Gloria Danvers

The last in the family line of the cursed daughters of her family. Gloria is by all normal cericumstances a normal girl with the one exception of knowing that her soul will determin the fate of her entire family bloodline for centuries. Gloria has grown up with the curse around her all her life and has come to terms of its influence and the fact that she has to deal with Walter and Charlie in her life. She has taken over her mothers book shop set up in the former family inn, and tries to help her father deal with his alcoholism. She takes intrest in the day to day lives of Walter and Charlie even writing the events and stories she learns in a personal collection of books.

Walter Bryant

The Devil's right hand minion for the task of weighting Gloria's soul in the end and to gather as many souls for damnation as he can, all while waiting for the fated day of Gloria's death. Walter spends most of his time ether working his car dealership where he fleeces the town with his hidden fees or collecting the souls of others. Walter has had the benifit of being on the surface for almost a century and because of this the rumors of him being an actual devil had spread. While he is known for his temper he show kindness to the souls he wishes to collect and even concern in the cases of Gloria, Hector and even occasionally Charlie.

Charlie Tully

The fated Angel assigned to watch over Gloria and stand at her fated day. A solitary soul that watches over Gloria and tries his best along the way to save and comfort other souls along the path of rightousness. Charlie is a huge book reader and works along side Gloria in the family book store. He also has a taste for trying new foods and due to this fact he has since gained weight in nearly the 20 years he has been on earth. While his past life as a human is a mystery, his past with the curse isn't. He has been an angel assigned to the family several times before and worked with Walter back with Gloria's grandmother Rose. While assigned to Gloria, he didn't show up to her till she turned 16.

Hector Danvers

Gloria's father and a recoving alcoholic that met Gloria's mother as a child. While uneasy about Walter and Charlies Presence he has become use to thier presence around his daughter. He now is worrying more about Gloria's fate as she is approaching the same age her mother passed. Hector has taken a job with Walter to be a mechanic and run the dealers shop both for financle support and to try and keep the devil honest with the people he deals with.

Justine Glades

The youngest mechanic in Walter's shop and sort of Walters side project. He took Justine in from his crime ridden life to teach him the ways of both being a model citizen and a model criminal. Justine really doesn't care as long as he gets a steady pay for his work. But often he ends up being Walters support when Walter loses his cool or gets into too much hot water. Justine doesn't quite know about the whole mess, but between Hector and Walter he knows enough to not tempt fate around his boss. He will sometimes to seek advice from time to time from Charlie.

Prudence Gladwell

Gloria's Mothers angel and the first angelic influence in Gloria's life. Where as Charlie is more laid back and nice, Prudence is strick and stern about her actions and the rightousness that she has to give. Unlike Charlie Prudence finds the task of watching over the cursed members as a punishment for not being holy enough to get better assignments. Despite her need to stay away from Gloria's sight Prudence pops in time to time to check in on Hector and Charlie. She even has a few run ins, despite her disdane for them with Walter.

Other Characters:
Rose - Gloria's Grandmother and Charlie's last assignment
Marion Pendleworth - The woman behind the curse, caused by an agreement with the devil for her freedom
Bobby - Gloria's Fieancee

Other Titles By the Same Author

11 Kingdoms

What is Life, how do we define it? That is the unfortunate question Jamie Eve must struggle with as the world turns on her and she must fight her way through the dark world of hackers, former colleges and a world out to kill her in the game world 11 Kingdoms.

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Sweet Dreams

A young girl dealing with the death of
her grandfather discovers a magical shop of creatures that leads to secerts in
her own families past and a magical power once held by a boy named Nemo. The ongoing comic series that is moving hearts.

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DEmon Blade

A boy who finds a cursed sword and must find a way to break the curse all
while dealing with crazy supernatural
beings messing with his life. All while dealing with the swords curse soul Maiyuki the boy must face the challenges of teenage life and a magical world.

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Path of The Butterflies

A monthly discussion blog about dealing with transgender issues and offering insite and inspiration to the debate. With personal experiences, Scientific research, and a honest look at all sides of the agruements.

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Gloria's Gospel

The story of a woman who stands to have her soul weighed by a devil and angel upon her death and the interactions the three deal with as small town issues and lives get intertwined in the chaos of a centuries old family curse. Each book is a short story with a life lesson dealing with the issues that the three come across in thier day to day lives. Gloria will reflect and tell the stories of her two spiritual companions and thier side missions of trying to damn or save souls for thier side. An Emotional roller coaster ride of stories that leave the reader closer to understanding the bigger issues in our world.

Coming Soon