you Mom and Dad must really miss you thats why you stay up all night you miss them too. I did the same when my parents died.

(A new image comes into her head one of the woman and her father fighting a monster on red soil soon a massive blast of white strikes throwing her father and herself away from the mysterious women and the monster where they once stood there is now a frozen mountain of ice shadows of both the monster and the woman are seen in the ice.)

Moyria: Um well yes I do worry about them I guess

(Meanwhile At the base of the Negaverse Geo is contacting someone to end his problems with Andromita and the Sailor Scouts)

Geo: I am in need of your services to get rid of a pest her name is Andromita she is a mercenary of the Moon Kingdom she is causing my plans to be halted

Voice: Andromita you say thats one target Im willing come after on my own it was because of her and her father my ship fell into a black hole I would have died had it not been for my skill I would have died.

Geo: I heard of that You had gotten on board the StarDust and whipped out five of its crew but Andromita stooped you and launched you out the ship and on the desert planet Toron

Voice: But that was her mistake I grew stronger on Toron and now after all these years we will be reunited Of course even for Andromita I still have a fee Geo

Geo: Get rid of Andromita and the Scouts and you will be rewarded with more than you could ever dream of

Voice: Then consider my services at your hands Geo

Geo: At last I will be rid of that pest

(On the roof top of the Crystal Arcade and Cafe Curcit looks at the humans rush along in their busy day below we see Serena, Lita, Mina, Luna, and Artimis hanging outside the Arcade entrance talking to Andrew.)

Andrew: So you girls have the day off

Serena: Yeah something happened in one of the science classrooms and we had to leave.

Lita: Yeah so Serena wanted to check out the new games and all

Curcit: Hey those three girls look famillar

(Luna and Artimis soon notice Curcit and attempt to escape Serena and Mina arms and run after him)

Mina: Whats that about

Serena: Maybe its some cat thing lets just go on in they can take care of themselves

Mina: Allright

(On the fire escape Luna and Artimis dash toward the robotic cat)

Artimis: Do you think Andromita is around if Curcit is

Luna: I dont know but I intend to find out

Curcit: Greetings guardians Luna, Artimis.

Luna: Ok Curcit where is your mistress where is she hiding

Curcit: My mistress and I are no longer

Artimis: What where you sabotaged by the Negaverse

Curcit: No We had an argument

Artimis: So she kicked you out

Luna: You could help us with what we need to know about this new ruler of the Negaverse

Curcit: (looking to the sky) Warning Liquid droplets in persuit to earth

Luna: Yeah its about to rain soon so

Curcit: Rain evaporated H2 O ............( in mass panic runs for cover) WATER

Luna and Artimis: ?!?

(meanwhile at Moyria’s Apartment)

Garrett: So come now Toy let Moyria rest (hands Moyria a bowl of some kind of liquid)

Toy: Tell me what your parents where like

Moyria: Well my father protected me and raised me to learn how to survive we never really stayed in one place just when I got settled we would hafta move

Toy: What about your mother

(a image of her fathers last words run thorough her mind in a flashback)

Raydon: Come here let me see you beautiful face one last time.

Andromita: I'm here father.

Raydon: I know. Now listen I have something to tell you I know that you have a future and in that future you can get your revenge.

Andromita: But how?

Raydon: Can hear your mother tell it to me.

Andromita: My mother but mom is dead.

Raydon: No we hid that form you because you where different

Andromita: But who is she?

Raydon: You will learn when the time is right but understand this. No matter what you must defeat the Negaverse if the people of the moon are to have any future.You must swear your loyalty to this mission here.

Andromita: I promise father they will not win this war.

Raydon: Thank you and remember you are never alone in this battle

Andormita: Good-bye, father.

(back to the apartment and Moyria finally thinks about what the difference that her father spoke of)

Moyria: (in mind) Different how was I diffrenet from the other children of the Moon Kingdom what did father hide from me who is my mother why cant I remember my childhood.

Toy: Moyria is something wrong

Moyria: Huh oh um no just thinking

(little did Moyria know but all her questions had an answer in a space ship headed toward earth caring one person that may just have the key to her past.)

(back along the roof of the Crystal Arcade and Cafe Luna and Artimis now talk to the robotic Cat Curcit under the cover of stair case to the roof )

Artimis: So why did you run off like that?

Curcit: As a robot I am weak to the smallest amount of water as a cat I fear water so its a double paranoia if you know what I mean

Luna: Odd the weather report said that there was to be only sunshine

Artimis: So when was the last time the weather man was right Luna

Luna: No but the clouds look interesting to just form over land and rain on this area only

Curcit: Almost if it was caused by unnatural means

Luna : Curcit do you know what the Negaverse was after at the expo

Curcit: Yes it was the XX-195006 a government prototype mech They gain the plans but the computer banks can’t work without the maneuvers Which thank to me they don’t have

Artimis: Do you still have these maneuvers in your data banks

Curcit: Yes do you think that is what is causing the sudden shower

Luna: Could be I gonna take a better look at the cloud

(Luna looks at the cloud only to see a monster weaving in and out of the cloud.)

Luna: Just as we thought it is the Negaverse

Curcit: Oh why did I leave if I stayed home then I could have left this to the mistress

Artimis: Don’t worry Curcit we have someone better than Andromita

Luna: We have the Sailor Scouts (calls on communicator) Serena, Lita, Mina Get up on the roof immediately we need the Sailor Scouts

Serena: Be there when I beat this game Luna

Luna: We need Sailor Moon NOW Serena

Serena: Allright already Luna well be there in a minute

(Back at Moyria’s apartment)

Garrett: Huh I thought Moyria would fall sleep first but looks like Toy has worn herself out.

Miriam: So the two just talk the whole time

Garrett: Yes the herbal stew I gave her helped her a bit and helped put her to sleep

Miriam: And to think the others say you partake in witch craft

Garrett: Strange but Moyria does seem to heal differently than other I will say that.

(back on the roof top Luna had hoped to make it a suprise on the monster unfortunately had discovered the three guardians quickly )

Monsoons: You are the one I want

Curcit: You want the maneuvers don’t you

Monsoon: So your willing to hand them over then

Sailor Moon: In your dreams Negacreep

S. Jupiter: Your history

S. Venus: Theres no way your going to win this one

Curcit: The Sailor Scouts

Monsoon: Theres no way Im gonna let a bunch of little girls beat me

Sailor Moon: Ready Sailor Scouts

(all of a sudden Iris appears)

Iris: Mouse you are not powerful enough to deal with the scouts hurry we must leave

Monsoon: But Iris

Iris: No buts you will get your chance soon

(The two quickly disappear)

Sailor Moon: That was easy

Luna: yes but why did they send the monster and do nothing but cause us problems

Curcit: I gotta go I will meet you again here on every Saturday

Luna: Good then we can share information

Sailor Moon: Farewell Curcit

(later that evening at Moyria’s Apartment Moyria is talking to herself)

Moyria: How could have chased Curcit off he only was trying to help me (notices the window is open and gets up to close it only to trip on her friend and guardian Curcit) huh ...........Curcit your back

Curcit: Greetings mistress I see you are feeling better

Moyria: Curcit never leave me again.

Curcit: Understood mistress.

Moyria: Hey Curcit .

Curcit: Yes mistress.

Moyria: Do you remember my mother

Curcit: Unfortunately I do not

Moyria: I wonder what kinda person she was.

Curcit: A kind and loving

Moyria: How do you know

Curcit: I just know

(That Night neither of them said a word again but they spent the whole night watching the sky)

(meanwhile in the Dark reaches of space)

Voice: Im coming for you Andromita and this time I will be the winner of this battle I promise you

The End

Sailor Moon Sez: When your ill or sick you shouldn’t really on yourself in fact you sould seek help of a friend, family, or medical personal remember when you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it ..............Sailor Moon Sez ..............See yah