One Piece RPG

Green Lightning – One Piece RPG – Tontatta


Dwarf / Fairy

Dwarves refer to humans as “Big Humans” (大人間 Dai Ningen?) and casually ask them whether they are good or bad and as a tradition a good human can prove him/herself by either giving up their weapons or being stripped of all their possessions. Dwarves are very careful not to be seen by any humans as they will try to kill anyone who sees them unless they promise not to tell anyone of their existence. They are also gullible to anything humans say to them, making them easily fooled.

They are behind Dressrosa’s belief in fairies and accept the country’s offerings to them.
According to Wicca, they only show themselves to the Riku royal family, but they make an exception for Usopp and his friends.

Despite their small size, dwarves possess great strength, with a single dwarf being able to easily destroy a building. They are very fast, enough for them to disappear in a blink of a second, making it nearly impossible for a normal person to see them. They are known as great cultivators as they stated that they can cultivate any plant, as evidenced by the abundance of plant life on Green Bit. However, they have trouble growing SMILE correctly, as it is artificial in nature. Dwarves are shown to be extremely gullible and trusting.

Level adjustment: +4

Racial Traits:
• +8 STR, +10 DEX, -4 END, -4 WIS, +2 Com.
• Tiny size – +2 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls,
• land speed – 30 feet. Burrow 10ft
• Low-light vision – Dwarves can see better in low light and treat it like day
• Dodge – as a bonus feat.
• Skill Bonus – +20% Knowledge nature, +20 Stealth, +20 Profession Farming , -20 Bluff

Defect :
• Gullible – Dwarves are a simple minded race that easily falls for bluffs and lies having a -20 to the Social skill checks
• Hunted Race – Dwarves are a wanted slave race each one is worth 700,000 Berri, they are sought as slaves to be kept as pets, their plant and burrowing skills and speed and strength.
• Honest Abe – Dwarves are horrible liars and because of that they stink at Bluff -20 to their uses of the skill.
• Long Time Slave Race – Dwarves have lived most their life in slavery and thus know nothing outside of the world from their local areas of captivity. They are not prone to be world travelers. They cannot gain knowledge Skills (other than Knowledge Nature) till they seek education, even if the player takes a class that grants all those skills.
• Easily Impressed – Dwarves having not seen much of the world get impressed at new things 1d4 rounds of stunned distraction when something strange and new appears before them (GM declaration)

Dwarves are an extremely small sentient race. In comparison to an average sized human, their difference in height is approximately the same as that between a normal-sized human and an average-sized giant. They are mostly human in shape, apart from having a thick fluffy tail and chibi-like proportions.

In proportions the Dwarves are the smallest race in the world. Standing on average about 2-3 inches high, they are also very light weight only coming in at the heaviest of 2 lbs But their size and weight don’t mean they aren’t a viable threat as they are almost as strong as Giants which are over 1000 times their size. Their small size doesn’t make them weak in weapon choices While their smaller weapons look weak the size is equal to weapons of a larger size and some dwarves have even been able to use normal sized weapons with the feat Monkey Grip.

A Century of Slavery
Over 900 years ago, the dwarves set out to sea in search of resources. The Donquixote Family proposed a treaty in which they would provide shelter and resources in exchange for manual labor. As Gancho puts it, this was the darkest period of the Tontatta tribe. The Donquixote Family enslaved the dwarves and the humans of Dressrosa prospered from their labor.

Liberation by the Riku Family
After the Void Century, the Riku family became the rulers of Dressrosa. King Riku at the time was saddened by the mistreatment the dwarves suffered and liberated them. After forming a bond with the Riku family, the dwarves covered Dressrosa with luscious greens and blooming flowers. The dwarves were also allowed, as part of their compensation, to take anything they wanted from the country, no questions asked. To cover for them, King Riku created the legend about fairies and firmly implanted it into his people as a means of covering for the dwarves’ actions.

Fight against a Return to Slavery
After Donquixote Doflamingo overthrew the Riku Royal family and ascended to the throne, the Donquixote Family kidnapped 500 dwarves and put them to work in the SMILE Factory of Dressrosa. Some of the dwarves formed an anti-Doflamingo army, the Riku Royal Army, led by Thunder Soldier.

One Piece – Race – Tontatta

Green Lightning One Piece – Race – Tontatta

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